Imagens das páginas

10. What account does the Psychologic theory give of Nature, and of the active force of Nature?

11. Compare the views of Locke and Bain with respect to the mutual relations of Time and Extension.

12. (a). Principal question to which Hamilton applied the doctrine of Inseparable Association?

(B). How did he decide this question, and on what principles ?
(7). Give Mill's two replies.

(8). Justify the second reply by the case of Locke's philosophy.


1. Explain exactly in what sense the revolution effected by Kant is analogous to that effected by Copernicus.

2. What distinctions are to be drawn between the Sensibility, the Understanding, and the Reason?

3. Why does the Concept of Change require intuition?

4. Give accurately the distinction between Analytical and Synthetical judgments. What passages of Locke have been pointed out as anticipating the distinction? Under what head, according to Locke and Kant respectively, comes the proposition that nothing can have two different figures at the same time? The general reason given by Locke for the slightness of our knowledge of co-existence seems to show that he did not take the view of these propositions which Professor Webb attributes to him?

5. "All bodies have weight." What is the real subject of this proposition, according to Mr. Mahaffy? Is it synthetical or analytical? 6. How is objective necessity distinguished from subjective? 7. Show that Kant did not ignore inseparable association.

8. To account for the cognitions of geometry, our notions of space must be both intuitive and à priori?

9. Mr. Mill says that the reverse of mathematical truths would be conceivable if our minds were the same, and our experience different. On what grounds would a Kantian object to this statement, and to Mr. Mill's inference from it? Can the opinion which he thus expresses be stated in Kantian language?


"We cannot elicit anything about the shortness of a straight line from the concept of its straightness." Why? What is the nature of the common geometrical proof that a straight line is the shortest between two points?


1. How does Mr. Bain propose to modify Berkeley's Theory of Vision? What does he consider the fatal admissions of its opponents? 2. Give an abstract of his Chapter on Constructive Association.

3. Explain accurately Aristotle's Definition of the Soul.

4. What is the general principle (Hegelian) on which Schwegler criticises the early Greek philosophers?

5. Write a note on various historic forms of the principle

Omnis determinatio est negatio.

6. Give an account of Plato's Physics.

7. Trace the influence of Heracleitus in the History of Philosophy. 8. Explain Mansel's Theory of Cause and of Substance. Criticise it. 9. How does he propose to simplify the Categories ?



1. Give in a table a synopsis of the regular declensions of substantives in Anglo-Saxon.

[blocks in formation]

5. What is the force of the suffix in each of the following words : cyning, cnæpling, wylen, cwartern, treowen?

6. In what case are put nouns

(a). Answering to How long?

(b). Denoting value?

7. How is one another expressed in A.-S. ?

8. How would you write in A.-S. "I and John?"

9. A.-S. for "He is hungry?"

10. What cases do the following prepositions govern :—fram, ymb, in' wið?

II. What are the rules of A.-S. versification with reference to alliteration ?

12. Render into modern English the following passage:

We sædon eow and gyt secgað, þæt we ne magon ealle pas race eow be endebyrdnysse secgan; forpam pe seo bóc is swide micel, and hire digele andgyt is ofer ure made to smeagenne. Da pry cyningas da hæfdon langsume spræce wið þone gedrehtan Iob, and gewendan him ham sippan. Ac God hí gespræc pa, and cwæð, þat he him eallum þrim gram wære, forpan þe hí swa rihtlice ætforan him ne spræcon, swa swa Iob his pegen. God cwed him to, Nymao eow nu seofon fearras and seofon rammas, and farað eft ongean to minum peowan Iobe, and geoffriad pas las for eow; Iob soplice min peowa gebit for eow, and ic his

ansyne underfo, þæt eow ne beo to dysig geteald, þæt ge swa rihtlice to me ne spræcon swa swa min peowa Iob. Hit was gewunelic on ealdum dagum, þæt man Gode pyllice lac offrode on cucan orfe, and þa acwealde; ac seo offrung is nu unalyfedlic æfter Cristes prowunge. Elifaz pa and Baldað and Sofar ferdon ongean to heora mæge Iobe, and didon swa swa him God bebead; and Drihten underfeng Iobes ansyne, and heora synne purh his þingrædene forgeaf. Deah pe Iobes ansyn wære atelice toswollen, and his lic eal maðan weolle, swa-peah is awriten, þæt se Ælmihtiga underfeng his ansyne, þaða hé for his freondum gebæd. Drihten eac pa gecyrde to Iobes behreowsunge, papa he for his magum gebæd, and hine gehælde fram eallum his untrumnyssum, and his shta him ealle forgeald be twyfealdum.

13. Explain the following passages:

(a). He sagh a fende on þe to party.
(b). þys yche sele.

(c). Icham in hire bandoun.

(d). Ac me fot as me hit wenep.

(e). When be bare rade withouten rese
Unto Cane pe graythest gate.

(f). þis Roberdes knaues.

(g). And the kyng thame thar halsing yald,
And askit thame quhethir thai vald.

(h). Nyle thou drede.

(i). Vndern of þe day.

(j). Crist, which that is to every harm triacle.

14. Give some account of the contents of the Specimens taken from the Romance of William of Palerne, and the Handlyng Synne.

15. What are the most usual marks of contraction employed in early MSS.?

16. Mention some of the chief grammatical differences between the Northern, Southern, and Midland dialects.




1. How is Natural Theology at a disadvantage as compared with other Sciences?

2. State accurately the heads of the argument from Design; noting its advantages, and pointing out where it fails in completing the Theistic proof.

