Imagens das páginas


Final y following a consonant is changed to i before

a suffix that does not begin with i.

[blocks in formation]

dis play' me'te or Car'o li'na plant'er plan ta'tion pros'trate bit'ter est im plore' im plor'ing

a cute'

ob tuse'


A most wonderful display of meteors took place Nov. 13, 1833. A Carolina planter thus describes the effects upon the slaves on his plantation: "Upward of one hundred lay prostrate on the ground, some speechless, and some with the bitterest cries imploring God to save the world and themselves."

An acute angle is less, and an obtuse angle greater, than a right angle.

[blocks in formation]

grad'u al ly

ta'per con'tact at tach'

at tached'

fi'bers ten'don

grace'ful out'line

A chil'les

The muscles in our bodies gradually taper when nearing the points of contact with the bones, as at the wrist and ankle. Here they are attached to tough fibers, called "tendons," which move the bones. The graceful outlines of the body are due to the muscles and tendons.

The so-called "tendon of Achilles" at the heel is very strong.

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[blocks in formation]

Jung'e re [junc'tus] (join, joint)= to join.
Vi de're [vi'sus] = to see.

re join' join'er



ad vise'

de vise'


vis'i ble

su'per vise

re vise'

The trains met at the junction.

"I will not advise thee." - Milton.


Mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good."

"The visions of my youth are past,
Too bright, too beautiful to last."
"To him who in the love of Nature holds
Communion with her visible forms, she

A various language."- Bryant.
He will revise the book.

[blocks in formation]

mul'ti tude

pos'si ble

in fe'ri or

ar'ti cle

an'gu lar


tri'an gle

cost'li est

scant sta'ple


"The multitude of those who err is no excuse for error."

"Cheap prices are made possible by inferior articles."- Robertson.

"The outlines of the swallow are so clear-cut and angular that they can be reduced to two triangles."

"True love shows costliest where the means are scant.' - Lamb.

Cotton is a staple product of the South.

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"Every person has two educations, one that he receives from others, and one, more important, that he gives to himself."-Gibbon.

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Ca'put [cap'it is] = a head.

Pon'e re [pos'i tus] = to place.
Sen ti're [sen'sus] = to think, feel.

The capitalists invested a capital of $1,000,000 in the business.

One falsehood supposes another. "Man proposes, God disposes." “Old time, in whose bank we deposit our notes, is a miser."— Holmes.


Every delay that postpones our joys is long."

It is natural to resent an insult. "In nodding assent, the Africans differ from us in lifting the chin."

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