Imagens das páginas


PRETEND, intend; II. iv. 24. PROBATION; "passed in p. with you,' proved, passing them in detail, one by one; III. i. 80.

PROFOUND "having deep or hidden qualities" (Johnson); (?) "deep, and therefore ready to fall" (Clar. Pr.); III. v. 24.

PROOF, proved armour; I. ii. 54. PROPER, fine, excellent (used ironically); III. iv. 60.

PROTEST, Show publicly, proclaim; V. ii. 11.

PURGED, cleansed; III. iv. 76. PURVEYOR, an officer of the king sent before to provide food for the King and his retinue, as the harbinger provided lodging; I. vi. 22.

PUSH, attack, onset; V. iii. 20. PUT ON, set on, (?) set to work; IV. iii. 239.

PUT UPON, falsely attribute; I. vii.


QUARRY, a heap of slaughtered game;
IV. iii. 206.
QUELL, murder; I. vii. 72.
QUIET; "at q.,
in quiet, at peace;
II. iii. 18.

RAVELL'D, tangled; II. ii. 37.
RAVIN'D, ravenous; IV. i. 24.
RAVIN UP, devour greedily; II. iv.


RAWNESS, hurry; IV. iii. 26. READINESS; manly r.", complete clothing (opposed to "naked frailties "); II. iii. 139. RECEIPT, receptacle; I. vii. 66. RECEIVED, believed; I. vii. 74. RECOIL, Swerve; IV. iii. 19.

; "to r.", for recoiling; V. ii. 23. RELATION, narrative; IV. iii. 173. RELATIONS, "the connection of effects with causes"; III. iv. 124. RELISH, Smack; IV. iii. 95.

REMEMBRANCE, quadrisyllabic; III.
ii. 30.
REMEMBRANCER, reminder; III. iv. 37.
REMORSE, pity; I. v 45.

REQUIRE, ask her to give; III. iv. 6.
up your minds; III. i. 138.
REST, remain; I. vi. 20.

give rest; IV. iii. 227. RETURN, give back, render; I. vi. 28.

RONYON, a term of contempt; I. iii. 6. ROOF'D, gathered under one roof; III. iv. 40.

ROOKY, gloomy, foggy; (Jennens, "rocky"); III. ii. 51.

ROUND, circlet, crown; I. v. 29.

"r. and top of sovereignty," i.e. "the crown, the top or summit of sovereign power"; IV. i. 87.

dance in a circle; IV. i. 130. RUBS, hindrances, impediments; III. i. 134.

RUMP-FED, well-fed, pampered; I. iii. 6.

SAFE TOWARD, with a sure regard to; I. iv. 27.

SAG, droop, sink; V. iii. 10.

SAINT COLME'S INCH, the island of Columba, now Inchcolm, in the Firth of Forth; I. ii. 61.

SAUCY, insolent, importunate; (?) pungent, sharp, gnawing (Koppel); III. iv. 25.

SAY TO, tell; I. ii. 6. 'SCAPED, escaped; III. iv. 20. SCARF UP, blindfold; III. ii. 47. SCONE, the ancient coronation place of the kings of Scotland; II. iv. 31. SCOTCH'D, "8 cut with shallow incisions" (Theobald's emendation of Ff., "scorch'd"); III. ii. 13. SEASON, seasoning; III. iv. 141. SEAT, situation; I. vi. 1. SEATED, fixed firmly; I. iii. 136.

SECURITY, confidence, consciousness of, security, carelessness; III. v. 32. SEELING, blinding (originally a term of falconry); III. ii. 46. SEEMS; that s to speak things strange," i.e. "whose appearance corresponds with the strangeness of his message" (Clar. Pr.); Johnson conj. "teems"; Collier MS., "comes,' etc.); I. ii. 47.

SELF-ABUSE, self-delusion; III. iv. 142. SELF-COMPARISONS, measuring himself with the other; I. ii. 55. SELFSAME, very same; I. iii. 88. SENNET, a set of notes on trumpet or cornet; III. i. 10-11.

SE'NNIGHTS, seven nights, weeks; I. iii. 22.

SENSIBLE, perceptible, tangible; II. i. 36.

SERGEANT (trisyllabic); I. ii. 3. SET FORTH, shewed; I. iv. 6. SETTLED, determined; I. vii. 79. SEWER, one who tasted each dish to prove there was no poison in it; I. vii. (direct.).

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SHAG EAR'D, having hairy ears; (Steevens conj., adopted by Singer (ed. 2) and Hudson, “shag-hair'd"); IV. ii. 83.

SHALL, will; II. i. 29.

