Imagens das páginas

Mr. BRIGHT expressed his approbation of all that had been proposed by the Right Hon. Gentleman, and hoped that the liberal system would be as generally extended as possible.

Mr. HUSKISSON, in explanation, said that it was his intention to include in the list of articles on which probibitory duties were still to be kept up, sugar, rum, molasses, and coffee, the production of any foreign country which might be carried into our colonies, and thence exported here. He did not apprehend that much corn would be imported from Canada, ansi there was still less fear that any would be brought from the United States. Mr HUME hoped that a trade would be opened with St. Domingo, and that the timber trade would be relieved from the heavy tax on Canada timber.

Parliament-first, the expediency of revising and altering our commercial to 14s. a ton, and there was a duty of 5s. he conceived this was a sufficient policy in respect of our colonies; secondly, the expediency of Parliament's protection for the British corn-grower. With regard to the large fees looking carefully into the duties which had been heretofore imposed on now collected in the West Indies, which went to pay the officers there, he many of the materials used in bur own manufactures; and also into the proposed, under the new system, to abolish them altogether, as they were system of prohibitory duties in respect of all imported manufactured a grievous burden on the commerce of this country. (Hear!) The articles, the produce of other countries; and thirdly, whether, from a Right Hon. Gentleman then moved,-"That it is the opinion of this revision of all these matters, they could not acquire the means of establish- Committee, that it is expedient to amend several acts of the 3d and 4th of ing souse arrangements more beneficial to the commercial and shipping bis present Majesty, relative to the British possessions in North America, interests and to the navigation of this empire. (Hear, hear!)-At present, the West Indies, and other parts of the world; and also as far as relates however, be should confine himself to the consideration of our colonial to the warehousing of goods." policy, and defer the other matters. The European policy had hitherto Mr. R. C. ELLIS hoped that the proposed alterations would be bene-been, to consider the exclusive system as its very essence; but the changes ficial, but he was not so sanguine as the Right Hon. Gentleman. which had of late occurred, the separation of Brazil from Portugal, Mr. BARING thought the measure would be highly advantageous to all the situation of St. Domingo, and the present condition of the two the colonies, as well as to the mother country, though the importation of Americas, had so altered the state of things, as to make it necessary to corn might excite the fears of the landed interest, and the privileges to he regulate our commerce with a view to those reciprocal advantages which granted to the colonial shipping might alarm the ship owners here; but would arise under these new circumstances. Those changes had been the principle was sound and liberal, and in the end would give general beneficial to the colonies; and in proportion as the principles of free trade satisfaction. were developed, he was satisfied that they would be equally beneficial to Sir F. BURDETT observed, that as far as he understood the proposed the mother countries. (Hear!)-He asked, therefore, whether a system measures, it was most gratifying to him to find that they were conceived of restriction and nionopoly could be any longer considered safe or wise? in a spirit of true and enlightened policy; and he trusted that they would The Right Hon. Gentleman then instanced the advantages which had be carried to the greatest practicable extent. The real principles of arisen to both countries, from taking off the restrictions upon the trade of national policy were adverse to monopoly, and he hoped that a free trade Ireland, and placing it upon the footing of what was termed "a simple in corn would be soon established with all the world, without which the coasting trade." Those restrictions had been founded in ignorance and trade of England could not be extended in the manner it ought to be. It prejudice, and though the greatest evils had been predicted from the was not to the advantage of the country, that the interests of any class of granting relief to Ireland, nothing but mutual benefit had arisen from an men should be bolstered up by exclusive privileges; and he hoped to see, unfettered trade-Apart from political considerations, would any one con- at no distant period, the extinction of all taxes which were levied upon tend that the separation of our American colonies had injured our commer- trade, and of all but such as fairly formed the source of the revenue-that cial interests? And if no such injury had been sustained, might