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H. 194. An act for the preservation of fish at the mouth of West River and adjacent waters;

To the General Committee.

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H. 177. An act in amendment of an act entitled An acts to prevent illegal voting, and in addition to chapter fifteen of the General Statutes," approved November 21, 1864; To the Committee on Elections.

H. 180. An act to incorporate the Rutland County Reservoir Company;

To the Committee on Manufactures.

H. 191. An act extending the power of trustees of incorporated villages ;

To the Committee on the Judiciary.

House bills entitled

H. 174. An act changing the name of Martha Iona Stevens to Martha Iona Putnam, and constituting her heir-atlaw to Solon D. Putnam and Nancy M. Putnam;

H. 187. An act changing the name of Charles R. Bull; H. 188. An act changing the name of Ida Lorinda Morse, and constituting her heir-at-law of Owen T. Paddock ;

Were severally read the first time; and the question being, Shall they be read the second time? it was decided in the negative.

Mr. Crane, from the Committee on Military Affairs to whom was referred House bill entitled

H. 120. An act to amend an act entitled "An act for organizing the militia";

Reported the same, recommending that the Senate propose to the House to amend, by striking out section one, and substituting the following:

Sec. 1. Section twenty-three of an act entitled An act for organizing the militia, approved November 22, 1864, and so much of section twenty-four of said act as relates to the annual parade for drill and inspection by company in the month of September, and so much of section twentyfive as authorizes any drill except two days of regimental drill, are hereby repealed.

On motion of Mr. Hutchinson the bill was

Ordered to lie, and made the special order at eleven o'clock to-morrow morning.

On motion of Mr. Taft the Secretary was directed to procure the printing of three hundred and fifty copies of the proposed amendment for the use of the General Assembly.

Mr. Reed introduced a bill entitled

S. 71. An act providing for the closing of the business. of certain banks;

Which was read the first and second time, and referred to the Committee on Printing.

Mr. Porter, from the General Committee to whom was referred a bill entitled

S. 57. An act to incorporate the Waterbury Cemetery Association;

Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill


Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time.

Mr. Upham, from the Committee on Land Taxes to whom was referred a bill entitled

S. 50. An act laying a tax on the town of Averill; Reported the same, recommending that the bill be amended: First, In section one, line eight, by inserting after the word "by," the words, commissioners appointed by; also, to fill the blank in said section, by inserting the names of Samuel D. Hobson, Abial F. Woodman and Orlando Shoff;

Which was agreed to.

Second, To fill the blank in section two, by inserting the. name of David Storrs; also in line six, by striking out the words are directed," after the word "collector," and inserting the word shall;


Which was agreed to.

Third, In section two, line eight, by striking out the word "two," after the word "tax";

Which was agreed to; and the bill, as amended, was
Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time.

Mr. Upham, from the Committee on Land Taxes to whom

was referred a bill entitled

S. 51. An act laying a tax on the town of Norton ; Reported the same, recommending that the bill be amended as follows:

First, In section one, line nine, after the word "by," insert the words commissioners appointed by; also to fill the blank in said section by inserting the names of Samuel D. Hobson, Abial F. Woodman and Orlando Shoff;

Which was agreed to.

Second, To fill the blank in section two by inserting the name of David Storrs;

Which was agreed to.

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Third, In section two, lines six and seven, by striking out after the word" collector," the words," are directed," and inserting the word shall; also strike out the word "to," in the ninth line, after the word "tax";

Which was agreed to; and thereupon the bill was
Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time.

Mr. Clement, from the Committee on Manufactures to whom was referred Senate bill entitled

S. 64. An act to incorporate the Vermont Iron Company; Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill


Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time.

A message was received from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Houghton, their Assistant Clerk, as follows:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed to inform the Senate that the House have considered Senate bill entitled

S. 53. An act in relation to the sale of fire and cord wood; And do not concur in its passage.

Mr. Doton, from the Committee on Education to whom was referred House bill entitled

H. 110. An act to amend section two of chapter seventeen of the General Statutes, in relation to fees of school district clerks ;

Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill was Ordered to be read the third time to-morrow morning. Mr. Gay, from the Committee on Manufactures to whom was referred Senate bill entitled

S. 65. An act to incorporate the Rutland and Reese River Mining Company;

Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill


Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time.

Mr. Rublee, from the committee to whom was referred a bill entitled

S. 29. An act to pay Silas Warren the sum therein mentioned;

Reported adversely to its passage; and thereupon the bill was considered, and, on motion of Mr. Chapman, was recommitted to the Committee on Claims.

Mr. Taft, from the Committee on the Judiciary to whom was recommitted Senate bill entitled

S. 7. An act for the support of the poor in the unorganized towns and gores in this State;

Reported the same, without an expression of an opinion. The question being, Shall the bill pass? it was decided in the negative.

On motion of Mr. Dorr, House bill entitled

H. 19. An act to amend section thirty-two, chapter one hundred and twenty-six, of the General Statutes, relating to fees of sheriffs and constables;

Was taken up. Mr. Dorr moved to propose to the House to amend in section one, line twenty-two, by striking out the words, "one dollar and fifty cents," and inserting in lieu thereof the words, two dollars;

Which was agreed to.

Also in section one, line nineteen, after the word "dollars," insert the words, and a half;

Which was disagreed to; and the question being, Shall the bill pass? it was decided in the affirmative.

Mr. Abbott introduced a bill entitled

S. 72. An act in relation to burial grounds;

Which was read the first and second time, and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Mr. Smith introduced a bill entitled

S. 73. An act to incorporate the St. Albans Manufacturing Company ;

Which was read the first and second time, and referred to the Committee on Manufactures.

Mr. Reed, from the Committee on the Judiciary to whom was referred a bill entitled

S. 66. An act to authorize the towns of Stowe, Morristown, Johnson, Hydepark, Eden, Wolcott and Elmore to raise money to build a railroad;

Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill


Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time.

Mr. Reed, from the Committee on the Judiciary to whom was referred House bill entitled

H. 131. An act relating to arrest of judgment in civil


Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill was read the third time and passed in concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Chapman, a bill entitled

S. 28. An act providing for the appointment of an Attorney General, and regulating the fees of State's attorneys; Was taken up, considered, and the question being, Shall

the amendment proposed by Senator Chapman be adopted? it was decided in the negative; and thereupon the bill was Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time to-morrow morning.

Mr. Cochran, from the Committee on Manufactures to whom was referred House bill entitled

H. 124. An act to incorporate the Wilmington Boot and Shoe Company;

Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill was read the third time and passed in concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Taft, the Senate adjourned.


Prayer by the Chaplain.

Journal of yesterday was read and approved.

A message was received from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Houghton, their Assistant Clerk, as follows:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed to inform the Senate that the Governor has informed the House that he has approved and signed bills, originating in the House, of the following titles:

H. 70. An act to legalize the grand list of the town of Whiting for the year 1864;

H. 71. An act to pay Duron Whittlesey the sum therein mentioned;

H. 82. An act restoring Sewell Hale to his legal rights and privileges;

H. 92. An act to legalize the grand list of the town of Westfield for the year 1864;

H. 116. An act in amendment of section fourteen of chapter eighty-nine of the General Statutes, relating to banks; H. 96. An act in amendment of section sixteen of chapter twenty-two of the General Statutes, relating to common schools and school laws;

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