Imagens das páginas

their decisions, perhaps that of Parliament, and he himself1 never had the power of conferring the slightest reward on any of his followers, however deserving.3

T. RAIKES," Diary."



Connected with the illness and death of Keats may be mentioned two incidents that contain a mournful and a striking interest. Amongst the earliest 5 friends of Keats were Haydon, the painter, and Shelley, the poet. When Keats was first smitten, Haydon visited the sufferer, who had written to his old friend, requesting him to see him before he set out" for Italy. Haydon describes in his journal the powerful impression which the visit made upon him-"the very colouring9 of the scene struck forcibly on 10 the painter's imagination. The white curtains, the white sheets, the white shirt, and the white skin of his friend, all contrasted with the bright hectic flush on his cheek, and heightened the sinister effect; he went away hardly hoping." 12 And he who hardly hoped for another, what extent 13 of hope had he for himself? From the poet's bed to the painter's studio is but a bound 14 for the curious and eager mind. Keats,

1He himself, lui-même il-2 of his followers, des siens-3 however deserving, quel que fût leur mérite.


* Connected, etc......incidents, à la maladie et à la mort de Keats se rattachent deux incidents-5 earliest, premiers-6 smitten, frappé requesting, etc......out, pour le prier de venir le voir avant son départ - the, cette 9 the very colouring, le coloris seul-10 struck......on, frappa- the bright hectic flush on, la vive rougeur hectique de12 hardly hoping, presque sans espoir-13 extent, degré-14 is but a bound, il n'y a qu'un bond.

pitied and struck down by the hand of disease, lies in' paradise compared with the spectacle that comes before us-genius weltering in its blood, self-destroyed because neglected !3

Pass we to another vision! Amongst the indignant declaimers against the unjust sentence which criticism had passed on Keats, Shelley stood foremost. What added poignancy to indignation5 was the settled but unfounded6 conviction that the death of the youth had been mainly occasioned by wanton persecution. Anger found relief in song.8 "Adonais: an Elegy on the Death of John Keats," is amongst the most impassioned of Shelley's verses. Give heed to the preface :

"John Keats died 10 at Rome of a consumption, in his twenty-fourth year, on the day of," 1821, and was buried in the romantic and lovely cemetery of the Protestants in 12 that city, under the pyramid which is the tomb of Cestius, and the massy walls and towers, now mouldering and desolate, which formed the circuit of ancient Rome. The cemetery is an open space among the ruins, covered in winter with violets and daisies. It might make one in love with death to think 13 that one should be buried in so sweet a place."

Reader, carry the accents 14 in your ear, and ac

Lies in, est en-2 comes, se présente-3 genius, etc......neglected, le génie nageant dans son sang, détruit de ses propres mains, parcequ'il était abandonné-4 stood foremost, se tenait au premier rang-5 what added poignancy to......, ce qui rendait l' poignante-6 settled but unfounded, mal fondée mais fixe-7 by wanton persecution, par une persécution gratuite (or: systématique)-8 anger found relief in song, la colère se soulagea en chantant-9 verses, compositions-io died, est mort-11 on the· day of ―, le - -12 in, de-13 it might make one in love with death to think, cela pourrait rendre amoureux de la mort que de penser-14 carry the accents, gardez ces accents.



company us to Leghorn. A few months only have elapsed. Shelley is on the shore-Keats no longer lives, but you will see Shelley has not forgotten him. He sets sail for the Gulf of Lerici, where he has his temporary home; he never reaches it. A body is washed ashore3 at Via Reggio. If the features are not to be recognised, there can be no doubt of the man who carries in his bosom the volume containing Lamia and Hyperion. The body of Shelley is burned, but the remains are carried-whither? You will know by the description: "The cemetery is an open space among the ruins, covered in winter with violets and daisies. It might make one in love with death to think that one should be buried in so sweet a place." There he lies!6 Keats and he, the mourner and the mourned, almost touch!

The Times, Sept. 17th, 1849.


Indeed, when I consider the face of the kingdom of France; the multitude and opulence of her cities; the useful magnificence of her spacious high roads and bridges; the opportunity of her artificial canals and navigationss opening the conveniences of maritime communication through a solid continent of so immense an extent; when I turn my eyes to1o the

Leghorn, Livourne-2 he sets sail, il fait voile-3 a body is washed ashore, un cadavre est rejeté sur le rivage- are not to be recognised, sont méconnaissables-5 there can be no doubt of the man, on ne peut douter quel est l'homme- there he lies, c'est là qu'il repose.

7 Face, aspect-8 navigations, voies de navigation-9 opening the conveniences, faisant pénétrer les avantages-10 to, vers.

stupendous works of her ports and harbours, and to her whole naval apparatus, whether1 for war or trade; when I bring before my view the number of her fortifications, constructed with so bold and masterly3 a skill, and made and maintained at so prodigious a charge, presenting an armed front and impenetrable barrier to her enemies upon every side;5 when I recollect how very small a part of that extensive region is without cultivation and to what complete perfection the culture of many of the best productions of the earth has been brought in France; when I reflect on the excellence of her manufactures and fabrics, second to none but ours, and in some particulars not second; 10 when I contemplate the grand foundations of charity, public and private; when I survey the state of all the arts that beautify and polish life; when I reckon the men she has bred for extending her fame in war, her able statesmen, the multitude of her profound lawyers 12 and theologians, her philosophers, her critics, her historians, and antiquaries, her poets and her orators, sacred and profane; I behold in all this something which awes and commands 13 the imagination, which checks the mind on the brink of precipitate and indiscriminate censure, and which demands that we should very seriously examine what and how great 14 are the latent vices

1 Whether, soit-2 when I bring before my view, quand j'envisage3 masterly, supérieur- a charge, des frais-5 upon every side, de tous les côtés 6 when I recollect, quand je songe-7 how very small a part, quelle faible portion-8 without cultivation, en friche--9 on, à10 second, etc......not second, inférieures seulement aux nôtres, qu'elles égalent sur certains points-11 foundations, institutions-12 lawyers, juristes-13 awes and commands, frappe et domine-14 what and how great, de quelle nature et de quelle étendue.

that could authorize us at once to level so specious a

fabric with the ground.1


"Reflections on the French Revolution."




We hear it asserted, not seldom by way of3 compliment to us women, that intellect is of no sex.5 If this mean that the same faculties of mind are common to men and women, it is true; in any other signification it appears to me false, and the reverse of a compliment.

The intellect of woman bears the same relation to9 that of man as her physical organization ;—it is inferior in power, and different in kind.10 That" certain women have surpassed certain men in bodily strength or intellectual energy does not contradict 12 the general principle founded in nature. The essential and invariable distinction appears to me this: 13 in 14 men the intellectual faculties exist more selfpoised and self-directed 15-more independent of the rest of the character than we ever find them in women, with 16 whom talent, however predominant,

At once, etc......with the ground, à renverser tout d'un coup un édifice si imposant.

2 We hear it asserted, nous entendons dire-3 not seldom by way of, assez souvent par forme de- to us women, à nous autres femmes-5 is of no sex, n'a pas de sexe-6 if this mean, si par là on entend-7 it is true, l'assertion est juste-8 the reverse of, rien moins que-9 bears the same relation to, est dans le même rapport à-10 different in kind, d'une espèce différente-11 that, de ce que-12 does not contradict, cela ne renverse pas-13 this, être celle-ci-14 in, chez-15 more self-poised and self-directed, plus maîtresses de leur propre équilibre et de leur propre direction-16 in... ..with, dans......chez.

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