Imagens das páginas

nous lez avoms fait fillez a Henri1 et seorz a B., et A.D. 1340. silz soient desablez ceo covent de venir de vous; et del hure qe vous ne responez rien a lour estre, com a dire qil y2 sount nulis tiels, ou a les desabler, nous prioms qe tenu soit anyent dedit de vous qe tiels ij. y sount en pleyne vie qe sont heirez a B., et demoroms en jugement.-SCHAR. Il respondi par la


manere a lour estre en disaffermant le saunk entre eux et B.; et, silz3 deux furent einz, par cas il covensit qil les desabloit com vous parlez; mes devers vous, qe estes tut estrange al sank, il semble qil ad dit assez. R. Thorpe. Sire, si vous portez un bref daiel devers moy, il est bon respons pur moy qe suy 5 estrange al sank a dire qe vous avez un frere eigne de vous, ou un pere, et auxi en un mordancestre et en altrez brefz la ou vous demandez com heirs, et si vous mettray jeo a respoundre a son estre; auxi semble yci &c. Et pus Rokell, pur hastiver 8 besiogne demene, dit qil navoit unqez altre issue qe B.; prest &c.-Et alii e contra.



§ A. porta bref de Cosynage de la seisine Bertelmew, et se De Confist frere H., pere B.--Pole. Nous vous dioms qe Henry, pere sanguiniB., de qi seisine il demande, avoit issu B., R., et J., soers B., et R. est en pleine vie, et J. ad issu un T.; jugement sil qest de sank costein puisse rien demander.--Rokel. Nous vous dioms qe H., pere B., prist une femme Margarete, de quele il engendra B. de qi seisine, saunz ceo qil y avoit autre issue entre eux; jugement si al estre des autres la ley me mette a respondre. -Pole. Par manere de vostre plee ne poet homme saver le quel vous voilez traverser qil ny ad pas tieles persones come nous allegeoms ou noun; et forme de pleder est, quant homme

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A.D. 1340. demandant would be barred is alleged, is either to traverse the existence or to admit it and prove that it can not hurt him.-Kelshulle. We do so; if there be such persons we prove that it can not hurt us. -SCHARDELOWE to Pole. If you will say that this land was the inheritance of B., descended to him through H., so that it ought to remain rather to the daughters of H. than to his brother, your exception would be more clear; but, if it was B.'s purchase, the sisters by another venter can never have it. Pole. Still he will have to make them strangers by his plea, or else to deny their existence. And, to deliver the Court, we tell you that R. and J. are sisters by the same father and the same mother as B.; ready &c. Rokell. Ready &c. that there was no other issue than B.-And the other side said the contrary.1

Writ of Entry sur disseisin brought against a tenant in

the third

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(50.) The words of the writ were, "Command &c. "that he render to Ralph Savage the third part "of one knight's fee." - Derworthy counted that this was the demandant's right and inheritance, &c., and he respect of laid the esplees as in homage, escuage, rent, arrears of rent, and in aid to make his son a knight, and to marry his daughter, and in other kinds of issues from the third part of a knight's fee &c. -- Note: he counted that his ancestor was seised as of fee and of right, and did not say in his demesne as of fee and of right; wherefore tained, as Gayneford demanded judgment of the count.

part of a knight's

fee. And the writ and the

count were main

appears below.

Entry sur disseisin.


BURGH. What other count could he make in this case? -Upon this Gayneford demanded judgment of the writ, for (said Gayneford) it is expressed in the writ that his ancestor was disseised, and he has himself shown that this could not be, for this does not lie in demesne, for his ancestor himself could not have had an assise; wherefore &c. - Derworthy. You demanded the view, and afterwards took a Prece Partium, and afterwards vouched, and so you have affirmed the writ; wherefore &c.--And they were adjourned, &c.

§ Entry sur disseisin (the disseisin having been effected on the father of the demandant) in respect of the third part of a knight's fee. - Derworthy counted &c. how he took the esplees as in homage, and escuage, and aid to make his son a knight and

1 There is an abridgment of this case in Harl. 741, where it appears as of the following Trinity Term.

allege lestre dautre par quei le demandant serreit barre, ou A.D. 1340. traverser lestre ou conustre le et prover qe ceo ne lui poet grever.-Kels. Si fesoms nous; sil y sont tiel nous provoms qe ceo ne nous poet nuire. SCHARD. a Pole. Si vous volez dire qe ceste terre fust leritage B. descendu par my H. issi qele deit demurer pluis toust a les filles H. qa son frere, vostre excepcion serreit le pluis cler; mes si cest le purchas B. et les soers dautre ventre ne poent jammes aver. - Pole. Uncore

il les estrangera par plee, ou autrement dedirra lour estre. Et, pur deliverer, vous dioms qe R. et J. sont soers de mesme le pere et mesme la miere qe B. fust; prest &c. Rokel. Prest &c. qil navoint autre issu qe B.-Et alii e contra.

