Imagens das páginas

H. of R.]

Cultivation of the Sugar Cane, &c.

[JAN. 25, 1830. from the views of his State on the subject. The Legislature lent, could obtain for his son an education elsewhere, such had proposed to instruct the Senators and requested the as that institution afforded. He knew something, perRepresentatives from that State in Congress to oppose sonally, of the character and extent of the instruction giv the West Point Academy in every shape; and although en there, and he did not hesitate to say that no man, the instructions did not pass, his own immediate constitu- whatever his fortune, could obtain for his son the same ents would expect him to promote the fullest inquiry into education at any other institution. The ability of a man, the management of the institution. He hoped, therefore, morcover, to give his son an education on his own means the resolution would be adopted as it was originally pro-depended on many circumstances which Mr. E. particuposed. If any thing is wrong, we ought to see it; and Ilarized; and he argued at some length to show the im[said Mr. C.] would vote against every appropriation for practicability of obtaining the information called for, as the academy, unless I can get full information of its con-well as its useless and improper nature, if it could be obcerns and management. I wish to know if it has been tained. He concluded by moving the commitment of the resolution to the Committee on Military Affairs. The motion was agreed to-91 to 72. Adjourned to Monday.

managed for the benefit of the noble and wealthy of the country, or of the poor and orphan. There was nothing unreasonable in the call proposed by the resolution, and he approved it in its full extent. He concluded by demanding the yeas and nays on its adoption.

Mr. HAYNES demanded the yeas and nays on the amendment, but the House refused them.

The second and third amendments were then succes

sively rejected by large majorities.


CULTIVATION OF THE SUGAR CANE, &c. The House proceeded to the consideration of the reso lutions reported by Mr. SPENCER, of New York, from Mr. CONDICT then moved to strike out these words: the Committee on Agriculture, on the 13th instant; and "the names of those who have withdrawn or have been the said resolutions were read as follows: dismissed from the institution." It might be, and doubt- "Resolved, That the President of the United States be less was the case, [he said] that many had been dismissed, requested to cause to be procured, through the commandor had withdrawn, in consequence of deficiency in men-ers of the public armed vessels, and our ministers and tal ability, or from sickness; and was it right to hold up consuls abroad, such varieties of the sugar cane, and other their names to the public, as suffering disgrace, without cultivated vegetables, grains, seeds, and shrubs, as may be having committed any fault? This would be an act of best adapted to the soil and climate of the United States. wanton cruelty to the parents and friends of the young "Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury cause to men, and of harshness towards themselves, which he be prepared a well digested manual, containing the best hoped the House would not sanction. practical information on the cultivation of sugar cane, and the fabrication and refinement of sugar, including the most modern improvements; and to report the same to the next session of Congress."

Mr. HAYNES did not think any thing would be gained by the amendment, and that every thing ought to be known in relation to the academy and the cadets.

Mr. INGERSOLL supported the amendment, and Mr. Mr. SPENCER, of New York, briefly explained the BLAIR and Mr. TUCKER opposed it; and it was re-views of the Committee on Agriculture in reporting this jected without a count.

Mr. TEST then proposed, as an amendment, to add the words, "and how many leave the institution annually." This, also, was negatived.

Mr. WICKLIFFE thought this institution had almost lost the original character given to it by its founder, Mr. Jefferson, in 1802, and he wished copies of the Register of the Academy to be furnished for every year from its commencement, that its operations might be traced through to the present time.

This addition was accepted by the mover of the resolution, and the question recurred on the resolution as


resolution; the increasing importance of this culture; and the advantage of having the best species of cane, &c.

