Imagens das páginas

There is a vast number of Greek passages from the works of Homer, Theocritus and other authors, to which Virgil seems to have helped himself much in the spirit of our modern writers; but these plagiarisms (if we may so call them) he has almost made his own, by their happy adaptation, and the charms of a truly poetic genius. Some of these verses are, however, so little marked by the distinctive features of beauty or grandenr, that it is almost an insult to his shade to suppose he should have been indebted to them for any portion of his writings. We have much pleasure in recommending this admirable work for the use of all those who may wish to acquire a knowledge of the language. It is comprised in one handsome volume, and does great credit to Professor Drisler, the gentleman by whom the proof sheets were revised, as well as to the establishment from which it has emanated.

Martin the Foundling. By EUGENE SUE, No. 1. Harper and Prothers, NewYork.

The enormous success of the "Wandering Jew," and the great sensation occasioned not only by its subject matter but the uneqalled skill and power displayed by the writer of that wonderful romance, have raised high expectations as to the nature and merits of his new work, which is now being issued monthly from the press. We do not wish to anticipate the reader by a sketch of the story so far as we have just read, much less to pronounce a conclusive opinion, until we shall have received the last number of the series. This much, however, we may state for the benefit of those who would know whether it is well worth reading, that the first part is deeply interesting; that it abounds in those picturesque scenes, startling incidents, and novel mysteries which, in the works of Sue, rivet the attention, and lead us on from page to page with alternations of pleasure, doubt, and thrilling expectation. We understand that Eugene Sue retired to the country for the purpose of writing this story, and certainly, if we may judge from its commencement, he could not have been in a more appropriate place.

The first scenes are laid in the woods, or rather forests of Sologne, amidst huntsmen, poachers, outlaws and gens d'armes; and his descriptions seem to partake of the freshness and rural charms that surrounded him.

The work is dedicated to the accomplished and fascinating Count D'Orsay, whose reputation as a man of fashion, is equalled only by that of Beau Brummel, but whose great genius for the sister arts of painting and sculpture, is now, perhaps, for the first time, made known to the United States, by this cordial and friendly

tribute of admiration from Eugene Sue.The present number contains several pictorial illustrations of a high order of excellence, and the translation is remarkable for that grace, freedom and accuracy, which betoken a profound knowledge of the French language, and much elegance and facility of diction.

Father Darcy, by the author of "Two Old Men's Tales," "Mount Sorel," "Emelia Wyndham," &c. Harper & Brothers, New-York.

This is decidedly one of the most tedious novels we have read. Though not devoid of some strong features of interest, it is so interspersed with tiresome description and irrelevant conversations, that it requires considerable perseverance to read it from begining to end. It is founded upon those Catholic conspiracies which troubled the close of Queen Elizabeth's reign, and terminated in the discovery of the gun-powder plot in that of James the First.

This period would have afforded the best possible materials for a novel; but instead of enlivening incident, we have here frequently the merest common-place and most vexatious details. The author seems to have had a peculiar predilection for the description of costume and drapery, and accordingly we are but too abundantly supplied with elaborate details of dress and appearance, at moments when our thoughts should be directed to matters far more important to sustain the interest of the romance.

The historical personages are portrayed with unusual fidelity; though we cannot coincide with the author in the eulogies he has passed upon Elizabeth, one of the most selfish, tyrannical and heartless monarchs that ever sat upon a throne. That she favored Protestantism was entirely owing to the determination of the people to embrace the new religion, and she sided with it simply to increase her popularity with her subjects.

The name of Father Darcy is one of the aliases of Henry Garnet, provincial of the English Jesuits; and of this gentleman, the writer gives a very skilful portrait.Some of the other characters are well represented, and there are many passages throughout the work, which in themselves are very striking and beautiful. These only lead us to regret, that so much genius and power have not been more happily directed in the construction of a plot, and as to the most judicious means of sustaining it. The author seems to possess every requisite of an excellent writer of romance, but that comprehensive judg ment that would enable him to make the most effective use of the talents with which he is endowed.