it not there would be no prohibition against goods imported from abroad, and no be politic to give to our present colonies all the benefits of a free-trade, restriction upon the exportation of every description of manufacture prowhile they still had the advantage of a connexion with us? The conclu- duced at home. This once accomplished, he had no doubt that the sion he wished to arrive at was tiris-that a system of exclusion and country would advance in prosperity far beyond any point that it had monopoly did certainly tend to impede and cramp (at the least) the hitherto attained, and beyond all that the most sanguine mind had ever energies and the prosperity of our colonies; and the legitimate inference yet conceived. to be drawn from that conclusion was, that any system having this tendency must be also prejudicial to the prosperity of the parent state, in all that concerned its commerce and navigation; because the parent state must be affected by that which operated on the prosperity of its colonial connexions, from whence it drew a portion of its supplies.After stating the system hitherto adopted, particularly with regard to the trade between the West India colonies and North America, Mr. H. said, it seemed to him that they ought to place the trade with these colonies on the same footing as the trade of England and Scotland with Jersey, Guernsey, or Ireland (except that some certain modifications would be necessary to be established, from the different circumstances of the countries). Certain prohibitions would also be necessary-such as ammunition, artillery, and other articles and stores of that description; and the protection that must be afforded by duties properly estimated to certain staples of the countries, such as sugar, rua, and other articles that the colonies supplied, and that were subject to various fiscal imposts. These prohibitions might be limited to the West India islands, and other colonies to be specified. With these exceptions, we ought to admit the ships of all friendly states to a free trade with all our colonial possessions, subject only to such regulations as would apply to them in their intercourse with any other ports in the British empire (hear, hear!)-namely, that the cargo should belong to the same nation as the importing ship; and that the other usual regulations as to ownership, &c. should be complied with. The result of this regula tion would be, to reduce all the direct commerce between the colonies and other countries to the same principles that regulated the direct commerce between the colonies and the mother country; and all the circuitous commerce between the colonies and this country to the same simple rules that regulated what be had before called a coasting trade, if it could with propriety be so named. We should, in short, give every facility (consistent with the safety and interests of the navigation of the empire) to a trade between our colonies and all the rest of the world. (Hear!) Of course it would be necesary, in order to effect those benefits, to enlarge greatly the list of articles which, under the existing acts, the colonies were at present permitted to import through any other channels than that of the mother country. It would be necessary to employ, for the purpose of protecting the staple commodities of the colonies, moderate protecting duties. With a view to encourage our own trade and that of the colonies, he should also propose to establish, in those colonies, the whole benefit of the warehousing system (hear!) such as it now existed in this country; by allowing goods from all parts to be bonded till convenient opportunities for exporting, or re exporting, with advantagemight offer. Looking to the present state of Spanish America, this establishment must be attended with extraordinary advantages.-It was eertainly the case, that the wants of mankind were always increased iu proportion as they found the means of indulging their desires; and he saw no method so likely to increase those means, as allowing that, free scope to capital and industry which he In a Committee of Supply, the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER pro now proposed. If this were true with respect to the British West Indies-posed to make the duty on Cape wine 2s. for the next five years, and after if it held good with respect to mere sugar plantations-in how much that period, 2s. 6d; and he added, that stock in hand, to the amount of greater a degree would this system prove advantageous to the British half a tou (126 gallons) would have the benefit of the reduction, from the provinces of North America, where the whole population was free?- 2d of March. Here Mr. H. spoke at some length on the benefits which must arise to those provinces from the freedom of trade, particularly to their commerce in con; and as, he said, the freight from Quebec to England was from 12s.