Mr. CHILTON, of Kentucky, without doubting that the proposed measure would advance the interest of the cultivators of sugar, said that he could not for the life of him discover why this article should be thus singled out for the special favor of Congress. It was well known to every gentleman that a great part of the people of this country live, not by the cultivation of sugar, but of corn and various other products of the soil. Why then draw on the treasury to purchase a book in relation to sugar particularly, the expense of which could not be known to any gentleman on this floor? Is the practical agricul Mr. EVERETT, of Massachusetts, was not opposed turist--the honest farmer of the country, [Mr. C. asked] [he said] to obtaining any information which might be deem- thus favored? No, sir, he is not: his walk in life is humed necessary by any committee or member of the House. bler, and he does not make so conspicuous a figure on He therefore would not object to this resolution, if it were this floor. Had the gentleman proposed to search out the in a form which he could approve. This, however, was best seed of corn, or any of those fruits of the earth which not the case; and he pointed out some of its features, which enter so largely into the comforts of life, there would have he deemed not only useless, because the information been more reason in this proposition: but when only a could not be furnished, but invidious and improper if it small portion of the agriculture of the country was procould be. The resolution requires, for instance, that the posed to be encouraged at the expense of the rest, he felt Secretary of War report to the House "how many have bound to protest against it, in behalf of the common farmers been in said academy, whose fathers or guardians were--the people who are the stay of the Government in peace, members of Congress, and how many such are now there." and a strong pillar of defence in war. Why select a sinThis is a strange inquisition [said Mr. E.] for this House, gle staple to spend the public money upon? If gentleeven if it could be made with success, which it could not men engaged in the cultivation of sugar wished this inbe with any materials in possession of the War Depart-formation, Mr. C. suggested that they had better be left ment. Another branch of the resolution requires the Se- to purchase it for themselves, and pay for it out of the cretary to report, "as far as practicable, what proportion rich revenues of their large estates, and not drain the of the cadets (if any) were in circumstances too indigent treasury to advance one interest at the expense of the rest. to be educated on their own means, or those of their pa- Mr. WHITE, of Florida, rose, and said: As I had the rents." In the first place, it would be impossible for the honor to introduce the resolution upon which the Com Secretary, from any records in his office, to ascertain the mittee on Agriculture were instructed to inquire into the circumstances of those who had sent their sons to the aca- expediency of the measure proposed, and now under condemy; and, secondly, [said Mr. E.] no man, however opu- sideration, it may be considered incumbent on me to say

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JAN. 26 to FEB. 5, 1830.]

Proposed Reduction of the Tariff.

[H. of R.

a word or two in its support. The article to which this consuls and commanders of foreign armed vessels from resolution refers, is one of daily use, and almost universal abroad.

consumption among all classes of the civilized world. There are now three kinds in the United States. The From having been employed formerly as a medicine, it Creole, brought from Madeira; the Otaheite, from the has now become one of the principal objects of consump-islands of the Pacific Ocean; and the ribbon, from Batavia. tion and commerce, combining value in use with value If it be true that vegetables like animals become acclimatin exchange. It is no longer considered a luxury even to ed, and put on a thicker covering as they are gradually the poor, but of indispensable necessity, and general use. cultivated farther north, the same species, planted for cenThe measure proposed, to increase the product either for home consumption, or for foreign exportation, must be viewed as one of no small importance.

turies in a more rigorous climate, may have changed its properties most materially, and might now be transplanted in the same latitude on this continent, when it would require The depressed state of the cotton market, and its great- otherwise the same time here to climatize itself. We are ly diminished value, has given an increased interest to all said to be indebted to India for the cane, from whence it suggestions for the promotion of other articles which pro- was carried to Persia and China, and from thence obtainmise advantage to the agriculturist, and an accumulation ed by the Greeks and Romans, who, from want of knowof the national wealth. The subject itself is not in-ledge of granulation, only used the juice as medicine. The teresting alone to that geograpical section of the country, in Saracens carried it to Cyprus, Sicily, Spain, Madeira, and which the sugar cane has been or may be cultivated; it con- the Cape de Verd Islands. There can be no doubt but nects itself with the wants and comforts of every consum- that a most valuable acquisition may be made to our natuer in the United States. The collection of different vari-ral agriculture by the adoption of these resolutions. I saw, eties of the cane found in more northern latitudes, the dis-only a few days since, in the work of a recent traveller in covery of new processes in fabrication and manufacture, Peru, the return of an Intendant to the Government, in and the demonstration of the facts by experiment, attested which it was stated that the sugar cane in one of the proby competent persons, will double the value of twenty vinces grew eleven months in the year, and ripened five millions of acres of land belonging to the United States, feet high; and from their ignorance of the processes of sugar within the latitude in which there can be no question the making, it was difficult to produce any thing. In our country cane will flourish. The expenses attending the cultiva- the cane only grows eight months, and only ripens two feet; tion of the cane so far exceed that of any other plant or and, destitute as we are of a full knowledge of the subject, vegetable, that those who embark in it properly must our production is annually increasing. It was considered understand the grounds on which they proceed. Those an experiment for fifteen years in the commencement of who wish to extend it farther north cannot confine them- sugar making in Louisiana. What was experiment then, selves to the very little information possessed in Louisiana is experience now. What is now doubt and uncertainty, and the West Indies. It is known that most valuable ac- will be practice and demonstration in a few years to come. quisitions to the stock of knowledge possessed by them I cannot, for a moment, believe that a measure so simple have been made by the recent experiments in France and and beneficial will not receive the concurrent vote of this Spain on the beet root, and lately on the cane, in Guada- House. loupe. This subject has not only occupied the attention of the most profound chemists of the present day, but of the most practical political economists of Europe. The various works through which the scattered materials of a good system, or well digested manual, might be formed, are not accessible to any one planter, and, even if obtained by any one, he has not the means of arranging, translating, and disseminating it for the general benefit.

