Imagens das páginas

edge upon the subject. To hear a lecture without some previous ideas upon the subject of it, is time wasted, and the hearer carries but little away worth retaining. Medical and law students always prepare for a lecture.

In the third place, never attend lectures solely for the purpose of pleasure, and gratifying the imagination by whatever fanciful and brilliant pictures the lecturer may draw; but note down the ideas, principles and facts, and pay attention to the style and manner. By carefully exercising the judgment and reason, the connecting links of a series of thoughts will be observed.

In the fourth place, treasure up in the memory any striking thought, eloquent sentence, or brilliant illustration of the lecture. It may be of service sometime, and a good discipline for the memory.

In the fifth place, after returning from the lecture, spend some time in reflecting upon it, and in noting down the subject; how treated, whatever important ideas or facts have been learned, and some of the best passages and il lustrations which memory reveals.

By persevering in such a course, the benefits will soon be realised. A good mental habit, penetration of thought, and keen philosophical memory will be acquired. Such a course helps to form the good critic, and enables him to pass judgment upon the works of others. The same rules are applicable to sermons and lectures on religious topics.

It is by giving earnest and thoughtful attention to faithful sermons that the Bible and its lessons become deeply fixed in the mind of the listener, and may at last lead to his eternal happiness.

W. C. W.

Every expression indicating that health is a Divine gift should be discarded from the language. A man prepares his own health, as he does his own house.-Horace Mann.

No man has a right to be second in his profession.Dr. Holland.


Lamoille County.-The Association for this county held its semi-annual session at Morrisville on the 20th and 21st of December. The morning of the first day was spent in disposing of the necessary preliminary business. In the afternoon the audience, now quite large, were invited to listen to an address by A. J. Blanchard on "The Theory of Study and Recitation." The speaker proceeded to lay open and dissect the many false and pernicious theories of study and recitation so prevalent in our common schools, and then drew the outlines of the only true theory calcu lated to improve the memory, strengthen the understand ing and develop a strong and healthy intellect. Messrs. C. Swasey, J. West, P. K. Gleed, A. J. Blanchard, and Rev. T. M. Merriam, participated in a free and animated discussion of the plan proposed by the lecturer.

In the evening Rev. T. M. Merriam gave a lecture on History, in which he clearly and forcibly established its importance as a common school study. The speaker exhibited a "Diagram and Digest of History," of which he is the author, which added much to the interest of the occasion. P. K. Gleed, Esq., then addressed the Associa tion. Subject-"The Strong Will, Indispensable to the Common School Teacher." He aimed to establish the point that, while the successful teacher must be endowed with a strong will, no pursuit is better adapted than his to its attainment.

Friday morning was spent in discussing the subjects of the evening addresses. Messrs. Blanchard, Gleed, Merriam, and Dougherty participated. R. L. Perkins then addressed the Association on the importance of Self Knowledge as one of the chief aims of all mental discipline. Some miscellaneous business was transacted, and the Association abjourned to meet at Cambridge on the second Thursday of May next.

Although the attendance of teachers was not as large

as the people of Morrisville were prepared to entertain, those who did attend, returned to their tasks with a deeper sense of the magnitude, importance and immortality of their work, and better prepared, both in heart and head, to discharge faithfully their toilsome and arduous duties; while the few who have labored to found and perpetuate the Association, were greatly encouraged.

P. K. GLEED, Secretary.

Essex County-The Essex County Institute holden at Lunenburg, was a perfect success. Although the weath er was boisterous, the house was literally crammed during the whole session. The interest increased to its close. Mr. Adams, with his wonted zeal, presented the subject of Education in so many attractive forms, that all were suited. A good choir rendered effective service under their leader, C. F. French. Appropriate resolutions were adopted, endorsing the course of Mr. Adams-also thanking the citizens of Lunenburg for their liberality. The Teachers' Association was organized during the progress of the Institute, with the following


Art. 1st. This Association shall be called the Essex County Teachers' Association, and shall have for its object the improven ent of teachers in the science and prac tice of teaching, and the awakening of a greater interest in the cause of common schools throughout the country.