[ocr errors]

Dr. LUSHINGTON thought, that as the sugar-trade with the Mauritius was to be equally favoured with that of the West Indies, the same advantages ought to be extended to the East Indies, which were at present confined to those colonies only which had a slave population. Why, he asked, should not the industrious and valuable population of India be put in possession of the same liberty as was enjoyed by the other colonies of Great Britain? Mr. GORDON and Mr. GRANT approved of the measures proposed. The resolution was then agreed to.


Mr. PEEL made some remarks on the propriety of increasing the salaries of the Police Magistrates of the metropolis, whose duties, be said, had of late been greatly augmented. The practice now was, to appoint Barristers only to the office, and he thought that 600/. a-year, the present salary, was not sufficient to induce men of talent to give up their practice and hope of preferment. He was of opinion that 8002, would only be a sufficient remuneration; for it was a poor economy that would deal parsimoniously with men selected to administer justice to their fellow subjects. The Police Magistrates at present were 30 in number, only four of whom were not Barristers. Mr. P. concluded with moving," that it is the opinion of the Committer, that each Justice appointed, or to be appointed, under the act for the more effectual administration of the office of Justice of the Peace, shall receive a yearly salary not exceeding 8004."

Mr. HOBHOUSE was of opinion that the proposed measure would add to the patronage of the Crown, and tend to destroy the independence of the Bar-which was very unnecessary, as out of 820 Barristers, there were 400 places to which they were already eligible!

Mr. PEEL denied that it was the wish of Government to increase its influence.

The Resolution was agreed to.

Tuesday, March 22.

Mr. GRATTAN obtained leave to bring in a bill to afford relief to the Poor of Ireland.

Colonel PALMER made some observations respecting the high duty upon and monopoly of Claret, the price of which, be contended, was double what it ought to be. He said, that the claret from various vintages

parts of which the Paradise Lost is to consist, in two publications of quarto and octavo. The first part, just issued in, suitable beauty of printing, has for its subjects The Full of the Rebel Angels, and The Rising of Pandemonium. The first is from the passage,—

"Him the Almighty Power

"Hurled headlong from the etherial sky,
"With hideous ruin and combustion, down

"To bottomless perdition."

"A fabric huge rose like an exhalation"

Friday, March 25.



After several petitions had been presented against the Equitable Loan. Bill, and Lord LAUDERDALE had spoken against it, the Earl of Liv.. POOL observed, that speculations had been extended to a most extraordinary and dangerous degree; but those who engaged in them, did it at their own peril. There was every prospect of the continuation of peace, brite, the value of money would be greatly affected. It could not, howbut no one could answer for events; and if an apprehension of war should ever, be too widely known, that Ministers would not listen to any clamours The LORD CHANCELLOR aid, he felt a difficulty in introducing a law or claims for relief, growing out of any change in the value of money. -upon the subject, and had been much occupied; but he thought those persons ill-advised who engaged in the speculations alluded to. The Garden Protection Bill was passed.


Dismay and eager flight from huge stones and from lightnings, are precipitating the rebel Host into the black abyss. A group of them, in front, partly stopped by, and battered against, an 'intervening rock, are writhing in pain, and Sutan, whose greater might prevents his being yet so woe-struck, is indignantly retreating, his shield and spear still uplifted onward to the far and partly emblazoned and partly dark horison, is seen in impious defiance at the lightnings that are piercing him. Midway, and the retreating army of Satan. The shaggy and downward heaped rocks and precipices, and the blazing light from the artillery of Heaven, give the scene its duly contrasted horrors. The second print is from the passage-lie Claims, from the Archdeacon and Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Tann The Bishop of BATH and WELLS presented a petition against the Cathoton, and observed, that the objections made to the petitions of the Clergy had been both personal and illiberal-Lord DARNLEY remarked, that some of the clerical petitions, that from Ely, for instance, contain statements equally untrue and uncharitable -Lord KING noticed various violent charges brought by the Clergy against the Catholics, and alluded to the Bishop of London's Charge to his Clergy, in which he told them to encourage in their flocks" a prostration of mind and spirit," ne temper most suitable to Christianity-Lord CALTHORPE was of apinas, that the petitions of the Clergy exhibited a character of intolerance consistent with moderation, kindness, or justice; and that they fie credit to the Church of England.-Similar petitions were then per from the Rural Dean and Clergy of Gloucester, and from the Chapter of Chester, when the Bishop of CHESTER complaine. »9 repeated attacks made in that House on the Clergy, which he tho should be discontinued; and he added, that the Bishops held theirs there by as strong a tenure as any of their Lordships, and were a of men whom they would find it their interest to protect! (Hear, Lord KING observed, that so long as the Church of England pluralities and other shameful abuses, he could not be its friend, the Clergy provoked the sarcasms complained of by their e and avowal of bigotry, at variance with the spirit of the a CHANCELLOR contended, that the Church of England had duty, in manfully stating their feelings and apprehension his continuance in his old opinions!

