Imagens das páginas


Paris, 12th July.-Mr. Stanley to Mr. Pitt. Prospect of Spain interfering, if the war be continued. The Pretender. Engagement between France and Spain. Paris, 14th July.-Mr. Stanley to Mr. Pitt. Misunderstanding about the fisheries. Articles of peace proposed by France.

Paris, 30th July.-Effects of the battle of KirchDenckern and the taking of Pondicherry.

Lumigni, 23rd July.-Mr. Stanley to the Duc de Choiseul. Acquainting him with the taking of Pondicherry.

Paris, 4th Aug.-Mr. Stanley to Mr. Pitt. The ultimatum of France.

Paris, 6th Aug.-Mr. Stanley to Mr. Pitt. Probable failure of the negociation, on account of the fishery question. Character of the Court, &c.

Paris, 18th Aug.-Obstructions to the peace from Spain and Austria.

Paris, 19th Aug.-Proposals of assistance to France from Spain.

20th Aug. Difference between Madame de Pompadour and the Duc de Choiseul. The latter wishes for


22nd Aug.-Sending Pr. Ferdinand against the Empress, is an obstruction to peace.

26th Aug. Sincerity of the Duc de Choiseul. Characters of the Comte de Choiseul and the Comte d'Aubeterre. Offence taken at Mr. Pitt's expressions.

1st Sept.-Explanation of his former despatches. Island of St. Peter's. Engagements of Spain to support France.

Paris, 4th Sept.-Mr. Stanley to Mr. Pitt. Conversation on the nine first articles of the proposed peace. 5th Sept.-Island of St. Pierre. Denmark.

6th Sept.-Conversation about the Isle de St. Pierre, and the other articles of the proposed treaty of peace. Engagements with Spain.

Paris, 8th Sept.-Mr. Stanley to Mr. Pitt. Relating to St. Pierre. Hopeless state of the negociation. 14th Sept.-On the fisheries.

L'Isle Adam, 15th Sept.-Difference between Madame Pompadour and the Duc de Choiseul. The latter still for peace.

Paris, 19th Sept.-On the conclusion of the negociation.

Paris, 20th Sept.-Mr. Stanley to the Duc de Choiseul. Desiring a passport to return.

Versailles, 20th Sept.-The Duc de Choiseul to Mr. Stanley, with the passports. Mr. Stanley's instructions.


St. James's, 19th May.-His Majesty to the most Christian King. Mr. Stanley's credentials. paper is entirely out of its natural place.]

5th June.-Mr. Pitt to Mr. Stanley. Difficulties in settling the preliminaries of peace.

10th June.-The same difficulties continue. 19th June.-Demand for the restitution of Belle-Isle. 17th June.-Memorial to M. Bussy. Concerning the foundation of the treaty.

26th June. Mr. Pitt to Mr. Stanley. Remarks on the Duc de Choiseul's memorial. The ultimatum of England. M. Bussy's trifling. The basis of the treaty agreed to by France.

20th July.-Reduction of Pondicherry. M. Bussy's delays.

25th July.-Insincerity of France. The ultimatum of England.

20th Aug.-Promising a final answer to the ultimatum of France very soon.

27th Aug.-To allow the French an Abri at Newfoundland. Answer to the ultimatum of France. 15th Sept.-Mr. Pitt to Mr. Stanley. To demand a passport to return to England with.

Vols. 9, 10, 11.

These three volumes contain copies of the secret correspondence which passed in 1761, 2, 3, relative to the peace between England, France, and Spain, which was finally signed in 1763, and is known as the Peace of Paris. The great bulk of the letters are those of M. le Comte de Viry and M. le Bailli Solar de Breille, the Sardinian envoys at the Courts of London and Paris respectively. Besides these there are letters from the Duc de Choiseul, the Comte de Choiseul, Grimaldi, Lord Egremont, Lord Bute, two royal declarations from George III., dictated to Lord Egremont for the purpose of enabling the latter to prove to the French Court the anxiety of his royal master for peace, the Projet des articles de Paix dressé par la France, sent by the Duc de Choiseul through le Bailli Solar de Breille and Viry to England, two final terms of peace, and a further correspondence


(in vol. i.) relating to the release of Count d'Estaing. MARQUIS The first letter is dated 17th Nov. 1761, and refers to the resignation of Mr. Pitt, also to the return of Mr. Hans Stanley from Paris. The last is dated 22nd May 1763, and conveys to le Bailli Solar de Breille the sense which George III. feels of the obligations he is under to him for his services. This correspondence seems to me to prove that the Duc de Choiseul was sincerely desirous, even at the time of the signature of the Family compact, for peace with England, which he repeatedly urges must ensure that of Europe as a necessary consequence. Indeed, it may be fairly said that, considering the terms of the Family compact, it would be difficult to acquit Choiseul of something like a breach of faith to his new ally in his wish to make peace with his old enemy.





