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in regard to the changes of Discipline, proposed by Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting in 1886, was again considered. Men Friends informed that they were not able to unite in making the changes. Our Meeting submitted to their judgment.

The subject of the bequest of John M. George (deceased) to this Yearly Meeting was introduced by Men Friends, with the report of a committee appointed in their Meeting last year, which report has been approved by them. They offered also the following suggestions: That six friends, three of each sex, be appointed from the Quarterly and Half-Year's Meetings to nominate to a future session a committee of five friends to advise with the Treasurer and Executors of the will of John M. George (deceased), with the same power and authority given to the committee of last year. Also, to propose a committee to take into consideration the whole subject of the provisions of the will of John M. George (deceased), relative to a boarding school, and to report to this Yearly Meeting, or that to be held next year, a plan for the organization and government of the school to be established, the manner in which the trust estate shall be held and managed, and if way opens, suggest a location and plans for suitable buildings, with an estimate of the probable cost

thereof, with authority to draw upon the Treasurer for necessary expenses.

This Meeting considered the subject and united with Men Friends in the appointment of a committee as recommended.


The state of Society was entered upon, so far as reading and answering the First, Second, Third and Fourth Queries. The answers to these claimed our earnest consideration. That of the First Query gave evidence of remissness in the attendance of our Religious Meetings. The counselors among us have pleaded again in our midst, that increased faithfulness to this service may be manifested in the coming year. For, lying at the foundation of our Society is the duty of attending our Meetings for worship and discipline. God is the direct Teacher of His people: we cannot, through the medium of another give to Him the praise and adoration which our own hearts alone can offer. Eloquent words, if truthful words, are helpful to the soul -but merely listening to these is not worship; there must be the surrender of the whole heart, the hungering and thirsting that we may be fed with food convenient for us.

Mothers were enjoined to comply with this duty, of taking their little children to meeting, that they may

be comforted by the feeling that they have done what they could, should the time come when the children shall have gone from them.

Love and unity seem to prevail generally.

Much neglect appears in the maintenance of the testimonies included in the Third Query. This neglect called forth an appeal that we, as women, should stand in the dignity of women, brave enough to appear in that manner that accords with our highest convictions. If there is thoughtfulness in all our habits will it not be easier to extend the hand of help to our brothers that they may help themselves to resist temptations? have an important work to do, and can women who are endeavoring to exert a power for good over their brothers addicted to evil habits, have the same potent influence when they themselves are victims of vain fashions which weaken them both physically mentally?



The Fourth Query was considered, but the report of the Temperance Committee, which is read in connection with this Query, was left until to-morrow morning.

Fourth Day Morning-Fifth Month 16th.

Our friend, Hannah W. Linton, laid before this meeting a concern she felt to visit Men's Meeting.

Women Friends entered into feeling with her and she was encouraged to make the visit. Harriet E. Kirk offered to accompany her, which was united with by the meeting, and Elizabeth Cooper appointed to go with them.

We had a visit in gospel love from our friend John J. Cornell, whose sympathy and encouragement comforted our hearts. The service first given to our friend led him to address some discouraged ones, whose petitions had been for relief, but not for strength to bear; but as they come more and more to know a full surrender of heart, their feet shall yet stand upon the banks of deliverance. The young were entreated to give their hearts to the Lord, and to say not that by and by will be a more convenient season. The longer the day of yielding is put off the harder will be the surrender. To those who have long borne the heat and burden of the day discouragement has doubtless come; but they were counseled to trust this to the Lord, and not allow it to depress their spirits as they pass from time. Having found Him to uplift their spirits in the darkest hour, let them continue to trust; then they can look back and mark the milestones where they have met the pure well-springs of joy.

Our brother felt that the spirit of doubt needs to be guarded against. Those who may feel for a time that

the Lord does not seem to be with them, will find ere the hour of departure comes, that all doubts are removed; all darkness swept away before the brightness of sunset. Out of seasons of poverty come seasons

of great abounding.

A report from our Temperance Committee was read and united with and the committee continued.

Accompanying this report was a petition to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, which was read and fully considered. There was a diversity of sentiment, but the prevailing sense of the Meeting was that it should be signed and forwarded.

Lucy R. Thornton was released from the Temperance Committee, at her request, and Priscilla H. Clothier and Sarah C. James were appointed.


Men Friends informed, the Report of the Committee on Intoxicating Beverages, being again read and considered, was accepted, and the Committee continued and encouraged to pursue its labors as way opens, in accordance with the operations of Divine Truth in their minds, with authority to draw on the Treasurer of the Yearly Meeting for necessary ex


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