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The question was then taken on agreeing to the resolutions, and decided in the affirmative without a division.

[From the 26th of January to the 4th of February, inclusive, there was no debate of sufficient interest to be inserted in the Register. The bill for taking the fifth census was the principal subject acted upon.]


Mr. McDUFFIE, from the Committee of Ways and
Means, reported the following bill:

The labors of De Caseaux and Detrone on the cane, and of Achard and Chaptal on the beet, have not been seen by perhaps a half dozen planters in this country, perhaps not a single one. The plan proposed for collecting in one convenient and accessible form this valuable information is simple and inexpensive, and within the acknow- "Be it enacted, &c. That, from and after the 30th day ledged powers of the Government. It has been the prac-of June, 1830, the following duties shall be levied, in lieu tice heretofore by a resolution similar to this, for the collection of facts as to the cultivation of silk, and the still more important instance in which Congress granted a township of land to French emigrants for the cultivation of the olive and vine.

bolts, and pay duty accordingly.

of those now imposed by law, on the following articles, viz. On iron, in bars and bolts, whether manufactured by hammering or rolling, ninety cents per hundred and twelve pounds; provided, that all iron in slabs, blooms, and loops, and other form less finished than iron in bars and bolts, exIt is not the planter and consumer alone that is interest-cept pig or cast iron, shall be rated as iron in bars and ed in extending the cultivation of cane, and manufacture of sugar. The Western States have a new market opened for their provisions, and the Northern and Eastern for engines, kettles, mills, and machinery, from their iron founderies. There is no portion of our Union, and no class of our population, who are not deeply concerned in the promotion of this great and growing article of domestic in-square yard. dustry. The French Government have deemed it an object of sufficient magnitude to devote to it a great deal of lorem, until the 30th of June, 1831, and five per cent. less time and money.

This resolution proposes the collection and dissemination of the improvements made in the fabrication and refinement of sugar; and another, reported by the same, provides for the collection of all the varieties of the cane, from more northern latitudes. This is also proposed to be effected in an easy and inexpensive manner, through our

On iron in pigs, fifty cents per hundred and twelve pounds.

On hemp, unmanufactured, thirty-five dollars per ton.
On flax, unmanufactured, thirty-five dollars per ton.
On cotton bagging, three cents and three-fourths per
On unmanufactured wool, twenty-five per cent. ad va-

every year, until the duty shall be reduced to fifteen per
cent. ad valorem; provided, that all wool, the actual va-
lue of which at the place whence imported shall not ex-
ceed ten cents per pound, shall pay a duty of fifteen per
cent. ad valorem, and no more, from and after the 30th
of June next.

On all manufactures of wool, and of which wool shall be

H. of R.]

Diplomatic Expenses.

[FEB. 8, 9, 10, 1830. a component part, except worsted stuff goods and blan- any other gentleman, to offer, in the shape of a resolukets, which shall pay twenty-five per cent. ad valorem, tion or resolutions, identically the same propositions as a duty of thirty-three and a third per cent. ad valorem. are contained in this bill; and in Committee of the Whole On all manufactures of cotton, or of which cotton shall there was no means by which he could arrest the progress be a component part, twenty-five per cent. ad valorem; of the discussion. So that, if the gentleman succeeded in provided, that all such manufactures, except nankeens, preventing the second reading of the bill, it would not in imported directly from China, the original cost of which the smallest degree serve his object. Mr. B. said, in reat the place whence imported, with the addition of twenty ference to this subject generally, that he wished to have per cent. if imported from the Cape of Good Hope or it discussed; not from any particular desire to make a beyond it, and of ten per cent. if imported from any other speech about it, but he wished it brought into view in replace, shall be less than thirty cents per square yard, ference to the present condition and circumstances of the shall, with such addition, be taken and deemed to have country. He wished the question to be fairly presented, cost thirty cents per square yard, and charged with duty whether we shall continue a rate of duty on imports beaccordingly. yond what the wants of the country and the demands of the treasury require; whether, for any cause, the country is to have a settled, immovable tariff of the present extent; whether, under the power to raise a revenue for defraying the expenses of the Government, it was intended to bring into the treasury an overflowing stream of revenue not wanted for the ordinary purposes of the Govern

