Imagens das páginas

of those pioneer days are a strong contrast to the later period of her life when the most palatial hotels were none too sumptuous. In these fascinating pages, Mrs. Gilbert has given us peeps behind the scenes and glimpses into the personality of many famous persons in the annals of the American stage. The volume, edited by Miss Charlotte M. Martin, is written with a straightforwardness, a propriety, good sense, grace and force of diction, which cause one to lay it aside with feelings of deep regret that it is not more lengthy. Many rare photographs, in the possession of the author and of Mr. Evert Jansen Wendell, have been appropriately utilized in the illustration.

Lighter phases of recent warfare.

Two books resulting from the war between Great Britain and her colonies and the two little Republics of South Africa have been published, dealing with incidental rather than historical aspects of the struggle. The first of these, "Blue Shirt and Khaki" (Silver, Burdett & Co.), is from the hand of Mr. James F. J. Archibald, an American war correspondent who saw both the Cuban and South African campaigns. His recital makes a powerful appeal to our national vanity, chiefly by suppressing the disagreeable side of the Cuban campaign and the amazing imbecilities shown there, while bringing into strong relief the other amazing imbecilities manifested in South Africa. There is undoubted justice in the strictures passed on the British army, the methods of which were far less suited to the campaign it had in hand than those of the Indian-fighting Americans; but it is regrettable that so able a writer as Mr. Archibald should fall into the ranks of those who conceive American greatness to be helped by the suppression of American faults. The other book, "War's Brighter Side" (Appleton), is edited by Mr. Julian Ralph, and consists chiefly of extracts from "The Friend," a field newspaper published in Bloemfontein after the British occupancy, under the patronage of Gen

eral Lord Roberts. Messrs. Rudyard Kipling, Percival Landon, H. A. Gwynne, and Lord Stanley, the press censor, were most concerned with the publication, assisted by Dr. Conan Doyle and Mr. Ralph, and contributions from all of these appear in the book. It seems to have been considered as very good fooling, of the British sort, likely to exasperate the enemy and dull the sensibilities of all to the realities of the work in hand. In a literary sense it is puerile. Mr. Kipling's contributions, particularly, seem to fall below his standard.

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conceptions of the Universe, of matter, of energy, and of life, are depicted by the author with rare skill. A human interest is attached to the story by the effective introduction of glimpses of the personalities of the great leaders in the century's progress, and by the inclusion of more than four score portraits of scientific worthies. The earlier part of the story receives a symmetrical treatment, with just appreciation of men and their contributions to knowledge; but the closing years of the century, with their crowding discoveries, are passed over in silence or receive but passing notice. The historical perspective is perhaps insufficient to justify any review of so recent a period. Still, it seems too bad to drop biology with Darwin, and to make but incidental reference to the Röntgen rays. No achievements of recent years have been more striking than those in the science of bacteriology; but its results are here discussed only in their relation to scientific medicine, for our author is a disciple of the art of healing. This may also explain the inclusion of the story of the rise of neurology, in the chapter on experimental psychology. But all this is only to quarrel with our author's categories. The first chapter, on science at the beginning of the century, and the closing one on unsolved problems, bring home to the reader the wonderful progress which has been made, and also the infinity of the regions as yet unexplored. The whole range of the sciences is included in the plan of the work, and the author has been very successful in freeing his subjects from technicalities for the general reader, and very felicitous in clothing the changing theme with an unfailing charm.

Essays of a Naturalist.

For many years Mr. Alfred Russel Wallace has been a frequent contributor to periodical literature on themes scientific and otherwise. These scattered writings have been collected in two volumes of "Studies Scientific and Social" (Macmillan). The essays have been revised, and in some cases greatly expanded by the introduction of copious illustrations. Many of them deal with the modern theory of Evolution and with the exposition and defence of one of its principal factors, Natural Selection, whose discovery the author shares with Darwin. The problems of the distribution of plants, animals, and the races of mankind, of utility, of inheritance, of instinct, and of race progress, are discussed broadly and with the freedom from technical details desired by the general reader. The second volume is concerned with educational, political, social, and ethical topics, and includes several essays not before published, among which is a pointed reply to the article in which Mr. Bradley Martin, Jr., seeks to justify lavish expenditure by men of wealth. Several essays on the nationalization of land are added, as are also the two closing chapters which, under the captions of "True Individuality" and "Justice not Charity," set forth our author's wellknown panaceas for social wrongs. The writings

here collected throw many interesting side-lights not only upon the progress of the natural sciences in the last half century, but especially upon the career of one of the notable coterie of men whom the controversy over Darwinism brought into prominence naturalist, explorer, evolutionist, social reformer, and spiritualist. Many of the essays were originally published in American reviews, and some of them treat of distinctively American topics, though whatever Mr. Wallace might write is of interest in all lands.

