Imagens das páginas

have been, for all the look of earth she had1-and trembled more and more.

"There is no time to lose; I will not lose one minute," said the child. "Up, and away with me!"


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To-night ?" murmured the old man.

'Yes, to-night," replied the child.

"To-morrow night will be too late. The dream will have come again. Nothing but flight can save us. Up!"

The old man rose from his bed, his forehead bedewed with the cold sweat of fear; and, bending before the child as if she had been an angel messenger3 sent to lead him where she would, made ready to follow her. She took him by the hand and led him on. As they passed the door of the room he had proposed to rob, she shuddered and looked up into his face. What a white face was that, and with what a look did he meet hers!

She took him to her own chamber, and, still holding him by the hand as if she feared to lose him for an instant, gathered together the little stock she had, and hung her basket on her arm. The old man took his wallet from her hands and strapped it on his shoulders-his staff, too, she had brought away-and then she led him forth.

Through the straight streets, and narrow crooked outskirts, their trembling feet passed quickly. Up the steep hill too, crowned by the old grey castle, they toiled with rapid steps, and had not once looked? behind.

1 For all, etc......she had, tant il y avait peu de ce monde dans son expression-2 away, partez-3 messenger to be left out-1 and......into his face, et le......en plein visage-5 took, conduisit -6 up the steep hill too......they toiled with rapid steps, ils gravirent également d'un pas rapide la colline escarpée......7 and, etc......looked, sans regarder une

seule fois.

But as they drew nearer the ruined walls, the moon rose in all her gentle glory, and, from their venerable age, garlanded with ivy, moss, and waving grass, the child looked back upon the sleeping town, deep1 in the valley's shade; and on the far-off river with its winding track of light; and on the distant hills and as she did so, she clasped the hand she held less firmly, and, bursting into tears, fell upon the old man's neck.3


DICKENS, "The Old Curiosity Shop."


The peace and good order of society were not promoted by this system. Though private wars did not originate in the feudal customs, it is impossible to doubt that they were perpetuated by so convenient an institution, which indeed owed its universal establishment to no other cause. And as predominant habits of warfare are totally irreconcilable with those of industry, not merely by the immediate works of destruction which render its efforts unavailing, but through that contempt of peaceful occupations which they produce, the feudal system must have been intrinsically adverse to the accumulation of wealth, and the improvement of those arts which mitigate the toils or abridge the labours of mankind.

But as a school of moral discipline, the feudal institutions were perhaps most to be valued.5 Society had sunk, for several centuries after the dissolution

1 Deep, enveloppée-2 as she did so, en même temps-3 fell upon the......neck, elle se jeta au cou.......

4 Its efforts, les efforts de celle-ci-5 most to be valued, d'une trèshaute valeur.

of the Roman empire, into a condition of utter depravity; where, if any vices could be selected1 as more eminently characteristic than others, they were falsehood, treachery, and ingratitude. In slowly purging off the lees of this extreme corruption, the feudal spirit exerted its ameliorating influence. Violation of faith stood first in the catalogue of crimes, most repugnant to the very essence of a feudal tenure, most severely and promptly avenged, most branded by general infamy. The feudal law-books breathe throughout a spirit of honourable obligation. The feudal course of jurisprudence promoted, what trial by peers is peculiarly calculated to promote, a keener feeling, as well as readier perception, of moral as well as of legal distinctions. In the reciprocal services of lord and vassal, there was ample scope for every magnanimous and disinterested energy. The heart of man, when placed in circumstances that have a tendency to excite them, will seldom be deficient in such sentiments. No occasions could be more favourable than the protection of a faithful supporter, or the defence of a beneficent sovereign, against such powerful aggression as left little prospect, except of sharing in his ruin.”

HALLAM, "Middle Ages."

1 If any vices could be selected, si l'on pouvait distinguer certains vices-2 stood first, venait en première ligne-3 calculated to, de nature à- there was ample scope for, un champ vaste était ouvert aux actes......-5 when placed, quand il se trouve placé-6 will seldom be deficient in, est rarement dénué de- such powerful, etc...... ruin, une aggression tellement puissante qu'elle ne laissait guère d'autre perspective qu'une ruine commune.


Romans, countrymen, and lovers! hear me for2 my cause, and be silent that you may hear. Believe me for mine honour, and have respect for3 mine honour, that you may believe. Censure me in your wisdom, and awake your senses, that you may the better judge. If there be any in this assembly, any dear friend of Cæsar's, to him I say that Brutus's love to Cæsar was no less than his. If, then, that friend demand why Brutus rose against Cæsar, this is7 my answer: not that I loved Cæsar less, but that9 I loved Rome more. Had you rather Cæsar were living,10 and die all slaves, than that Cæsar werell dead, to 12 live all free men? As Cæsar loved me, I weep for him;13 as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honour him; but as he was ambitious, I slew him: There is, tears for his love, joy for his fortune, honour for his valour, and death for his ambition. Who is here so base, that would be a 14 bondman? If any, speak; 15 for him have I16 offended. Who is here so rude, that would not be a Roman? If any, speak; for him have I offended. Who is here so vile, that will not love his country? If any, speak; for him have I offended. I pause for a reply. None.-Then none have I offended; I have done no more to Cæsar than you should do to


1 Lovers, amis-2 for, par égard pour-3 have respect for, ayez foi any to be left out to him I say, je lui dirai (or: je lui déclare) 6 to, pour this is, voici- not that I loved, ce n'est pas que j'aimasse -9 that to be left out-10 had,, aimeriez-vous mieux voir C. vivant-11 than that C. were, que de voir C.- 12 to, et de-13 I weep for him, je le pleure-14 who is, etc......would be a, quel est ici l'homme assez lâche pour consentir à être if any, speak, s'il en est un, qu'il parle-16 him have I, celui-là, je l'ai.


Brutus. The question1 of his death is enrolled in the Capitol; his glory not extenuated wherein he was worthy; nor his offences enforced3 for which he suffered death.

Here comes his body, mourned by Mark Antony :5 who, though he had no hand in his death, shall receive the benefit of his dying," a place in the Commonwealth; as which of you shall not ?8 With this I depart; that as I slew my best lover for the good of Rome, I have the same dagger for myself, when it shall please my country to need 10 my death. SHAKSPEARE," Julius Cæsar."


The sources of the noblest rivers which spread fertility over continents, and bear richly laden fleets to the sea, are to be sought in wild and barren mountain tracts,11 incorrectly laid down in maps, and rarely explored by travellers. To such a tract the history of our country during the thirteenth century may not unaptly be compared.12 Sterile and obscure as is 13 that portion of our annals, it is there that we must seek for the origin of our freedom, our prosperity, and our glory. Then it was that the great English people was formed, that the national charac

1 Question, sujet-2 not, n'y est pas-3 enforced, exagérées— here comes, voici-5 mourned by Mark Antony, qu'accompagne MarcAntoine en deuil-6 he had no hand in, il n'ait pas pris part à7 .of his dying, en......- 8 as...... shall not, et......n'en recueillera pas autant-9 with, etc......slew, je n'ai plus qu'un mot à dire : J'ai tué 10 need, demandez.

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11 Mountain tracts, régions montagneuses-12 to......may not unaptly be compared, ......peut avec assez de justesse être comparée à.......

13 is, toute......qu'est.

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