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I extract the following passage from a brief précis attached to these vols., and signed S. P.-" The Count "de Viry enters occasionally very familiarly into the state of parties in England, and speaks without reserve of some of our first characters at that time, but more particularly in Letter 6, vol. iii, which is indeed a very curious letter; wherein he speaks very handsomely of the Duke of Bedford, which is more than "his Grace does of some of his colleagues. He says "the Duke is fond of Lord Bute, but he believes that "Lord has more occasion for his Grace in support of "his administration than his Grace has for his Lordship. "He is not averse to Lord Egremont, who manages him extremely well. In speaking of his Lordship the Duke told the Count that he had the capability of being a good enough Secretary of State. He under" values Mr. George Grenville, and thinks him unfit for "his post, though they are upon good terms at present. "Mr. Grenville knows how to manage him. He detests "Mr. Pitt, and which is worse, he will not allow him to "be a good orator. The Duke of Cumberland and his "Grace are upon good terms, though they think differently on the present posture of affairs. His Royal Highness is for carrying on the war in Germany, the "Duke is positively for peace; the Prince is not fond of "Lord Bute, whom his Grace is particularly attached "to. The Duke of Bedford is not out with the Duke of Newcastle, who declares himself more and more against Lord Bute, but they are very opposite on the question of peace or war, the latter being for trying "the issue of another campaign. The Duke of Bedford esteems not the President Lord Granville, but disputes "not his understanding and abilities. He thinks highly "of Lord Hardwicke, who retired himself from the “Council on account of the Duke of Newcastle, though "he loves him not. He speaks boldly of Lord Mansfield as a man of parts, but a mere splitter of causes "(chicaneur), fitter to examine an affair than to make an end of it, and for the Chancellor,† he considers "him as an ordinary character enveloped in forms." It appears probable that Mr. Adolphus had access to these papers when engaged on his history of England, for (vol. 1, p. 96, ed. 1840) he states from private information," that the real business of the negociations between England and France was done through the agency of the Sardinian envoys, and not by the Duc de Nivernois and the Duke of Bedford, who were accredited to the Courts of London and Paris respectively after September 1762, with the nominal conduct of the affair. Several of the letters, it may be mentioned, are . in cypher.



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A folio volume, entitled "Peace. French Correspon"dence in 1762-3." It contains copies of despatches to and from the Duc de Choiseul, Lord Egremont, and the Duke of Bedford, with several enclosures.

Versailles, 14th April 1762.-The Duc de Choiseul to Lord Egremont. Wishes for peace. Complains of the harshness of Mr. Pitt, le Ministère (? ministre) de sa Majesté Britannique en retour de notre franchise ne nous à montré que de la secheresse, quelquefois de l'humeur et toujours de l'obscurité.

Whitehall, 19th May 1762.-Lord Egremont to the Duc de Choiseul. On the propriety of making peace with France and Spain at the same time, but without including the Courts of Vienna and Berlin.

(1762).-The King's declaration to the Court of Spain,

*Leader of the House of Commons in 1761, and Secretary of State in 1762, in Lord Bute's Government. Lord Henley, afterwards Earl of Northington.

MARQUIS proposing to resume the negociation, as it stood when the Earl of Bristol and the Count de Fuentes left the respective Courts (1762).


Versailles, 25th June 1762.-The Duc de Choiseul to the Count de Choiseul. On the three points of dispute between England and Spain.

10th July 1762.-Second article of Lord Egremont's note of that date, relating to the settlement of Honduras.

21st July 1762.- Extract of M. Grimaldi's Projet d'articles preliminaires, transmitted by Cte. de Choiseul in his letter C. of 21st July 1762; with observations thereon (probably by the Count de Choiseul).

Whitehall, 21st Aug. 1762.-Lord Egremont to Comte de Choiseul. Preliminary articles with Spain.

Whitehall, 7th Sept. 1762.-Lord Egremont to the Duke of Bedford. Instructing him not to sign the preliminaries but at the same time with the Ministers of France and Spain, so as to obtain complete security as regards Portugal. Of the Mississippi as a boundary. Calais, 8th Sept. 1762.-Duke of Bedford to Lord Egremont. Civilities on his arrival at Calais, enclosing a paper entitled Honours paid to the Duke of Bedford at Calais.

Paris, 12th Sept. 1762.-Postscript of 13th Sept. to the Duke of Bedford's letter to Lord Egremont.

Paris, 12th Sept. 1762.-Difficulties with Spain, relating to the navigation of the Mississippi.

Paris, 19th Sept. 1762.-Conversation with the French and Spanish Ministers. The chief difficulties from Spain. This despatch encloses the following articles of the proposed treaty :-Article relating to the Bay of Honduras. Article to the effect that the stipulations of preceding treaties for the benefit of English traders shall remain in force. Observations on the preceding treaties. Article 6, on the limits of Louisiana; on the limits of Canada.

Paris, 24th Sept. 1762.-On the evacuation of Cleves. Paris, 25th Sept. 1762.-Difficulties with respect to Spain.