Mock heroics and travesties on clasModern foolery sical subjects have dropped so far with classic forms. from literary view in these days that Dr. James A. Henshall's "Ye Gods and Little Fishes, a Travesty on the Argonautic Expedition in Quest of the Golden Fleece " (Robert Clarke Co.) may be welcomed as affording considerable fun of a novel sort. The original itinerary of the Argonauts is followed with scrupulous care, but, as the "Argument" reads, the whole voyage is "illumined by the search-light of the nineteenth century," of which the following lines may be taken as an example:

"Now Zetes, with some rods of brass, and reeds,
And chariot wheels, made two velocipedes,
With pedals on the front wheel, handle bar,
And saddles made of shields; they were by far
The most astounding chariots ever seen
Bicycles we would call them now, I ween.
Thus, Zetes was the father of the bike;

His progeny to-day are not much like

Their rude progenitors; but as to speed-
Well, that's another story, as you'll read."

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make it a book good for the hands of students approaching the theory of knowledge, which is indeed the substantial problem of the work. The author runs rather far afield in the pursuit of his problem, and the conclusions are really not revolutionary nor breath-depriving. They are familiar in structure, and present no long-lost missing link of the evolution of knowledge. None the less they are suggestive, have a sufficiently original manner of approach, and are of interest to other thinkers. The work is on the whole a commendable one, though somewhat weak in its historical perspective, and rendered weaker by the author's unfortunate preface.

A sympathetic sketch of Agassiz.

A recent addition to the series of "Beacon Biographies" (Small, Maynard & Co.) is the life of Louis The little volume Agassiz by Alice Bache Gould.

is full not only of the facts of the great scientist's life, but also of the great and lovable spirit of the man. Something of the noble optimism and the high enthusiasm that was so great a part of his power as a teacher finds a place in the pages and gives them vitality. The author writes with evident delight on the many-sided nature of her subject, and this pleasure finds expression in a wealth of stories that bring the great investigator's simple and sweet devotion to the aims of his life very near to us. While the volume lays stress more particularly upon the personal side of the life, it makes as full a showing of the scientific ideals that controlled Agassiz, and of the things that he accomplished, as the ordinary reader will care for. Further, the author has written with such sparkling clearness, and with such entertaining charm of style, that the book might well be pleasant reading for anyone.

Captain Dreyfus' own story.

Captain Dreyfus's book entitled "Five Years of My Life" (McClure, Phillips & Co.) is a little belated

Mr. Frederick Storrs Turner presents a volume to the philosophical public, with the title Knowledge, perhaps, and will scarcely win the attention it

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Essays on the theory of knowledge. Belief, and Certitude" and the sub-title "An Inquiry, with Conclusions" (Macmillan). The conclusions, we are told, will not surprise the reader more than they have surprised the writer. We also read: "For the discovery of the conclusions reached by this inquiry, I am abundantly glad and thankful. So far as they are true and I have no doubt that they are true in the main they come from the only Source of all truth; I am but the instrument through which they have been revealed." Such prefatorial remarks are unfair to critic and reader. They suggest a naïveté of philosophic experience which much of the further treatment bears out. And yet the candid critic, before he has turned the last leaf, is glad to record that he has found many worthy things cleverly said within its covers. However obvious the weaknesses of the work, its readability, freshness, earnestness, freedom from impedimenta, and general level of controversy, are much to be commended. Many of these qualities

would have attracted had it followed closer on the heels of the Rennes trial. The famous "Affaire" is now matter of history, and the public mind is fully made up on its merits. It is well, however, to hear the victim's last word in the matter, and what he has to say is of considerable interest. The pith of the book lies in the author's diary of his Devil's Island experiences, and the tale he tells is assuredly a harrowing one. Other chapters sketch the author's life, and recount the various stages of the "Affaire," from the arrest of Dreyfus to the close of the Rennes court martial. The author ends by declaring that he proposes to go on striving for a full reparation of the "judicial error of which