The Evils suffered by American Women and Children; the Causes and the Remedy. An Address. By Miss C. E. BEKCHER. New-York: Harper & Brothers.

The foregoing is the title of a discourse read by the authoress at several meetings of her own sex in Cincinnati, Washington, New-York, and other large cities.

She begins her discourse by a touching allusion to the "heart-rending situation" of vast multitudes of American children, and further intimates, that were she to reveal it in all its horrors, it would raise such an outery of odium and indignation, as would impede all efforts to remedy the evil. She then calls attention, in a startling manner, to the data of the last census, from which it appears that we have nearly a million of adults, who can neither read nor write, and more than two millions of children (arrived at a fit age to receive instruction) who are utterly illiterate and without schools. Miss Beecher gives a full exposé of the evils of the present school systems, and then euters into an elaborate dissertation upon the great disadvantages endured by that praiseworthy class of females who are struggling to support themselves by their own honest labor. Her view of the mental and physical effect of the Lowell factory system is not by any means flattering.

Wages there average $1.75 a week, and as to the "large sums placed in the Saving's Bank," it is found that but one thousand females out of the six thousand, have made any deposites; and that the average amount of each deposit does not exceed $100 for three years of uuremitting labor. The philanthropic authoress pays a just tribute to the high character of her fair country women; and her plan of amelioration is to establish zealous and intelligent female teachers throughout the land, by means of individual subscriptions. In the same pamphlet she presents an address to the clergymen of the United States. Her great experience, talent and benevolence, should win the support of all true friends of popular education, and of that neglected class whose cause she has so nobly espous


What is Christianity. By THOMAS VOW-
LER SHORT, Bishop of Sodor and Man.
Stanford & Swords, New-York.

It cannot be disputed that, notwithstanding the vast progress of mankind during the past century in science, literature and art, and despite the preaching and example of hosts of the most pious and learned divines, there exists an extraordinary amount of ignorance with regard to the real spirit and effect of Christianity. Some fancy that religion consists in practising the external observances of a particular

church, and others. forgetting the effect
of example, insist that, as it resides in the
heart alone, they are therefore warranted
in throwing aside all forms of public wor-
ship as despicable and unnecessary to sal-
vation. But there are a thousand points
of worldly conduct upon which a more
perfect knowledge of the true spirit of
this unerring guide is much needed. We
are consequently pleased to find a volume
like the present devoted to the elucidation
of this vital subject, and devoid of those
narrow sectarian prejudices which tend so
often to impede the success and general
usefulness of religious publications. It is
written in the simple, earnest, and amia-
ble style of
good pastor, whose sole ob-
ject is the salvation of those committed to
his spiritual charge.

Blanche of Brandywine; or September,
1777. A Romance, combining the Poetry,
Legend and History of Brandywine. By
GEORGE LIPPARD. 3 Nos. Zieber and
Co., Philadelphia.

for the scene of this story, will ever sup-
The period of American history chosen
ply the most abundant materials for the
use of the novelist. The tyranny of the
all the rights of person and property, and
British troops, the frequent violation of
the deeds of heroism by which the soldiers
of the people have transmitted their names
to posterity, are never ending themes for
comment and description, and suggest to
the writer of fiction, a thousand new and
thrilling combinations.

The principal female character of this which a heroine is elevated above the comromance possesses all those charms by mon race of mortals, and frequently commands our admiration and sympathy. She is descended by her mother, from an old and distinguished family named Frazier, which resided in the highlands of Scotland, and some of whom were murdered in 1745, and their mansion burned to the ground, for their adherence to the cause of the Pretender. Her mother and uncle escaped to this country, and having preserved some jewels, the sole residue of their former wealth, they purchased a large piece of land in Brandywine. The father of Blanche, John Walford, was the in the immediate neighbourhood, from owner of a property called Rock Farm, which however he was ousted, by the villainous machinations of his brother Philip.