3. How does the argument from Design afford proof of the goodness of God? Answer the objections to this proof.

4. Write a note on the efficacy of Prayer.

5. Why is it important, with reference to modern attacks on Christianity, to fix the dates of the composition of the Books of the New Testament? State this aspect of modern controversy fully and clearly.

6. In what way does the later form of Strauss's "Life of Jesus" enable us to grapple with his whole system ?

7. Answer the argument against miracles founded on "a constant and uniform experience."

8. Consider the question how far is Prophecy an anticipation of history?

9. At what stage in the Trinitarian controversy does the subject of Christology come prominently forward? Trace accurately the previous stages.

10. State accurately the Church's final statement of the doctrine as to our Lord's Person.

11. How does internal evidence throw light on the date of the composition of the Athanasian Creed?

12. Give some account of the practice of sacrifice in the early Patriarchal and Antediluvian ages; and draw your inference therefrom.


1. Bishop Butler states: "It is certain no revelation would have been given, had the light of nature been sufficient in such a sense as to render one not wanting and useless." How does he prove this?

2. Compare what is moral and what is positive in Religion. Should what is moral interfere with what is positive, which is to be preferred, and why?

3. What erroneous extremes on the subject of Christ's mediation and atonement does Butler notice; and how does he sum up the doctrine of the Gospel on this subject?

4. Discuss Archbishop Magee's treatment of the doctrine of God's reconciliation to man.

5. "The general proof of natural religion and of Christianity does, I think, lie level to common men." How does Butler show this?

6. How is Christianity distinguished from all other religions? Sum up Butler's remarks on this matter.

7. For what purpose, and how, does Bishop Butler discuss the objections of Porphyry to the Book of Daniel ?

8. How does Butler apply the argument founded on "the appearance of a standing miracle in the Jews remaining a distinct people in their dispersion"?

9. Discuss, after Butler, the morality of certain precepts in Scripture which are alleged to be immoral.

10. Write a note on the discussion by Archbishop Magee of the nature of Abel's faith.


Write a Sermon on the text:

"Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted of the Devil."

S. Matt. iv. 1.




I. Translate the following passages, adding short notes if necessary, and stating the authorship of each passage :


Ἡμεῖς γὰρ, ἀδελφοὶ, καὶ Πέτρον καὶ τοὺς ἄλλους ἀποστόλους ἀποδεχόμεθα ὡς Χριστόν· τὰ δὲ ὀνόματι αὐτῶν ψευδεπίγραφα ὡς ἔμπειροι παραιτούμεθα, γινώσκοντες ὅτι τὰ τοιαῦτα οὐ παρελάβομεν. Ἐγὼ γὰρ γενόμενος παρ ̓ ὑμῖν ὑπενόουν τοὺς πάντας ὀρθῇ πίστει προσφέρεσθαι. Καὶ μὴ διελθὼν τὸ ὑπ ̓ αὐτῶν προφερόμενον ὀνόματι Πέτρου εὐαγγέλιον, εἶπον, ὅτι εἰ τοῦτό ἐστι μόνον τὸ δοκοῦν ὑμῖν παρέχειν μικροψυχίαν, ἀναγινωσκέσθω. Νῦν δὲ μαθὼν ὅτι αἱρέσει τινὶ ὁ νοῦς αὐτῶν ἐνεφώλευεν ἐκ τῶν λεχθέντων μοι, σπουδάσω πάλιν γενέσθαι πρὸς ὑμᾶς· ὥστε, ἀδελφοὶ, προσδοκατέ με ἐν τάχει. Ἡμεῖς δὲ, ἀδελφοὶ, καταλαβόμενοι, ὁποίας ἦν αἱρέσεως ὁ Μαρκιανὸς, καὶ ἑαυτῷ ἠναντιοῦτο μὴ νοῶν ἃ ἐλάλει, ἃ μαθήσεσθε ἐξ ὧν ὑμῖν ἐγράφη. Ἐδυνήθημεν γὰρ παρ ̓ ἄλλων τῶν ἀσκησάντων αὐτὸ τοῦτο τὸ εὐαγγέλιον, τουτέστι παρὰ τῶν διαδόχων τῶν καταρξαμένων αὐτοῦ, οὓς Δοκητὰς καλοῦμεν, (τὰ γὰρ πλείονα φρονήματα ἐκείνων ἐστὶ τῆς διδασκαλίας,) χρησάμενοι παρ' αὐτῶν, διελθεῖν, καὶ εὑρεῖν τὰ μὲν πλείονα τοῦ ὀρθοῦ λόγου τοῦ Σωτῆρος, τινὰ δὲ προσδιεσταλμένα, ἃ καὶ ὑπετάξαμεν ὑμῖν.


Τῆς δὴ μοχθηρίας τῶν Ἰουδαϊκῶν γραφῶν οὐκ ἀπόστασιν, λύσιν δέ τινες εὑρεῖν προθυμηθέντες, ἐπ ̓ ἐξηγήσεις ἐτράποντο ἀσυγκλώστους καὶ ἀναρμόστους τοῖς γεγραμμένοις, οὐκ ἀπολογίαν μᾶλλον ὑπὲρ τῶν ὀθνείων, παραδοχὴν δὲ καὶ ἔπαινον τοῖς οἰκείοις φερούσας. Αἰνίγματα γὰρ τὰ φανερῶς παρὰ Μωϋσεῖ λεγόμενα εἶναι κομπάσαντες, καὶ ἐπιθειάσαντες ὡς θεσπί σματα πλήρη κρυφίων μυστηρίων, διά τε τοῦ τύφου τὸ κριτικὸν τῆς ψυχῆς καταγοητεύσαντες, ἐπάγουσιν ἐξηγήσεις.

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