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auspicious an opening with Miss Lynch's sprightly book on France. Mr. Dawson's sketch lacks something of the vivacity of its predecessor, but its tone is more impersonal and its general conclusions seem more carefully weighed. It opens with a thoughtful survey of German imperial questions and conditions, and thence passes to the consideration of specific topics Social Divisions, the "Arbeiter," Rural Life, Military Service, Pastimes, The Berliner, the Press, etc. The treatment is at once descriptive and critical, and the author is evidently well informed. The illustrations are pleasing and well chosen.

More English love-letters.

Mr. Barry Pain's "Another Englishwoman's Love-Letters" (Putnam) is a rather clever parody on the popular book which its title clearly points to, and the question as to the genuineness of which Mr. Pain answers decidedly in the negative in his preface. He adds: "It is difficult to imagine that anybody would have the treacherous impudicity to publish the love-letters of a woman recently dead, without even a plea of historical interest." We don't know about that. Another outcome of the love-letter craze (now, we trust, on the wane) is the dainty, vellum-bound, ribbon-tied booklet containing “An Englishman's Love-Letters" (Mansfield). This author also is "in merry pin," and makes an honest effort to be amusing.


We now have three or four excellent school histories of the United States, prepared for the use of the upper classes of secondary schools. Among them there is none better than the work of the late Alexander Johnston, which has long been held in high esteem. In its present form, the earlier revision by Mr. W. M. Daniels has been supplemented by a still later revision at the hands of Dr. William MacDonald, and the result is a work that may be confidently commended as one of the best of its class. It seems to be supplied with every sort of helpful adjunct that the teacher could wish. Messrs. Henry Holt & Co. are the publishers.

The attractively made volume entitled "Faneuil Hall and Faneuil-Hall Market," by Mr. Abram English Brown, tells the story of those two famous Boston edifices and their founders, and goes in some detail into the historical events, local and general, with which their names are interwoven. The book is soberly written and informing, and is the fruit of painstaking research. It is appropriately illustrated. (Lee & Shepard.)

We have come to expect work of a very scholarly type from the Columbia series of "Studies in Literature" (Macmillan), and the latest addition to this series maintains the standard set by its predecessors. It is a study, by Mr. Henry Osborn Taylor, of "The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages," and bridges over the transition period between the Classical and Mediæval epochs in a philosophical manner. The centuries from the fourth to the seventh take up the greater part of the discussion. Boethius, the Fathers, Monasticism, the

Corpus Juris, and early Christian poetry and art, are among the subjects treated. The style of the essay is admirable, and scholars will be thankful for the appendix of bibliographical notes.

"The World's Work" is so young a magazine that a bound volume comes to our table as a sort of surprise, for we had hardly realized that six numbers were already in existence. It makes a valuable record of contemporary industrial and political activity, and the illustrations, as its monthly readers know, are of exceptional beauty and interest. The work of the world is taken in a rather narrow sense by the editor of this magazine, and we could wish that its materialism were more nearly counterbalanced by its idealism. (Doubleday.)

"A Treasury of Irish Poetry in the English Tongue," edited by Messrs. Stopford A. Brooke and T. W. Rolleston, is a publication of the Macmillan Co. The method of the work is that of Mr. Ward's " English Poets," comprising a general editorial introduction, and signed critical notices of each of the poets included. Of these there are over one hundred, ranging from Sheridan, Moore, and Father Proút, through the poets of "The Nation," down to such very modern writers as "A. E.," Mr. W. B. Yeats, Mr. Lionel Johnson, Mrs. Shorter, and Mrs. Tynan-Hinkson. The work is an extremely well-edited and exhaustive anthology, and no one can examine it, even casually, without feeling a deepened respect for the Irish contribution to the wealth of English poetry.