Here, as in the last, and indeed in all his pictures in which multitude is a chief feature, the Artist is very satisfactory. It appears to be countless. It represents the Palace of Pandemonium, with its magnificence of gradually ascending turret, dome, and pillar, its long stretching line of Doric columns, arches, walls, and lamp-flaming entablatures and pedestals, fire-breathing dragons, and niches with elephants,-is a new and effective way of depicting the immensity of the structure. Its altitude is nearly lost to the eye, in its prodigious loftiness, and the nightly gloom in which it is environed, under the awfully seen arched cope of Hell. LARGE PRINT OF ROTTERDAM.--This is one of the finest prints, as to style in the execution, that has hitherto appeared in British Art. It is the master-piece of Mr. G. Cooke, and is executed from one of the best marine and town Views of the admired CALLCOTT, who painted it for the Earl of Essex. It pourtrays a busy and striking part of the town and port of Rotterdam, in a mellowness of tone that belongs to a mildly beaming sunny day in the moist atmosphere of Holland. The lines are mostly fine, by which means Mr. CookE has been able to introduce a Dutch, or rather a very natural and multiplied beauty of detail, but where high-finishing does not interfere with, but assists to give that right character which is sustained in every part. Approbation points a finger at the real dresses of the people in the boats, their faces, arms, household enrgo, &c. and dips it in the level water. No housewife could wish nicer got-up linen. The materials of the buildings and wharfs would be approved by a surveying mason. Their masses attach additional importance to the composition, crowned as they are by the roof and tower of the Cathedral. In fine, that great object, Nature, is placed before us, and criticism has the rare satisfaction of bestowing an entire approval. It is from the first of a series of prints to be engraved by Mr. G. COOKE, and if executed like this, it will indeed be a noble series.

THE MYRIANTHEA.-If Flower Painting is the humblest, it is nevertheless a delectable branch of Art, and from the difficulty of tinting with delicacy, and especially of grouping so as to combine looseness and variety in the forms with compactness in the masses and elegance in the composition, it is seldom carried to its highest degree of perfection,-to the perfection of Miss BYRNE in water-colours, and of DE HEEM, MIGNON, and VAN HUYSUM, in oils. To render more easy the accomplishment of this latter part of the task, a simple piece of mechanism has been invented by Mr. BURGIS, called MYRIANTHEA. It consists of a large variety of coloured flowers, and a piece of card board to which a number of small strips of wood are horizontally appended, and upon which the separate flowers may be fixed and changed at pleasure, so as by varying the places to produce innumerable combinations, to obtain the desired plan of composition, and to leave the Artist little more to do than to copy the flowers fron nature in the position and place thus previously arranged, instead of working up the composition progressively from a sfight sketch or from the mere arrangement in the mind, a mode very liable to after thought exception and to uncertain satisfaction, especially to the inexperienced. By this method," the effect of the slightest variation may be immediately ascertained, and rejected or adopted accordingly." To the Myrianthea is added a small book of useful directions to assist the student in copying from nature, imitating bronze vases, &c. The facilities thus afforded "strew the path of knowledge with flowers," and must iusure rewarding

patronage to the inventor.


Wednesday, March 23.

R. H.

The Garden Protection Bill was committed, and rece, bei game Verbal Amendments. One, on the motion of Lord Roseberry, brings under the bill gardens surrounded by "close palings," as well as those surrounded by walls... Thursday, March 24.

The LORD CHANCELLOR presented a petition from Mr. R. Gourlay, complaining of the treatment he had experienced, and praying that mea

Monday, March 21.
Mr. ABERCROMBY presented a petition from the p
papers in Edinburgh, praying for a reduction of the
and also on advertisements. The petitioners submitte
the duty, the revenue would be increased in consequen
would give to advertisers, and the greater circulation
newspapers.-Ordered to be printed.


In a Committee of Supply, it was moved tha! *
granted to defray the expense of the Civil Continger
objected to the diplomatic expenditure, which now -*-
300,000l. a-year, and gave it as his opinion the
Courts of the German Petty Sovereigns might be sho
cost of the Consuls to South America were added
diture for the current year would amount to 4
maintained, to be considerably lessened.-Mr
expenditure, and it bad been fixed at rather
the greatest care had been taken to regulate the
principle of remuneration. He contended, that --
powers were useful in preserving the independe

St. Paul's, for repairing and cleaning the M-
When the grant of 1,0341. was proposed to
Mr. HUME spoke of the disgraceful practies!
Westminster Abbey, of making the public
already paid for erecting-The CHANCELL
that the Treasury had no power to exami
not defend the practice of extorting money
Mr. HUME said, he was glad to find
Chapter was not defended; it was a s
taxed on account of a body of men,
wealth!-Mr. W. SMITH and Sir Jons
to do away with what was really a nati
Abbey, both natives and foreigners
mands for fees.

Several other sums were voted-an
of Exchequer-bills for 1825.

