Imagens das páginas

schools, to the Elements of Education and less to the Higher Branches.

2d. That in the present civil war, the teachers of Vt. find encouragement to greater fidelity in their work.

3d. That the effort to sustain a State School Journal, on the part of Messrs. Leavenworth and Orcutt, is highly creditable and deserves the cordial sympathy and earnest support of all friends of Education in Vermont.

4th. That, as teachers and friends of Education, we are glad to renew the assurance of our confidence in the Secretary of the Board of Education and our high appreciation of his ability in awakening interest in the subject of Education generally; and that we are fully convinced, from personal observation, that his mode of conducting Teachers' Institutes is well calculated to prepare teachers for success in their work.

The Society then adjourned till 1-2 past 7, evening. After adjournment, the members of the Association repaired by invitation to Pres. Labaree's and passed a very pleasant hour in social intercourse and in the enjoyment of the large abundance on his generous board.


The Association met at 7 1-2 o'clock, and, after singing, listened to an address from Mr. Hiram Orcutt, on "The Relation of Common Schools to the Prosperity of a Community." After the Address the following resolutions were adopted:

1st. That in the recent death of Mr. Thos. H. Palmer, of Pittsford, we recognize the loss of a long tried and firm friend of Common Schools, and one whose enthusiastic and untiring devotion to the best interests of popular education during a long life of four score years, ought to inspire us with new zeal and more untiring energy in our work.

2d. That in the death, during the past year, of the Rev. Dr. E. B. Smith, Pres't of the New Hampton Theological Institute, at Fairfax, Vt., and a former Pres't. of this Association, the cause of education has lost a persevering, able, and earnest friend, and that this Association cherish the memory of the deceased with the highest respect and affection.

Mr. B. F. Winslow, of Pittsford, addressed the Association, paying a fitting tribute to the memory of Mr. Palmer.

The following resolution was then presented and adopted:

That this Association tender its most sincere and hearty thanks to the Chairman of its Executive Committee, for the faithful, judicious, and able manner in which he has discharged his duty in preparing the business and providing for the entertainment of this meeting.

The Rev. Prof. Boardman responded briefly and offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved. That the thanks of this Association be presented to the gentlemen, who have favored us with the several able and interesting addresses to which we have attended on this occasion.

Other resolutions were adopted as follows:

1st. That, as members of this Association, we most cordially present to the citizens of Middlebury, whose kind hospitality we have been permitted to enjoy, our most sincere acknowledgments.

2d. That the Association would again express its appreciation of the courtesy extended to it by the several rail roads, in the reduction of their fare.

24. That the Secretaries be requested to make out a report of the proceedings of the Association at this session, for the Middlebury Register and the Vt. Chronicle, and that other papers be requested to copy.

After the adoption of the resolutions, the assembly joined in singing" God bless our native land", with the Doxology, " From all who dwell beneath the skies," in Old Hundred, when the Association adjourned, sine die.

B. F. WINSLOW, Secretaries.


J. K. COLBY, President.



AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION.-Not being able to attend all the exercises, we could not make a full report, and, hence, have copied the articles as reported for the Boston Journal. readers will find this report full, accurate, and very interesting. The meeting was unusually attractive and was attended and sustained by more intelligence and educational talent than was ever before assembled in Vermont. It is estimated that nearly a thousand persons from abroad, were in attendance during the week. All, or nearly all, the free States were represented.

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We notice one fact with grief and shame.--Vermont was not represented among the lecturers. Three, at least, were invited to prepare addresses for the occasion, ment, but no one appeared to perform his part at the meeting. We hope satisfactory reasons have been given for the failure. Every other assigned exercise was performed.

VERMONT TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, ET CETERA.-A formal report of our annual meeting, recently held at Middlebury, will be

found above. The time and circumstances were very unfavorable. The meeting was confined to a short day and a half, on the Monday and Tuesday following the College commencement, and just before the more attractive meeting at Brattleboro', and when public interest is so absorbed in our national troubles. We had reason to expect only partial success, if not an entire failure. But the meeting was quite fully attended, and the interest well sustained. We are sorry to note two failures of lecturers here also. Too much praise cannot be awarded to the citizens of Middlebury, for their hospitality and the interest manifested in the exercises. A large church was well filled, to listen to the Lectures and Discussions, both in the day time and evening.

