Hungary, the State and Agriculture in, Dr. Ignatius Darányi, 291
Huntington (Ellsworth), Explorations in Turkestan, with an Account of the Basin of Eastern Persia and Sistan, 366
Hurst (C. C.), Mendelian Heredity in Rabbits, 209 Hurst (C.), Experiments on the Correlation of Sex, 332 Hussey (Prof.), Catalogue of New Double Stars, 90 Hutchins (D. E.), Tree Planting in South Africa, 138 Hutchinson (A.), Chemical Composition of Lengenbachite, 215
Hutton (Captain F. W., F.R.S.), Ancient Antarctica, 244 Hutton (R. S.), New Models of Laboratory Electric Furnaces, 91; le Four Electrique: son Origine, ses Transformations et ses Applications, Adolphe Minet, 267 Huygens (Christiaan), Euvres complètes de, 362
Hyades, Proper Motions of the, Prof. Donner, Profs. Kapteyn and W. de Sitter, 436
Hydraulics: Essais d'Hydraulique souterraine et fluviale, Edmond Maillet, 25; Water Jet Method of Applying the Power carried by High-pressure Water, the Doble Needle Regulating Nozzle, H. C. Crowell and G. C. D. Lenth, 42; Death and Obituary Notice of James Mansergh, F.R.S., 181; Problems of the Panama Canal, Brig.- General Henry L. Abbot, 394; Précis d'Hydraulique- La Houille Blanche, Raymond Busquet, 427 Hydrography: Hydrographical and Biological Investi- gations in Norwegian Fjords, O. Nordgaard, 45; Bathy- metry, Deposits and Temperature of the South-western Pacific, Sir John Murray, K.C.B., 391; Death of Sir William Wharton, K.C.B., F.R.S., 563; Obituary Notice of, 586
Hydrometer as a Seismometer, the, G. T. Bennett, 198; C. V. Burton, 269
Hygiene a Study of the Process of Nitrification with Reference to the Purification of Sewage, Dr. Harriette Chick, 117; the Prevention of Senility, Sir James Crichton Browne, F.R.S., 306; Method for the Steril- isation of Drinking Water during a Campaign, Lieut. Nesfield, 307; Bacteriological Standard of Purity of Milk, Dr. Newman, 307; Physical Deterioration, Dr. Dawson Williams, 331; Prof. R. J. Anderson, 331; W. D. Spanton, 332; Mrs. F. M. Dickinson Berry, 332; In- fluence of Environment on Physical Development, William Hall, 331; the Sterilisation of Water in the Field, Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 431; Corr., 515; Report of the Government Analyst of Trinidad, 462 Hymenoptera: Hymenopteren-Studien, W. A. Schulz, 7
Ice, the Formation of, and the Grained Structure of Glaciers, Prof. G. Quincke, For. Mem. R.S., at Royal Society, 543
Ice or Water, another Appeal to Induction from the Scholastic Methods of Modern Geology, Sir Henry H. Howorth, F.R.S., 553
Iceland, the Birds of, B. Hantzsch, 454
Iceland, the Færöes and, Studies in Island Life, N. Annandale, 506
Ichthyology: the Sleep of Fishes, F. Davis, 133: Biology of the Plaice, with Special Regard to the Danish Plaice Fishery, Dr. A. C. Johansen, 139; New White Sturgeon, Messrs. Forbes and Robinson, 156; New Type of Scom- broid Fish from Argentine Waters, Chenogaster_holm- bergi, F. Lahille, 348; Nesting Habits of Paradise, or Rainbow, Fish (Polyacanthus opercularis), Dr. Waite, 348; Migrations and Growth of Plaice, A. Meek, 348; Life-history of Hag-fishes or Myxinoids, Miss Worthing- ton, 589; a Guide to the Study of Fishes, David Starr Jordan, 625; Can Fish Hear? Dr. O. Körner, 638 Identification por las Impresiones digito-palmares (La Dactiloscopia), Dr. Alberto Yvert, 628 Identification, Guide to Finger-print, Henry Faulds, Supp. to October 19, iv
Ihlseng (M. C.), a Manual of Mining, 53 Ijima (Dr. I.), New Cestode Worm, 348 Image, the Latent, Prof. J. Joly, F.R.S., 308
Incandescence of Meteors, George A. Brown, 604; A. S. H., 604
Index Phytochemicus, Drs. J. C. Ritsema and J. Sack, 603