Dr. Albrecht Wirth is the author of an important study in political science entitled "Volkstum und Weltmacht in der Geschichte" (Munich: Bruckmann). It is a work of the most vital interest for our age of race-conflicts and rivalries for the attainment of worldpower. The author is well fitted, both by study and travel, to discuss these great problems in the philosophical spirit, and his synthetic grasp of his subject is remarkable. The style of the work is clear and forcible to a degree uncommon among German scholars, and the mechanical features of the book are attractive and dignified.

We have received Volumes XIII. and XIV. of the "Cornell Studies in Classical Philology." The first of these monographs is a study of "The Subjunctive Substantive Clauses in Plautus not Including Indirect Questions," by Mr. Charles L. Durham. The second title requires a long preliminary breath to be taken. It reads: "A Study in Case Rivalry, being an Investigation Regarding the use of the Genetive and the Accusative in Latin with Verbs of Remembering and Forgetting." The work bears the name of Mr. Clinton L. Babcock as its author.

Publication 45 of the Field Columbian Museum is "A Synopsis of the Mammals of North America and the Adjacent States," prepared by Mr. Daniel Giraud Elliot. It is a work of 471 pages, handsomely printed and abundantly illustrated. Its tendency is to be catholic in the recognition of species, but the writer sounds a note of warning on the subject of their multiplication, and is strongly convinced that a more critical examination will greatly reduce the number in the near future. The half-tone plates, mostly of crania, illustrate almost every genus and subgenus now recognized among our North American Mammalia. The work is of the highest scientific value, and does great credit to the Foundation which has made possible the series of publications to which it belongs.


"First Studies of Plant Life," by Professor George F. Atkinson, is a nature-book for children, published by Messrs. Ginn & Co.

Tennyson's "Idylls of the King," edited by Dr. William T. Vlymen, is the latest addition to the "Pocket Classics" of the Macmillan Co.

Mr. John Lane's "Flowers of Parnassus " series of booklets now includes an Omar, in Fitz Gerald's paraphrase, with illustrations by Mr. Herbert Cole.

Mr. R. H. Russell publishes a selection of the "Racing Rhymes and Other Verses" of Adam Lindsay Gordon, selected and arranged by Mr. T. O. Guen.

Berkeley's "Principles of Human Knowledge" is added by the Open Court Publishing Co. to their "Religion of Science Library," which now appears in an attractive new cover.

Messrs. A. J. Holman & Co., Philadelphia, send us a "Self-Pronouncing Bible Dictionary" for the vestpocket. It is indexed, printed on thin paper, and provided with covers of flexible leather.

"A Text-Book of Psychology for Secondary Schools," by Dr. Daniel Putnam, and "How to Teach Reading and Composition," by Dr. J. J. Burns, are the latest educational publications of the American Book Co.

"Qualitative Chemical Analysis, Organic and Inorganic," by Dr. F. Mollwo Perkin, is published by Messrs. Longmans, Green, & Co. The same publishers also send us a book of "Exercises in Natural Philosophy," by Professor Magnus Maclean.

The latest addition to the "Temple Classics" series (Macmillan) is a reprint of White's "Selborne," supplied with notes, marginalia, index, etc., by Mr. Charles Weekes. A dainty photogravure frontispiece and a number of Bewick's wood-cuts illustrate the volume.

"The Earliest Lives of Dante," being translations from Boccaccio and Arctino, made by Mr. James Robinson Smith, is one of the "Yale Studies in English," and is published by Messrs. Henry Holt & Co. While not exactly a study in English literature, the publication is a desirable one, and we are not disposed to quarrel over its proper designation.

Mr. Maurice Hewlett's "Earthwork out of Tuscany' now appears in a revised edition (the third) as a volume of the familiar "Eversley" series, issued by the Macmillan Co. The book is altogether worthy of inclusion in the ranks of "that good company which wears the crimson of Eversley," and we are glad to have at last an American edition in such fitting form.

The Third Book of the series of geographies prepared for the Macmillan Co. by Messrs. Ralph S. Tarr and Frank M. McMurry, has for its special title, "Europe and Other Continents, with Review of North America." Like its predecessors, this volume is richly and attractively illustrated. With such books as these available for teachers, the cumbersome old-time geography ought soon to become a memory of the educational past.

