Imagens das páginas

or sheep, one cent; for a man and horse, twelve and a half cents; each person over ten years of

and a fourth cents.

age, six


Sec. 12. No toll shall be collected from any per- No toll to be demanded of son passing to or from the Goose creek salt works, and the gate keepers are hereby authorized to ad- ing to or from minister an oath to any person, whether or not they the Goose are going to or from the Goose creek salt works; and Creek salt all persons refusing to swear when thus called on, shall not be permitted to pass, unless they pay the

customary toll.


Sec. 13. The keepers of the Madison and Rock- Salaries of castle turnpike gates shall receive the sum of one gate keepers. hundred dollars annually, for their services, and be May be remov subject to removal, at the pleasure of the county ed from office. courts appointing them.

Sec. 14. All persons now subject to work on any Regulations as of the said roads in this act mentioned, shall still be to working the liable to work on the same, under the same rules and regulations as are now in force.



Sec. 15. Each overseer appointed under the pro- Overseers to visions of this act, before he enters on the discharge give bond and of his duties, shall execute and enter into bond in the county court to which he belongs, to the Commonwealth, in a sum to be fixed by the said county court, with one or more good and sufficient securities, to be approved of by said county court, for the faithful discharge of his duty, which said bonds Condition may, from time to time, be put in suit for a breach thereof. of its conditions.

Sec. 16. All the citizens of Rockcastle county, The citizens of with their property, shall pass the turnpike gates on said wilderness road free of toll.

Rockcastle may pass the gates free of toll.

Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the special duty of the overseer appointed by the coun- Special duty ty court of Madison county, to labor on and keep assigned the in repair the new road cleared out and opened by overseers apChamp Mullens, supposed to be about two miles pointed by long, between said Mullens and an Scott's former residence, on the State road, and abstain from keeping in repair that part of the old road.

Madison coun

ty court.

Sec. 18. That after the erection of the gates es- The debts now due-how to be tablished by this act, the Madison road shall pay to apportioned the persons entitled thereto, one fourth of the debts and paid due by the gates, and the Crab-Orchard road shall



likewise pay one fourth of the debts, and the residae of the road shall pay the residue of the debts due, to the persons entitled thereto.

The town of Floydsburg cstablished.

lots vested in trustees with

authority to

convey them to the propri


AN ACT to establish the towns of Floydsburg, Brownsboro and Paducah, and for other purposes.

Approved, January 11, 1830.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the town of Floydsburg, in Oldham county, be, and the same is hereby established upon the plan which has been formed and laid down by the citizens and original proprietors of the said town, and the said plan is hereby ratified and confirmed.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the title to the The title to the lots in said town is hereby vested in Elijah Yager, Robert Miller, Isaac Wilson, Andrew D. Crow and William Jobe and their successors in office, who are hereby appointed and created trustees of said town, whose duty it shall be to convey and transfer to any person or persons any lot or lots in said town, whenever called upon, to which he, she or they may be legally entitled; and that it shall be the duty of the trustees aforesaid to have a plan of the said town recorded in the office of the clerk of the county court of Oldham county, as soon as practicable.


A plan of the town to be re


Trustees to be annually elect ed by the inhabitants.

Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said trustees shall remain in office until the first Monday in June next, on which day, and on the first Monday in June in each succeeding year, the free male inhabitants of said town, of the age of twenty-one years and upwards, shall meet at such place as may be designated by the trustees in said town, and choose by vote, viva voce, five fit persons for trustees, to serve for one year, and unl their successors are duly elected.

Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said trustees Trustees to ap- shall appoint a town clerk, who shall continue in ofpoint a clerk. fice until the election succeeding his appointment, and in like manner each new board of trustees shall appoint a clerk to serve for the same term, whose His duties pre- duty it shall be to keep a fair record of the proceedings of the trustees, and to give public notice by ad


vertisement in said town, at least ten days previous to any election for trustees, and he shall, together with any two of the trustees, conduct all elections and declare the persons elected, and make record of the same.


other times

Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That if the citizens Elections for of said town shall, at any time hereafter, fail to have trustees may an election on the day appointed in this act, that be made at then and in that case, the clerk, or any trustee, may, than in the by giving ten days previous notice, have an election month of Juac. held for trustees, which shall be as legal as though it had taken place on the day herein appointed.

Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the trustees Trustees may herein appointed and their successors in office, a pass by-laws majority of them concurring therein, shall have full power to pass all laws which they may, from time to time, think advisable for the government of said town: Provided, they be not contrary to the laws and constitution of this State.

collector of

Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the said trustees, May levy and a majority of them concurring therein, shall have collect taxes. power to levy, and have collected, annually, a tax on the real and personal property and tythes in said town, provided it shall not exceed fifty cents on each tythe, and twenty-five cents on each hundred dollars worth of property, to be appropriated and laid out by them for the improvement of said town; they shall also have power to appoint an assessor annually, who shall be sworn to the faithful and im- May appoint partial discharge of his duty; whose duty it shall an assessor and be to make out and furnish to the trustees, at such taxes and their time as they may appoint, lists of the property, real duties. and personal, of each individual in said town, with the value attached thereto; and also lists and the value of all lots belonging to individuals who do not reside in town; and the trustees may allow to him such compensation as they shall deem adequate to his services; they shall also have power to appoint a collector annually, to collect the taxes assessed, who shall give bond and approved security for the faithful performance of his duty, and receive such compensation for his services as they may allow; and the said collector shall have power to make distress and sale, if necessary, in the same man ner as is now authorized by law in regard to sheriffs collecting the revenue of this Commonwealth.


The town of Brownsboro' established.


The foregoing provisions of this act to ap

Sec. S. Be it further enacted, That the town of Brownsboro, in the county of Oldham be, and the same is hereby established, upon the plan which has been formed and laid down by the citizens and original proprietors of the said town, and the said plan is hereby ratified and confirmed.

Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That Robert TaliNames of the ferro, Harvey Goodwin, Willis Oglesby, Robert W. Lewis and Birkett Carder and their successors in office, are hereby appointed trustees of said town, who shall hold their office for the same term, and in like manner, and on the same day, hold an election for trustees, as is provided in this act in regard to the trustees of Floydsburg; and the said trustees and their successors in office, shall possess the same powers, and the officers by them appointed shall possess the same powers and be governed by the same laws, rules and regulations as is provided in this act in regard to the said town of Floydsburg, every section and clause of which shall apply with the same force and effect to the town of Brownsboro, and the officers elected and appointed in pursuance thereto, as though the same was again written out and enacted at length, except that the title to the lots shall not be vested in the trustees of the said town of Brownsboro, but shall be and remain in the original proprietors.

ply to the town of Brownsbo

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The town of Paducah established.


Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the town of Paducah, in the county of M'Cracken, be, and the same is hereby established upon the plan which has been formed and laid down for the proprietor by Jonathan D. Martin, surveyor of said county, which said plan is hereby ratified and confirmed.

Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That Robert FletchNames of the er, Thomas J. Flurnoy, Francis A. Harrison, Abel Morgan and James P. Smith, and their successors in office, are hereby appointed trustees of said town, who shall hold their office for the same term and in like manner, and on the same day hold an election for trustees, as is provided for in this act in regard to the trustees of Floydsburg; and the said trustees The provisions and their successors in office shall possess the same powers, and the officers by them appointed, shall possess the same powers and be governed by the same laws, rules and regulations as is provided in this act in regard to the said town of Floydsburg; every section and clause of which shall apply with

of this act in relation to

Floydsburg to apply to Paducah.

the same force and effect to the town of Paducah; and the officers elected and appointed in pursuance thereto, as though the same was again written out and enacted at length.


Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That John McElyea, Trustees apIsaac Lovelace, Robert Fletcher, Abel Morgan and pointed for Wilmington. Jesse Yandell shall be, and they are hereby appointed trustees for the town of Wilmington; who shall Their powers have the power to enact such regulations and by- &c. laws for the regulation and government of said town and the inhabitants thereof, as to them shall appear necessary, if not contrary to the constitution of this Commonwealth; and any vacancy which may occur in said board of trustees, may be filled by a majority of those in office.


Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That the second May fill vasection of an act entitled, "an act to amend the laws cancies in the concerning the town of Columbus, at the Iron Banks," approved, December the seventeenth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, shall be, and the saine is hereby repealed.

Second section of an act of 1825 repealed.


AN ACT to authorize the insertion of advertisements in the Spy, and Religious and Literary Intelligencer.

Approved, January 11, 1830.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That it shall be lawful to insert and publish in the Spy, printed in Hopkinsville Kentucky, and in the Religious and Literary Intelligencer, printed in Princeton Kentucky, any and all advertisements, which are required and authorized to be published in any newspaper in the State of Kentucky, except such advertisements as are required by law to be published in the paper of the public printer only, and the editor or editors of said papers, shall be governed by the same rules and entitled to the same fees as other printers in this Commonwealth.

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