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[CORRECTION-Binders will notice that in title page to vol. LVI. the words "March 1838 to Sept. 1838," should read from March 1839 to Sept. 1839.」



N. 23351.d.


-General directions. For things happening in Great Britain, France, &c. or the several states, see their own proper heads; in congress, see congress, &c.

[blocks in formation]

Bank law, the New York in full

179 Peel 224, 226; sites for posts 240; Nelson and Coté ac-

Bank United States, price of stock 97: see congress: quited b.; desire of adjustment 241; proclamation of

Mr. Jaudon in England 161; receipt of specie 177; not
about to resume 193; judge White's speech on the issue
of the notes of 247; act for the sale of bonds of the 344:
see Biddle.

the governor of New York, &c. &c. ib; proclamation
of lord Durnam 242; patriots of Upper Canada again
make a rally 272; arrival of generals Brady and Ma-
comb 273; conflict at Short Hills 275-see sir Robert
Peel; retreat of the patriots 289; proclamation of gov.
Arthur 290; items ib.; two rigments of artillery ordered
239 north 305; revocation by lord Durham of the procla-
mation of lord Gosford offering rewards for the appre-

Barbacue to Mr. Preston 359; see dinners.
Barbadoes, the decision to set the slaves free con-

Barney, Mr. letter from to Wm. Lorman, president
of the bank of Baltimore relative to currency, &c. 164 hension of Messrs. Papineau, Brown and others 305;
Baron, Octavius, executed for the murder of Mr. lord Durham's proclamation of general amnesty 349;
Lyman, his confession

403 his reception at Montreal ib.; arrival of general Mc-

Beaver, in Virginia, as to the appearance of in Surry Comb, and disturbances quieted 353; trials and convic-
389 tions 354; despatches received, &c. 369; sixteen state
Belgium-see French and British affairs: relative to prisoners sentenced to death, &c. 390; the address of
the integrity of the country, &c.
371 Linus Wilson Miller against the sentence of death ib.;
Bell, John, correspondence relative to the rencontre captain Davidson's case, his trial under suspicion of be-
with Mr. Turney 260; dinner to, at Nashville 406 ing a spy 402; probable that governor Kent will attempt
Bermuda, governor appointed

144 to run the line, general notices relative to, state prison-
Canals-amount of tolls received on, in New York

Biddle, Nicholas-his letter to honorable John Q. ers, &c. &c.
Adams on currency, &c. 98; to the town of Reading,


Pennsylvania 355; letter from, relative to resumption 226 4; the quantity of flour brought down the New York
Birds, the scarcity of

416 176; the tonnage and tolls of the Pennsylvania 240;
Black Hawk and his son, account of, at a ball 144; the trade of the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio
his fourth of July oration

Blockade of the Mexican ports-see Mexico-see
Buenos Ayres.

387 338; New York tolls 368; commerce of Ohio 389; the
tolls and trade of 395; a ship from Lake Erie to the sea
Caroline-the affair of see congress; correspondence
relative to

Bodiscoe, Mr. and suite, minister from Russia, arrival
at New York


Bollerman, Anton, the consul of Hesse recognised 81
Bonaparte, Charles L. publishes a work on orni-

Bond, Mr. of Ohio, speech of


Bonds, belonging to the United States-an act to au-
thorise the sale of 344; sale of, to the United States
bank 353-see congress.

Book binding, with India rubber


Boundary, northeastern-Greely liberated 3; daring
outrage on the steamboat sir Robert Peel 224; arrival
of general Wool and establishment of posts 273; reso-
lution relative to the survey of the, passed 323; readiness
to run the line 388: see Canada.

Bowditch, Nathaniel, notice of the death of 49




Carter, hon. Timothy J. death of
Central America-the revolution continued in the in-
terior of


Chalmers, Dr. the amount paid him for lectures 363
Charleston, South Carolina-great fire at 145, 160,
239; further attempt to fire 258; the amount of donation
made for sufferers


Cherokees-general Scott to be sent to 113; see In-
dians and congress; relative to removal of 129; corres-
pondence of the secretary of war and general Scott re-
lative to the treaty with 193; violence committed by
ib.; debate in the senate 194; emigration of 321; the
address of major general Scott to the Cherokees in
reference to their removal 210; correspondence relative

Bradford, Mr. Thomas, notice of the death of and to their treaty 244; ready for removal and numbers 273;

Army statistics 22; general orders 97; West Point
graduates ordered on duty
Ashley, general William, of Missouri, death 81 biography
Astor, John Jacob-notice of his presenting ten
thousand dollars to the German society 352, 368
Atlantic and Pacific oceans the fact established of
a communication between the


Atlantic steam navigation, meeting in Philadelphia
relative to


Attorney general, the hon. F. Grundy appointed 289
Auction duties in New York, the amount of 389
Austria, official communication from, relative to the
sanitary rules


176 the removal of the, completed and the army orders, &c.