On salt, ten cents per bushel of fifty-six pounds.
On brown sugar,
cents per pound.

On white clayed sugar, cents per pound.
On molasses, four cents per gallon.

On linseed, hempseed, and rapeseed oil, fifteen per

cent. ad valorem.

"SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the same draw-ment, for the distribution of which, after it shall have back shall be allowed on the exportation of spirits distilled been forcibly extracted from the pockets of the people, in the United States from foreign molasses, as was allowed there is to be a never-ending struggle on the floor of this previous to the passage of the act entitied 'An act in al-House. Some time during the session he was desirous teration of the several acts imposing duties on imports,' that this subject should he examined with that attention approved 19th May, 1828." which its importance deserved.

The bill having received its first reading,

Mr. STRONG, of New York, desirous to defer, for the Mr. RAMSAY, of Pennsylvania, from a decided objec-present, a discussion which might occupy the whole of tion to the introduction of the discussion of such a bill at this day and to-morrow, to the exclusion of private bills this session, objected to its being read a second time. which are the order of the day, moved to lay the bill on According to the rules of the House, in case of such ob- the table. jection, the question was stated, "Shall the bill be rejected"" And, on this question, the yeas and nays were ordered to be taken.

On this question the yeas and nays were ordered, at the instance of Mr. CAMBRELENG.

Mr. THOMPSON, of Georgia, wishing to have a full house on this question, moved a call of the House; which was agreed to.

The roll was therefore called, and upwards of a hundred and ninety members were found to be present.

By the time the call of the roll was completed, the hour allotted to the consideration of morning business had expired, and the subject was laid over to another day. Adjourned to Monday.

Mr. CAMBRELENG, of New York, rose to suggest to the gentleman from Pennsylvania the total futility of thus attempting to destroy this bill. If he were to succeed in his object, the discussion of the subject would not thereby be prevented; for the propositions contained in the bill could be revived in various forms. It seemed to him [Mr. C said] that this proceeding was very small game. He did hope that the gentleman from Pennsylvania would withdraw his motion, and let the subject take its usual course. It was a very harsh procedure towards any committee of this House to stop a bill of this importance and interest on its first reading. There were kindred ques-duce and modify the duties upon certain imported artitions already before committees of this House; and when cles, and to allow a drawback on spirits distilled from fothey came up, the principles of this bill could readily be reign molasses. introduced, by way of amendment, &c. if the gentleman were to succeed in procuring its rejection now.


The House resumed the consideration of the bill to re

--nays, 79.

So the subject was ordered to lie on the table.


The question on the motion made by Mr. STRONG, on the 5th instant, that the said bill do lie on the table, reMr. RAMSAY said he could not concur with the gen-curred, and, being put, was decided as follows: yeas, 107 tleman who considered this proceeding small game. He considered it large game, and such as the House ought. now to pursue. Wasting the time of the House, he considered to be small game; and any course which should prevent the misspending of the time of the House, he should consider that a large game. He believed [he said] that there was not a member of the House whose mind was not made up beforehand on the question presented by the bill. For his part, he wanted the tariff law, which the House had so much trouble in passing, and which the gentleman from New York had so strenuously opposed, to have a fair trial. He did not wish it brought up here until it had been tested by fair experiment. He meant no disrespect to the gentleman from New York, but he could not consent to withdraw his objection.

[After disposing of a number of motions for inquiry, the remainder of this day's sitting was spent in considering the General Appropriation bill.]

