Leave to bring in a bill, one day's notice of motion for, required. Members, prohibited from speaking to each other during deba.c ....... ........ present, not a quorum, empowered to send for absent members 8 122 shall express assent or dissent by ay or no..... Member, when he speaks, shall address the chair ................... ........ first rising and addressing the chair, shall speak first...................... shall not absent himself without leave..... 22 124 3 121 10 122 ....... 12 122 16 123 17 123 any, may desire a motion to be reduced to writing. Memorial or petition, contents of, shall be stated before received and read 24 124 contents of, to be entered on the journal Messages between the two Houses, how to be announced and delivered made and seconded, shall, if desired, be reduced to writing.. 10 122 10 122 to adjourn, has preference. 11 122 to adjourn, to be decided without debate 11 122 privileged, what shall be, when a subject is under debate....... 11 122 privileged, in filling blanks 13 123 privileged, in reference to select or standing committees. Newspapers, not to be read while a member is speaking sent..... Notice of one day required of an intended motion for leave to bring in a bill 44 130 Orders of the day, special, not called before 1 o'clock...... .30 196 15 123 6 121 questions of, to be decided without debate 6 121 6 191 on questions of, the President may require the sense of the Order, upon a call to, by a Senator, for words spoken, the excep ion. able words shall be taken down........ .......... 7 121 Papers and Documents not to be printed without special order................ 25 125 Persons not admitted to present a memorial, &c.... entitled to admission on the floor, the.. Petition, before received, contents of, to be stated... 19 123 47 130 24 124 when received ......... 24 124 how referred..... 24 124 contents of those presented to be entered on the journal.. 32 126 resident to be first addressed by the speaker..... 3 121 to decide when two or more rise at the same time to speak... 5 121 to decide questions of order 6 121 may call for the sense of the Senate on a question of order. to decide on an equal division....... 21 124 22 124 may, for a limited time, name a member to perform the duties 23 134 may appoint a chairman, while the Senate are acting as in ............ 28 125 to give notice of the several readings of bills................................... 26 125 48 131 resident of the U. S. manner of presenting bills and resolutions to the (joint rule).. ........ 9 166 manner of presenting joint addresses to the (joint rule).. to be assigned the President's chair when attending the de- 36 128 Printing of bills, joint rule relating to .... 18 123 Qrastion under debate, when, and by what motions superseded may be divided......... on amending the constitution, short of the main question, to Quorum, proceedings when a less number shall have assembled........ 43 130 8 123 Reading newspapers prohibited while the Senate are in session......... 2 In of a paper called for, and objected to, to be decided by the Se nate... 14 12 ...... 20 124 44 130 .......... Kscor sideration, motion for, may be made by one of the majority.. or by a member of the side that prevailed.... motion for, must be made within two days after vote.. 20 124 motion for, must be made before the subject matter is out of possession of Senate........ Reconsideration of a question requiring the affirmative vote of two thirds, to be determined by a majority Record, Executive, extracts from, prohibited Reference of petitions, &c., how made Reports of standing committees, when received of committees, to lie one day. Reporters placed on the floor .......... 44 130 ....... 42 129 24 124 24 124 26 125 Resolutions, requiring approbation of the President to amend constitution, and grant money, to be treated as bills ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... other, to lie one day on third reading, amended only by consent... orders, votes, &c., requiring the President's approbation, passed one House and lost in the other, notice to be given 12 122 not to be presented to the President on last day of the ses to take the decision of the Vice-President when the Senate is 21 124 to receive from committee, and enter engrossed bills 33 126 to furnish the President with transcripts of executive journal 42 129 reporters on the floor under direction of the 47 134 to be chosen on second Monday of first session of every Con gress 49 137 to attend and take minutes when Senate is convened to any 36 128 to make returns on nominations, from day to day 42 129 to return or deliver no paper, except original treaties, without to furnish no extract from executive journal without special 42 129 to convey messages to House of Representatives Benata, proceedings of, when a number less than a quorum shall have assembled 45 130 8 122 proceedings of, in quasi committee to be entered concisely...... 32 126 Sen who shall be admitted when engaged in Executive or confidential business....... 40 199 ⚫he proceedings of, to be recorded separately 41 199 .......... transcripts and extracts from Executive records, in what cases 42 129 votes of, to be entered on journal. 32 124 contents of memorials and petitions presented to, to be entered on the journal ........................ 32 120 hall be cleared of all persons except their officers, when acting 40 129 Executive proceedings of, to be recorded separately from the Le- 41 129 officers of, when they shall be elected .......... 49 131 messages to and from (joint rules).. 2-3 165 Speaking, among the members, prohibited during debate 2 121 more than twice in one day on the same subject, prohibited.. 4 121 Spirits, not to be brought within or about the Capitol (joint rule). Time longest, first put to be kept secret, until injunction be removed Vice-President, or President pro-tempore, may appoint a chairman .............. 23 124 32 126 17 123 no member allowed to, after decision 18 announced.............. Words, exceptionable, shall be taken down, when a call to order is made by a Senator ....... Feas and nays, to be called alphabetically.. 7 129 ... 16 123 may be required by one-fifth........................................................................... 16 123 to be taken without debate.................................................... 16 123 after being taken, no member allowed to enter nis vote. 17 199 INDEX то THE RULES AND ORDERS ОР TRE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, AND TO THE JOINT RULES. Abolition petitions, rule respecting 21 139 Absent members, their attendance may be compelled by fifteen members 57 147 ........ Acts and Addresses, signed by the Speaker... hour to be entered Amend, order of motion to ..... ........ 60 147 ..... 61, 62 147 13 137 12 167 15 167 Amendment not to be admitted, if on a subject different from that under ...... 119 159 Amendments to engrossed bills, by way of rider, not permitted to rules, proposition of to reports in Committee of the Whole .... to bills on which the two Houses disagree, conference upon of Senate, to bills, when considered. .. Appeals, how made and debated proceedings in case of not debated on previous question 2 135 30 142 |