Fontainebleau, 11th Oct. 1762.-Spain unwilling to make any compensation for the Havannah.

Whitehall, 26th Oct. 1762.-Lord Egremont to the Duke of Bedford, with the Contre Projet in answer to the Projet sent from France. Observations sur le Contre Projet (by the English Ministers), sent as a commentary or explanation.

Whitehall, 26th Oct. 1762.-With instructions from the Cabinet, subsequent to those from the Privy Council.

22nd Oct. 1762.-Advice of a Cabinet Council respecting the Contre Projet, and observations upon it.

25th Oct. 1762.-Memorandums of alterations made in the Contre Projet, and Observations at a Council at the Lord President's house, the 25th Oct. 1762.

Fontainebleau, 3rd Nov. 1762.-Duke of Bedford to Lord Egremont, relating to the Bay of Honduras.

Paris, 23rd Dec. 1762.-On the clauses of the treaty of Utrecht relating to commerce.

Paris, 24th Dec. 1762.-Difficulties with respect to the treaty of commerce, enclosing some short observations on the "Projet de Traité definitif envoyé


par la Cour de Londres," (by the French Ministers). They object to the poetical language of the preamble, which in their opinion recalls the line of Corneille (Rodogune, Act 1. Sc. 1), "Enfin ce jour pompeux cet heureux jour nous luit," a style which they consider altogether out of keeping with the matter in hand.

Whitehall, 1st March 1763.-Lord Egremont to the Duke of Bedford. Difficulties with respect to the northern parts of Newfoundland. The memorial of the several Towns, Merchants, and Subjects of Great Britain engaged in the Newfoundland fishery.

Paris, 8th March 1763. Duke of Bedford to Lord Egremont. The French insist on their right to fish on the north bank of Newfoundland.

Paris, 25th April 1763.-Extract of a letter from the Marquis de Grimaldi to Mr. Neville, respecting the fortifications at Honduras.

1763.-Extrait d'un Memoire sur les moyens à prendre pour faire payer aux Canadiens nouveaux sujets de l'Angleterre, les Billets de Monnoye que sa Majesté Très Chretienne avoit établis dans cette Colonie 1763. Copy sent to the Earl of Shelburne, as President of the Board of Trade.

Vol. 13.

A folio volume, bound in red morocco, and labelled a Collection of Treaties. It contains copies of treaties between

(1.) England and Portugal, concluded at Whitehall,

23rd June 1661, for the surrender of Tangiers and the MARQUIS marriage of the Portuguese Infanta with King Charles, in Latin.

(2.) England and Portugal, concluded at Westminster, 10th July 1654. "A treaty of peace and commerce,' in Latin.

(3.) Great Britain, Portugal, and the States General, for a perpetual defensive alliance, concluded and signed at Lisbon the 16th May 1703.

(4.) The Methuen treaty, 27th Dec. 1703.

(5.) The treaty of Westminster, 16th Jan. 1756. (6.) The secret article attached to that treaty. (7.) Treaty of subsidy between England and Prussia, 11th April 1758.

(8.) The treaty of Versailles, 1st May 1756.

(9.) Convention of neutrality between the Empress Queen and France as regards the differences between England and France in America, 1st May 1756.

(10.) The Family Compact, 15th Aug. 1761.

(11.) Treaty of Stockholm, 5th Feb. 1766, between England and Sweden.

(12.) Commercial treaty concluded at Lisbon, between Denmark and Portugal, 3rd Oct. 1766, enclosed in a letter from Sir Joseph Yorke, which follows.

(13.) Traité de commerce entre sa Majeste le roi des deux Siciles et les seigneurs Etats Generaux des provinces unies des Pais Bas, 15th Oct. 1753 (printed). Copie du traité entre le roi (de France) et la republique de Gênes sur la Corse.

Vol. 14.

(1.) Amusements du Sieur Jean Baptiste Bertrand dans son voyage de la Jamaique à Londres sorti de Port-Royal par lesquels il fait une récapitulation très succincte de sa conduite depuis son existence. Fait en 1766.

This volume, besides the account of M. Bertrand's travels, contains a resumé of the various memoires on naval and commercial affairs, which he had laid at various times before the French Court, from 1756 to 1761. He evidently held very strongly that it was rather the interest of France to cope with England at sea than support Austria against Prussia on land. The French ministry at the beginning of the Seven Years' war was divided on this point; Machault being of the former, d'Argenson of the latter opinion.

(2.) Lettres politiques et systématiques de M. le Marechal de Beleisle à M. le Marquis de Montcalm sur le rétablissement de la marine francaise, première partie.

(3.) Ditto, seconde partie.

(4.) Réflexions préliminaires sur les colonies angloises en général. Anon.

Vol. 15.

Contains a memorial, without date, addressed to the French Government, on the necessity of establishing a royal port in the north of France. It urges the claims of Boulogne as against those of Dunkirk, and comes apparently from the merchants of the former port.

Vol. 16.

