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verted human reason, the latter, the blazing torch of Inspired Truth. And when we can fully estimate the importance of the Bible in our schools, in view of its elevating and redeeming power, we can form some concep tion of the dignity of the modern teacher's profession.

Revealed Christianity is an essential element in modern civilization; it is our nation's only security. Remove the Bible and the religious teacher from our schools, and you extinguish the last hope for the preservation and perpetuity of our institutions. Yield to Catholic supremacy on this point, and the ruins of our boasted Republic will soon mingle with the ashes of fallen Greece and Rome. There can be no doubt of it.

And should any of us crave more honorable distinction than to be intrusted with the educational interests of such a country, in such an age as this? Yet that dignity is 0.



"Opposition and persecution do more for a man than any seemingly good fortune. The sneers of critics develop the latent fire of the young poct. The anathemas of the angry Church inflame the zeal of the reformer. Tyranny, threats, faggots, torture, raise up heroes and martyrs, who might otherwise have slept away slothful and thoughtless lives, never dreaming what splendid acts and words lay buried in their bosoms. And who knows but the wrongs of society are permitted, because of the fine gold that is beaten out of the crude ore of humanity?

Here is the truth worth considering. Are you in povorty? Have you suffered wrong? Do circumstances oppose you? Are you beset by enemies? Now is your time! Never lie there depressed and melancholy! Spend no more time in idle whining. Up, like a lion! Make no complaint, but if difficulty fights you, roar your defi ance. You are at school, this is your necessary discipline; poverty and pain are your masters-but use the powers God has given you, and you shall be master at last. Fear of failure is the most fruitful cause of failure. Stand firm and you will not fail."


Messrs. Editors:

In the excellent article of "C. C. P." on School Discipline in your last issue, I find the sentence: "The rod should be the last resort, ordinarily the less it is used the better." I doubt the correctness of the principle here expressed; and if erroneous, it is liable to mislead young teachers who rely more upon opinions than experience. I admit the truth of the last clause," the less it is used the better." It would be indeed better if no punishment was necessary in our schools; if "School discipline" could be entirely dispensed with; and the skillful teacher may by careful management and thorough organization, often avoid the necessity of resorting to any kind of punishment. It should be the first object of every teacher to prevent evil. But if crime has been committed, something must be done. The authority of the master must be maintained, cost what it may; obedience and order must be preserved. By what means? I answer, by severity, of such kind and degree as circumstances require. Your correspondent admits the utilty and necessity of the rod in school, but says, "it should be the last resort." On this point, I cannot agree with him. Crime in school is a disease upon the "body politic" which requires skillful and prompt treatment. And each form of the disease requires a specific remedy. Now suppose there be only a slight derangement of the ordinary functions of life, careful nursing, (skilltul management,) will soon restore to health. That is the remedy. If a burning fever has seized upon the vitals of our patient, soothing applications must be applied; if we find him sinking from exhaustion, stimulants must be administered. But if mortification has commenced upon the diseased limb, and is rapidly approaching the vital parts, amputation is the only thing that can save life.. Now would "C. C. P." argue in this case, that the use of the knife is an evil in itself, "a last resort?" To be sure, it is a misfortune that the limb has mortified, but a great

blessing that we can save life by cutting it off. This remedy is not "the last resort," but the direct, appropriate and only means of saving life,-just as appropriate as any other remedy for any other disease. None but the quack would advise mild remedies for the mortifying limb. So in School Discipline, the remedy must be adapted to the disease, the punishment to the crime. If the offence requires the use of the rod, then that is the remedy, the first and only remedy; not an evil, but a positive good, to be energetically and faithfully applied. Solomon's was an evangelical rod, and that is the kind the Teacher wants, and no conscientious scruples should prevent the use of it whenever needed. Moral suasion, kind treatment, should always accompany severity, but the blow, as often as otherwise, must come first. The scholar in rebellion must be subdued without delay; not persuaded, but compelled to yield cheerful obedience to proper authority. When this point is gained, kindness and confidence may be safely and profitably employed.


