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It was voted that the report of the Committee on Wireless Telegraph Stations of Land Grant Colleges be accepted and the committee continued.

Adjourned until 9:00 o'clock a. m., Thursday, November 13th.


There was a meeting of the Executive Committee on Wednesday evening, the 12th, at which, on request of the Secretary-Treasurer, his accounts were ordered audited by a committee consisting of Messrs. Tyler and Bissell, who served as directed and filed the following report with the President:

To the President Land Grant College Engineering Association:

Sir: The undersigned, appointed by the Executive Committee, to audit the accounts of the Secretary-Treasurer, beg leave to report that they have examined vouchers, receipts for dues and bank book and find that the statement of the Secretary-Treasurer of date November 8, 1913, submitted to the Association on November 12, 1913, is correct. H. W. TYLER,

Washington, D. C., Nov. 12, 1913.


9:00 A. M.


Meeting called to order at 9 o'clock in the Red Parlor of the New Ebbitt Hotel, President Jackson in the chair.

President Jackson stated that great interest was being manifested by the members in the question of affiliation or amalgamation with the A. A. A. C. E. S. and in the legislation pending in Congress relative to federal aid for extension work, and expressed the opinion that the Land Grant College Engineering Association, in order to most effectively push its interests should perfect a formal organization.

Dr. H. W. Tyler, speaking to the question of organic connection with the A. A. A. C. E. S., reported, in the older body, universality of agreement in favor of establishing such a connection, but some difference of opinion as to the means of bringing it about. One plan suggested was for the section in college work and administration of the A. A. A. C. E. S. to form within itself a division of mechanic arts (or engineering) to which representatives of the engineering interests of the several institutions should be especially accredited, to be at the same time appointed as delegates to the annual convention as already permitted by the constitution. This method could be adopted without amendment to the Constitution. Such action would not prevent the continuance of the Land Grant College Engineering Association as an independent body with its own meetings, programs and budget, with the presidents and deans of engineering as official delegates, as at this meeting. Dr. Tyler was inclined to favor this solution of the problem.

PRESIDENT JACKSON.-There was a motion carried yesterday requiring me to appoint a committee to formulate a definition of "mechanic arts." Dean Marston has a motion to offer superseding that one.

DEAN MARSTON.-It has been suggested that the committee should have before it the discussions of yesterday's meeting when formulating this definition.

I move that the Land Grant College Engineering Association instruct its Executive Committee to formulate from the discussion of "The Land Grant Colleges and Mechanic Arts," a complete definition of the term "mechanic arts" as applying to land grant institutions under the Morrill acts, from an historical, legal and practical standpoint; this statement to be written into the proceedings of the second annual meeting of the Association.

DR. TYLER.—I move to amend by providing that President Pearson me associated with the Executive Committee for this purpose, and that the Executive Committee call on President Pearson in doing this work.

The Secretary accepted this suggestion and the motion, with this addition, was then put and carried.

PRESIDENT JACKSON.-It gives me great pleasure this morning to relinquish the chair to Dean L. E. Reber, of Wisconsin, the man who has taken the leadership in college extension work in the United States.

CHAIRMAN REBER.-When I was asked to take part in this morning's discussion I fully expected to present a formal paper on the subject, but I found it impossible and suggested to the Secretary that he ask Prof. E. B. Norris, of our faculty, to present a formal paper.

It seemed to me we could do no better than to tell you what we have done in line with Wisconsin's ideas and to show you as far as we can our experiences, so that you can see our failures as well as our strength, if we have any.

There is no question about the idea of extension growing. About five years ago we sent out a questionaire. The thing that struck me particularly at that time was that the only extension idea we could get in the presidents' heads was the old lecture scheme, but this lecture idea gradually disappeared.

A few days ago we sent out another letter or questionaire in regard to extension work in an endeavor to ascertain what was being done along this line in the various institutions and to particularly find out what was being done in engineering extension work, but the responses we received did not bring out anything about engineering extension. This forced me to write another letter to see if anything was being done in engineering extension as distinguished from other phases of extension. Probably these papers got into the wrong hands as far as engineering extension is concerned. Many of the answers we did receive came in late. I am going to read some abstracts from these letters relative to the extension idea.



Alabama Polytechnic Institute—

Have been furnishing

Cramped for funds but not entirely asleep. plans for school buildings, planning courses in manual training, offering designs of physical apparatus to be built in manual training shops. Have partially formed plans to cooperate with Y. M. C. A.'s and other industrial and night schools. Also planning bulletins on home sanitation, water supply, power in the household, etc. Arkansas (University of)—

Residence short courses offered since 1897. This year we propose to do a certain amount of class work in industrial centers where sufficient students can be found to warrant sending an instructor. Will

also give correspondence instruction and give technical lectures. Bulletins will be ready within the next two weeks.

California (University of)—

Only the credit work in general courses as yet. Engineering colleges promise to authorize work if additional instructors are provided. (Not possible at present.)

Colorado State Agricultural College—

For the past three years our appropriations for extension work have not been available and it has been necessary for us to discontinue everything we had started in that line.