The bill making appropriations for the civil list for the
current year being under consideration,

Mr. INGERSOLL said, he rose to correct an error to Mr. P. P. BARBOUR rose, not to engage in debate which the debate of yesterday had led, in regard to one on this subject, but to remind the gentleman from Penn-head of appropriation. He alluded to the salaries and sylvania that his formal objection to the second reading of outfits of foreign ministers, and the contingent expenses the bill would only have the effect to consume the time of of the missions. It had been yesterday stated by an honthe House. Whenever the House should be in Committee orable member of the Committee of Ways and Means, of the Whole on the state of the Union, it would be per-[Mr. VERPLANCK] that, although the appropriation now fectly competent for the gentleman from New York, or asked for was large, in consequence of the new missions

FEB. 10, 1830.]

Diplomatic Expenses.

[H. of R.

instituted during the recess of Congress, or rather by and chargés, their compensation being specific subjects of sending out new men to old missions, yet, that even the appropriation. The committee called that practice a sum now required for these purposes did not swell the usurpation of power, if he rightly remembered the term. amount beyond our former appropriations for foreign mis- He would not stop to ask whether that was defensible sions. Indeed, it was said that the money required for now, which was usurpation in 1828. His principal object our ministers and diplomatic agents, under the last admin-was to correct the errors which had been, as he presumed, istration, had been more in some years than is now re- inadvertently made, in comparing the sums now asked quired. In these statements, he believed the honorable with what had been given under a former administration; member who made them was wrong, entirely wrong; and and, having accomplished his object in that particular, he he [Mr. I.] would now endeavor to set the matter right. should drop the subject. There had not been a year during the preceding four Mr. VERPLANCK said he did not intend, yesterday, years, that the diplomatic expenses had equalled the sum to make a comparison of the economy of this and the last now asked for. No, sir, not excepting the year of the administration, but had then found himself called upon to Panama mission, which had been the means of character- defend the committee which reported the bill. He had izing the late as a diplomatic administration, by those op- then unintentionally committed an error in the statement posed to it, was there as much required as we are now he made yesterday, by not adding to the one hundred and about to appropriate, The bill proposes to give one hun eighty thousand dollars the sum of thirty thousand doldred and eighty thousand dollars for the salaries and lars, when comparing the present appropriation with that outfits of our diplomatic agents, and for the contingent of former years. Still, on the showing of the gentleman expenses of the several missions. Let us compare this from Connecticut himself, the present appropriation is desum with what we gave in 1826, the first year of the late fensible, for, compared with that made the year of the administration. By a careful examination of the act of that Panama mission, it is very much less, and, with that of the year, he found that, for these purposes, there was appro- preceding year, it is still three or four thousand dollars priated but one hundred and forty-seven thousand five less. Mr. V. said he did not wish to turn this debate into hundred dollars. In 1827, we appropriated for the same a party question. The part of the bill containing proviobjects one hundred and fifty-one thousand dollars. Well, sions explains itself--and the cause of the increase is, that sir, these were large sums, but still falling considerably at the first year of a new administration outfits are requirshort of what is now required. But these sums, though ed which will not be necessary again. But [he said] since appropriated, were not all expended; and when we came it was invited, he would make a relative comparison of the to the year 1828, the gentleman then at the head of the expenditures in this respect, from an estimate he had himState Department informed us that there was on hand an self made. Mr. Adams was Secretary of State in 1825, unexpended balance of former appropriations, amounting when he was elected President, and he himself prepared to one hundred thousand dollars, and he only asked for an the appropriation bills for the first year of his own adminadditional sum of forty-nine thousand dollars to carry that istration. After a long series of appropriations for foreign branch of the service through the year. The next year, intercourse, balances of appropriation for foreign inter1829, we appropriated by two acts, the one for the first course had been left, and this advantage he had, besides, quarter, and the next for the three quarters of the year, with his own political friends abroad; few recalls were necesin all one hundred and thirty-seven thousand five hundred sary. Yet Mr. Adams obtained two hundred and thirteen dollars. The average amount for the four years of the thousand dollars for the first year of his administration. late administration was one hundred and twenty-one thou-The year after, and corresponding with this year of the sand two hundred and fifty dollars for each year, and we present administration, Congress had granted him for this are now starting anew, by appropriating one hundred and object the sum of one hundred and eighty-seven thousand eighty thousand dollars, to cover the expenses of diplo-five hundred dollars, to which is to be added the appromacy for the current year. priation of forty thousand dollars for the Panama misMr. I said, he did not make these statements with asion. How stood the account of what was deemed necesview of finding fault with the items which we are now sary for the two first years of Mr. Adams's administration? considering, but he felt it due to others, as well as himself, The sum of four hundred and forty-two thousand dollars to state, in as few words as he could, on which administra- was deemed proper, and so estimated by the department, tion the difference of expenditure was chargeable. for the two first years of that administration. Let us take Before he resumed his seat, he would say a few words the two first years of the present administration, and exas to the sources from which the outfits of the new min-amine what the amount of the corresponding appropriaisters, during the last summer, had been taken; because, ations will be. There was, when the last administration as had been before stated yesterday, these outfits were went out, a surplus of contingent funds in hands to a consaid to be derived from the diplomatic fund; and we all siderable amount. The Secretary of State, with a laudaknow that the last Congress declined making any spe- ble accuracy, asked for no increase, but said the surplus cific appropriations for outfits, nor is there any such fund (thirty thousand dollars) was sufficient. Under these thing as a diplomatic fund; he meant a fund by that name..circumstances, the sum of one hundred and thirty-seven The money, in the absence of a specific appropriation for thousand five hundred dollars was appropriated last year, outfits, was undoubtedly taken by the Executive from the without any surplus fund. Public reasons--reasons which item of contingent expenses. We had heard something seemed good to the Executive, and which this was not the about these contingent expenses, and also about the prac-place to discuss, induced some recalls to be made, and tice of paying outfits from such sources, a year or two other ministers to be appointed in their place. Mr. Brown, The Retrenchment Committee, he believed, had besides, voluntarily returned from France, and it was ne put the seal of condemnation on that practice; at any rate, cessary to appoint a successor to him. A full minister, in another committee of the same Congress, the Committee consequence of the boundary question, was required in on the Expenditures of the State Department, over which Holland, where a chargé only formerly was required. an honorable member over the way, from Tennessee, ably Under these circumstances, Government now asks for two presided, had, in 1828, denied the rights of the Execu- hundred and ten thousand dollars, which will make an agtive to pay diplomatic outfits, unless authorized by a spe-gregate amount of three hundred and forty-seven thousand cific appropriation. This, we are told, was the true doc-dollars for the two first years of General Jackson's admintrine then. The able report then drawn up by the com-istration, while that of the former administration, for the mittee took the ground that the contingent fund was not corresponding period, was four hundred and forty-two subject to the payment of salaries and out its of ministers thousand dollars--the difference in favor of this adminis