First published in 1896 as a volume of the "Ex Libris Series," Mr. Walter Crane's work on "The Decorative Illustration of Books" has come to occupy a place of authority in its own field; the wealth of illustrative examples, no less than the historical and critical value of the text, making it an indispensable handbook for the student or book-lover. A new and cheaper edition of the work, with some slight revisions in the text, is issued in attractive form by the Macmillan Co.


American, An Earlier. W. D. Howells. No. American.
Andorra, Hidden Republic of. Lucia Purdy. Harper.
Art, Tolstoi's Moral Theory of. J. A. Macy. Century.
British Industrial Situation, The. J. P. Young. Forum.
Chinese Poetry. W. A. P. Martin. North American.
Christianity, Outlook for. W. Gladden. North American.
College, Small, Opportunity of. H. W. Horwill. Atlantic.
College Students, Alleged Luxury among. Century.
College Training Tables. Walter Camp. Century.
College, Working One's Way through. Alice K. Fallows. Cen.
Consumption, Winning War against. S. Baxter. Rev. of Rev.
Cookery Books, My. Elizabeth R. Pennell. Atlantic.
Course of Study Situation, The. John Dewey. Educ'l Rev.
Criticism and Esthetics. Ethel D. Puffer. Atlantic.
Criticism, German. R. M. Meyer. International.
Cuban Convention. Work of the. A. G. Robinson. Forum.
Declaration of Rights of 1789. André Lebon. International.
Dietetics, Modern, Principles of. C. von Noorden. Intern'l.
Electrical Invention, Latest Triumphs of. Rev. of Reviews:
English Language, The. Brander Matthews. Harper.
Expansion, Literature of. C. A. Conant. International.
Fair, A Great Midsummer. F. J. Ziegler. Lippincott.
Farmers, Cornell School for. J. Craig. World's Work.
Finland. Henry Norman. Scribner.

Geology and the Deluge. F. G. Wright. McClure.
Housekeeper's Stone, The. A. W. Quinby. Forum.
Hypnotism, Reciprocal Influence of. J. D. Quackenbos. Har.
Irish Question, The. Goldwin Smith. North American.
Isthmian Canal and Population. L. M. Haupt. Lippincott.
Japanese Shores, Wrecked on. Poultney Bigelow. Harper.
Kaiser's Speeches and German History. Karl Blind. Forum.
Kebeth the Aleut. F. A. Vanderlip and H. Bolce. McClure.
Manila Censorship, The. Harold Martin. Forum.
Negro at Home. W. E. B. Du Bois. World's Work.
Niagara, "Harnessing" of. W. C. Andrews. Rev. of Rev.
Nihilism, Russian, of To-day. Abraham Cahan. Forum.
Oil-Fields, The New. David T. Day. Review of Reviews.
Oratory. George F. Hoar. Scribner.

Orient, Government of. P. S. Reinsch. Forum.
Owens, J. E., Recollections of. Clara Morris. McClure.
Pan-American Exposition, Artistic Effects of. Rev. of Revs.
Ph.D., Examination for Degree of. W. F. Magie. Educ'l Rev.
Poe Fifty Years after. E. W. Bowen. Forum.

Printing of Spoken Words. Frederic Irland. Rev. of Revs.
Prophecy, An Experiment in. H. G. Wells. No. American.
Puget Sound Country, The. H. A. Stanley. World's Work.
Railway Alliance and Trade Districts. International.
Religion of a College Student. F. G. Peabody. Forum.
Rowland, Professor Henry A. Review of Reviews.
Schoolhouse, The Ideal. W. H. Burnham. World's Work.
Schools, Foreign, Notes on. W. S. Jackman. Educat'l Rev.
School Tests, Suggestions for. C. E. Seashore. Educat'l Rev.
Senate Document, Revelations of a. S. Webster. No. Amer.
Senate's Place in Our Government. H. L. West. Forum.
Steel World, Center of the. Waldon Fawcett. Century.
Sunspots and Rainfall. Sir N. Lockyer. North American.
Tammany's Success, Secrets of. Gustavus Myers. Forum.
Thoreau, A Hermit's Notes on. P. E. More. Atlantic.
Trusts and Public Policy. C. J. Bullock. Atlantic.
Trusts, Effect of, on Prices. J. W. Jenks. No. American.
University of California, New Buildings of. World's Work.
University, The Scottish. J. G. Hibben. Scribner.
Venezuelan Boundary Controversy. Grover Cleveland. Cent.
Washington during Reconstruction. S. W. McCall. Atlantic.
Wealth, Statistics of. C. A. Conant. World's Work.
Webster, Daniel. John Bach McMaster. Century.
Wellington. Goldwin Smith. Atlantic.