GOOD BOOKS.-I charge you to culture yourselves with good books. For a good book is always the life-blood of a true soul, and it is a giver of life to all. Your friends desert you, but a good book never deserts you. Your friends flatter you, but a good book never flatters. Your enemies malign you, but a good book never maligns you. You are troubled and harrassed with cares, but a good book, with its serene and saintly presence, meets you gently to give you rest. Human plans nnd institutions change or fall, but what is written is written, and a good book never alters. A good book is like the amber of the Gods, in whose transparency the pure thoughts and lives of great men embalm themselves. A good book is a safeguard against oblivion and decay; it bridges over the gulf between the past and present, and makes the centuries kin; it is the advocate of honor as against all shame; it is the statesman of liberty as against all tyranny; it is the stumblingblock in the path of unjust kings; it is the friend of virtue, the herald of progress, the ally of humanity; and with a sublime self-sacrifice, it would make every mother a Spartan, and send forth her son to return with his shield or on it for human rights.-Chamberlain.


The voice of Spring,

That calls the buds from out their cerements,
That rouses into life all that can live,

Brings to the youthful soul an impulse fresh,
A yearning after liberty that gives

A sense of wings and power to rise above
All sordid things and all restraint, and find
Enjoyment where but God and Nature dwell.

The fingers of the noon-high sun outspread
The book of summer glories, leaf by leaf,
With no more subtile touches than they press
The firmest secret springs of human hearts,
Disclosing sympathies that have their roots
Among the most exquisite fibres found

In souls, and send their branches forth to lean
Toward Nature in her softest mood. They lead
Where to the trees the brook doth daily tell
The story of its birth. How, hidden deep
In darkness, it hath trickled through to light:
As some sweet thought, by percolations, such
As mind oft takes no knowledge of, comes forth
At last a clear, cool spring, to slake the thirst
Of many a toil-worn soul.

The witchery that autumn lends the earth,
Of gorgeous hues and soft'ning veil of haze,
Steals into young hearts as the sunlight steals
To nooks the dropping leaves once shaded dark.
Brisk Winter's joys set all the soul aglow.
They mock at "scholarly" delights, and ring
Glad changes to the praise of health.

The young from all these fascinations turn
Their strong affections, with a struggle brave,

To cling to books and study, which have power
To quicken each perception of the true

And beautiful,-as on a pictured scene

The painter spreads some mellowing tint, that warns New beauties into life,-if from their wealth

The teacher brings the richest stores of thought.

Or, dully taught, they may be food for dry,

Lean minds; but food the normal mind doth spurn, Because it satisfies not one, of all

The appetites that Nature gives to mind.

Then, Teacher, what must thou have?

Full power to show the pristine beauty, truth

In all its forms doth wear; a quick'ning power,
As vivifying as the breath of Spring;

A freedom of the wing of mind, to lead
Aright the daring flight of youthful mind;
Quick sympathies with all things noble, sweet,
And tender-so that none of all the fine,
The delicate inweavings of the soul,
Be marred by thee; and peace must émanate,
A halo from thy soul, a calming spell

More potent than the Indian summer's dream;
And cheerfulness that ever walks with love.
Then cans't thou make earth seem all beautiful,
And Heaven all glorious, to the heart of youth.


L. C.

What can the adult, or paying members of a district do to make their school prosperous in the highest degree? They can do several things. In this Journal it may be well to name some of them.

I. The district should provide a convenient and commodious school house. Just what amount of money should be invested in the building, must depend on the pecuniary means of the district. Some reference is perhaps to be made also to the style of dwelling houses in the neighborhood, and the number of scholars in the school. Yet the few scholars as really need a good house as the many; and the children who live in uncomfortable homes may receive greater advantage in a room where their comfort is secured and their taste improved.

The time has arrived when in New England, a school district cannot be excusable for not furnishing a place that is neat and comfortable, where children can spend six hours in a day during at least one-half of the year. The room should be neatly finished; the seats made convenient for children of every size; the benches adapted to convenience of writing and study; and the house should be provided with a hall for clothing, a wood-house, and a fit arrangement for warming and ventilating the school-room. The house should also be thoroughly lighted, and furnished with shades or curtains for graduating

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