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sour dis

un tenant

un fee de

Et le bref et counte

dit meyntenu, ut patet inferius.


(50.)1 § Le bref voileit Præcipe &c. quod reddat Ra- Bref dentre dulfo Savage tertiam partem feodi unius militis.— seisine Derw. conta qe cel fut son dreit et son heritage, &c., porte vers et lia les esplez com en homage, escuage, rente, arre- de la tieree rages de rente, et eide a soun fitz faire chivaler, et partie de a fille marier, et en altre manere dissue de la terce chivaler. partie de chivaler &c. Nota: il counta qe auncestre fut seisi com de fee et de dreit2 et ne my en soun demene com de fee et de dreit; 2 quei Gayn. demanda jugement de counte.-ALDE. Quel counte dirroit il aultre en ceo cas? Par quei Gayn. demanda jugement du bref, qar le bref veot que soun auncestre fut disseisi, et il ad mesme moustre que ceo ne put estre, qar ceo ne chiet pas en demene, qar soun auncestre mesme ne put pas aver eu un assise; par quei &c. - Derw. Vous avetz demande la vew, et apres pris un Prece Partium, et apres vouche, issint avetz afferme le bref; par quei, &c.-Et adjournantur &c.




§ Entre dune disseisine fait al pere le demandant [de] la Entre sur terce partie dune fee de chivaler. Derworth. conta &c., les disseisine. esplees prist come en homage, et escuage, et eide de fitz faire

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A.D. 1340. to marry his daughter, and other issues of the third part of a knight's fee &c. - Gayneford. Judgment of the writ; for by the count he has shown that his demand does not lie in demesne, and his ancestor could not have had an assise.-Derworthy. You have had the view, vouched, and taken a Prece Partium; judgment whether you shall be admitted to this.

Quare impedit.


Thorpe. The present granted to Clerks that

(51.) § The King brought a Quare impedit against the Bishop of Bath and Wells by reason of the temporalities of the Bishopric having previously been in the hands of the King's father, &c. King at this last Parliament has henceforth he will not be answered as to a Quare impedit where the church has been full for a whole year before the making of the Statute and also if he do not present within three years after such vacancies fall to him; and we tell you that this church was full for a year and more before the Statute, and still is full in the person of one Thomas de Haselshawe; judgment whether the King will be answered. And note that the COURT was of opinion that the Statute is operative only in the case of presentations to be made since the Statute and not in the case of presentations made before the Statute. Wherefore Stouford asked whether the other side intended that for their answer against the King.And, because the King brought this writ before the Statute, Thorpe did not dare to abide judgment, but said that the church was not vacant when the temporalities were in the King's hand; ready &c. - And the other side said the contrary.*

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chivaler et fille marier, et autre issu de terce partie de fee A.D. 1340. de chivaler &c.-Gayn. Jugement du bref; qar par cont il ad moustre qe sa demande ne chiet pas en demene, et son auncestre ne poet aver eu assise. - Derworth. Vous avez eu la vewe, et vouche, et pris prece partium; jugement si vous serrez resceu.1


(51.) § Le Roi porta Quare impedit vers Levesqe Quare de Baaz par resoun de temporaltes Levesqe jadis en impedit. la mayn son pere esteauntz &c.-Thorpe. Le Roi ore [Fitz. a ceo darein parlement ad graunte as clercz qe des- Quare ormes il ne voet estre respondu a Quare impedit la ou 53.] leglise ad este pleine un an entier avant la confeccion de cel estatut, et auxi sil ne present deinz les trois aunz apres ceo qe tiels voidances lui eschesent; et vous dioms qe ceste chose fust et est pleine, un an et pluis devant lestatut, dun Thomas de Haselshawe ;3 jugement si le Roi voille estre respondu. — Et nota qe COURT fust en opinion qe lestatut ne oevre forqe a presentementz a faire puis lestatut et noun pas a presentementz fetz avant lestatut. Par quei Stouf. demande si le voilent pur respons contre le Roi. Et pur ce qe le Roi porta ceo bref devant lestatut, Thorpe nosa demurer, mes dit qe leglise ne fust pas voide quant les temporaltes furent en la mayn le Roi; prest &c.-Et alii e contra.

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I There is an abridgment of this case in Harl. 741, where it appears as of the following Trinity Term. The names of the parties are given as Roger Pridiaux v. Ralph le Rous. The point taken as to the omission from the count of the words "in his demesne" is put in the following form :-Jugement de bref qe sup

pose launcestre estre disseisi de
chose qe nest fraunctenement, ne
de qi launcestre en sa vie ne pout
aver eu recoverir [par] assise.

2 From T. alone, but corrected
by the record Placita de Banco,
Easter, 14 Edward III., Ro, 308.
3 T., J., instead of Thomas de

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