Pope and the Temporal Power. R. de Cesare. No. American.

Woman, The American. Hugo Münsterberg. International.
Women. E. S. Martin. McClure.
Yale Curriculum, The. J. C. Schwab. Educational Review.
Y. M. C. A. in Europe. W. S. Harwood. Century.
Y. M. C. A. Jubilee, The. L. L. Doggett. North American


[The following list, containing 107 titles, includes books received by THE DIAL since its last issue.]


The Early Age of Greece. By William Ridgeway, M.A. In 2 volumes; Vol. I., large 8vo, uncut, pp. 684. Macmillan Co. $5. net.

A History of the American People. By Francis Newton Thorpe. 8vo, pp. 627. A. C. McClurg & Co. $1.50 net. The Diplomatic History of the Southern Confederacy. By James Morton Callahan, Ph.D. 12mo, uncut, pp. 304. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. $1.50.

The Relations of Geography and History. By Rev. H. B. George, M.A. 12mo, uncut, pp. 296. Oxford University Press. $1.10 net.

A Short History of the Greeks, from the Earliest Times to B. C. 146. By Evelyn S. Shuckburgh, M.A. Illus., 12mo, pp. 388. Macmillan Co. $1.10 net.



The Man in the Iron Mask. By Tighe Hopkins. 8vo, pp. 368. Charles Scribner's Sons. $3. net. John Greenleaf Whittier. By Richard Burton. With photogravure frontispiece, 24mo, gilt top, uncut, pp. 134. "Beacon Biographies." Small, Maynard & Co. 75c. Abraham Lincoln: His Youth and Early Manhood, with a Brief Account of his Later Life. By Noah Brooks. Illus., 12mo, pp. 204. "Knickerbocker Literature Series." G. P. Putnam's Sons. 90 cts. net.


Orations and Addresses of Edward John Phelps, LL.D., Diplomat and Statesman. Edited by J. G. McCullough; with memoir by John W. Stewart. With photogravure portrait, large 8vo, gilt top, uncut, pp. 476. Harper & Brothers. $3.50 net.

Algernon Charles Swinburne: A Study. By Theodore Wratislaw. With portrait, 12mo, gilt top, uncut, pp. 212. "English Writers of To-Day." A. Wessels Co. $1.25. Earthwork out of Tuscany: Being Impressions and Translations. By Maurice Hewlett. Third edition, revised; 12mo, uncut, pp. 205. "Eversley Series." Macmillan Co. $1.50.

The Christian in Hungarian Romance: A Study of Maurus Jokai's Novel, "There is a God; or, The People Who Love but Once." By John Fretwell. Illus., 16mo, gilt top, uncut, pp. 124. Boston: James H. West Co. $1.

The Bench and Bar as Makers of the American Republic: An Address. By Hon. W. W. Goodrich. With portraits, 12mo, pp. 65. New York: E. B. Treat & Co. 50c. NEW EDITIONS OF STANDARD LITERATURE. The Paston Letters, 1422-1509, A.D.: A Reprint of the Edition of 1872-5, which Contained upwards of 500 Letters, etc., till then Unpublished, to which are now added Others in a Supplement after the Introduction. Edited by James Gairdner. In 4 vols., with photogravure frontispieces, 12mo, gilt tops, uncut. Macmillan Co. $8. The Prose Dramas of Henrik Ibsen. New and revised edition, edited by William Archer. Vol. I., The League of Youth. With portrait, 16mo, pp. 253. Charles Scribner's Sons. $1.

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The Crisis. By Winston Churchill. Illus., 12mo, gilt top, pp. 522. Macmillan Co. $1.50.

Joscelyn Cheshire: A Story of Revolutionary Days in the Carolinas. By Sara Beaumont Kennedy. Illus., 12mo, pp. 338. Doubleday, Page & Co. $1.50.

Our Lady of Deliverance. By John Oxenham. 12mo, pp. 334. Henry Holt & Co. $1.50.