S. P. James and Dr. W. G. Liston, Dr. J. W. W. Stephens, 73; the Story of an Indian Upland, F. B. Bradley-Birt, 105; an Indian Garden, Mrs. Henry Cooper Eggar, Dr. Otto Stapf, 125; the Survey of India, 129; Mineral Production of India, T. H. Holland, F.R.S., 162; Introduction of a Standard Time on the Railways of India, 181; Entrance Examination to the Indian Forest Service, 274; the Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma, Butterflies, Lieut.-Colonel C. T. Bingham, 200; Exploration of the Indian Ocean, A. Sedgwick, F.R.S., 341; the Storm of July 22 and 24 at Gujarat, 463: Plant Remains, A. C. Seward, 539; Vertebrate Remains, Dr. A. S. Woodward, 539; Physical Laboratories in Germany, Prof. G. W. Küchler's Report to Director-General of Education in India, 605; Indigo Planting and Synthetic Indigo, 637
Inertia, the Electromagnetic Theory of, 170
Infantile Mortality and Infants' Milk Depôts, G. F. McCleary, 6
Ingle (H.), Nitrogen in Pretoria Rainfall, 643; Chemical Constituents of Transvaal Soils, 643
Ingold (Edwin G.), Elementary Experimental Science, an Introduction to the Study of Scientific Method, 317 Inheritance of Acquired Characters, the, W. Woods Smyth, 152
Injurious Insects, Report on the, and Other Animals observed in the Midland Counties during 1904, Walter E. Collinge, 340
Injurious Insects, the Spread of, Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell, 397
Innsbruck, International Meteorological Conference at, 510, 562
Inoculation, a Short Treatise on Anti-typhoid, Dr. A. E. Wright, 122
Insanity: Manual of Psychiatry, J. R. de Fursac, 363 Insects: Insect Life, a Short Account of the Classification and Habits of Insects, Fred. V. Theobald, 150: Report on the Injurious Insects and Other Animals observed in the Midland Counties during 1904, Walter E. Collinge, 340; the Spread of Injurious Insects, Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell, 397
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the, 212 Institution of Mining Engineers, 518 Institution of Naval Architects, 303
Insulation of Electric Machines, the, H. W. Turner and H. M. Hobart, Prof. Ernest Wilson, 149
International Congress of Anatomists, First, 400
International Congress on Radiology and Ionisation, 611
International Congress on Tuberculosis, the, 581
International Meteorological Conference at Innsbruck, 510, 562
International Ornithological Congress, the Fourth, 177 International Union for Cooperation in Solar Research, the, 490, 563
Inventor's Guide to Patent Law and the New Practice, the, James Roberts, 53
Inverted Slab in a Cromlech, an, Edward Greenly, 152 Ionisation, International Congress on Radiology and, 611 Iowa, Clays and Clay Industries of, S. W. Beyer, G. W. Bissell, I. A. Williams, J. B. Weems, and A. Marston, 388
Irby (Lieut.-Colonel L. H. L.), Death and Obituary Notice of, 62
Ireland Dublin Royal Irish Academy, 23, 240, 359 Iron and Steel Institute, 68, 572
Iron and Steel, the Crystallisation of, an Introduction to the Study of Metallography, Dr. J. W. Mellor, A. McWilliam, 532
Irrigation Opening Address in Section G at the Meeting of the British Association in South Africa, Colonel Sir C. Scott Moncrieff, K.C.S.I., K.C.M.G., R.E., LL.D., 465
Irving (Rev. A.), the Rigidity of the Earth's Interior, 8; the Consolidation of the Earth, 79; the Romance of the Nitrogen Atom, 151
Isenthal (Messrs. and Co.'s) Installation for the Produc- tion of High-tension Electricity, 18; (1) Resonance In- duction Coil and High Potential Apparatus, (2) Reson- ance Electromagnet, 91
Islands for Weather Forecasting Purposes. Dr. William
Isometric Projection, Oblique and, John Watson, 629 Isomorphism and Thermal Properties of the Felspars, the, Arthur L. Day and E. T. Allen, 258 Israélites, le Système des Poids, Mesures et Monnaies des, d'après la Bible, B. P. Moors, 506
Jacquerod (Adrien), Compressibility of Different Gases below Atmospheric Pressure, 119; Expansion and Density of some Gases at High Temperatures, the Application to the Determination of their Molecular Weights, 168 Jaegermann (Prof.), the Motion of the Tail of Borrelly's Comet (1903 iv), 135
Jambunathan (N. S.), Social Spiders, 86
James (S. P.), a Monograph of the Anopheles Mosquitoes of India, 73
