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Joint Resolution authorizing the Keeper of the State House to purchase fifteen tons of coal for the use of the General Assembly;

A Bill to incorporate the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, in Darlington, South Carolina;

A Bill to require County Treasurers to report to the General Assembly.

The above Bills and Joint Resolution received their third reading, passed, and were ordered to be sent to the House of Representatives.

Mr. WHITTEMORE, from the Committee on Engrossed Bills, reported as duly and correctly engrossed, and ready for a third reading, A Bill to compel County Treasurers to receive County checks or warrants in payment for County taxes, and other purposes.

On the question of agreeing to the passage of the Bill and ordering it to be sent to the House of Representatives,

Mr. BIEMAN called for the yeas and nays.


yeas and

nays were taken, and resulted as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Arnim, Cardozo, Dickson, Hayes, Hayne, Leslie, Montgomery, Nash, Whittemore, Wimbush.-10.

Nays-Messrs. Bieman, Burroughs, Duncan, Duvall, Foster, Holcombe, Wilson.-7.

So the Bill passed, and was ordered to be sent to the House of Representatives.

Mr. WIMBUSH, from the Committee on Incorporations, to whom was referred the following Bills, reported back the same, with a recommendation that the Bills do pass:

A Bill to incorporate the Logan Fusileers, of the Parish of St Thomas and St. Dennis, Charleston County;

A Bill to incorporate the Scott Rifle Guards, of Sumter

A Bill to incorporate the Whipper Guards, of Christ Church Parish; A Bill to incorporate the Salamander Hook and Ladder Company, of Georgetown, South Carolina;

A Bill to amend the charter of the Columbia Building and Loan Association.

Ordered for consideration to-morrow.

Mr. WHITTEMORE, from the Committee on Engrossed Bills, reported as duly and correctly engrossed, and ready for a third reading, Bill to renew and amend the charter of the town of Anderson. The Bill received its third reading, passed, and was ordered to be sent to the House of Representatives.

Mr. HAYES, from the Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Report of the House Committee on Claims on the account of E. R. Stokes, reported back the same, with a recommendation that the Senate


On motion of Mr. HAYES, the Rule was suspended, and the Report considered immediately.

The question was taken on agreeing to the Report, and decided in the affirmative.

So the Report of the House Committee on Claims was concurred in, and ordered to be returned to the House of Representatives.

Mr. HAYES, from the Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Report of the House Committee on Claims on the account of W. G. Pinckney, reported back the same, with a recommendation that the Senate do not concur, and that the claim be referred back to the School Commissioner of Charleston County.

On motion of Mr. HAYES, the Rule was suspended, and the Report considered immediately.

After debate, participrted in by Messrs. Hayne, Swails, Hayes, Leslie, On motion of Mr. LESLIE, the Report was recommitted to the Committee on Claims, with instructions to report back with a recommendation that the claim be referred to the School Commissioner of Charleston County, to examine said claim, and to audit it for payment, for such amount as to said Commissioner shall seem proper, the same to be paid out of the school fund for that County, if anything be due.

Mr. HAYES, from the Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the account of John Lilly, for forage, and services rendered to the State Constabulary, reported back the same, with a recommendation that Mr. Lilly be paid sixty-six dollars ($66) in fall for his claims.

On motion of Mr. HAYES, the Rule was suspended, and the Report considered immediately.

On the question of agreeing to the Report,

After debate, participated in by Messrs. Leslie, Wimbush, Whitte


On motion of Mr. WHITTEMORE, the Report was laid on the table, and the claim referred to John B. Hubbard, State Constable, for his endorsement.

Mr. HAYES, from the Committee on Claims, to whom was recommitted the Report of said Committee on the account of W. G Pinckney, reported back the same, amended in accordance with the instructions of the Senate.

The question was taken on agreeing to the Report, and decided in the affirmative.

Mr. WIMBUSH, from the Committee on Incorporations, to whom was referred a Bill to declare the corporate privileges of the Camden Bridge Company at an end, and to vest said privileges in the County of Kershaw, reported back the same, accompanied by the opinion of the Attorney-General, and a recommendation that the Bill do not pass.

Ordered for consideration to-morrow, and to be printed.

Mr. DUNCAN, from the Committee on Public Buildings, to whom was referred Bill to amend an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the Commissioners of Public Buildings for Williamsburg District to sell certain portions of the public grounds," passed the 22d day of December, A. D. 1859, reported back the same, with a recommendation that the Bill do pass.

'Ordered for consideration to-morrow.

The Sergeant-at-Arms announced


Message No. 32, from His Excellency the Governor, was presented to the Senate by Mr. W. F Hague, Assistant Private Secretary.