I shall; IV. ii. 23. SHAME, am ashamed; II. ii. 64. SHARD-BORNE, borne by scaly wingcases; (Davenant, "sharp-brow'd"; Daniel conj. "sharn-bode"; Upton conj. "sharn-born"); III. ii. 42. SHIFT, steal, quietly get; II. iii. 151. SHIPMAN'S CARD, the card of the compass; I. iii. 17.

SHOUGH, a kind of shaggy dog; (Ff., "Showghes"; Capell, "shocks"); III. i. 94.

SHOULD BE, appear to be; I. iii. 45.
SHOW, dumb-show; IV. i. 111-112.
SHOW, appear; I. iii. 54.

SHUT UP, enclosed, enveloped; II. i. 16. SICKEN, be surfeited; IV. i. 60. SIGHTLESS, invisible; I. vii. 23. SIGHTS; Collier MS. and Singer MS. "flights"; Grant White "sprites"; IV. i. 155.

SINEL, Macbeth's father, according to Holinshed; I. iii. 71.


SINGLE, individual; I. iii. 140.
—, simple, small; I. vi. 16.
SIRRAH, used in addressing an inferior;
here used playfully; IV. ii. 30.
SKIRR, SCOur; V. iii. 35.
SLAB, thick, glutinous; IV. i.
SLEAVE, sleave-silk, floss silk; II. ii. 37.
SLEEK O'ER, Smooth; III. ii. 27.
SLEIGHTS, feats of dexterity; III. v. 26.
SLIPP'D, let slip; II. iii. 52.
SLIVER'D, slipped off; IV. i. 28.
SMACK, have the taste, savour; I. ii. 44.
So, like grace, gracious; IV. iii. 24.
So WELL, as well; I. ii.
SOLE, alone, mere; IV. iii. 12.
SOLEMN, ceremonious, formal; III. i.

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SOMETIME, Sometimes; I. vi. 11.
SORELY, heavily; V. i. 59.
SORRIEST, saddest; III. ii. 9.
SORRY, sad; II. ii. 20.

SPEAK, bespeak, proclaim; IV. iii. 159.
SPECULATION, intelligence; III. iv. 95.
SPEED; "had the s. of him," has out-
stripped him; I. v. 36.
SPONGY, imbibing like a sponge; I.
vii. 71.

SPRING, source; I. ii. 27.
SPRITES, spirits; IV. i. 127.
SPY, v. Note; III. i. 130.
STABLENESS, constancy; IV. iii. 9a.
STAFF, lance; V. iii. 48.

STAMP, stamped coin; IV. iii. 153.

STANCHLESS, insatiable; IV. iii. 78.
STAND, remain; III. i. 4.

STAND NOT UPON, do not be particular
about; III. iv. 119.

STATE, chair of State; III. iv. 5.
STATE OF HONOUR, noble rank, condi-
tion; IV. ii. 66.

STAY, wait for; IV. iii. 142.
STAYS, waits; III. v.

STICKING-PLACE, i.e. the place in
which the peg of a stringed instru-
ment remains fast; the proper degree
of tension"; I. vii. 60.
STIR, stirring, moving; I. iii. 144.
STOREHOUSE, place of burial; II. iv. 34.
STRANGE, new; I. iii. 145.

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"s. and self-abuse," i.e. (?) "my
abuse of others and myself"; III. iv.


STRANGELY VISITED, afflicted with
strange diseases; IV. iii. 150.
STUFF'D, crammed, full to bursting;
V. iii. 44.

SUBSTANCES, forms; I. v. 50.
SUDDEN, violent; IV. iii. 59.
SUFFER, perish; III. ii. 16.
SUFFERING; our s. country," i.e. our
country suffering; III. vi. 48.
SUGGESTION, temptation, incitement;
I. iii. 134.
SUMMER-SEEMING, "appearing like
summer; seeming to be the effect
of a transitory and short-lived heat
of the blood" (Schmidt); (Warbur-
ton, summer-teeming"; Johnson,
“fume, or seething," &c.); IV. iii, 86.
SUNDRY, various; . iii. 48.
SURCEASE, cessation; I. vii.
SURVEYING, noticing, perceiving; I. ii.


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SWAY BY, am directed by; V. iii. 9.
SWEARS, swears allegiance; IV. ií. 47.

TAINT, be infected; V. iii. 3.
TAKING-OFF, murder, death; I. vii. 20.
TEEMS, teems with; IV. iii. 176.

TEMPERANCE, moderation,
straint; IV. iii. 92.


TENDING, tendance, attendance; I. v.