Both families, with the exception of the mother, who died of a broken heart, are thrown amidst the bloodiest scenes of the Revolution, some of which as described by the author, might well make the blood freeze with horror.

There are many romantic and deeply interesting features of this story, that we regret being unable, in consequence of

limited space, even to sketch with a light pencil. This cannot surprise the reader, for there is such a crowd of events and characters introduced, that the unity of the story seems to have been somewhat neglected.

Several of the conversations are exceed ingly amusing, and two or three of the portraits very skilfully drawn.

Altogether as a picture of the Revolution, with the attendant evils of civil war and domestic confusion, this work possesses considerable merit, and will be read with interest by all who may commence its perusal.

The History of Civilization, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. By F. Guizor, Prime Minister of France: 2 vols. D. Appleton & Co., New-York.

What varied requisites, what profound knowledge, judgment and taste, should that writer possess, who aspires to the accomplishment of the glorious and most difficult task of unfolding the ample page of history from the earliest ages, and displaying to the world the means by which we have arrived at our present state of intelligence and refinement, with every difficulty, political, physical, and accidental, which has arrested or retarded our progress? There can be no doubt that many of those historical events which ap pear to the superficial observer to have most kept us back, have in reality served but to advance mankind towards that gaol of comparative perfection at which he is destined to arrive. No ordinary mind should attempt the treatment of such a subject, and few indeed could hope to render this great service to the world. The sound deductions of the comprehensive, acute, and cultivated intellects of a Guizot or Lord Brougham aloue are worthy of its extraordinary magnitude and importance. There is no more powerful means of arriving at correct and practical opinions respecting government, questions of international policy, systems of religion and literature, than a deep study of those writings, which enable us to form just conclusions of the effect of past events, and popular and kingly feelings or prejudices upon the progress of civilization. We therefore hail this work as a desideratum in literature, and trust that it will be extensively read in the United States.


It is arranged in a course of lectures-the best possible means of conveying instruction, and the whole series was read, we believe, when M. Guizot was professeur in one of the colleges of France. The author informs us that he originally gave a course of lectures upon the progress of civilization throughout Europe, but finding that he was obliged by the immense area over which the subject extended, to

neglect many details essential to its eluci dation, and thereby cause a good deal of misapprehension, he was induced to limit the present course to France.

After explaining the various other reasons which had led him in some measure to contract his subject. he justifies himself still further by the following remarks, which give such a correct idea of the value of this work as a means of acquiring a knowledge of the intellectual and moral progress of the world, that we cannot refrain from quoting them:

"It appears to me that by studying the history of civilization in one great European nation, I shall arrive more quickly at the desired result. The unity of the warrative will then, indeed, be compatible with details; there is in every country a certain national harmony which is the result of the community of manners, laws, language, and events, and this harmony is imprinted in the civilization. We may pass from fact to fact without losing sight will not say it can be easily doue, it is yet of the whole picture; and lastly, though I possible to combine the knowledge necessary for such a work."

from the lex Romana to the passing but The various subjects of which he treats, concludes the second volome, and leads us preparatory notice of Charlemagne, which with regard to the effect of his reign upon to anticipate a deeply-interesting chapter the national progress, are arrauged with the utmost perspicuity. The style of this work is terse, rapid, and vigorous, never tiring the reader, nor careless of the great object which M. Guizot professes to have bad in view. We shall look forward with

pleasure to the receipt of the succeeding


Margarel; or the Pearl. By Rev. C. B. TAYLOR, M. A. Stanford & Swords, New-York. 1 Vol.

This volume introduces the reader to a very amiable and religious circle, which may be justly called the type of a large and better portion of society in England.

It is replete with simple and religious conversations, more remarkable for their tendency to encourage and sustain the best dispositions of the mind and heart, than for deep thought or happy power of ex pression. The author has, however, given them a certain amount of interest, by calling frequent attention to the characters of his story. There is no attempt at the construction of plot, or to supply novel and thrilling incident, unless. indeed, we may except the "old manuscript," which gives the history of the Pearl, and which has suggested a portion of the title. This book is very neatly bound and printed, and will be read doubtless with pleasure by those who are religiously inclined.