Branch, governor, letter accepting the nomination 324; report of the sickness of the 369; murders ib.;
as candidate for governor
Brazil-consul general of 17; tranquillity restored 48;
arrival of minister and defeat of troops 337; defeat of


[blocks in formation]

Bretonniere, admiral La, commander of the Dido,
&c. a memoir of


Bristol, England, resolutions of the merchants of
relative to steam communication with New York 356
British affairs-see Canada-proceedings in parlia-
ment relative to Lower Canada, &c. 34; relative to

Baily, Josiah, jr. his trial at Baltimore, for contempt parliament, Canadian affairs, slavery, markets, &c. &c.
of court
357 49; arrival of the packet ship United States; earl of
Bakely, Mr. Morely, honorably repays the bank at Durham about to leave for Canada; the shipment of
Baltimore-John. P. Kennedy, elected to congress at Paris; on the state of the banks; small pox; king of
from 129; tornado at 193; flour inspections

Baltic sea, notice of a buoy in the

353 600 Polish women to the Russian camp; stockjobbing

352 Hanover; money market 162, 163; arrival of the Or-
177 pheus; parliament; coronation of the queen; Mr. Jau-

Bambers-surrender of the 3; will be discharged 17 don and the United States bank-Canadian affairs, &c.
Bangs, Edward D. secretary of state of Massachu- &c. 209; arrival of the packet ship Virginia; the riot
setts, death of

Chronometer, premium awarded for




Cilley, Mr.-see congress; duel with Graves 1; state-
ment of the parties 5; correspondence of J. W. Webb
18; address of Henry A. Wise


Cincinnati and Charleston rail road company, sub-
scription of Tennessee to


Circular from the treasury department, relative to
specie circular, &c.


Clark, Miss Mary, of Medway, heroic act of 338
Clay, Henry, his speech on the sub-treasury bill 67;
and Calhoun 196-see congress; invitation of the meet-
ing in New York to, and his reply


Clerk, to the circuit court in Louisiana, application to
restore to office, &c.
239, 373
Cleveland, the produce trade of in eleven weeks 333
Clock work, ingenious invention
Common schools, in Ohio



81 near Canterbury; Mr. Stevenson's visit to the earl
Spencer; dinner to sir Francis Head; new ministerial
arrangements; her majesty's coronation robes; French
news; the arrival of Mr. Muhlenburg; chamber of de-
puties; Belgium and Holland; Hamburg; steamboat
destroyed by fire, &c. 329; arrival of the Royal Wil-
liam; passage; full account of the coronation; the queen
350, 357; arrival of the Great Western; voyage; pas-
sengers; crops; capital of the Great Western company;
parliamentary news; Canadian affairs; imprisonment
for debt; reviews of the troops; crazy man and the
queen; the British Queen steam ship; markets, &c. &c.
370; French affairs ib.; British army 384; promotions
in the 387; entertainment at Guildhall 395; interesting list of those passed 306; Adams, John Q. 29, 30, 31;
account of the colonies of
Bruyn, judge, notice of the death of
Buchanan, James, his letter declining to attend 4th 78, 110, 124, 125, 159, 207, 220, 221, 236, 253, 263, 269,
of July dinner at Philadelphia
Buffaloes, the last of the

Abolition, letter of John Q. Adams 31; resolution of
Massachusetts relative to 236; Absence, resolution that
senators should not receive their pay during unneces-
sary 111, 122; Acts of congress, inquiry as to amend-
ing the law relative to printing and distributing 31; a

396 resolution to send for persons and papers relative to
354 petition to arraign him, &c. 31, 32, 46, 47, 63, 64, ib.;