COLONI Mr. HUSKISSON made various ri many restrictions affecting the

Aures might be adopted to stimulate the energies of the Chancery Commis- said, the state of the comm
tion, though he should make no remark upon it.Ordered to lie on the and to examine in!
sion of Enquiry. His Lordship said, it was his duty to present this peti-, and it therefore became


(Hoar, hear!)

[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors]

France was quite as good as that from Chateau Margaux and Lafitte,
though an opinion was inculcated to the contrary,
Wednesday, March 23.

managed, (Hear, hear!) With regard to the unpopularity of Lord
Amherst, Mr. Wynn said, be really believed that the circumstance of
Lord Amberet baving placed the lady of a Commodore above the ladies
hatced, jealousy, and ill feeling, against Lord Amherst, than any other of
his acts since he became Governor General. (Hear, hear!)
Col. DAVIES said, that the Indian Government had adopted the system

The second reading of the Colliers' Dock Bill was opposed, but it was of the Senior Merchants, on the table of precedence, had excited more carried by 65 to 31.


On the motion for the third reading of this bill, ›

Mr. B. WILBRAHAM said he could not consent to the third reading, un-of Rhadamantbus. Gentle means would have brought the Mutineers to less the clause allowing appeals to the Quarter Sessions at Canterbury instead of that of Dover, were expunged.

- Mr. CALCRAFT defended the bill, and in particular that part of it that allowed appeals to the Quarter Sessions at Canterbury-several miles nearer to Margate-and held at fixed periods, rather than to the Sessions at Dover, held at uncertain intervals, and where Mr. Kenrick was Judge! (Hear, hear!)

Sir J. BRYDGES thought Mr. Kenrick well qualified to preside at the Sessions as Judge. (Hear, hear!)

The House then divided, when there appeared-For the third reading, 46; ngainst it, 14; majority, 32.—The bill was read a third time, and passed.


Sir F. BURDETT brought up a bill to provide for the removal of the disqualifications which at present affected his Majesty's Roman Catholic subjects.

Sir T. LETHBRIDGE rose to enter his solemn protest against the measure, which, he said, would endanger the Constitution as by law established. He greatly lamented the general apathy which prevailed on this subject, though he was convinced that apathy was not in unison with the real feelings of the country. In the course of his observations, Sir Thomas alluded to the disfranchisement of the 40s: freeholders, and the payment of the Roman Catholic Clergy; but these matters (Sir Francis Burdett intimated) formed no part of the bill.

Mr. PEEL said a few words, in which he announced his determination to strenuously oppose the second reading of the bill; and so did Mr. TIERNEY, who, to a remark made by Mr. Peel, said that the Bill was not drawn up by Mr. O'Connell, though some of the Committee might have consulted that Gentleman on the subject.

The bill was read a first time with only three dissentient voices; and, after some discussion, the second reading was fixed for Tuesday, the 19th of April.-A call of the Honse was ordered for Monday the 18th.

Thursday, March 24.

The Equitable Loan bill was passed, after some opposition and a division, when there appeared 39 for and 12 against it.

A petition against the Catholic Claims was presented from the Rural Dean and Clergy of a Rural Deanery in Gloucester-when Mr. HUME observed, that this petition was agreed to at a meeting held in the Catbedral at Gloucester, called by no one knew whom; and that only 7 out of 30 of the Clergymen of the Deanery attended; after which, the petition was sent about for signatures.-Mr. PEEL did not think it wise to scrutinize the manner in which petitions from so respectable a body as the Clergy were originally got up. (Hear, hear!) The Hon. Gentleman (he added) should recollect how various petitions for reform had been got up. The petition was ordered to be printed.

Mr. MARTIN moved for leave to bring in a bill to amend the Act for preventing the cruel treatment of Cattle. His chief object was to make the mutilation of an animal a misdemeanour, leaving the punishment to the Magistrates at the Sessions-The motion was opposed by Mr. F. PALMER and Mr. HEATHCOTE, and supported by Messrs. LOCKHART, WARNE, and THOMPSON. On a division, it was negatived by 33 to 23. Mr. HUSKISSON obtained leave to bring in a bill to make a better provision for the payment of the Crews of his Majesty's Ships.