Compte rendu au roi Louis XVI. de la partie de son revenu qui consiste en droits à l'époque du premier Feb. 1775. Par M. l'Abbé Terray, controlleur général au mois de Juin et Juillet 1774. This is the statement which the Abbé Terray had to prepare after his fall from office at the accession of Louis XVI. It fills a very large and closely written octavo volume.

Vol. 17.

Contains a complete collection of the papers relating to the razing of the fortifications and the destruction of the harbour of Dunkirk, one of the constant aims of English 18th century policy.

Vol. 18.

Contains papers relative to the troubles at Geneva in 1766 and 1767. These troubles are those known as the struggle of the "negatifs" and " representans." The quarrel originally arose owing to the expulsion of Rousseau for writing the Emile and the Contrat Social. The citizens remonstrated, but their petitions were abruptly rejected by the senate and council. Owing to previous quarrels, the memory of which was still fresh, the contest soon became serious, and extended to broader and more important issues than that originally involved. (See Planta, History of Switzerland, vol. 3, ch. ix., ed. 1807.) The cantons of Berne and Zurich were, with France,


ARQUIS the mediating powers of Geneva. It was apprehended LANS that France intended making an armed intervention in


tavour of the "negatifs.' The "representans " looked to England for assistance, which, already anxious regarding the intrigues of Choiseul and Grimaldi, was, it was thought, more than ever likely to lend a willing ear to the complaints of the popular party. General Conway, the Duke of Richmond, and the Earl of Shelburne were the English Ministers for Foreign Affairs during the period over which this correspondence extends. The papers in this volume, with the exception of the letters of Mr. Hutton, Mr. Maltravers, and Mr. Engel, are copies.

1. Abstract of the correspondence of Mr. Norton, English Envoy at Berne, with General Conway, from 1st April to 5th June, and with the Duke of Richmond, from 5th June to 22nd July, relating to the troubles at Geneva.

2. Malthanacius, ou méthode simple de lire les reflexions d'un citoyen non lettré sur la réponse aux lettres populaires sans se dévoyer des principes de la raison et de la loi. (A printed pamphlet.)

3. Malthanacius. 2e partie.

4. Representation de M. l'Avocat Trembley au M. C. des deux Cent du Vendredi 15 Novembre jour de la nomination du Procureur Général, et du Lundi 2 Decembre 1765, suivie d'une letttre du même à un de ses concitoyens. A printed pamphlet. The Trembleys were one of the chief families of Geneva. By the constitution the Attorney-General had to be chosen by the General Assembly from a list selected by the Council of 200. The Council rejected M. Trembley from their list, and placed their reasons on record in the register. Against this proceeding M. Trembley protests, as the election was nominally secret.

5. A pamphlet (not dated) called "Genuflexion," containing a fierce attack on the Geneva consistory for making penitents pray for pardon on their knees.

6. Extract from a letter of the Council at Geneva to the Duke of Richmond, 16th June 1766, attacking M. Pictet, English Minister at Geneva, as one of the worst enemies of the established Government.

7. Extract from a private letter from a friend at Geneva to the Duke of Richmond, 27th June 1766, informing him that Mr. Norton is in constant communication with M. Pictet and with the representans, whose meetings are held at the house of the latter.

8. Extract of a letter from M. Crommelin, Minister of the republic of Geneva at Paris, to the Duke of Richmond, giving similar information, 3rd June 1766.

9. Letter from the Duke of Richmond to M. Pictet, dismissing him from his post as Minister, in consequence of the information given in the above letters, 28th July 1766. This letter was never sent.

10. Duke of Richmond to the Syndics and Council of Geneva, informing them of the recall of M. Pictet, 28th July 1766. This letter was never sent, as the Duke of Richmond meanwhile had to leave office along with the other members of the Rockingham cabinet, and was succeeded by the Earl of Shelburne. M. Pictet was

however ultimately dismissed from his post.

11. M. Pictet congratulates the Earl of Shelburne on his position in the English political world, and announces the arrival of M. Pierre Trembley. 1st August.

12. Letter extolling the character of M. Pictet, and explaining the difficulties which had arisen as to his reception at Geneva as Minister from England. There is no signature to this letter.

13. Première réponse du mediateur françois M. de Beauteville écrite au bas de la representation que lui avoient faite les Commissaires des Citoiens representans et laquelle il leur rendit. A state paper, perhaps as insulting in tone as any state paper can be. dated.


14. Papier remis aux Commissaires des representans par les seigneurs médiateurs le 26 Juillet 1766.

15. Letter from M. Pierre Trembley to the Earl of Shelburne, explaining the state of affairs at Geneva, and imploring English assistance.

16. Letter from M. Pictet to the Commissaires of Berne and Zurich, explaining the case of the representans, and pointing out the intimate connection between the interests of Berne and Zurich and those of Geneva.