Art. 2nd. The officers of this Association shall be a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, and a Corresponding Secretary from each town in the county; also a Business Committee of three, who, in connection. with the President and Recording Secretary, shall ap point the place of holding each meeting of the Associa tion, propose subjects for discussion, appoint persons to deliver Essays upon such subjects as may be selected by the Association, and transact all necessary business per taining thereto.

Art. 3rd. This Association shall hold semi-annual sessions at such times and places as shall be designated or deemed best bv said Association.

Art. 4th. Any person may become a member of this Association by signing this Constitution.

Art. 5th. This Association may at any regular meeting adopt such by-laws, and make such alterations in this Constitution, as shall be deemed proper by a majority of 'the members present.

Art. 6th. The officers of this Association shall be chosen for one year.

The following officers were chosen: Rev. Wm. Sewall, President; Rev. L. H. Tabor, Vice President; C. W. King, Lunenburg, Recording Secretary; a Corresponding Secretary for each town; J. E. Woodbury, Chas. W. King and Geo. N. Dale, Business Committee.

Chittenden County.-This Association met at Richmond, Jan. 4th, at half-past 10 o'clock., A. M., Vice Pres ident J. S. Cilley in the chair.. Prayer was offered by Rev. T. J. Holmes, of Richmond. The opening address was by J. S. Adams. His remarks referred chiefly to the peculiar functions of this Association, which were to assemble practical teachers to discuss their various modes of management, and by means of such discussion to improve as well those modes as their own abilities to put them into effect; to bring together teachers and patrons to discuss their relative duties; to excite an interest in the cause of popular education generally, and to develop the mass of intellectual ability existing among us.

The Chair appointed the usual committees.

In the afternoon Hiram Carleton, Principal of Hinesburgh Academy, read a brief and pointed Essay. His subject was further discussed by J. S. Adams, Esq., and O. P. Ray, of Richmond.

The subject of School Government being introduced by the Business Committee, a lively discussion ensued, participated in by Messrs. Elliot, Holton, Howe, Cilley, Hamilton, Mason, Holmes, Burnham, Forbes, and Adams. Such a number of minds, of course, entertained conflicting views. All seemed to agree that the high development

in the teacher of such traits as energy, honor, punctuality, · courtesy, firmness, and impartiality, was the only true foundation of good government in school.

In the evening Rev. T. J. Holmes, of Richmond spoke upon "Vocal Music in our Schools." Its various uses and benefits were set forth by the speaker: among these were its power to make the exercises of the school interesting and pleasant; to afford recreation while it inculcates the principles of order and harmony; to fix in the mind such moral lessons as may be contained in the words used; to cultivate the voice and enable it better to perform its rhetorical exercises, and to elevate the moral tone of the individual by means of its inherent, refining influences. J. S. Adams, Esq., delivered a lecture, entitled "Vermont and Vermonters."

On the second day Rev. C. E, Ferrin, President, took the Chair. Rev. J. H. Worcester, of Burlington, offered a prayer. Winooski was designated as the place of the next meeting. A discussion followed upon "Vocal Music in Schools," the chief point of debate being the practicability of its general introduction into our common schools. Messrs. Clark, Ray, Nash, Holmes, and Ferrin participated in it.

Mr. A. E. Leavenworth, of West Brattleboro', delivered an address upon "Physical Culture in Schools," and gave practical illustrations of the manner in which physical exercises may be conducted in school rooms. The necessity of more thorough physical culture in schools was discussed by Messrs. Holmes, Clark and Worcester; although the last two gentlemen feared that the thing would be made a hobby, and be carried to an absurd extreme.

The following resolution was adopted, after discussion: Resolved. That obedience to the law of our State respecting a neat and accurate school register would greatly aid in our work of improvement.

In the afternoon officers were elected as follows: Rev. C. E. Ferrin, President; J. S. Cilley, Williston, Corres

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