Mr. PEEL moved for leave to bring in two bills-one to make the sending a threatening letter, charging any one with an attempt to commit an nnnatural offence, punishable in the same way (transportation) as if the charge had been that of the actual commission of the crime, the former being now only a misdemeanour ;—the other bill was to facilitate the obtaining for culprits the benefit of the Royal Mercy when a free pardon had been granted, now a proceeding of considerable expense and delay. This bill too would put the offences of the Clergy precisely on the same footing as those of other offenders.


their duty; instead of which, they were suddenly assailed with a tremes-
and a whole day was spent in hunting and cutting down the unhappy
dous fire from artillery in their rear, numbers were shot at the moment,
fugitives. Every man's blood must boil when he thought upon this
Mr. FREEMANTLE insisted that the mutineers were not put down by
force till every other means had failed, and that the severity was not too

FORBES, who considered the suppression of the mutiny as one of the most
Col. BAILLIE objected to the motion; which was supported by Sir C.
barbarous massacres that had even been perpetrated, which would never
have happened, he said, had not the Press been kept in a state of slavish
perilous situation.
degradation; (Hear, hear!) and that India was never before in such a

The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER said, let the Hon. Mover come
forward with direct charges against Lord Amherst or Sir Edward Paget,
ones; but, by his present mode, he had certainly treated Lord Amherst
and both the individuals would find abundance of defenders, and of able
PALMER and Mr. WARRE supported. It was negatived, on a dirision, by
Mr. ASTELL and Mr. WIGRAM opposed the motion; which Mr. F.
58 to 15.
The House then went into a Committee on the Game bill, when various
be the property of the owner of the land.
clauses were carried-among them, one which declared that game was to

Friday, March 25.

Catholic Claims, and made some remarks which excited the langhter of Sir Thos. LETHBRIDGE presented a petition from Leicester against the riment, as it was a subject that called for anything but sneers and ridithe House→apon which he observed, that he saw no reason for such wercale; and he, for one, would not be put down by such a course.—The petition was ordered to be printed.


Mr. HUSKISSON entered upon a long statement in regard to the modifirates, protecting duties, &e. and moved a resolution on the subject, which cation of the duties on various articles employed in our manufactures the was carried without oppositionThe following is an abstract of the old and new Duties, as collected from his Speech :

Present Duty.
75l. 65. 10s. and 501.

Cotton Goods .....
Woollen Manufactures 501.

Foreign Linens......
Foreign Paper
Foreign Books

Glass Bottles

Proposed Duty. 101. per cent. 154. ditto. 25l. ditto.

40/. and 180%.
1s. and upwards per lb. 6d.



Glass generally...... 75 per cent...........
80 per cent. above excise
duty here, 18s per doz. 3s. per dozen.

75 per cent.....

On richer Porcelain
Foreign Earthenware
Tarnerys &c......... Prohibited
Foreign Gloves



20 per cent above excise duty on English glass.

10 or 12.

Somewhat higher.

At a small ad valorem duty.

... 30 per cent.

Duty on Copper reduced from 547. per ton to 271, Proposes further further reduction.-Duty on Tin reduced from 51. per ton to 21.-Duty on reduction.-Duty on Spelter reduced from 217. per ton to 141. Proposes Lead, a smaller reduction. The duties on goods, wares, and merchandize, in part or wholly manufactured, and not enumerated in the book of rates, and prohibited to be imported into Great Britain, is at present 50 per cent.

reduced to 20. The duty on goods, &c. not in part or wholly manufactured, and prohibited, is at present 20 per cent.-reduced to 10. The maximum of any duty left on the English book of rates is 30 per cent. There are several minor articles on which it is intended to reduce the duties. Among them is the olive oil used in the manufacture of woollens, which will be reduced lower than it was before the war. The duty on which the price is under a shilling a pound, is reduced to a half-penny per pound. The stamp duty on the transfers of shares in ships, and on sales of whole ships, is taken off. The stamps on bonds for due delivery of cerexported, are reduced from 40s. to 4s. and the stamps on Custom-house tain goods at places to which they are entered at the Custom-house to be debentures are removed entirely. All consular fees are abolished, except for notarial acts, which are extra consular. The Levant Consulships are to be placed on a footing with ordinary Consulships.

Mr. He moved for several official papers respecting the organization of the Indian Army, &c. He prefaced his motion with various observations on the dangers of the Burmese War; the necessity of having a com-rape-seed and flax-oil is to be taken off entirely. The duty on all wool, of petent Governor General in India, which, in his judgment, Lord Amherst was not; the treatment of the Press in India, and of the Mutineers at Barrackpore, which he deemed as impolitic and severe; the discontents of the Indian army, &c.