17. A paper entitled "État succinct des affaires de "Geneve," containing a clear account of the Genevese constitution.

18. Mr. Hutton, Genevese chargé d'affaires in London, to the Earl of Shelburne, giving an account of the continuation of the struggle (see Planta, vol. 2. ix., p. 252-3), and enclosing

(1.) A historical account of the dissensions, marked A. ; (2.) A plan of the method of balloting in the elections for the syndicate, marked D.;

(3.) A short extract from the "représentations" of 20th Aug. 1763. [Some further enclosures mentioned by Mr. Hutton are missing.] He promises to send shortly the paper which follows D. in this collection, viz., Mémoire sur l'État présent de la République de Genéve, 15 Juillet 1738.

19. Copie d'une lettre d'un Citoyen de Genéve établi en France, dateé de Paris le 19 Novembre 1766 (enclosed in Mr. Norton's letter of 26th Nov. 1766, which is missing).

20. 8th Jan. 1767.-Mr. Hutton to the Earl of Shelburne, praising the courage and resolution of the inhabitants of Geneva, and enclosing a letter from a friend in that town relating to the last "représentation."


21. 13th Jan.-On the same subject, and enclosing(1.) A mémoire, entering at considerable length into the constitutional question.

(2.) Extrait d'un lettre de Geneve du 24 Dec. 1766, giving an account of the declaration made by Beauteville. "S. E. fit appeler nos Commissaires et étant "dans son lit il leur fit lire la déclaration suivante." Further details as to the general state of affairs.

(3.) The declaration itself, dated 15th December. There is a duplicate of this further on in the volume, out of its place.

(4.) Extracts from letters from Geneva, relating to the movements of French troops, and the constitutional question.

26. 13th Jan. 1767.-Mr. Hutton to the Earl of Shelburne, with extracts from Genevese correspondence. Tronchin is the author of all the evil. The French have formed a military cordon round the frontier. He encloses

(1.) Declaration of Beauteville, announcing that he is going to leave Geneva, and denouncing the représentans, against whom measures will be taken. 30th Dec. 1766.

(2.) Remarks on the above.

(3.) Très humble et respectueuse représentation faite à Messrs. les Sindics, par les Citoiens et Bourgeois représentans et remise par les Commissaires le 31 Dec. 1766.

(4.) Lettre de Genève du 27 Dec. 1766, with— (5.) Mémoire sur les affaires de Genéve.

27. 26th Jan. 1767.-Mr. Hutton to the Earl of Shelburne, enclosing

(1.) Extrait des régistres du Conseil de Genéve, du 7 Janvier 1767.

(2.) A letter from Geneva, of Jan. 1767.

(3.) The declaration of Zurich and Berne, made in identical terms, 7th Jan. 1767, and signed, Escher de Kaffekew, J. C. Heidegger.

(4.) Examen du plan de médiation. Copied in the finest copper-plate from the original, in Mr. Hutton's possession, with his notes on the margin.

28. 6th Feb. 1767.-Mr. Hutton to the Earl of Shelburne. Collections are being made to relieve the distress of the inhabitants. Importance of the trade cf Geneva to England.

[Not dated.] Denounces the violence of the policy pursued by France, and encloses

(1.) Mémoire sur les affaires de Genéve,

1ere partié. Apologie de la rejection du projet de l'illustre médiation.

2e partie. Examen de la question de la garantie.

(2.) A paper entitled "State of Geneva." (3.) Copie d'une lettre écrite d'un magistrat de Berne à son ami a Londres du 1 Jan. 1767.

(4.) A duplicate of Beauteville's declaration of 15th Dec.

(5.) Lettre de M. Engel de Berne (a friend of the représentans in that town), 17th Dec. 1766.

(6.) Reflexions sur la Garantie, par je ne scai qui de Genéve.

(7.) Mémoire sur les affaires de Genéve.

12th Feb. 1767.-Mr. Joseph Maltravers, of Bath, to the Earl of Shelburne, enclosing

(1.) Copie d'une lettre écrite d'un magistrat de la ville de Berne a son ami à Londres le 4 Jan. 1767. (2.) Copie d'une lettre d'un magistrat de Berne écrite a M. Malltravers le 24 Jan.

Letter without name or date from a Genevese to the Earl of Shelburne.

Extracts from newspapers on Genevese affairs.


[blocks in formation]

A folio volume, labelled Army, and containing copy of a correspondence between Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, as commander of the allied forces in Germany, Lord Holdernesse, Secretary of State, and the King, relating to the military operations.

Windeken, 14th April 1759.-Prince Ferdinand to Lord Holdernesse, on the unsuccessful attack on Bergen.

Whitehall, 24th April 1759.-Lord Holdernesse to Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, in answer to the preceding.

Ziegenhayn, 27th April 1759.-Prince Ferdinand to Lord Holdernesse. His retreat after the affair of Bergen.

8th May 1759.-Lord Holdernesse to Prince Ferdinand, assuring him that the King will contribute to the expenses of the recruits, and giving him an account of the taking of Guadeloupe.

