Imagens das páginas


thorized to have located, surveyed and patented within the bounds of their respective counties, five to the counties thousand acres each, of vacant and unappropriated of Monroe and land; that said courts respectively, a majority of all

Allen for a similar pur

pose. *.

to issue war-. rants to said


the justices thereof concurring, have full power and authority to sell and convey any part or the whole of said lands, when carried into grant; and shall respectively appropriate and apply the proceeds of said sale or sales, to the erection of a bridge or bridges, or other improvement of the principal roads, or any principal road within their said counties, as they may deem most beneficial for the inhabitants.

Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Register of The Register the land office shall, without fee and without warrant from the Auditor therefor, issue, in the names counties there of the justices of the county court of Monroe county, a land warrant or land warrants, for five thousand acres of land; and to the justices of the county court of Allen county, a land warrant or warrants, for five thousand acres of land, to be located, surveyed, patented and disposed of agreeably to the provisions aforesaid..

Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the county A like appro- court of Cumberland county is hereby authorized priation made to Cumberland to appropriate five thousand acres, under the same regulations and for the purposes aforesaid.


One addition al justice al

lowed to Mason,


And Boone counties.



AN ACT allowing additional Justices of the Peace and
Constables to certain counties.

Approved, January 28, 1830. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That there shall be appointed one additional justice of the Peace in and for the county of Mason; one for the county of Boone, and one for the county of Daviess, in addition to the number now allowed by law.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That one additional constable be allowed and appointed in and for the county of Mason, and one for the county of Boone; and the county court.of Mason is required, as soon son and Boone. as may be, to lay off an additional constable's district, in the western part of said county, including

constables al

lowed to Ma

that part of Germantown, lying within the same, for 1830. the location of said constable.

Sec. 3. Be it further enacted; That the county court Two adowed. of Livingston county be, and they are hereby au- to Livingston. thorized to appoint two additional constables to the number now allowed by law; one to reside in the district in which Major Samuel Nunn resides, and the other to reside near John Berry's ferry, oppo

site Golconda; and that the county of Calloway shall One to Callobe entitled to one constable, in addition to the num- way. ber now allowed by law, who shall reside in the neighborhood of William Millikins.

Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That an additional One to Grant. constable be allowed to the county of Grant, to reside in the vicinity of Jeremiah Morgan, Esq.; and the county court of Grant, as soon as may be, after the passage of this act, shall appoint a constable for said county, and lay off his district.

éach of the

Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That an additional And one to constable be allowed to the county of Washington, counties of to reside in the north part of the county, in the Washington, neighborhood of Vincent Morgan; and an addition

al constable to the county of Floyd, to reside on the Floyd, Burning Fork of Licking, and one additional con

stable to the county of Fleming, to reside in Mount And Fleming. Carmel.

And whereas, it is represented that the citizens of Hawesville, in the county of Hancock, are anxious. to obtain the residence of a justice of the peace and constable in said town: Therefore,

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Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That an additional justice of the peace and constable be added to Hancock county.

And, whereas, the citizens of the town of Connersville, in the county of Boone, have petitioned the present Legislature for the appointent of a justice of the peace and constable: Therefore, with a view to accommodate the people of the aforesaid, town of Connersville,

Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the constable provided for by this act, for the county of Boone, shall be appointed at or near said town, and the county court are hereby authorized to lay of a constable's district in that part of said county as to said court may seem right.

One justice and constable

to Hancock.

The constable allowed to Boone, to renersville.

side near Con

Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That one additional An additional Constable be allowed to the county of Warren, to be constable al


located in the neighborhood of Samuel Vantress, on the east side of Drake's creek; and that one addilowed to War- fional justice of the peace be allowed to the county o. Knox.

ren, an a ju tice of the

peace to Knox:

And one to

An additional

constable al

And, whereas, a justice of the peace, in the town of Boston, in Nelson county is much needed, to remedy that inconcenience,

Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That one additional justice of the peace be allowed in Nelson county, to the present number.

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Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That there shall be allowed to the county of Whitley one additional lowed to Whit constable; to reside in the neighborhood of William Davis Esq. on Cumberland river.



$30,000 authorized to be subscribed to erect a bridge across Kentucky river, near the mouth

of Benson.

Books for subscriptions to be opened by

the commissigners.