Jamieson (T.), Science and Practice of Agriculture, Farmer's Handbook, 325
Jamieson (W.), Graphs for Beginners, 533
Janssen (Prof.), French Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse, 518; Further Results of the French Eclipse Ex- peditions, 030
Japan: Medical and Surgical Ability of the Japanese, Sir Frederick Treves, 38; Why Japan is Victorious, 128; Pulse-rate and Atmospheric Pressure, T. Okada, 253; a Magnetic Survey of Japan, Prof. A. Tanakadate, 580; Methods of the Japanese Naval Medical Service, Surgeon- General Suzuki, 589; Ancient Japanese Mathematics, Prof. Harzer, 640
Japp (Dr. A. H.), Death of, 563
Japp (F. R.), a Condensation Product of Mandelonitrile, 71 Jasche (G. B.), Immanuel Kant's Logik, 396 Jaumann (Dr. G.), die Grundlagen der Bewegungslehre von einem modernen Standpunkte aus, 51
Jeans (J. H.), the Dynamical Theory of Gases and of Radiation, 101; Application of Statistical Mechanics to the General Dynamics of Matter and Ether, 261; a Comparison between Two Theories of Radiation, 293; Cosmical Evolution, 591
Jebb (Sir Richard C., Litt.D., D.C.L., M.P.), Opening Address in Section L at the Meeting of the British Association in South Africa, University Education and National Life, 545
Jennings (Prof. Herbert S.), Contributions to the Study of the Behaviour of Lower Organisms, 3
Jervis-Smith (Rev. F. J., F.R.S.), the High-frequency Electrical Treatment, 7
Jessop (C. M.), Geometrical Conics, 393
Joannis (A.), Action of Potassammonium upon Barium Bromide, 71
Johansen (Dr. A. C.), Biology of the Plaice, with Special Regard to the Danish Plaice Fishery, 139 Johnson (Rev. S. J.), Death of, 588
Johnson (S. N.), Note on the Boiling Points of Solutions, 302
Johnston (Colonel), Relation between Stonehenge, Old Sarum, and Grovely Castle, 16
Johnston (Sir H. H., G.C.M.G., K.C.B.), the Masai, their Language and Folklore, 83
Johnston (Sir H. H.), Criticisms of the Hon. Walter Rothschild's Proposed Classification of the Anthropoid Apes, 119
Johnston (J.), Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide, 239 Johnston (J. A. H.), the Intersection of Two Conic Sec- tions, 95
Johnston (Captain W. J.), Trattato di Geodesia Teoretica, Paolo Pizzetti, 242
Jolly (W. A.), Contributions to the Physiology of Mam- malian Reproduction, part i., the Estrous Cycle in the Dog. part ii., the Ovary as an Organ of Internal Secre- tion, 358
Joly (Prof. Charles Jasper, F.R.S.), a Manual of Quaternions, 121
Joly (Dr. J., F.R.S.), Suggested Use of Floating Break- waters moored to the Bottom to Prevent the Silting up of Harbours, 300; the Latent Image, 308
Jordan (David Starr), a Guide to the Study of Fishes, 625 Jørgensen (E.), the Protist Plankton and the Diatoms in Bottom Samples, 45
Jottrand (F.), Method of cutting Metals by a Jet of Oxygen, 236
Jowett (H. A. D.), Synthesis of Substances Allied to Epinephrine, 239
Julian (H. F.), Investigation of the Part played by Oxygen in the Dissolution of Gold by Cyanide Solutions, 642 Julius (Prof.) Anomalous Dispersion and Flocculi,' 19; Dutch Observations of the Corona, 303 Jupiter Observations of Jupiter, MM. Flammarion and Benoit, 43; Brightness of Jupiter's Satellites, Prof. Wendell, 66; Prof. W. de Sitter, 207; Observations of Jupiter's Satellites, Profs. A. A. Nijland and J. van d. Bilt, 567; Provisional Elements for Jupiter's Sixth Satellite, Mr. Crommelin, 66; Jupiter's Sixth and Seventh Satellites, Prof. Perrine, 135; Dr. Albrecht, 352; Dr. Frank E. Ross, 352: Observations of Jupiter's Seventh Satellite, Prof. Albrecht, 424; a Suspected Sudden Change on Jupiter, Major Molesworth, 207; Observations of Jupiter's Great Red Spot, Stanley Williams, 330; Eye- estimates of the Transits of Jupiter's Spots, Rev. T. E. R. Phillips, 518
Kangra Earthquake of April 4, 1905, the, T. H. Holland, F.R.S., 428
Kant's (Immanuel) Logik, G. B. Jäsche, 396 Kapteyn (Prof.), Proper Motions of the Hyades, 436; Star Streaming, 641
Kasner (Dr. Edward), Modern Concepts of Infinity fore- seen by Galileo, 329