Mr. WYNN opposed the motion, on the ground that it would be the height of injustice to lay information on the subject of the Mutiny, &c. before the House, till Government should be in possession of full information regarding the events, which at present it was not. that the Jadian Government had neglected the complaints of the Sepoys; Mr. W. denied he deprecated, as unfair, the remarks made on the conduct of Lord Amherst; and asserted that the Burmese War was a just one. It could not be avoided with honour, though of course it was an evil, as this country had already dominions enough in India-more indeed than could, well be

be committed on Tuesday, after Mr. ROBERTSON had expressed his strong The Dissenters' Marriage Bill was read a second time, and ordered to opposition to the measure, and declared that the Unitarians more reserbled Mahometans than Christians!

Mr. COURTENAY brought in a Bill to amend the Bankrupt Laws.


Tuesday, March 22.


E. Tooth, Hastings, haberdasher, from March 19 to May 7; and T. Russia, à report has been circulated of some difference having Hughes, Speldhurst-street, Burton-crescent, draper,


T. Loud and T. Burgess, Sittingbourne, Kent, bankers.


T. Chilcott, Lantarnam, Monmouth, miller. Solicitors, Messrs. Bicknell
and Co. Lincoln's Inn.
W. Haylett, Hammersmith, victualler. Solicitor, Mr. Turner, Lincoln's.

W. Godwin, Strand, hookseller (and not W. Goodwin, as in last Satur-
day's Gazette). Solicitor, Mr. Greenhill, Great Carter-lane.
W. Woart, Woolwich, baker. Solicitor, Mr. Santer, Chancery-lane.
W. Howes, jun. Robert's-terrace, Commercial-road, oilman. Solicitors,
Messrs. Clutton and Carter, High-street, Southwark,

J. Challenger, Margaret-street, Cavendish-square, pianoforte-maker.
Solicitor, Mr, Bishop, Holborn-court, Gray's Inu.
Saturday, March 26.

[blocks in formation]


is especially amusing; it is, it seems, a grace liable to eternal restriction and modification; but to say the truth, the BOURBON notion is not far different, as every-day practice tends to show. Speaking of taken place between our Minister, Mr. STRATFORD CANNING and Count NESSELRODE, on the subject of Greece, which had led to the departure of the latter from St. Petersburgh, but it seems that this report rests upon no competent foundation. The Pomeranian States of Prussia are said to be petitioning their Monarch to conclude Commercial treaties with the new Governments of South America a pleasant request to a Member of the Holy Alliance! From the late struggle for the Presidency is rapidly subsiding;-a creditable the United States we learn, that the party effervescence produced by fact, when it is considered that it is the first time the constitutional conservative machinery has operated against the preference of a numerical popular majority. Very sinister reports are prevalent in relation to the state of India; but whatever the exact fact, these rumours evidently take their rise in that disgraceful spirit of gambling and fraud, which is the most odious and discreditable feature of the day.

Certain Englsh writers, among them WILLIAM COBBETT, have of the new South American Republics a secret desire to thwart

J. A. Cattle, Green-Hammerton, York, money-scrivener. Solicitors, repeatedly accused the United States of entertaining a sordid jealousy Messrs. Evans and Shearman, Hatton-garden.

G. Street, Dulwich, Surrey, carpenter. Solicitors, Mr. Carlon, High-their struggles for independence, and to keep them embroiled with street, Mary-la-bonne.

J. Hawkes, Old Jewry, hardwareman. Solicitors, Messrs. Shephard,
Thomas, and Leopard, Cloak-lane.

J. Hood, jun. Deritend, near Birmingham, grocer. Solicitors, Messrs.
James and Whitelock, Ely-place.

M. Akers, Compton-street, Soho, cabinet-maker. Solicitor, Mr. Jackson,
Three-Crown-square, Southwark.

J. F. Haldy and W. Norcott, Castle-street, Leicester-square, wine-mer
chants. Solicitor, Mr. Smyth, Red-Lion-square.
J. E. Washer, Bristol, tiler. Solicitors, Messrs. King and Lukin,