WE have thought that we might add to the efficiency of the "Review," without detracting from its dignity, by lending it a lighter feature than it has been wont to wear, in a brief record of the passing events of the month, which will afford the necessary scope for a notice of many important matters, the arts and sciences to wit, that should certainly not be overlooked in any periodical aspiring to usefulness. In reviewing these valuable and elevated subjects, we think that we do no more than fulfil our functions, for it were, indeed, but a limited understanding of our duties, to confine the pages of the Review to merely political and literary topics. With this brief, but we hope satisfactory explanation of our object, we shall make it our pleasant office hereafter to collect into orderly arrangement, and duly publish, our skimming criticisms and lively comments on the current matters of the mouth, and trust that our readers will find in our paragraphs

“a fit array

Not too mean nor yet too gay."

We regretted that we were compelled, by a pressure of important matter, to omit in our last number a notice of the opening of our Metropolitan Theatre.

The influence of the drama upon the morals, manners, and literature of every civilized nation, is too great to be disregarded by those who are desirous of aiding the intellectual progress and increasing the happiness of the world. It can be rendered the means of accomplishing much that is good and glorious, or a source of almost irreparable evil. It reflects with unrivalled accuracy the characteristic predilections of the people and the exact stage of refinement to which they have attained. The affairs of the drama might well engage the profound attention of the philanthropist or philosophic writer. How great then must be the responsibility of theatrical criticism, and important that it should be pervaded by a truthful spirit, and characterized by a lofty intelligence and love of all that is excellent and enuobling in art or true in nature. We do not fancy ourselves possessed of all the indispensable requisites of a good critic, but in anxiety for the success of the classic drama and the proper direction of its varied influences, we acknowledge no superior. We shall present to our readers, from time to time, such remarks as we may think adapted to promote these great

objects, trusting that we shall always adhere to that strict impartiality without which criticism is but a name, and histrionic reputation a bauble, which may be ea sily won and as easily lost.

"Till this be learned how all things disagree; How all one wretched blind barbarity."


The first new performer of reputation who appeared at the Park, was Mr. Collins, of the "London and Dublin theatres," a personator of Irish characters. friends of the drama, with the inimitable representations of the lamented Power fresh in their recollection, were not likely to countenance or support any 26 counterfeit presentment" of those sterling quali ties by which his acting was distinguished. A portion of the press seemed rather prejudiced against Mr. Collins during the early part of his engagement; invidious comparisons were drawn, and he had to encounter difficulties seldom experienced by an actor of talent on his first appear ance amongst us. But the good feeling and taste of the public eventually decided in his favor, and he has been highly suc cessful. Mr. Collins is a thoroughly good and accomplished Irish comedian. We do not compare him to Power, for on some points he is decidedly inferior; but judg. ing independently of his merits, we should say he is the best on the stage. We have seen him in all his prominent characters, Paudeen O'Rafferty, Terence O'Grady, the Irish Attorney, O'Callahan, Teddy the Tyler, &c., and it is but fair to say that there was scarcely a good point lost by him during his entire performances. He possesses a pleasing person, sweet voice, whether for singing or declamation, and that inimitable accent vulgarly called "brogne," which tells you in unmistake able terms that he is an Irishman.- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean succeeding during the early part of September, drew good houses, and appeared in all those leading Shaksperean and other characters in which they are considered to excel, but which require the highest dramatic power and happiest physical organization. Mr. Kean sustains a great number of the best parts within the range of the drama, and playing them all creditably, is one of the most constant and useful stars that can appear in the absence of the great meteors of the stage. His personations are characterized by a refined judgment and studied grace of manner, but he possesses little of that electric power which distinguished the

good old school to which his father belonged. Without this divinus instinctus or enthusiasm, no actor can reach the summit of his profession, but when possessed of this, if accompanied by such industry as that of Mr. Kean, he may attain the brightest of all rewards which the public delight to bestow on their especial favorites.