Kayser (Prof. H.), Handbuch der Spectroscopie, 627 Keith (Rev. Dr. J.), Death of, 384
Keltic Researches, E. W. B. Nicholson, 145 Kelvin (Lord), on the Kinetic and Statistical Equilibrium of Ether in Ponderable Matter at any Temperature, 641 Kennedy (Dr. Alex. B. W., F.R.S.), the Academic Side of Technical Training, 256
Kern (E. F.), the Lead Voltameter," 42
Kidston (R., F.R.S.), the Internal Structure of Sigillaria elegans, 143; the Microsporangia of Lyginodendron, 262 Kieffer (l'Abbé J. J.), Monographie des Cynipides d'Europe et d'Algérie, 455
Kimura (Mr.), Variations of Latitude, 437 Kingsmill (W.), the Position of Ophir, 491
Kirby (W. F.), Death and Obituary Notice of George Bowdler Buckton, F.R.S., 587
Kittl (Ernst), Geologie der Umgebung von Sarajevo, 51 Klein (Dr. E., F.R.S.), a Treatise on Plague, Dr. W. J. Simpson, 529
Kling (André), Acetol a Pseudo-acid, 72; Methyl-acetyl- carbinol, 143
Klobb (T.), a Bivalent Phytosterine Alcohol, 239 Knecht (Prof. E.), Constituents of Manchester Soot, 167 Knott (Dr. C. G.), Influence of Cross Magnetisation on the Relation between Resistance and Magnetisation in Nickel, 392
Knowledge, the New, Robert Kennedy Duncan, 241 Knox (J.), a Condensation Product of Mandelonitrile, 71 Kny (Prof. L.), Perception in Plants, 278 Kohn-Abrest (M.), Different States of Oxidation Aluminium Powder, 360
Konen (Dr.), Atlas of Emission Spectra of Most of the Elements, 426
Körner (Dr. O.), Can Fish Hear? 638
Kossel (Prof.), the Infection of Man by Bovine Tubercle Bacilli, 582
Kraemer (Mr.), Oligodynamical Action of Copper Foil on Certain Intestinal Organisms, 462
Kreideformation, Neue Fische und Reptilien aus der böhmischen, Prof. Dr. Anton Fritsch and Dr. Fr. Bayer,
Kreider (D. Albert), Special Form of Voltameter, 387 Kreusler (Dr. H.), Observations of D," in the Solar Spectrum, 66
Kronthal (Dr. P.), Metaphysik in der Psychiatrie, 29 Küchler's (Prof. G. W.) Report to Director-General of Education in India, Physical Laboratories in Germany, 605
Kultur der Menschheit, das Alter der wirtschaftlichen, ein Rückblick und ein Ausblick, Ed. Hahn, 6
Kümmel (H. B.), Clays and Clay Industries of New Jersey, 388
Kuss (G.), Intra-organic Combustions Measured by the
Laboratories Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry for Beginners, Dr. A. F. Holleman, 28; Laboratory Guide in Elementary Bacteriology, Dr. William Dodge Frost, Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 483; Physical Laboratories in Germany, Prof. G. W. Küchler's Report to Director- General of Education in India, 605; Report of the Prin- cipal Chemist upon the Work of the Government Labor- atory for the Year Ending March 31, 1903, 634 Lacroix (A.), Basic Magnesium Carbonates from the Santorin Eruption of 1866, 95; the Earthquake at Stromboli on September 8 and the Present State of the Volcano, 624
Lahille (F.), New Type of Scombroid Fish from Argentine Waters, Chenogaster holmbergi, 348
Lakes: die physikalischen Eigenschaften der Seen, Dr. Otto, 316
Lambert (P.), Absorption Spectrum of Manganous Salts,
Lampland (Mr.), Photographs of the Martian Canals, 302; the North Polar Snow-cap on Mars, 1904-1905, 303; Visibility of Faint Stars at the Lowell Observatory, 592 Lamson (Miss), Orbit of Comet 1905a, 66
Land (W. J. G.), Interesting Taxonomic Characters of the Gymnospermous Genus Torreya, 133 Landrieu (Ph.), Thermochemistry of the Hydrazones, 392 Lang (W. R.), Interaction of Hydrogen Sulphide and Sulphur Dioxide, 71
Langley (Dr. S. P.), Experiments with the Langley Aero- drome, 645
Lankester (Prof. E. Ray, F.R.S.), Nature and Man, Romanes Lecture at Oxford, 184
Larmor (Prof. J., F.R.S.), Scientific Correspondence of the late Sir George Stokes, 29; the Mechanics of the Ascent of Sap in Trees, Paper at Royal Society, 644 Latent Image, the, Prof. J. Joly, F.R.S., 308
Latins et Anglo-Saxons, Races supérieures et Races inférieures, Prof. N. Colajanni, 533
