THE EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE, TIME; OR, REFLECTIONS FOR THE NEW YEAR. CONSECRATION TO GOD THE FIRST DUTY OF THE YEAR. IV. ANECDOTES, FACTS, AFHORISMS, AND POETRY: THE CONVERTED CAFFRE.-CONFIDE IN GOD.-AN INCI- DENT OF THE BATTLE-FIELD.-PLAIN PREACHING.- FALLIBILITY.-BERNARD'S HYMN ON THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS.-OPENING OF THE YEAR. V. EXTRACTS FROM NEW PUBLICATIONS: FAMILY GODLINESS. A Portrait of the Rev. W. S. EDWARDS, City Road Chapel, WARD AND CO., PATERNOSTER ROW. EDINBURGH: W. OLIPHANT AND SON. ABERDEEN: G. AND B. KING. SIXPENCE. LONDON REED AND PARDOY, PRINTERS, PATERNOSTER-ROW. COMMUNICATIONS have been received from the Revs. Dr. Raffles, Dr. Alliot, Dr. Redford, Dr. Hurndall, Messrs. J. Hutchin, S. Farey, T. Reynolds, R. W. Taylor, R. Lewis, R. Davis, G. Coventry, T. Reynolds, G. Lector, A Subscriber, Kensington. A. O. 0. A. We are sorry to find, amongst a few slight errors of the press in our last Number, a misquotation in the review Also the name of the Rev. S. B. Bergne was omitted in the list of Trustees. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TEAS IN ENGLAND AT ALL TIMES ARE TO BE OBTAINED OF 8, KING WILLIAM-STREET, CITY, LONDON. ALL TEAS REDUCED FOURPENCE PER POUND. Strong Congou Tea, 28. 8d., 2s. 10d., 3s. Rich Souchong Tea, at 3s. 2d., 38. 4d., 3s. 8d. Prime Gunpowder Tea, 3s. 8d. and 4s. Best Assam Pekoe Souchong Tea, of extraordinary quality and strength, 4s. Prime Coffee, 1s. 1d., Is. 2d., and 18. 3d. Rare Choice old Mocha (twenty years old), 1s. 6d. Teas, Coffees, and Spices, sent Carriage Free to any Railway Station or Market Town in England, if to the value of 40s. or upwards. By this liberal arrangement, those residing at a distance can enjoy all the advantages of the London Markets for Tea, Coffee, and Colonial Produce, just as 8, KING WILLIAM STREET, CITY, LONDON. A General Price Current, containing great advantages in the purchase of Tea, Coffee, and Colonial Samples of Tea and Coffee are also open for inspection in Case No. 5, in the South-eastern 15 |