H. of R.]

Diplomatic Expenses.

[FEB. 10, 1830.


tration being about one hundred thousand dollars. Whe- sums, that there was an extravagance in Mr. Monroe, ther even all this sum is to be expended, he could not say, chargeable to his Secretary of State, when not a year can although there was good reason to expect that even the be found in which these expenses have run up to their whole of it would not be needed. The only information sent amount? The gentleman from New York has indeed he had on this subject, was derived from the documents said, that it became necessary to reform some of the min which have been transmitted to the House from the Ex-isters during the recess of Congress, and hence our preecutive within a few days-(the message in relation to our sent heavy expense. We once were taught to believe that foreign intercourse,) by which it appeared we were to go reform and retrenchment were to go hand in hand; but back to the good old act of 1810, which is to be in future they are now, it would seem, to be separated, and the first strictly applied--a law, than which there is none in the year of the reign of reform shows us, instead of a retrenchstatute book more precisely worded, nor one which had ment, an increase which would of itself have broken down been more loosely construed. Thus, we shall not have the administration which went before it. And not only any more constructive journeys-constructed messengers. an increase of this patronage, but even the doctrine of We shall have no more outfits for accidental chargés for specific appropriations is getting to be rather obsolete, a six week's mission-no more appropriations of forty and outfits not provided for by the appropriation acts are thousand dollars for roving ministers to look for a Con- now taken from the diplomatic fund. Let it not be said that gress which was not to be found, unless, perhaps, in the I complain of this--the Executive has an undoubted right moon, where, according to the old poetical fancy which to do as has been done; but I do complain that gentlemen, had recently received the diplomatic sanction of Mr. when they get in, should so soon forget what was their Adams, "all things lost on earth are to be found." favorite doctrine when they were out.