Latitude, Variations of, Prof. T. Albrecht, Kimura, 437; Mr. Nakano, 437
Latter (Oswald H.), Notes on the Habits of Testacella, 176
Laubblätter, die Lichtsinnesorgane der, Dr. G. Haber- landt, 323
Laumonier (Dr.), New Methods of Treatment, 122 Laveran (A.), Treatment of Trypanosomatous Disease (Surra, Mbori) by Arsenious Acid and Trypan Red, 288 Lazarus der Begründer der Völkerpsychologie, Dr. Alfred Leicht, 396
Le Bon (Dr. Gustave), l'Évolution de la Matière, 505 Le Chatelier (H.), High Temperature Measurements, 293 Leavitt (Miss), Variable Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, 66; Star with a Large Proper Motion, 640 Lebeau (Paul), Physical Properties of Propane, 143 Lebeau (M.), Reactions between Fluorine and the Com- pounds of Nitrogen and Oxygen, 183; Action of Fluorine on some Compounds of Nitrogen, 206
Lecarme (Jean), State of Matter in the Neighbourhood of the Critical Point, 360
Lechalas (Georges), Introduction à la Géometrie générale, 313 Lee (Gabriel W.), les Concrétions phosphatées de l'Agulhas Bank (Cape of Good Hope), Dr. Leon W. Collet, avec une Description de la Glauconie qu'elles renferment, 286-7
Lees (Dr. C. H.), Mathematical and Physical Science at the British Association, 640
Lefevre (Jules), on the Development of Green Plants in Light in the Complete Absence of Carbon Dioxide and in an Artificial Soil containing Amides, 312 Léger (E.), Methylnatalemodine and Natalemodine, 143 Lehmann (Dr. W.), Ancient Drawings of Celestial Pheno-
Leibniz (G. W. v.), Neue Abhandlungen über den mensch- lichen Verstand, 396
Leicht (Dr. Alfred), Lazarus der Begründer der Völker- psychologie, 396
Leishman (Brevet Lieut.-Colonel), the Parasite of "Kala Azar," 92
Leman, le, Monographie Limnologique, Prof. F. A. Forel, 148
Lenth (G. C. D.), Water Jet Method of applying the Power carried by High-pressure Water, the Doble Needle Regulating Nozzle, 42
Lepidoptera: Moths and Butterflies, Mary C. Dickerson, 76; Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalænæ in the British Museum, Sir George F. Hampson, Bart., 174; Influence de l'Alimentation et de l'Humidité sur la Variation des Papillons, Arnold Pictet, F. Merrifield, 632
Lépine (R.), Distribution of Sugary Substances in Blood between the Plasma and the Corpuscles, 311
Lesage (L.), Basicity of Pyranic Oxygen, 119; Halogen Compounds of Dinaphthopyryl with Metals and Metal- loids, 648
Lespineux (G.), Mineral Deposits of the Banks of the Meuse, 236
Levi (M. G.), Part played by the Copper Salt in Deacon's Process of preparing Chlorine from Hydrogen Chloride, 277
Lewis (Gilbert N.), Auto-catalytic Decomposition of Silver Oxide under the Influence of Heat, 277; Decomposition of Silver Oxide at High Temperatures, 350 Lexell, the Alleged Identity of Comets Brooks 1889 "* and, Dr. Charles L. Poor, 19
Libert (Lucien), New Observatory in Algiers, 207 Liége Mining and Metallurgical Congress, the, 236 Light the Effects of Tropical Light on White Men, Major Charles E. Woodruff, 172; Properties of Photographic Plates Exposed to Light, L. H. Winn, 485 Light-perceiving Organs of Plants, the, Dr. G. Haber- landt, 323
Light-variation of Saturn's Satellites, Dr. P. Guthnick, 611 Lightning, Flashes of, which Leave a Glow in their Wake, Em. Touchet, 18
Liquid Air on the Thermoelectric Junction as a Means of Determining the Lowest Temperatures, and on Liquid Hydrogen and Air Calorimeters, Sir James Dewar at Royal Society, 352
Limnology: Monographie Limnologique, le Leman, Prof. F. A. Forel, 148; die physikalischen Eigenschaften der Seen, Dr. Otto, 316 Lindgren (W.), Cripple Creek Gold Deposits in Colorado, 493
Linnean Society, 118, 166
Linnean Society, New South Wales, 47, 192, 312, 528, 552 Linton (A.), Rainfall in British East Africa, 500 Lippmann (G.), Photographs in Colour of the Spectrum, Negative by Transmission, 167
Lister (J. J., F.R.S.), on the Dimorphism of the English Species of Nummulites, and the Size of the Megalosphere in Relation to that of the Microspheric and Megalospheric Tests in this Genus, 188
