a year to the Prussian troops, the States one hun dred thousand, the emperor thirty thousand, which he never paid, v. 287. Neither of the emperors had ever twenty thousand men on their own account in the common cause, though by agreement to furnish ninety thousand, 288. The confederate army to maintain forty thousand men against Spain on the Portugal side, 292. Fifty thousand on the side of Catalonia, which was chiefly at the English expense, ibid. The eighth article of the grand alliance translated, 302. The whole of it examined by the house of commons, vii. 114. Broken by every party in it, except the English, v. 326.
Allies. Their refusal to bear their just proportion of the charges of the war connived at for private ends, vi. 213. 214. Infamously deserted the British troops, 215. The emperor inclined to continue the war, because it affected not his own dominions, 216. See Alliance, and Conduct. Almanack-makers. Why alone excluded the privilege of other authors, to live after their deaths, iv. 139.
Alsatia, iii. 29. Squire of, viii. 9. Ambassador. Wherever he is, his house has all the privileges of his master's dominions, xv. 30. Ambition. Not so strong a passion in young men as love, xv. 287.
America. The state of religion in the plantations there, v. 216. In some of the poorest colonies on the continent there, the people allowed to cut their money into halves and quarters for the sake of small traffick, viii. 242. Why the Irish migrate thither, ibid. xiii. 56. xΧ. 101 The reasons urged for removing thither from Ireland ill founded, xiii. 58.
Amplification. What; and the use of it in poetry, xxiii. 46.
Amsterdam Gazette. The confidence of its writer,
Amusement. Whose happiness it is, xxiii. 358. Anatomical figures. A collection of them recom- mended to Swift's patronage, xx. 234. Anglesey (Arthur Annesley, earl of). His zeal against the bill for laying a duty on Irish yarn, xxi. 188, Anglesey John Annesley, earl of). vi. 285. By his death, the tories lost a great supporter, xxi 12. Anglo Latin. Specimens of, xxiv. 179-183. Anjou (duke of). At the beginning of the war maintained six and thirty thousand men out of the Spanish provinces he then possessed, vi. 8. See Partition Treaty, Spain.
Anne (queen). History of her four lust Years, vii. r. Considerations on the Consequences of her Death. vi. 255. Modest Inquiry into the Report of it, 109. Remarks on the Characters of her Court, 15%. Her conduct in the change of the ministry, v. 13-18. Her right hereditary and indefeasible, as much as an act of parliament could make it, 30. Beha- viour of the whigs toward her, 56. Began her reign with a noble benefaction to the church, 70. Her character, 87. vi. 267. Showed great pru- dence, firmness, and courage, in the change of the ministry, v. 30. Put under the unreasonable obligation of being guarantee of the whole barrier treaty, vi. 13. Influenced in every action by neg- ligence or procrastination, vi. 366, When she began the change of ministry in 1708, she did not intend to carry it so far as the high church party hoped and expected, 257. A great mistress of royal reserve and delav; her jealousy frequently : destroying the good effects of her friendship, 257. 266. 316. 248. Induced to change her ministry, more to preserve her power and prerogative, than through apprehension of danger to the church, 269. She and her ministry had no design of
bringing in the pretender, 304. 331. Had a great personal regard for the lords Somers and Cowper, 306. An instance of her piety, v..227. De- graded her dignity, in sending an humiliating em- bassy to the Czar, xiv. 225. Her speech to both houses of parliament, containing the foundation of the peace, vii. 172. Her circumstances much resembled those of Elizabeth, vi. 116. A noble maxim of hers, 117. Her remark on a conver- sation with the duke of Marlborough, xxi. 105. Much governed by the whig ministry, 151; which made her very jealous of their successors, ibid. 162. Recommends to the parliament to take a method to prevent libels, &c. xxii. 87. Her birth- day celebrated with great splendour and luxury, 188. Tells the lords her reasons for parting with the lord treasurer Oxford, xvi 73. Attacked in 1713 with an ague, vi. 110 Account of her last illness, 78. Her death, 83. Reasons of the joy of some people on the report of it, viii. 125. Stocks rose on this report, and also at her real decease, 127. An inscription proposed for her tomb, 128. Some observations respecting her, by Dr. Arbuthnot, xvi. 100.