Mr. INGERSOLL said, he had not the most distant idea, Mr. BUCHANAN said, he had not expected that the when he rose on this subject, to give to the debate what House would have entered into a party debate upon this the gentleman from New York [Mr. VERPLANCK] had call- question, and he trusted it would not now seriously en ed a party turn. It was in answer to an inquiry made by gage in such a discussion. The two gentlemen who had the chairman of the Retrenchment Committee, [said Mr. addressed the House upon different sides of the question, I.] that, yesterday, I stated the causes of the increase, for appeared to him to have taken but a narrow view of the the present year, of the diplomatic expenses of the coun- subject. It was decidedly his opinion that, in our inter try. I did this in as unexceptionable a manner as I was course with foreign nations, we should pursue a liberal capable of doing it. The gentleman from New York fol- and wise, rather than a narrow and short-sighted policy. lowed on the other side, and saw fit to indulge in an un-It was the interest and the duty of this country to cherish necessary, and, as I thought, unmerited attack on the ex- the good opinion of foreign nations; and in our intercourse penditures of the late administration. Whatever, there- with them, if we acted upon narrow principles, we might fore, of party has mingled in this discussion, the gentle-find that, in realizing a small gain, the country might sus man may thank himself for. I am acting, and have acted,tain a heavy loss. We should view this subject as stateson the defensive throughout. He now acknowledges that men, and never hesitate to provide the means necessary he was in part mistaken, yesterday, in his estimate of the to enable the Executive to sustain both the character and expenses of the late administration, but still insists that the cause of this country, in intercourse with other na the first year of Mr. Adams's was more expensive in this tions. Mr. B. said he was, therefore, astonished to hear particular, than the first year of the present administra-gentlemen comparing the relative cost of our foreign intion. If the gentleman will turn to the book, and examine tercourse in different years, and under different adminis. for himself, he will find that he is as far out of the way trations, as if there were no other question to be consider here, as he was in his other statements yesterday. He is ed, but which administration had spent the least money. altogether mistaken in this matter, or there is no truth in Sir, [said Mr. B] I was one of those who condemned the figures. The year 1826 required but about one hundred last administration, not so much on account of the amount and forty-seven thousand dollars for the missions, and all of of its expenditures in our foreign intercourse, as because, that sum was not expended, but went to help out the ex-in practice, it repealed the law of 1810. A practice had penditures of one of the succeeding years. Again, we grown up within the last twenty years, which at least vioare told that during Mr. Monroe's administration, and lated both the letter and the spirit of that act. One prewhile the late President was in the Department of State, cedent in violation of law was established, which gave very large appropriations were made, the unexpended birth to many others. At last this act was so wholly disre balances of which went to eke out the minister's salaries garded by the last administration, that they suffered a and perquisites, under the last administration. Surely he minister, upon leaving a foreign country, to convert his could not have been aware where this assertion was to secretary of legation into a chargé des affaires, and as lead him, or he would have paused much before he made such paid a full salary and outfit, although he returned it. Large diplomatic appropriations under Mr. Monroe, home a very short time after the minister. This was not and through the influence of his Secretary of State! Why, only without law, but expressly against law. He had not sir, the largest appropriation made during that period the least right to such an allowance. It was not a ques was in 1825, when the new Governments on our own con- tion whether the contingent fund ought to have been retinent had been acknowledged independent; in conse-sorted to for his payment; but it was a case in which the quence of which, the diplomatic corps was about doubled, President had no right, under the law, to allow him one and even then the amount appropriated for foreign mis- cent, out of any fund, beyond his salary as secretary of sions was not over one hundred and seventy-two thousand legation. Mr. B. was willing that those matters should dollars; still less, it will be observed, than you are now now rest in oblivion, and he would never voluntarily call asking for by the bill on your table. Let us see how the them forth to the light. He had opposed the practice of other years preceding ranged, in these expenses, which the last administration, not because they had paid just de we have been told were so enormous. In 1824, there was mands out of the contingent fund, but because they had appropriated one hundred and forty-nine thousand dollars made donations to individuals in express violation of the --not yet up to the mark of the present year. In 1823, existing laws. only seventy-four thousand dollars were appropriated, not Mr. B. said, the true reason why the appropriation nehalf of what is now required; and in 1822, there was ap-cessary for our foreign intercourse was greater the prepropriated eighty-three thousand dollars; that is, nearly sent than it had been the past year, was, that several of one hundred thousand less than is now necessary to pay our ministers had been recalled, and others had been ap the diplomatic corps. Will it be said, in the face of these pointed in their stead, whom it was necessary to provide

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