Minden, 4th Aug. 1759.-Prince Ferdinand to Lord Holdernesse, on his victory at Minden, and the defeat of the Duc de Brissac by the Hereditary Prince. "L'in"fanterie angloise à fait des prodiges de valeur. La "conduite des generaux Waldegrave et Kingsley a "été excellente, il est impossible qu'on puisse mieux "faire. L'artillerie britannique a fait merveilles. Les "officiers qui la commandent se sont singulierement distingués." The omission of any allusion to the cavalry is significant.


14th Aug. 1759.-Lord Holdernesse to Prince Ferdinand, in answer to the preceding. The dismissal of Lord George Sackville.

17th Aug. 1759.-Acquainting him that he is made Knight of the Garter.

Oberstadtbergen, 13th Aug. 1759.-Prince Ferdinand to the King, complaining of Lord G. Sackville, and demanding his dismissal.

21st Aug. 1759.-The King to Prince Ferdinand, acquainting him with the recall of Lord G. Sackville, and the appointment of Lord Granby to succeed him.

21st August 1759.-Lord Holdernesse to Prince Ferdinand, on the appointment of the Marquis of Granby to succeed Lord G. Sackville. The news of the battle of Cunersdorff had arrived in England (where it was reported as a great victory).

Kampf, 21st Aug. 1759.-Prince Ferdinand to Lord Holdernesse, giving an accouut of various successes, subsequent to the victory at Minden.

Wetter, 4th Sept 1759.-Prince Ferdinand to Lord Holdernesse, with thanks for the Order of the Garter. Wetter, 5th Sept. 1759.-Prince Ferdinand to the King, on receiving the Order of the Garter.

Kensington, 14th Sept. 1759.-The King to Prince Ferdinand, in answer to the preceding.

Krosdorff, 7th Nov. 1759.--Prince Ferdinand to Lord Holdernesse. Reasons for his choice of winter quarters.

7th Dec. 1759.-On recruiting for the next campaign.

Vol. 22.

This volume contains copies of State Papers relating to the negociations at the chief European Courts which preceded the outbreak of the Seven Years' war, a few relating to the war itself, the despatch of the Conde de Fuentes to Lord Egremont of 25th Dec. 1761, and an unimportant Spanish correspondence after the conclusion of peace. No detailed account of this last set of papers is given below.

19th Jan. 1756.-Circular, by Mr. Fox, Secretary of State under Mr. Grenville, ón the French incroachments, addressed to the English ministers abroad, the Earl of Bristol, Sir Benjamin Keene, Mr. Porter, Mr. Castres, Sir James Gray, M. Villettes, Sir Horace Mann, Mr. Murray, Mr. Birtles. Memorial of Mr. Rouillé,

with observations relating to the differences between MAR the French and English in America, sent to Sir Benjamin OF L Keene, 19th Jan. 1756.

20th Jan. 1756.-Mr. Fox to Sir B. Keene, communicating the treaty of Westminster with Prussia. 20th Jan.-Satisfaction to be made for the capture of two ships taken by Admiral Knowles.

16th Feb. 1756.-On the King of Prussia's offered mediation to prevent a rupture with France. Encloses the reply made to the King.

16th Feb.-Satisfaction to be made for the ships taken by Admiral Knowles. Recall of the admiral.

13th Feb.-Sir Benjamin Keene to Mr. Fox, on the intended invasion of Minorca.

24th Feb.-The answer to Mr. Rouillé's Memoire received with great approval by the Spanish Court.

24th Feb. 1756.-On the treaty with Prussia. Admiration generally expressed for the ability with which it has been negociated.

24th Feb. 1756.-Probable future conduct of France.
24th Feb. 1756.-On the invasion of Minorca.

15th March.-Mr. Fox to Sir B. Keene, on the proposed mediation of Spain between England and France, enclosing the reply sent to the Court of Spain.

24th Feb.-Despatch received by M. d'Abreu, Spanish envoy in London, relating to a proposed mediation between England and France.

Madrid, 1st March 1756.-Sir B. Keene to M. Amyaud, on the sincerity of Spain with respect to the mediation.

1st April 1756.-Mr. Fox to Mr. Keene, on the threatened French invasion, and the measures taken against it.

4th March 1756.-Memoire from the Court of France, delivered by M. d'Affri to the States General, deterring them from assisting England.

23rd March.-Lord Holdernesse to Mr. Keith, on the treaty with Russia.

Madrid, 22nd March.-Sir B. Keene to Mr. Fox, on the alliance between France and Austria.

5th April.--Reception of treaty with Prussia, at the Court of Vienna, and the alliance of Spain with France. Madrid, 13th April 1756.-Relating to Minorca.

13th April 1756.-On the alliance between France and Austria.

10th May 1756.-Mr. Fox to Sir B. Keene. France refuses all mediation.

7th June 1756.-Retreat of Admiral Byng. Alliance of France and Austria.

Vienna, 16th May 1756.-Mr. Keith to Lord Holdernesse, on communicating the treaty with Prussia to the Court of Vienna. His interviews with Kaunitz and Coloredo. A most interesting document.