Annesley. See Anglesey. Annus Mirabilis, xxiii. 114.
Anselm (a foreigner of great piety and learning). Promoted to the see of Canterbury by William Rufus, vii 233. His dispute with that king, on having made too small a present to him, 234. Anselm, tired out with perpetual usurpations, re- tired to Rome, ibid. All his revenues seized by the king, and Anselm remained in exile, ibid. Restored to his see by Henry the First, 248. His dispute with that king, on the right of investiture, 250; which was compromised by the pope, 251. His death and character, Answers, difficulty of writing, iii. 26. What some
people call answering a book or discourse, v.
Anthony (Mark). Appeared contemptible at Actium, xiv. 225.
Anthony (St.) The story of his pig, xxii. 301. Anthony (Dr.) A whimsical odd man in Ireland, xix. 105.
Apollo, British, xxiv. 164.
Apollo outwitted, x. 58. Apollo to the Dean, 193. Verses occasioned by, 196. Apollo's Edict, ocса- sioned by the foregoing, 199. Apollo, or a Pro- blem solved, xi. 226.
Apology (An) c. xi. 329. Apologies. Those of the Fathers, the most useful parts of their writings, v. 151.
Arachne. The fable of her and Pallas applied, xii.
Arbitrary porver. A greater evil than anarchy, iii. 313. The natural object of temptation to a prince, xiv. 169. Whether the tories or the whigs and fanaticks are the greatest friends to it, v. 195. 196.
Arbuthnot (Dr.) The author of Political Lying, and John Bull, xxii. 154. His acquaintance with Swift commenced probably in 1711, i. 121. xxi. 173. Some extempore verses made by him, xvi. 43. Gives Dr. Swift a short account of a treason- able piece, called " A History of the last Invasion of Scotland," 54. His humourous censure of Whiston's project of the longitude, 62. His ob- servations respecting the death of queen Anne, 100. Encomium on. Dr. Swift, 101. His hu- mourous remark respecting miss Nelly Bennet, in- troduced by him to the French court, xvi. 187. Mentions a droll incident or two on the publica- tion of Gulliver's Travels, xvii. 98. One motive of his particular care to save Mr. Gay's life, xviii. 25. His prescription to Dr. Swift, for the cure of
his fits of giddiness, 71. Writes a very humourous treatise on the altercation of the ancients, go. His remark upon Curll the bookseller, 279. His freedom with the greatest persons in defence of liberty, virtue, and religion, 280. Affecting and friendly letter, written in his illness, and some few months before his death, to Dr. Swift, xix. 105. Account of his death, by Mr. Pulteney, 143. His character, xvii. 212. xxi. 315.
Arbuthnot (Robert). Married an Irish lady of 9001. a year, xvii. 75.
Aretine. Had all the princes of Europe his tributaries, viii. 211.
Argyll (earl of). Returns out of Holland to invade Scotland, in support of the duke of Monmouth's pretensions to the crown, xiv. 319. Is deserted by his Highlanders, and flies, 321. Being taken prisoner, is sent to Edinburgh, and beheaded, 322.
Argyll (John Campbell, duke of). Zealously promoted the Union, but remonstrated against the malt tax, vi. 206. His extraordinary answer to a question from the queen, vi. 273. His character, vi. 175. XV. 215. xvii. 212. xxi. 191. A distinguisher of merit, xxi. 144. Tells Swift, his recommendation will have more weight with him than that of all the ministry together, 156. Married a niece of Duncomb the rich alderman, xxi. 191.
Arians. Their opinions, xiv. 22.
Aristides. His character, and for what banished, ii.
Aristotle. His character, vii. 323. viii. 179. ix. 219. xvii. 24. 184. His opinion that man is the most mimick of all animals, how confirmed, xxiii. 309. The greatest master of arguing in the world, iv. 84. His poetry, rhetorick, and politicks, admir
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