F. Runder and W. F. Campbell, Hatton-garden, jewellers. Solicitor, Mr.
Robinson, Walbrook.

E. G. W. Tuck, Edmonton, Market-gardener. Solicitor, Mr. Pope,
Bloomfield-street, Finsbury-crescent.

[blocks in formation]

Spain and the Holy Alliance. For our parts, we never believed the charge; we did not think it likely, that a cold calculation of remote political rivalry could overpower, in the breasts of a free and prosperous people, the natural sympathy they would feel with communities Our opinion has been confirmed by the pleasure and even enthusias: aspiring to their advantages, and imitating their glorious example. to have diffused throughout the Great North American Republic. which the successes of the South American Patriots appear uniformly Very recent New York papers inform us, that the decided victory of BOLIVAR in the plains of Guamanquilla, had been hailed with the most lively satisfaction in the United States, and a public dinner in celebration of the event was to take place on the 5th of March.

We recommend the following piece of information to the attention of those consistent apologists of the West India slave-masters, who perpetually reproach the North American Union with the black slavery in some of its States-forget that the curse was inflicted on the latter, while they were colonies the British Government, in spite of the opposition of the colonists, have manifested a constant anxiety, since their independence, to wipe out this stain on their free institutions :-A Resolution is now under consideration of the Senate, that when the debt of the United States is paid off (which in a few years must be the case), the lands now applicable to the sinking fund should form a fund for the emancipation of slaves. Slavery (adds the Globe and Traveller) is felt by many Americans, and by none more strongly than by the President Elect, to be the curse of the Union.

Mr. Secretary Peel has obtained leave to bring in a bill for increasing the salary of Police Magistrates to 8001. a-year. As it is desirable that the offices should be filled by well-informed and able men, we should not object to any increase of salary necessary to make the places objects of desire to persons of this description. We are not sure that Mr. Peel's alteration will have any effect in this way. The office of Police Magistrate, whether it be paid by 6007. or 8007. can never be desirable to a barrister of any very promising talents and active habits. The persons to whom it is desirable are those desirous of ease; for, let Mr. Peel say what he will, the duty of the office to a man who has a competent knowledge of the law is very easy. In point of fact, we believe a Magistrate attends at each of the offices from twelve to three, and looks in again in the evening. There are three Magistrates in an office, so that this duty is imposed upon each of them twice a week. We know that there is some business for which the presence of two Magistrates is necessary; but it is to be recollected that at almost all the offices, volunteer Magistrates are frequently in attendance. We are convinced that a very large statement of three hours in the morning, and twice a week two hours in the evening. the time each Magistrate needs be in attendance is every other day, Even during this time the attention which is given to business by them is by no means of that fatiguing nature which is requires from other Judges. Sometimes they are fully occupied-sometimes not at all.Globe and Traveller.

THE Foreign intelligence of the past week is exceedingly unimportant. In France, the Chambers are occupied with the new financial projects, a subject of discussion which has apparently ceased to possess any considerable portion of interest among the money-dealers of London. By an article from Warsaw, dated the 9th inst. we learn that in the Proclamation of the EMPEROR of Russia for the assemblage of the General Diet of Poland, which is to open on the 13th of May, and close on the 13th of June, the deportment of the Senators and Deputies for their little month of mockery is prescribed for them in the most decided style of a Master. They are not to indulge in discord and the delusions of mistaken INDIA HOUSE-At a Special General Court, on Wednesday, a resolution self-love, as in the Session of 1820. This Proclamation is succeeded was unanimously carried, granting a yearly sum of 1000l. to Sir John by another that adds an article to the Charter, which addition con- Malcolm, for his services in India.-Mr. HUME then made a motion for sists in taking away the publicity of discussion! All debate in future papers relating to the organization and allowances of the Bengal Army. is to be carried on in Special Committees; that is to say, with closed the Burmese, &c. and contended that the white as well as the black popuHe alluded to the annihilation of the press, the late mutiny, the war with doors. What a degradation to human nature, that any two-legged animal in existence, by a sic volo under signature, should be enabled lation of Hindostan had lost all confidence in the Governor-General thus to palter with the best interests and feelings of dependent mil-out to India; a country, he said, whose present situation could be com(Hear!)—and that some competent person should immediately be sent ons! The idea formed by this Despot of the nature of a Charter pared to nothing but a person sitting on a barrel of gunpowder with a

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