18th June 1756.-Mr. Fox to Sir B. Keene, to endeavour to prevent Spain acceding to the treaty between France and Austria.

Antigola, 16th June 1756.-Sir B. Keene to Mr. Fox, on the alliance between France and Austria.

11th July 1756.-Mr. Fox to Sir B. Keene, on the treatment of Spanish ships, the disaster at Minorca, the position of the Sardinian Court, and other subjects.

Antigola, 30th June 1756.-Sir B. Keene to Mr. Fox, on the alliance between France and Austria. Reception of the news by the Pope and other powers. Naples in the French interest.

Berlin, 22nd June 1756.-Mr. Mitchell to Lord Holdernesse. The King of Prussia alarmed at the designs of Russia, asks assistance of the English. General considerations on German affairs.

24th June 1756.-The King of Prussia's sentiments concerning the views of the several powers. His preparations.

30th July 1756.-Mémoire raisonné sur la situation présente de l'Allemagne, sent to Sir Benj. Keene. The original apparently came from the Prussian Court.

Madrid, 27th July 1756.-Sir B. Keene to Mr. Fox, on visiting Spanish ships.

18th Aug. 1756.-Mr. Fox to Sir B. Keene, on visiting Spanish ships. Explanation of the treaty of 1667.

Berlin, 30th Aug. 1756.—Mr. Mitchell to Lord Holdernesse. Plan of the King of Prussia's operations.

21st Aug.-Answer to the memorial presented by M. de Klinggraff on 20th Aug. by Count Kaunitz, with remarks, apparently by the Prussian Court.

26th Aug.-The King of Prussia's answer to the memoire from the Court of Vienna, addressed to him on the 16th Aug. (Compare Vol. 7, Part 1.)

Madrid, 8th Sept.-Sir B. Keene to Mr. Fox, on the seizure of Spanish ships. Suspicions of Spain.

Madrid, 8th Sept.-On the complaints regarding the English settlements on the Musquito shore.


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Madrid, 30th Sept. 1756.-Sir B. Keene to Mr. Fox, on the sentiments of the Spanish Court with respect to the conduct of the Northern powers, &c., and the state of opinion at Turin.

1st Oct.-Attempts of the Empress-Queen to attach the Queen of Spain to her interest.

Madrid, 6th Oct.-Answer of the Queen of Spain to the Empress.

Escorial, 30th Oct.-On the first successes of the King of Prussia.

16th Nov.-The Court of Spain refuses to pay a sum due for cannon to the Empress-Queen under the convention of Nice. The demand for payment, a political intrigue.

4th Jan. 1757.-Mr. Pitt to Sir B. Keene. Dispute between Sir Edward Hawke and Mr. Bucarelli, commander of the camp at San Roque.

11th Feb.-Mr. Pitt to Sir B. Keene, on the accession of Russia to the treaty of Versailles. Plan of the next campaign.

Hague, 1st Feb.-Sir Joseph Yorke to Lord Holdernesse. Overtures of peace from France, made through the Receiver-General Slengelande. The States General to mediate.

8th Feb.-Lord Holdernesse to Sir J. Yorke. Answer to the overtures from France.

25th Feb.-Mr. Pitt to Sir B. Keene. Case of a French privateer in the West Indies.

Hague, 18th Feb.-Sir J. Yorke to Lord Holdernesse. The French recede from their overture.

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25th March 1757.-Mr. Pitt to Sir Benjn. Keene, Antigallican relating to the prize made by the " privateer. (Most secret.)

Madrid, 6th March 1757.-Sir B. Keene to Mr. Pitt. The same subject.

Madrid, 17th March 1757.-The same subject.

5th April 1757.-Mr. Pitt to Sir B. Keene. The same subject; original in cypher.

19th April 1757.-Lord Holdernesse to Sir B. Keene. An attempt by Denmark to break the English alliance with Prussia. Question of free ships, free goods. Despatch encloses,

(1.) Note du discours de M. Rantzow par rapport à la neutralité pour les pais allemands du Roi.

(2.) Précis de la réponse à donner à M. de Rantzow sur la proposition d'une neutralité.

Madrid, 21st April 1757.-Sir B. Keene to Mr. Pitt. Disorder of the Court. Growing interest of France.

26th Sept. 1760.-Mr. Pitt to the Earl of Bristol, on the logwood cutters and Newfoundland fishery.

16th Sept. 1760.-Mr. Pitt's verbal answer to the Conde de Fuentes on the above subjects. Sent to the Earl of Bristol, enclosing copy of despatch, dated 15th Sept. 1754, from Mr. Wall to Sir B. Keene, containing orders not to molest the logwood cutters.

26th Sept. 1760.—Mr. Pitt to the Earl of Bristol, with directions to read the despatch to the Spanish Minister.