Liston (Dr. W. G.), a Monograph of the Anopheles Mos- quitoes of India, 73
Literature of the Celts, its History and Romance, the, Magnus Maclean, 145
Little (Archibald), the Far East, 626
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Report on the Sani- tation and Anti-malarial Measures in Practice in Bathurst, Conakry, and Freetown, Prof. Rubert Boyce, F.R.S., Arthur Evans, and H. Herbert Clarke, Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 67
Liversidge (Prof. A.), the So-called Gold-coated Teeth in Sheep, 504
Living Substances, the Critical Temperature and Pressure of, Dr. F. J. Allen, 7
Lockyer (Sir Norman, K.C.B., F.R.S.), Notes on Stone- henge, 32, 246, 270
Lockyer (Dr. William J. S.), Recent Spectroheliograph Results, 9; Islands for Weather Forecasting Purposes, III; Solar Changes and Weather, 129, 175; the Thames Flow and British Pressure and Rainfall Changes, 178;
Solar Eclipse, August 30, 457; the Solar Physics Observ- atory Eclipse Expedition, 508
Locquin (R.), Action of Sodium on the Esters of the Fatty Acids, 192
Lodge (Sir Oliver, F.R.S.), Use of Electric Valves for the Production of High-tension Continuous Current, 90; School Teaching and School Reform, 195; Electric Phenomena, 629; Geometry of Position, 629
Lodge (Prof. Richard W.), Notes on Assaying and Metal- lurgical Laboratory Experiments, 340 Lewy (M.), the Observatory of Paris, 495
Lomonósoff as a Natural Philosopher, B. N. Menshútkin,
![[blocks in formation]](,296,450,95)
Londonderry (Lord), Higher Education in London, 70 Lord (Prof.), Radial Velocities of Thirty-one Stars, 110 Lorentz (Prof.), Messrs. Michelson and Morley's Experi- ments on Ether, 566
Lost Double Star, a, Prof. Doolittle, 567
Love (Prof. A. E. H.), Stability of a Loaded Column, 95 Lovibond (Joseph W.), an Introduction to the Study of Colour Phenomena, 603
Lowell (Mr.), Double Canals on Mars in 1903, 8q; Photo- graphic Reality of the Martian Canals, 135; a Projection on Mars, 279; Photographs of the Martian Canals, 302; the North Polar Snow-cap on Mars, 1904-5, 303; the Formation of the New North Polar Cap on Mars, 352: Water Vapour in the Martian Atmosphere, 465: Visi- bility of Faint Stars at the Lowell Observatory, 592 Lowry (Dr. T. Martin), Application to Electrolytes of the Hydrate Theory of Solutions, 142
Lubimenko (W.), Sensibility of the Chlorophyll Apparatus in Ombrophobe and Ombrophile Plants, 576 Lucas-Championnière (J.), the Treatment of Bone Fractures by Movement, 288
Luciani (Dr. Luigi), Physiologie des Menschen, Supp. to October 19, X
Luizet (M.), Periods of the Variable Stars S Sagittæ and Y Ophiuchi, 330
Lull (Prof. R. S.), Restoration of Huge Miocene American Perissodactyle of Genus Megacerops, 348
Lumholtz (Dr. Carl), Decorative Art of the Huichol Indians, 260
Luminosity and Colour, Dr. F. W. Edridge-Green, 222 Lyons Captain H. G.), Rainfall of the Nile Basin in 1904, 88: Summary of the Dimensions of the Nile and its Basin, 349
Larid Meteors, Real Paths of, Mr. Denning, 465
Macallum (Prof. A. B.), Nature of the Silver Reaction in Animal and Vegetable Tissues, 188
M'Alpine (A. N.), the Seeding of Pastures, 328 McCleary (G. F.), Infantile Mortality and Infants' Milk Depôts, 6
McClelland (Prof. J. A.), Relation between the Atomic Structure and Secondary Radiating Power of Substances, 158
Macdonald (Prof. J. S.), Structure and Function of Nerve Fibres, 189
MacDowall (Alex. B.), a Relation between Spring and Summer, 56
Machine Construction and Drawing, Frank Castle, 533 Machinery for Handling Raw Material, G. F. Zimmer, 290 McKendrick (Prof. John G., F.R.S.), a Collection of Papers communicated to the Academy of Sciences, with Additional Notes and Instructions for the Construction of Phosphorescent Screens, Prof. R. Blondlot, 195; Action of Radium Bromide on the Electromotive Pheno- mena of the Eyeball of the Frog, 287