TEND ON, wait on; I. v. 42.
THAT, so that; I. ii. 58.

THAT; 66 + to th.", to that end, for that
purpose; I. ii. 10.

THEREWITHAL, therewith; III. i. 34.
THIRST, desire to drink; III. iv. 91.
THOUGHT; "upon a th.", in as small
an interval as one can think a
thought; III. iv. 55.

-, being borne in mind; III. i. 132.
THRALLS, slaves, bondmen; III. vi. 13.
THREAT, threaten; II. i. 60.
TILL THAT, till; I. ii. 54.
TIMELY, betimes, early; II. iii. 51.

"to gain the t. inn," opportune;
III. iii. 7.

TITLES, possessions; IV. ii. 7.
To, in addition to; I. vi. 19.

-, according to; III. iii. 4.
-, compared to; III. iv. 64.
-, for, as; IV. iii. 1o.

linked with, "prisoner to"; III.
iv. 25.

TOP, overtop, surpass; IV. iii. 57.
TOP-FULL, full to the top, brimful; I.

v. 43.

TOUCH, affection, feeling; IV. ii. 9.
TOUCH'D, injured, hurt; IV. iii. 14.
TOWERING, turning about, soaring,
flying high (a term of falconry); IÏ.
iv. 12.

TRACE, follow; IV. i. 153.

TRAINS, artifices, devices; IV. iii. 118.
TRAMMEL UP, entangle as in a net; I.
vii. 3.

TRANSPORT, convey; IV. iii. 181.
TRANSPOSE, change; IV. iii. 21.
TREBLE SCEPTRES, symbolical of the
three kingdoms-England, Scotland,
and Ireland; IV. i. 121.

TRIFLED, made trifling, made to sink
into insignificance; II. iv. 4.

TUGG'D; "t. with fortune," pulled about in wrestling with fortune; III. i. 112. TWO-FOLD BALLS, probably referring to the double coronation of James, at Scone and Westminster (Clar. Pr.); according to others the reference is to the union of the two islands; IV. i. 121.

TYRANNY, usurpation; IV. iii. 67.
TYRANT, usurper; III. vi. 22.

UNFIX, make to stand on end; I. iii. 135.

UNROUGH, beardless; V. ii. 10. UNSPEAK, recall, withdraw; IV. iii.

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WANT; "cannot w.", can help; III. vi. 8.

WARRANTED, justified; IV. iii. 137.
WASSAIL, revelry; I. vii. 64.
WATCHING, waking; V. i. 12.
WATER-RUG, a kind of poodle; III. i.

WHAT, Who; IV. iii. 49.

WHAT IS, i.e. what is the time of; III. iv. 126.

WHEN 'TIS, i.e. "when the matter is effected"; II. i. 25.

WHETHER (monosyllabic); I. iii. 111.
WHICH, Who; V. i. 66.

WHILE THEN, till then; III. i. 44.
WHISPERS, Whispers to; IV. iii. 210.
WHOLESOME, healthy; IV. iii. 105
WITH, against; IV. iii. 90.
—, by; III. í. 63.

-, on; IV. ii. 32.

WITHOUT, Outside; III. iv. 14. -, beyond; III. ii. 11, 12. WITNESS, testimony, evidence; II. ii.

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I. i. 1. Perhaps we should follow the punctuation of the Folio, and place a note of interrogation after ' again'.

I. ii. 14. damned quarrel'; Johnson's, perhaps unnecessary, emendation of Ff., 'damned quarry' (cp. IV. iii. 206); but Holinshed uses' quarrel' in the corresponding passage.

I. ii. 20-21. Many emendations and interpretations have been advanced for this passage; Koppel's explanation (Shakespeare Studien, 1896) is as follows:-" he faced the slave, who never found time for the preliminary formalities of a duel, i.e. shaking hands with and bidding farewell to the opponent "; seemingly, however, which' should have 'he' (ie. Macbeth) and not slave' as its antecedent,


I. iii. 15. And the very ports they blow'; Johnson conj. 'various ' for 'very'; Pope reads 'points' for 'ports'; Clar. Press edd. ‘orts ': 'blow''blow upon '.

I. iii. 32. 'weird'; Ff., ' weyward' (prob.='weird'); Keightley, 'weyard'.

I. iii. 97-98. As thick as hail Game post'; Rowe's emendation; Ff. read' As thick as tale Can post'.

I. v. 24-26. The difficulty of these lines arises from the repeated words that which' in line 25, and some editors have consequently placed the inverted commas after undone'; but 'that which' is probably due to the same expression in the previous line, and we should perhaps read and that's which' or ' and that's what'.

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