The PRESIDENT announced that the Message related to Executive business.


Mr. WHITTEMORE, pursuant to notice, introduced

A Bill to amend an Act entitled "An Act to define the criminal jurisdiction of Trial Justices," approved March 10, 1870.

The Bill received its first reading, was ordered for a second reading and consideration to-morrow, and to be printed.

Mr. JOHNSTON, pursuant to notice, introduced

A Bill to incorporate the Workingmen's Mutual Benefit Life Assurance Association of South Carolina.

The Bill received its first reading, was ordered for a second reading and consideration to-morrow, and to be printed.


Mr. SWAILS introduced the following Resolution :

Resolved, That Rule 15 of the Senate be amended by inserting at the end of the Rule the words "Under the call of the yeas and nays, every Senator must give his vote one way or the other."

On motion of Mr. SWAILS, the Rule was suspended, and the Resolution considered immediately.

After debate, participated in by Messrs. Swails, Hayne,

The question was taken on agreeing to the Resolution, and decided in the affirmative.


Mr. WIMBUSH gave notice that he will on to-morrow, or some subsequent day, ask leave to introduce

A Bill to incorporate the Savings and Building Association of South Carolina;

A Bill to incorporate the Enterprise Railroad Company, of Charleston, SC, approved March 1, 1870.


The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the Special Order for this day, at 1 P. M., to wit:

Report of the Special Committee appointed to inquire into the truth of the charges contained in the article published in the Charleston Daily News, under the head of "The Impeachment a Job."

On the question of agreeing to the Report,

After debate, participated in by Messrs. Hayne, Johnston, Leslie, Whittemore,

On motion of Mr. WHITTEMORE, it was

Ordered, That the Report, with the exception of the Resolution appended thereto, be adopted as the sense of the Senate, and be spread on the Journal of the Senate.


The Special Committee appointed to inquire into and report upon the truth of the charges contained in an acticle published in the Charleston Daily News, of January 20th, 1871, under the head of "The Impeachment a Job," from the pen of the Reporter, G. D. Fox, enjoying the privileges of this floor, have made inquiry in relation thereto, and report:

That Mr. G. Dixon Fox, a Reporter enjoying the privileges of this floor, submitted to them the following letter in explanation of the charges contained in the said article:

"COLUMBIA, S. C., January 23d, 1871.

"To the Chairman of the Senate Special Investigating Committee:

"In the matter of the supposed charge in the Daily News, which you are appointed to report on, I would beg leave to state, as the author of the same, that I intended the matter entirely as a joke. If I have been so unfortunate as to make it appear a serious matter, I am sorry.

"I would make ample apology, had I intended any wrong; but I trust you will, in good sense, deem this a sufficient explanation.

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"P. S.-Further, I know nothing to substantiate the supposed charges made in the Report.


Your Committee made further inquiries relative to the matter, and have been able to find no evidence whatever of the truth of said charges. Your Committee have been informed by another Reporter upon this floor, of good character and standing, that he was present at the time Mr. Fox wrote the article, and was told by Mr. Fox, at the time, that he wrote it for the purpose of creating a sensation; that there was no truth in it whatever.

Your Committee, therefore, find that there is no evidence whatever, or shadow of evidence, upon which to base the scandalous charge contained in that article. That it appears to have been written in mere wantonness by the Reporter, who was simply trifling with the character of the Senate and the member named.

Your Committee are of opinion that a Reporter representing a daily newspaper in the city of Charleston, who will thus abuse the privilege accorded to him upon the floor of the Senate, ought at once to have that privilege taken from him.

The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the second Special Order for this day, at 1 P. M., to wit:

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Report of the Committee on Financ on a Bill to repeal an Act to provide for a sinking fund, and the management of the same.

The Report was read, and the Bill taken up for a second reading. After debate, particpated in by Messrs. Leslie, Nash, Swails, Wimbush, On motion of Mr. LESLIE, the further consideration of the Bill was postponed until Friday, February 4, 1871.


The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the General Orders on the Calendar.

On motion of Mr. DUVALL, the Senate proceeded to the consideration, out of its order, of

Bill to charter the town of Chesterfield.

On motion of Mr. DUVALL, the Bill was read by its title, and referred to the Committee on Incorporations.

On motion of Mr. FOSTER, the Senate proceeded to the consideration, out of its order, of

Report of Committee on Incorporations on a Bill to renew and amend the charter of the town of Spartanburg.

The Report was read, and the Bill taken up for a second reading.

The Bill received its second reading, was considered as in Committee of the Whole, and by Sections.

There being no amendments,

Ordered, That the Bill be engrossed for a third reading.

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