Maclaren (J. Malcolm), Geology of Upper Assam, 108 Maclean (Magnus), the Literature of the Celts, its History and Romance, 145
McLeod (Prof. C.), Records of Differences of Temperature between McGill College Observatory and the Top of Mount Royal, Montreal, 328
McMurry (L. B.), Nature-study Lessons for Primary Grades, 483 McWilliam (A.), Thermal Transformations of Carbon Steels, 572; the Crystallisation of Iron and Steei, an Introduction to the Study of Metallography, Dr. J. W. Mellor, 532
Magellanic Cloud, Variable Stars in the Small, Miss Leavitt, 66
Magnetism Magnetic and Electric Properties of Sheet Steel and Steel Castings, G. Dillner and A. F. Enström, 69; Second Stage Magnetism and Electricity, Dr. R. Wallace Stewart, 77; Effects of Foucault Currents and the Hysteresis of Iron on Oscillatory Sparks, G. A. Hemsalech, 95; Magnetic Quality of a Boschovichian Assemblage of Molecular Magnets, Dr. W. Peddie, 167; Magnetic Qualities of some Alloys, Prof. J. A. Fleming, F.R.S., and R. A. Hadfield, 190; Influence of Concen- tration on the Magnetic Properties of Solutions of Cobalt, P. Vaillant, 216; Magneto-optics of Sodium Vapour and the Rotatory Dispersion Formula, Prof. R. W. Wood, 286; Magnetic Properties of Demagnetised and Annealed Iron, James Russell, 287; Proposed Magnetic and Allied Observations during the Total Solar Eclipse on August 30, Dr. L. A. Bauer, 342; Influence of Cross Magnet- isation on the Relation between Resistance and Magnetisation in Nickel, Dr. C. G. Knott, 392; Mag- netic Double Refraction, New Active Liquids, A. Cotton and H. Mouton, 392; a Magnetic Survey of Japan, Prof. A. Tanakadate, 580; Studien ueber Hautelektricität und Hautmagnetismus des Menschen, Dr. Erik Harnack, Dr. George J. Burch, F.R.S., 602
Maiden (J. H.), a Critical Revision of the Genus Euca- lyptus, 6; Eucalypts of the Blue Mountains, N.S.W., 312 Mailhe (A.), Reduction of Aldoximes, 239; Synthesis of the Three Tertiary Dimethylcyclohexanols and of the Hydro- carbons connected with Them, 263; Hydrogenation of the Ketoximes, a Synthesis of New Amines, 288; Catalytic Decomposition of Monochlor-derivatives of Methane Hydrocarbons in Contact with Anhydrous Metallic Chlorides, 336; a Secondary Reaction of the Halogen Organo-magnesium Compounds, 359
Maillet (Edmond), Essais d'Hydraulique souterraine et fluviale, 25 Malaria Report on the Sanitation and Anti-malarial Measures in Practice in Bathurst, Conakry, and Free- town, Prof. Rubert Boyce, F.R.S., Arthur Evans, and H. Herbert Clarke, Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 67; the Possi- bility of reducing Mosquitoes, Major Ronald Ross, F.R.S., 151; Anti-malaria Measures in Malay States, 252 Malfitano (G.), Physical Units of Albuminoid Material, and on the Part played by Lime in its Coagulation, 528 Mallock (A., F.R.S.), Clock and Chronometer by Thomas Mudge, 91
Mallock (W. H.), Attacks on Science, 516
Man, Nature and, Romanes Lecture at Oxford, Prof. E. Ray Lankester, F.R.S., 184
Man, Nature and, Prof. John Perry, F.R.S., 199 Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 167, 624, 647
Mansergh (James, F.R.S.), Death and Obituary Notice of, 181
Manson (Mr.), Recent Positions of Eros, 207 Maquenne (L.), Potatce Starch, 95; the Absolute Desicca- tion of Vegetable Products, 648 Marcuse (Dr. Adolf), Handbuch der geographischen Ort- bestimmung für Geographen und Forschungsreisende, 481
Marie (A.), Toxic Extract from the Cerebral Substance,
Marie (C.), Electrolytic Reduction of the Nitrocinnamic Acids, 71
Marine Biology: Influence of the Humboldt Current on the Marine Life West of Callao, Prof. Alexander Agassiz, 17: Hydrographical and Biological Investigations in Norwegian Fjords, O. Nordgaard, 45; the Protist Plankton and the Diatoms in Bottom Samples, E. Jørgensen, 45; Schizopoda captured in the Bay of Biscay, E. W. L. Holt and W. M. Tattersall, 118; the Coral Siderastraea radians and its Post-larval Development, Dr. J. E. Duerden, 185; Medusa found in the Firth of Clyde, E. T.