It is gratifying to mark the change which has been wrought in Vermont, during the last twelve years. At the commencement of this period, there was little or no interest manifested in the State on the subject of popular education. No State organization existed, and but few in the counties. About this time, we had the honor, in a brief article published in the Vermont Chronicle, to raise the question, "Why may we not have a State Teachers' Association?" The question was discussed, and during that year our present Association was organized, and has been growing in interest and importance up to the present time. Within the same

period our school system has been vitalized, and is now, in the hands of our living Secretary of the Board of Education, in efficient working order. Still we falter and hesitate to follow in the train of other States. We have a School Journal, but it does not live on the generous sympathy and cordial support of the State. Our Association votes that it may live and prosper, but we are compelled to believe that but very little public interest is felt in the enterprise. There are many individual and noble exceptions, and we are under lasting obligations for the encouragement we have received from them, in our gratuitous and laborious efforts to sustain the Journal. The many friends of education want interest in it, and some are really opposed to it. They would not offer any public opposition, nor express hostility, but they believe the enterprise will fail, and would prefer to have the educational matter published in the newspapers. They may not realize how much their influence tends to produce the failure they predict, and to paralyze every effort for progress. Writing for the newspapeis

had been tried, and, if we are rightly informed, well nigh proved a failure; that is, was suspended before the middle of the year in which it was commenced. But are the live teachers and friends of education in Vermont willing to have our Educational Journal suspended? Is not the Vermont Teachers' Association of sufficient importance to have an organ? Is Vermont willing to admit that she is unable to sustain a Journal, when one is sustained in every other N. E. State, and even in many Southern States? Should we not have some pride in this matter, if no other consideration has influence? It remains with teachers to settle the question. The resolution adopted at the last meeting is all that could be asked. But exactly how much that resolution means, will be determined by the active cooperation and aid hereafter furnished in sustaining the Journal. If it lives, we must have encouragement and assistance; if it dies, the professed friends of education in the State must sustain the responsibility.

ERRORS CORRECTED.-In the last No. of the Journal, on pages 242 and 243, by some unaccountable oversight, several typographical errors were made. The pronoun it, after the word "avoid in the fifth line from the beginning, was dropped. The word experiment was substituted for expedient in the ninth line. After the word "relief" in the seventh line on the 243 page, the following clause was omitted entirely: "If in Surgery, the use of the knife; or in quelling a mob, the taking of life; or in School discipline, the use of the rod, is not the ultimate means of relief, then comes the question, "what is"? In the last line there should be the word and instead of a semicolon after the word "Surgery."


PATRIOTIC SONGS.-" Where Liberty dwells is my Country." Words and Music by Rev. G. S. Plumley. Dedicated to the 7th Regiment, N. Y.. An easy and spirit stirring song with a chorus. It deserves to be popular with the soldiers and with all patriotic young Americans who can sing.

The Volunteer Yankee Doodle of '61. Words and Music by Louis Selle.

This seems to be an attempt to get up a new Yankee Doodle. It is rather better in some respects than the old one, which isn't saying much. Perhaps it will go. Melody and harmony are both good, and at the same time it is not too far above the heads of the people.

Horace Waters, 481, Broadway, N. Y., Publisher.

J. C.




OCTOBER, 1861.



What has been the influence of New England principles upon Northern Society? What has the instruction of common schools done for the development of mind and character? I can in no way more satisfactorily answer this question, than by quoting the language of an intelligent Chaplain, in a recent description of our army, now fighting for the Institutions under which they were reared. And first, he inquires, "What are the men that compose the Northern Army?" They are men who can read and write and think; men of general intelligence, who for years have been discussing in their own way, the prob lems that are now to be settled at the point of the sword. They sympathize intellectually with the contest, and are there to fight for an idea of their own. They are there not merely as animals; they are men with brains as well as muscles. Here is manifested the influence of our free schools. Northern Society, the legitimate product of Northern principles, is brought face to face with Southern Society, the legitimate product of Southern principles." And let those who would see a faithful portrait of Southern character, as drawn by a foreigner, read the recent letters. of Dr. Russell, correspondent of the "London Times." His picture is perfectly horrible. But our Chaplain goes on to enquire, "Who are the men composing our Army? There is hardly a single regiment in the field that would not make a perfect colony. Transfer any Colonel's command to a barren island in the Pacific, and it would contain within itself, all the ability needed to supply its own en

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