Sirius: A Volume of Fiction. By Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler. 12mo, pp. 429. D. Appleton & Co. $1.50. Valencia's Garden. By Mrs. Schuyler Crowninshield. 12mo, uncut, pp. 303. McClure, Phillips & Co. $1.50.

By the Waters of Babylon. By Mrs. Reginald DeKoven. 12mo, gilt top, uncut, pp. 349. H. S. Stone & Co. $1.50. Mononia: A Love Story of 'Forty-eight. By Justin McCarthy. 12mo, uncut, pp. 397. Small, Maynard & Co. $1.50.

The God of his Fathers, and Other Stories. By Jack London. 12mo, uncut, pp. 299. McClure, Phillips & Co. $1.50.

The Potter and the Clay: A Romance of To-Day. By Maud Howard Peterson. Illus., 12mo, gilt top, uncut, pp. 348. Lothrop Publishing Co. $1.50.

A Dream of Empire; or, The House of Blennerhassett. By William Henry Venable. 12mo, pp. 344. Dodd, Mead & Co. $1.50.

Manasseh: A Romance of Transylvania. By Maurus Jokai; trans. from the Hungarian by Percy Favor Bicknell. With photogravure portrait, 12mo, pp. 328. L. C. Page & Co. $1.50.

A Daughter of the Veldt. By Basil Marnan. pp. 393. Henry Holt & Co. $1.50.


The Diary of a Freshman. By Charles Macomb Flandrau. 12mo, pp. 335. Doubleday, Page & Co. $1.50. Henry Bourland: The Passing of the Cavalier. By Albert Elmer Hancock. Illus., 12mo, pp. 409. Macmillan Co. $1.50.

Father Stafford: A Lover's Fate and Friend's Counsel. By
Anthony Hope. New edition; 12mo, pp. 251. Henry
Holt & Co. $1.50.

The Crow's-Nest. By Mrs. Everard Cotes (Sara Jeannette
Duncan). 12mo, pp. 248. Dodd, Mead & Co. $1.25.
A Sunny Southerner. By Julia Magruder. Illus., 16mo,
gilt top, uncut, pp. 194. L. C. Page & Co. $1.25.
When the Gates Lift up their Heads: A Story of the
Seventies. By Payne Erskine. 12mo, pp. 445. Little,
Brown, & Co. $1.50.

The Supreme Crime. By Dorothea Gerard (Madam Lon-
gard de Longgarde). With frontispiece, 12mo, pp. 300.
T. Y. Crowell & Co. $1.50.
My Lady of Orange.

By H. C. Bailey.

Illus., 12mo,

pp. 249. Longmans, Green, & Co. $1.25. The Dream of My Youth. By E. P. Tenney. 16mo, gilt top, uncut, pp. 336. Lothrop Publishing Co. $1.

A State Secret, and Other Stories. By B. M. Croker. 12mo, pp. 318. F. M. Buckles & Co. $1.25. When Eve Was Not Created, and Other Stories. By Hervey White. 12mo, uncut, pp. 220. Small, Maynard & Co. $1.25.

Mag and Margaret: A Story for Girls. By Mrs. G. R. Alden ("Pansy"). Illus., 12mo, pp. 407. Lothrop Publishing Co. $1.50.

The Heroine of Santiago de Cuba; or, What Followed the Sinking of the Merrimac. By Antoinette Sheppard. 12mo, pp. 260. Abbey Press. $1.

The Soldier's Revenge; or, Roland and Wilfred. By Florence Nightingale Craddock. 12mo, pp. 207. Abbey Press. $1.

A Daughter of the Prophets. By Curtis Van Dyke. 12mo, pp. 263. Abbey Press. $1.

A Mistress of Many Moods. Trans from the French of André Theuriet by Charlotte Boardman Rogers. 12mo, pp. 111. Abbey Press. 50 cts.

The Mystery of the Marbletons: A Romance of Reality. By M. Mackin. 12mo, pp. 165. Abbey Press. 50 cts.

A Romance in Meditation. By Elaine L. Field. 12mo, pp. 94. Abbey Press. 50 cts.

TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. Italy To-Day. By Bolton King and Thomas Okey. Large 8vo, uncut, pp. 365. Charles Scribner's Sons. $3. net.

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