25th Dec. 1761.-Copie d'un Mémoire remis le 25 Decembre 1761, à Milord Egremont, Secrétaire d'Etat de S. M. Britannique pour le department du Sud, par Monsieur le Comte de Fuentes, Ambassadeur d'Espagne en Angleterre, et que ce dernier a communiqué au Comte de Viry la nuit du même jour. (See Lord Stanhope, History of England, vol. iv. 375.) 31st Dec.-Reply of Lord Egremont. Vol. 23.

A folio volume, labelled "Manilla." It contains printed pamphlets, copies of the Earl of Shelburne's despatches, and original despatches of Lord Rochford from Paris, from 1765 to 1767, relating to the Falkland Islands and the Manilla ransom. The most important papers in this volume are those of,

29th Nov. 1766.-Earl of Shelburne to Lord Rochford, refusing any arbitration in the case of the Manilla ransom, but stating that the proposal that England should abandon for the present the colonization of the Falkland Islands, as a set off to the immediate payment of the Manilla ransom, might be accepted.

Paris, 4th Dec. 1766.-Lord Rochford to Lord Shelburne. Hopes that the differences will soon be accommodated.

Whitehall, 12th Dec. 1766.-Lord Shelburne to Lord Rochford, on an unfavourable turn the negociations with respect to the Manilla ransom and other differences have taken.

Paris, 18th Dec. 1766.-Lord Rochford to Lord Shelburne, on his having misunderstood the despatch of the 29th. Apprehensions the French have of the English settling the Falkland Isles.

Paris, 24th Dec. 1766.-On the Northern alliance. New difficulties in settling the differences with Spain.

Whitehall, 2nd Jan. 1767.-Lord Shelburne to Lord Rochford, on his misunderstanding the previous despatch. Final resolution with respect to the Manilla ransom and Falklands Isles. The misunderstanding in question was the following:-Lord Shelburne conveyed or intended to convey that neither the payment of the ransom nor its tantum could be made matter of arbitration. Lord Rochford understood the absolute refusal to apply only to the payment itself, in return for which England was to abandon the occupation of the Falkland Islands, without however abandoning the right to


Vol. 24.

A folio volume, labelled "Spain and Portugal." It contains two letters from Mr. Devisme, of March and February 1768, enclosing Observations on Spain, and "Mémoire pour servir de remarques aux trois mé"moires sur le Portugal faits par le Chevalier de "Mourier." Both these papers are by a Spaniard; the former is written in English, the latter in French. Following these is an account, in French, of the campaign of 1762 in Portugal, by the Count of Schaumbourg Lippe. All original papers.

Vol. 25.

This volume contains copies of State Papers relating to Portugal, and some very elaborate trade statistics. The most important are the following:

Lisbon, 16th April 1760.-On the hostile disposition of France to Portugal.

30th May 1760.-Mr. Pitt to Lord Kinnoul. Assurance of support in case of an attack on Portugal. As to the ships taken near Lagos.

Lisbon, 21st June 1760.-Lord Kinnoul to Mr. Pitt, relating to the French ships taken near Lagos. Designs of France and Spain. Quarrel with the Pope. Vigorous despatch of the Conde de Oeyras (afterwards Marquis of Pombal).

Lisbon, 4th Aug. 1760.-On the differences with Rome. History of the late conspiracy, and general account of the condition of the kingdom. A long and important despatch.

22nd Oct. 1760.-Deduction, containing a particular account of the state of the cultivation and commerce of the wines of Alto Douro until the establishment of the General Company, and what has passed since that establishment until now, 22nd Oct. 1760.

Lisbon, 18th March 1763.-Mr. Hay to Lord Egremont. Commercial schemes of the C. D'Oeyras.

Lisbon, 21st Feb. 1765.-Designs of France and Spain on Portugal, &c.

31st Oct. 1764.-Memorial of the British Factory at Oporto, on the wine companies, &c., with remarks.

1751 to 1765.- General abstract of our exports to Portugal, from 1751 to 1765, both inclusive. Foreign goods and corn exported to Portugal. Imports from Portugal into England. Review of the trade between England and Portugal for one year stated in a mercantile manner.

1760 to 1766.-Observations on the negociations of England with Portugal concerning commerce, from the year 1760 to 1766.

1750 to 1765.-Long and elaborate statistics regarding the trade between England and Portugal, 1750-65. Account of the increase and decrease of our exports to Portugal, upon a comparison of the medium of the last eight years with the former seven. Account of the increase and decrease of our imports from Portugal, upon a comparison of the medium of the last eight years with the former seven years. The annual exports of Portugal. The publick revenue of the King of Portugal. The publick expenses of Portugal. Exports from Portugal to Great Britain, Ireland, and Colonies, to Holland, Germany, and the Baltick, to Italy, France, and Spain. Imports from Great Britain, and Ireland to Portugal. Do. from America, N. England, and Newfoundland, from France and Holland to do. Do. from Spain, Barbary, Sicily, and Italy, Hamburgh and Bremen, Denmark and Norway, Sweden, Dantzic, and Russia. Goods prohibited to be imported into Portugal. Goods imported into Portugal, duty-free. A general account of the state of Portugal.



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