"Tis taste, 'tis genius, 'tis the heavenly ray,
Prometheus ravished from the car of day."

Mr. Kean, like the elder Vandenhoff, is

too cold and artificial. He often succeeds

in working up the feelings of the audience to a high pitch of excitement, but invariably misses the final coup which converts speculative admiration into the warmest enthusiasm. It cannot be denied that he labors under some great disadvantages.

His person is diminutive, his physiognomy ill adapted to most of his parts, and his voice hard, sometimes extremely harsh, and incapable alike of expressing with the happiest effect the softer passions of the heart, and those violent emotions which require the exercise of high dramatic power.

But with all his defects, Mr. Kean is a credit to the profession. He has evinced great perseverance, and a laudable ambition in the most arduous of its walks, and is really a good and finished actor.

In some few of his readings he has not been excelled, and one or two characters he has made peculiarly his own. The Gamester is, we believe, considered one of Mr. Kean's best efforts, but the play is not to our taste. It is entirely devoid of those lively contrasts which prevent even the deep tragedies of Shakspeare from palling on the ear, and which are so true to nature. Riches and poverty, joy and sorrow, life and death, are in this world side by side; and why should they not so meet on the stage, and elicit the same sentiments of alternate happiness and despondency by which life is rendered more tolerable or harder to be endured! It has been asserted that the lesson conveyed by the fate of the Gamester is rendered more effective by the gloom which pervades this tragedy; but we think that the absence of the lighter phases of dramatic composition, however good the moral, tends on the contrary to neutralize the praiseworthy design of the author. Contrast in a play, as in a picture, heightens the effect of the objects contrasted; and the moral of the Gamester would, we contend, have been still more beneficial if the play were to begin with some brilliant, amusing, and gay scenes of fashionable life.

But what shall we say of Mrs. Kean, whose graceful representations have won so many wreaths of triumph from the cold

audiences of England. She does not often, it is true, disturb the "even tenor of her way" by extraordinary mental or physical effort, nor endanger the sweet magic of her voice by the higher flights of her ge nius depicting the mighty passions of the soul; but when she does so,-when she chooses to exert those mental and physical powers with which she is so eminently gifted, she invariably elicits the most unbounded applause. Her figure is admirably adapted to some of her best characters. In Ion, that sweetly classic and most elevated of all her favorite impersonations, every line is breathed with the most exquisite perception of the countless beauties of the text, and every movement recalls those graceful pieces of sculpture which the ancients have left to the admiration of posterity, and which serve at once as models of ideal beauty and worthy Greece and Rome. In almost every role representations of the noble youth of she took during her engagement, she fully sustained her previous reputation as a ion, with Madame de Sevigne, finished actress. Being doubtless of opin

"Qu'il n'y a rien de beau comme le vrai.'

she seldom o'ersteps the modesty of nature.

Her style is easy, natural, and singu larly graceful. There is no straining after effect, no vulgar ambition. It is to be regretted, however, that her voice is weak, being generally lost on about two-thirds of the house, and that consequently many entertain an erroneous impression of her acting.

Edwin Forrest.-The town was entirely taken by surprise by the sudden announcement of the appearance of Mr. Forrest, September 14th, when, indeed, no one knew of his arrival in America. His coming was anticipated, and the good ship Rochester had not entered the bay five minutes, before worthy John Povey was aboard, on behalf of the Park Theatre, with unconditional offers of engagement, and Mr. Forrest was "under bonds" to make his appearance the Monday fol lowing, before he had set foot on land again. Mr. Simpson certainly displayed in this instance a vigilant activity which augurs better days for Old Drury;" and let us hope this ebullition of managerial enterprise may not react into the whilome indifference to public taste, which contents itself with taking what first comes and neglecting much better that may be had. Mr. Forrest opened in “ King Lear," and an audience assembled in spite of the melting heat of the weather, which, in numbers and enthusiasm, must have filled the largest measure of his expectations.

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