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Year after

the apostles.

This is unquestionable, that if we search either 'into the tenor of the holy scriptures, or into the account of past times, there is none can deny that,



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in matters of faith, I say, in matters of faith, bishops are wont to judge of emperors that are ⚫ Christians, and not emperors of bishops.


You will, by the grace of God, arrive to a better ripeness of age; and then you yourself will pass 'an estimate, what sort of man for a bishop he ' must be, that will put the sacerdotal right under the judgment of laymen.



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Your father, a man, by God's mercy, of a more advanced age, said, "It does not belong to me to judge between bishops." Does your grace now say, "It does belong to me to judge?” And he, though at that time baptized in Christ, yet thought ⚫ himself unable to bear the weight of so great a 'judgment. Does your grace, for whom the sacra'ment of baptism is yet reserved to be obtained by you, take upon you the determination of matters ' of faith, when as yet you are not partaker of the 'sacrament of faith?'

This scuffle between the court on one side standing for the Arians, and the major part of the people on the other for their religion, their church and their bishop, increased so far, (the emperor demanding the church for the Arians, the people continuing day and night in it; the court giving out that bishop Ambrose meant to set up for an usurper, St. Ambrose declaring, that as he abhorred the thoughts of resistance, or of stirring up the people,

y Ambrosii Epist. 33. [ep. 20. edit. Benedict.]

2 Idem, Oratione in Auxentium. [Op. tom. ii. p. 863. edit. Benedict.]


so he could not, on the other side, run away from his CHAP.III. church and flock in that danger of their souls, but year after was ready to suffer death quietly,) that Maximus the apo the usurper, who had already, since the defeat and death of Gratian, settled himself in Britain and France, and gaped for an opportunity of invading Italy, took his advantage of these discontents; and he published a DECLARATION in behalf of the true religion, and threatening war to Valentiniana, if he did not forbear to persecute the catholics.

The court, for all their anger against St. Ambrose, yet could not find a fitter man to avert this storm than he, because of the influence which they thought he might have upon Maximus. They sent him therefore on an embassy of peace. Which he performed with all that fidelity that became a good Christian, who would shew himself loyal to his prince, that had despitefully used him and his religion.

But as to his errand, he could do no good (for usurpers, when they find their advantage, do not use to be kept back by reasons of conscience). On the contrary, when Maximus saw that St. Ambrose would not communicate with him, nor with the bishops that communicated with him, he commanded him to be gone. And St. Ambrose sent an account of his embassy to Valentinian, advising him to look to his safety, Adversus hominem pacis involucro bellum tegentem, against a man, that under pretence of peace, [or doing good offices,] covered his design ofwar [or invasion].'

And so it proved: Maximus invaded Italy; and Valentinian had nothing to do but to fly.

a Theodoret. Hist. lib. v. cap. 14.

b Ambros. Epist. 27. [24, in edit. Benedict.] WALL, VOL. II.



But Theodosius, who had, ever since he heard of Year after the death of Gratian, resolved to revenge it, having

the apostles.

now his army ready, came from the East; and though the usurper had strengthened himself by humouring all parties of Christians, Jews, and 288. Pagans; yet he overcame him, slew him, and resettled Valentinian, and brought him off from his fondness to the Arians, (his foolish mother being now dead,) and reconciled him to St. Ambrose, whom he ever after honoured as a father.

This quietness had lasted but three years, when 291. a new usurper Eugenius started up; with whom Argobastes, one of the greatest men at court, traitorously joined. Valentinian, being then in France, was seized by Argobastes, and after a while mur292. dered by him. This was in the year 392; so that he was, when he died, twenty-six years old.

III. He had, a little before this treason broke out, resolved to be baptized before he went for Italy. He had a particular desire to receive it from the hands of St. Ambrose, and had lately sent to Milan to him, to desire him to come and give it him. St. Ambrose was on his way to France when he heard the fatal news, which rendered his journey now too late.

One shall hardly read a more compassionate lamentation than St. Ambrose makes on this account in his funeral sermon for Valentinian. What with the object that was present, and what with the occasion it gave to remember Gratian, he says all that could be said by a man that had lost his own children by a like fate. He persuades himself, that if he could have arrived before the murderous blow was given, he might have prevailed with the tyrants

to spare his life at least. I doubt he was mistaken CHAP. III. in that; for who ever read of an Oliver that did year after that?

But as to Valentinian's dying unbaptized; he comforts his sisters, that were present at the sermon, by assuring them, that in such a case God accepts of a sincere faith joined with a hearty desire of baptism, as if the person had been actually baptized. Which saying of his is often cited for the resolution of like cases. I hear,' says he, you are ⚫ troubled that he did not receive the holy rites of • baptism. Tell me, what is there in our power but the will and desire? And he, both a good while ago had a purpose of being baptized before he returned into Italy; and also lately expressed his desire of being baptized by me and it was for that reason especially that he would have me * sent for.

Hath he not then that grace which he desired, and which he endeavoured to have? Inasmuch as ⚫he desired it, he has received it.'"

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Upon the news of this rebellion and murder, Theodosius came once more from the East, and obtained a victory over Eugenius, which, (counting the numbers that sided with Eugenius,) the historians count almost miraculous, and slew him. As 294for the traitor Argobastes, he saved the hangman a labour.

And this was one of the last good acts of that noble emperor. He died quickly after. And St. 195. Ambrose had the sorrow of preaching his funeral

sermon too.

I cannot but observe from that sermon, the dif

the apostles.

CHAP.III. ferent grounds on which St. Ambrose, from those on Year after which Baronius does condemn Maximus. Baronius' way is, when any great man in history comes to an ill end, or other calamity, to find something in his life which may be supposed to be the cause for which that judgment fell on him: and it is commonly something done against the church of Rome. And speaking of the ill end of Maximus, when he looks backward for the cause of it, he takes no notice of his rebellion and usurpation, and murder of his prince; like the man, who, pretending to tell the faults of a horse that he sold, forgot to mention that he was blind; and observes how once on a time, a great while before, being appealed to by some bishops, he had meddled in ecclesiastical matters more than became him ".

But St. Ambrose, in the foresaid sermond, having spoken of Gratian and Theodosius as being then in heaven, adds, Contra autem Maximus et Eugenius in inferno, docentes exemplo miserabili quam durum sit arma suis principibus irrogare. But Maximus and Eugenius are now in hell, teaching by their ' dreadful example how heinous a thing it is for 'men to bear arms against their sovereigns.'

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IV. From this whole relation it appears,

1. That Valentinian the younger was never baptized.

2. That Gratian probably was baptized some time of his life or other. Because St. Ambrose, in Valentinian's funeral sermon, makes frequent com

c Ad annum 385.

d Orat. in funere Theodosii, [§. 39. Op. tom. ii. p. 1209. edit. Benedict.]

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