The subscri

bers for the

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AN ACT to provide for the erection of a bridge across the Kentucky river near the mouth of Benson. Approved, January 28, 1830. WHEREAS, it is represented to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, that the erection of a bridge across the Kentucky river near the mouth of Benson creek, would conduce greatly to the public convenience and advantage, and that the object can, most probably, be accomplished by means of an incorporated company.

SEC. 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That for the purpose of erecting a bridge across the Kentucky, near the mouth of Big Benson creek, at Frankfort, it shall be, lawful to raise by subscription, a stock not to exceed thirty thousand dollars, to be composed of shares of fifty dollars each.

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Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That subscriptions towards constituting the said stock, shall be opened at Frankfort, or at such other place as they may choose, under the direction of John Harvie, John J. Marshall, John J. Crittenden, William Owens, James Milam, Landon Sneed, Thomas Crutchfield, Christopher Hardwick, William Smith, Willis Long, Henry Bickley, 'Seth Cook and Percival Butler or either of them.

Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the subscribers of the said stock, their legal representatives, successors and assigns, shall be, and they are hereby

made a body politic and corporate, to be called and 1830. known by the name of the Benson Bridge Company,

and by that name may sue and be sued, implead and stock incorbe impleaded, and do and suffer all acts matters and porated. things, which a body corporate may lawfully do and suffer, and may have a common seal, and the saine may break and alter at pleasure, and also ordain, establish and put in execution such by-laws, ordinances and regulations as to them shall seem necessary and convenient for the government and well being of the said corporation, and for carrying into effect the object of their institution, not being contrary to the constitution and laws of this Commonwealth, and generally to do and execute all and singular, such acts, matters or things as to them shall or may appertain.

General corporate powers.

sioners may

scribers, to e

lect directors &c. 1

Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That when one hun- The commisdred and sixty shares have been subscribed, that the call a general said commissioners, John Harvie and others, or meeting of subeither of them, shall call a meeting of the company, at which meeting a majority of the company being present, they shall choose five directors, and transact any other business appertaining to the nature and object of the institution of the said company. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That after the first And thereafter election of directors, the subscription of shares shall subscriptions cease to be made with the said commissioners, and ceived by perafterwards, if necessary, shall be made in such way sons desiguaand to such amount as the company shall, from time ted by the to time direct, either at their inecting or by powers stockholders.

vested in the directors by the company.

shall be re

chosen annueral meeting of the stockhold

ally at a gen

Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That after the first Directors to be meeting of the company, there shall be annually holden, on the Monday next succeeding the first Sunday in January, a meeting of said company, for the purpose of choosing five directors, and for the transacting of any other business appertaining to the nature and object of the institution of the said coinpany.



may be called.

Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That a meeting of General meetsaid company may at any time be called, by a ina- ings of the jority of the directors, or by one third of the number of the company, or by the proprietors of one third of the shares: Provided, that no called meeting of the company shall be legal or valid, unless a quorum shall be formed, consisting of a majority of.

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the members of said company, or of the proprietors of at least two thirds of the shares.

Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That in all meetings of the company, the vote shall be taken by shares, cach share being entitled to one vote. Shareholders may appear and vote by proxy, provided the proxy be appointed by writing, and the writing be produced to the company.

Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the directors shall continue in office until their successors are chosen or appointed; they shall have power to fill any vacancy that may happen in their own body, and may choose one of their body to preside; their powers and duty shall be prescribed by the company. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the shares in the said company shall be considered personal and not real estate, and shall be transferable by assignments in writing, to be executed, authenticated and registered as the said company may direct and prescribe in their by-laws.

Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the amount of each share shall be paid in such instalments as the company, by themselves or their directors, may preIf the instalment required on any share Scribe. shall not be paid at the time prescribed, the directors shall have power, on giving two weeks notice, by advertisement in one or more newspapers published in Frankfort, to sell by public auction, all the right and interest of the holder or proprietor in such share, and if the share so disposed of shall sell for more than the amount of the instalment or instalments due upon it, the overplus shall be held by the company at the disposal of such delinquent proprietor.

Sec. 12. The said company are hereby authorized and empowered to erect and build, or cause to be erected or built, over the Kentucky river, from the termination of Broadway street in the town of Frankfort, to the opposite bank, a good and sufficient bridge, adequate for the passage of travellers, carriages, horses and cattle: Provided, that there shall be one pier only to said bridge, and which shall be r in or near the middle of the river, and at least fiftyfive feet high, above the ordinary low water mark, and not more than twenty feet in diameter across the stream, and the two abutments of said bridge, shall be at least three hundred feet apart, so as to leave at

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