Colorado (University of)—


Conducting classes and also giving lectures for stationary engineers in Denver. Men so far are taking a great interest in the work. expect in the near future to organize classes in Colorado Springs and Pueblo. There seems to be a great demand for this work. Delaware College

We are not carrying nor have we in prospect any engineering extension work. Is this the coming thing for our colleges? Florida (University of) —

Have done nothing for two reasons: Teaching duties too heavy, and at a loss where to begin. Have been thinking of having a seminar on road building for city engineers, county commissioners, etc. Illinois (University of)

Have appropriation of $15,000 per year for miners' and mechanics' institutes. Director selected for the work to begin December 1. (The bulletins of their engineering experiment station are a form of extension service.)

Idaho (University of)—

As yet no systematic extension work along these lines has been attempted. Whenever requests are made for assistance, individual members of the faculty respond, if possible, usually without charge. Indiana (Purdue)—

I regret to say that we have not so far found it possible to do any engineering work from lack of funds.

Iowa (Ames)—

Twenty-five thousand dollalrs a year provided for engineering ex


Lines of activity:

1. Residence short courses.

2. Class work in industrial centers.

3. Correspondence study.

4. Aid to public schools in industrial work.

5. Technical lectures.

Iowa (University of)—

We have not as yet done any engineering work that could be called engineering extension. We are planning on some work of this kind. Kansas (State Agricultural College)—

Have a highway engineer, an irrigation engineer, and an expert on trade courses, all devoting full time to extension work and giving free advice. (Indirect information that they have classes at some railroad shops in the state.)

Kansas (University of)—

Offering grouped vocational studies to shop men, miners, and carpenters. Work at present handled by regular staff.

Kentucky (State University of)—

We have not done much except to take care of individual cases. We frequently outline courses of readings for those not able to take up the university course. School for apprentices being conducted under our auspices in shops of Queen and Crescent Ry. (Day classes with attendance required.)

Maine (University of)—

We are just making a beginning. For several years members of faculty have given lectures throughout the state. In some instances have carried on classes. We are gradually getting a foothold on the state commissions.

Massachusetts (Institute of Technology)—

This institute has not at present any organization for carrying on the work of engineering extension.

Michigan (University of)—

The University of Michigan is not engaging in extension work in engineering nor is it proposing to take up that work in the near future. At one time we seriously considered some work in Detroit but nothing came of it.

Michigan (Agricultural College)—

This college has not taken up in any way the work of engineering or industrial extension.

Minnesota (University of)—

Ten thousand dollars for engineering extension this year. A number of evening courses given last year. "We feel that the work was very successful, that our field is an important and wide one." Lectures offered, also service of engineering faculty through the municipal reference bureau.

Missouri (University of)—

Just beginning to give correspondence courses. Also offer lectures, but demand has not yet been evident for this. All extension work organized under one head.

Missouri (School of Mines)—

No work has ever been done along these lines, nor is any contemplated at the present time.

Montana (State College)

Evening classes and lectures held at several railway shops. "We expect to continue the work this year and could, if we had sufficient funds, extend it to our large cities, as there is undoubtedly a demand for work of that kind."

Nebraska (University of)—

While in theory the engineering work is supposed to be available in this connection (extension division), as a matter of fact very little is done. We hope in the not distant future to be able to take up this work on a full size scale. Mentions some drawing students and classes in electricity at Omaha Y. M. C. A.

New Hampshire College—

Thus far nothing done in the line of engineering extension. We are discussing the subject and hope to be able to start something


New Jersey (Rutgers College)—

We have no systematized extension work in engineering and no definite policy for the future. We have furnished and will furnish lectures.

New York (Cornell)—

No extension work in engineering at Cornell. Sibley college not a state school. "I regret that conditions are such that we cannot be of use to the state in this work but it seems impossible under the present organization."

North Carolina (A. & M. College)

The textile department has been conducting a night school for mill operatives at which they have had a very satisfactory attendance. With this exception the engineering college is not doing an active work at the present time.

North Dakota (Agricultural College)—

Lately an arrangement has been made for the publication of bulletins on subjects of interest to the state. This is a beginning from which it is hoped that greater things will come.

Ohio (State University)—

The matter is being agitated but it is far from settled. Oklahoma (University of)—


We have many applicants for engineering by correspondence. far we have been able to give all applicants work in mathematics, drawing and physics. Hope to do more strictly engineering work later. Engineering school recognizes the demand as legitimate and are studying how to meet it.

Oklahoma (A. & M. College)—

We have done no engineering extension work at this college as yet. Pennsylvania (State College)—

Evening classes by cooperation with Y. M. C. A.


courses for others. Expect 2,000 to 3,000 students this year.

South Carolina (Clemson College)—

A few bulletins have been issued, subjects: Rural school improvement, power for the farm, etc., others projected.

South Dakota (University of)—

Not doing any engineering or industrial extension work.

Tennessee (University of)—

Little work of this kind to our credit. Last year offered work to miners-no very definite response. Professors gave lectures in Memphis to electricians and stationary engineers. Response very gratifying. Now offering short course in highway engineering (eight weeks).

Virginia (Polytechnic Institute)—

We have done no extension work at this institution whatever. We are now considering the subject.

Washington (University of)—

We have offered a few courses.

Our engineering faculty has been

so much engaged with its regular work that we have not pushed this side of our extension work.

West Virginia.

About perfected plans for work in mining through the Y. M. C. A. or the mining institutes. Will work separately in some localities. Member of faculty is chief engineer of road bureau and instructs road supervisors. District road schools will be held this year in addition to short course at university.

Wyoming (University of)—

We are not now giving any instruction by correspondence, or other extension work. We are considering the advisability of offering such work but have as yet no definite plan.

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