Browne, 191; Free-swimming Crustacea found in the Firth of Clyde, Dr. T. Scott, 191; les Sarcodinés des Grands Lacs, Eugène Penard, 218; les Concrétions phosphatées de l'Agulhas Bank (Cape. of Good Hope), Dr. Leon W. Collet, avec une Description de la Glau- conie qu'elles renferment, Gabriel W. Lee, 286-7; Alcyonarians of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedi- tion, Prof. J. A. Thomson and James Ritchie, 287; Ex- ploration of the Indian Ocean, A. Sedgwick, F.R.S., 341; Four New Barnacles from the Neighbourhood of Java, Dr. N. Annandale, 360; the Millport Marine Station, S. Pace, 456; Morphology of the Madreporaria, the "Fossula of the Extinct Rugose Corals, Dr. J. E. Duerden, 515; the Percy Sladen Expedition in H.M.S. Sealark, the Chagos Archipelago, J. Stanley Gardiner,
Marine Engines and Boilers, their Design and Construc- tion, Dr. G. Bauer, 453
Marmorek (Dr.), Results Obtained by Treatment, 583 Marriner (W. W.), Influence of the Depth of Water on Speed, 303
Marro (Attilio), Manuale dell'Ingegnere Elettricista, 243 Mars: the Planet Mars, Mr. Wesley, 388; Mr. Denning, 388; Major Molesworth, 388; Double Canals " on Mars in 1903, Mr. Lowell, 89; Photographic Reality of the Martian Canals, Mr. Lowell, 135; Photographs of the Martian Canals, Mr. Lampland, 302; Mr. Lowell, 302; the Formation of the Martian Snow-caps, Prof. W. H. Pickering, 255; the North Polar Snow-cap on Mars, 1904-5, Messrs. Lowell and Lampland, 303; the Formation of the New North Polar Cap on Mars, Mr. Lowell, 352; a Projection on Mars, Mr. Lowell, 279; Water Vapour in the Martian Atmosphere, Mr. Lowell, 465; Mr. Slipher, 465
Marshall (Dr. F. H. A.), Contributions to the Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction, part ., the Estrous Cycle in the Dog, part ii., the Ovary as an Organ of Internal Secretion, 358; the Celtic Pony, 558
Marshall (Dr. P.), Geology of Dunedin (New Zealand), 118 Marston (A.), Clays and Clay Industries of Iowa, 388 Martin (Arthur J.), the Sewage Problem, 97
Martin (Hilda P.), the Effect of Radium on the Strength of Threads, 365
Martine (C.), on the Menthones and Menthols obtained by the Reduction of Pulegone by the Catalytic Action of Reduced Nickel, 95
Martinique, the Tower of Pelée, New Studies of the Great Volcano of, Prof. Angelo Heilprin, 101
Martinsen (M.), Chloride and Bromide of Thorium, 167 Maryland, Relation of the Miocene of, to that of other Regions and to the Recent Fauna, W. H. Dall, 162 Masai, the, their Language and Folklore, A. C. Hollis, Sir H. H. Johnston, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., 83 Mascari (Prof.), Observations of Prominences on the Sun's Limb, 158; the Solar Activity, January-June, 518 Mascart (M.), Earthquake of April 29, 47 Mass, the Measurement of, