Imagens das páginas

these remarks lest Thorwaldsen's example should be cited to sanction an erroneous and deleterious practice, long prevalent, because profitable, before his time. England has already ManufacturingStatuaries enough!-Athenæum.

friends of Stiglmayer, whom interest in the casting of the statue had led to the foundry, entered singly into his chamber to congratulate him; and he, supporting his head on the breast of his beloved nephew, spoke to each a friendly grateful word, and received from each, with gentle consolation, the best wishes JEAN BAPTISTE STIGLMAYER.-The Journal des for a speedy recovery. But these were the last Debats announces the death, on the 18th ult., at the words which he spoke on earth-this was the last early age of 52, of Stiglmayer, director of the Royal joy which he experienced amongst us: he laid himFoundry at Munich. "This great artist (says the self down, as if wearied; the breath, which had bewriter) had carried the art of casting metals to the fore been drawn with difficulty, was light and easy, highest point it had ever reached in Germany. The but about half-past nine in the evening was stilled monuments of colossal grandeur for which the for ever. Thus he parted from us, attended by all Germans are indebted to him amount in number to that the pious confidence of his heart, the joy of his 193, amongst which figure in the first rank the eques- profession, the love of his family, the faithful attachtrian statues of Maximilian I. of Bavaria, and the ment of his friends could give, and the memory of Electors, his predecessors; the obelisk erected at the just follows him. Stiglmayer, on the 18th of last Munich, in commemoration of 30,000 Bavarians kill- October, was fifty-two years of age; he was the son ed in Russia; the statues of Schiller, Richter, Mo- of a shoeing-smith of Fürstenfeldbruck, in the neighzart, Beethoven, Bolivar (Bolivia), and last, the borhood of Munich. He was originally a die-enstatue of Goethe, who was the intimate friend of graver, but in the year 1820, during a residence in Stiglmayer, at the execution of which the latter, al-Italy, especially in Naples, where he was present though ill, worked with so much ardor, that two at the casting of Canova's equestrian statue of hours after the cast was terminated, and even be- Charles III., he had his attention turned to bronzefore the mould was broken, he expired in the arms founding, to which he has been devoted ever since. of his assistants. Some months previously M. Stigl- The success of great and difficult undertakings, the mayer, although he then enjoyed excellent health, casting of bronze obelisks, the monument of King had a solemn presentiment of his approaching death. Maximilian, of the equestrian statue of the Elector From that moment he occupied himself night and Maximilian, of Jean Paul at Bayreuth, of Mozart at day in preparing instructions for the execution in Salzburg, have created for him, and the royal instibronze of the statue of Bavaria, of which the cele- tution under his guidance, a widely spread and unibrated sculptor, Schwanthaler, is now completing versally acknowledged celebrity, so that besides the the model, a monument which is to be 68 feet high, commissions of the King of Bavaria, he received and which after the famous Colossus of Rhodes, orders from all parts of Germany, Carlsruhe, Darmwill be the largest piece of sculpture which ever ex-stadt, Frankfurt, Vienna, Prague-nay, from Naples, isted. Fortunately, the instructions given by M. Stiglmayer, have been committed to writing. They are most complete, and will be of the utmost utility to the artist to whom shall be intrusted the gigantic operation of casting in bronze this immense monument."

Since the above was in type we have received the Allgemeine Zeitung, which contains the following


and even from South America itself. Arisen from the sound root of the Bavarian people, he still preserved unspoiled his natural feeling, his unreserved candor, and inviolable rectitude and fidelity when he had ascended into the circle of higher refinement. Earnest and severe in the fulfilment of his duties, mild and kind in word and conduct towards every one, alike capable of enjoyment as well as of giving joy, acting together in thought and feeling, artist and man at once from the same mould, he called

forth involuntarily in all who approached him, an irresistible emulation of love and esteem. No one could know him without becoming attached to him; and as his life has given to his name an imperisha

friends. His remains were interred at Neuhausen, too early death given an imperishable pain to his and the great concourse of people of all ranks who attended, testified the high estimation in which he was held, both as an artist and as a man.-Athen.

Munich, March 4. With a heavy heart I now take the pen, in order to acquaint you of the loss which has befallen us. Johannes Stiglmayer is dead. For the last two years, suffering from an incurable stomach complaint, he saw his strength decrease, but still endeavored-ble glory in the history of German art, so has his if not in himself, at least in his family to keep alive, with a cheerful spirit, the hope of recovery. Since the middle of January, from which time he had been almost constantly confined to his couch, he occupied himself principally with the casting of the colossal statue of Goethe, which was ordered to ornament the native city of the poet; for although Stiglmayer had brought up his sister's son, Ferdinand Miller, to be a valuable assistant and representative, still he knew too well, from his many years' experience, the importance and the danger of so great an undertaking, to be quite free from all anxiety respecting the result. The work, in the meantime, was no longer to be delayed, and, after al! preparations had been made, the casting commenced on Saturday, the 2nd of March. With alternate feelings of confidence and fear, the disabled artist lay upon his sick bed, waiting for intelligence, which was brought to him every five minutes, respecting the progress of the work; till at length, on the completion of the casting, his nephew entered the room and took the burden from his heart, by announcing the perfect success of the undertaking, and was embraced by him with a twofold fervency of joy and affection. The


Great Britain.

A Grammar of the Icelandic, or Old Norse Tongue.
Translated from the Swedish of Erasmus Rask.
By George Webbe Dasent, M. A. London. Pick-
ering. 1843.

WE do not plead guilty on behalf of our age to the charge M. Dasent brings against it, of regarding with indifference what was done before it, of being so eagerly bent on going forward, that it cannot spare a glance behind. On the contrary, we think one of the most peculiar characteristics of our times is an earnest desire to search out the forms and the spirit of the past, and to apply its lessons to


the present. We are rushing eagerly onwards, but | SELECT LIST OF RECENT PUBLICATIONS, with fearfulness and doubt, and we do cast many an anxious look behind, to see if haply we may gather from the dim light of ancient days some means of piercing the deeper obscurity of the future. We trust that the reception given to the work before us, by English scholars, will be such as to convince Mr. Dasent that he has not bestowed his valuable labor on a thankless generation. We need not dilate on the importance of his work to all zealous investigators of English history, tradition, laws, language, and institutions. A know. ledge of the old northern tongues is indispensable to the English archæologist. No better guide to the treasures of the Old Norse literature need any

Complete Works of the Venerable Bede in the original Latin, with an English Translation of the Historical works, and a Life of the Author. By Rev. J. A. Giles, D. C. L. Memoirs of Gaspar de Colligny, Admiral of France: with an account of the Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day, Aug. 24, 1572. Translated and edited by D. D. Scott. Our Indian Empire, its History and Preman desire than Rask, the author of the well-sent State, from the earliest settlement of the known Anglo Saxon Grammar;' and Rask may British in Hindostan to the close of the year congratulate himself on having fallen into the hands of such a translator.-Foreign Quarterly Rev. 1843. By Charles MacFarlane.

The Literature of Germany from its Earliest Period to the Present Time. By Franz L. J. Thimm. Edited by William Henry Farn. London. Nutt. 1844. 18mo. pp. 300.

The Historical Geography of Arabia; or the Patriarchal Evidences of Revealed Religion. By the Rev. Charles Foster, B. D.

The Epistles of Barnabas, Clement, Ignatius, Polycarp, and the Epistle to Diognetus, in Greek, from the Text of Hefele; with an Introduction and Notes. By Algernon Greenfell, M. A., one of the Masters of Rugby School.

A Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse Tongue. Translated from the Swedish of Erasmus Rask, by George Webbe Dasent,

M. A.

This little book will supply a want much felt by incipient students of German literature, and will be useful even to more advanced scholars as a compact manual; an index, as it were, to the more voluminous guides to the literary history of Germany. Astronomers are in the habit of annexing a small telescope to each of their larger instruments; with the former they sweep rapidly over a wide range of the heavens, and so having discovered the star they want, they bring the focus of the more unwieldy instrument to bear upon it. Besides its compactness, this modest little book has another The Literature of Germany, from its earmerit. Unlike many works of its class of greater liest period to the present time, historically pretensions, it is not tinctured by the prejudices of developed. By Franz L. I. Thimm. Edited an individual or of a school. English readers may smile at some of the opinions put forth in it; but if by William Henry Farn. these are, as we believe them to be in general, faithful transcripts of the notions predominating in Germany, they then have an obvious value irrespective of their absolute truth; and equally obvious must be the convenience of being able to lay our hands upon them so readily.-Ibid.

Poems, by Mrs F. Hornblower.

The voice of the Muse will never cease to gladden the heart of man, even though, among the harsh discords of politics and polemics, it may sound low and faint, like that of the stock-dove brooding. Talk of Time dying, then talk of Poetry dying. Poetry is life-immortal, eternal-and a giver of such life to things which were else dead, or not in being. It is good to be a poet-to be a reader of poetry-in order to feel what vitality is in ourselves, or receive the impression of it from others.

As a specimen of Mrs. Hornblower's poetry we take the opening verses of a pleasing amplification of Wordsworth's sonnet, beginning" Books, dreams are each a world."

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Praktischer Commentar über die Propheten des Alten Bundes mit exeget. u. krit. Anmerkungen. Von F. W. Umbreit. 3 Bd. Hesekiel. Hamburg.

Anselm von Canterbury. Von F. R. Hasse.

System der Metaphysik.
George. Berlin.

Von Dr. L.

Adversaria in Eschyli Prometheum vinetum et Aristophanis Aves philologica atque archæologica. Von F. Wieseler. Göttinga.


Le Chevalier Guisan, sa vie et ses travaux à la Guyane. Par Charles Eynard. Paris.

Esquisse d'une Histoire Universelle envisagée au point de vue chrétien; pour servir de guide dans l'enseignment des écoles. Par A. Vulliet. Tomes I. et II. Paris.

Etudes sur Pascal, par l'abbé Flottes, professeur à la faculté des lettres de Montpellier. Paris.

Journal d'un Voyage en Orient. Par le Comte Joseph D'Estourmel. Paris.

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gladly therefore announce their re-appear- the most active years of a life which was ance in an entirely new form, re-written, rather than revised, and with such copious additions, especially with reference to the JULY, 1844.


unceasingly devoted to the arduous duties of the medical profession, and to the promotion of the highest branches of medical

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