347 271, 283, 284, 236, 238, 301, 304, 312, 314, 315, 317,
144 319, 329, 331, 332; Adjournment, resolution to fix day

Banks of New York 2; commonwealth of Boston
ib.; number, &c. of, in Connecticut ib; list of the pre-
sent deposite and the amount in them 3; the Virginia
b.; banks of Mississippi not able to resume before Au-
gust 23; Franklin, of Boston, indictment against offi-
cers of 23; the Phoenix 43; notice of the Louisiana, the
Boston, the Massachusetts 48; the Phenix investiga-
tion closed, &c. 49; banks, currency, &c. in New
York, 65; charges against Phenix bank proved, &c.
ib.; notice of Laffitte's, in Paris ib.; the Philadelphia
decline sending delegates, &c. 81-see bank convention;
the cashier of the Commercial, guilty of perjury 112;
bank law of Maryland 114; notices of 129; the agent
of the Mississippi Union 129: of West Florida, about to
resume operations 144; number of, in Michigan ib.; ge-
neral statement relative to banks, currency, exchange.
&c. 145, 146; statement of the condition of the bank of
England 146; relief bill ib.; various 161; amount of
specie and general statement 177; general notices 224;
law point as to having forfeited its charter 240; general
notices 241; resumption of, at New Orleans 273; and
general notices ib.; general notice of 289; bank of Mon-
treal regained the money stolen at the time of burning
the sir Robert Peel 259; condition of the Baltimore
banks-meeting of the banks in Philadelphia 305; the
robber of the bank of the Metropolis apprehended 321;
southwestern Rail Road bank of South Carolina, notice
of its going into operation ib; general remarks, go-
vernor Ritner's proclamation approved of large bank
about to go into operation in New York-an act to
Canada-patriot forces disbanded 1; account of the tionary pensioners 31; further considered 47, 63; for
modify the deposite act-estimate of American stocks patriots, &c. from Detroit 7; tranquillity restored, &c. Indian hostilities 64; the appropriation bill referred in
held abroad, &c. 322; resumption of the 337; items &c. 17; English notices of troops, &c. ib.; arrival of pa- the house 75, 76.77, 78; passed ib.; military appropri
relative to 353; the amount of deposites in the Boston triot forces-plunder at Elizabethtown-proclamation tion bill 80; the general, passed 81; referred 94; passed
Savings 368; money affairs in Philadelphia, resumption of governor Marcy, &c. 19; tranquillity, &c. 33; gene- 94, 96; the navy, passed 110; speech of Mr. Halsted on
in Ohio, &c. &c. 369; relative to the southern, west- ral Sutherland tried 65; firing on Windsor 80; items the general 167; for the navy service 204, 215; see
ern, &c. 335; general notices of
402 from 112; executions for high treason 123; trials 144; Indian hostilities; for light house 288, 301; for the In-

Buenos Ayres-French blockade of 275; special ses- of 31, 123, 128; day fixed 223, 272, 273, 281, 283, 305;
sion of congress 354; demands of the French 363; Agriculture, as to the introduction of foreign seeds, &c.
things assuming a serious aspect


402 31; Alabama, bill to relinquish the two per cent. fund to

Calhoun, Mr. of South Carolina speech on the
sub-treasury bill 55; reply to Mr. Webster 115; speech

27; relative to pre-emption to settlers 138; Allegany
college, Pennsylvania, committee on public lands, re-
leased from consideration of the memorial of 157; Al-
reign countries, bill for the relief of 206; Appropriations,

on the sub-treasury bill again 180, 196-see congress; len, Mr. 187, 201, 303, 319; American seamen in fo-
letter from, to the editor of the National Intelligencer
relative to a treaty with the Indians-Mr. Dawson's communications from the secretary of war, relative to
speech, &c. 344; letter from, to the committee of the the want of 207; Appropriation bills, notice to take up
barbacue dinner at Richland
405 13; read and referred 28; taken up 30, 32; for revolu-

Bank convention, proceedings of the 97, 113, 114, 337 speech of gov. Head on proroguing the legislature of 165; dian department and fulfilling treaty with the tribes 310;
Bank of England, statement of the condition of 146, Charles Durand sentenced to death 193; relative to sir for fortifications passed 311; for military academy at
305 Francis Head 210; see boundary; outrage on the sir R. | West Point passed ib.; Architectural plans, report fronı

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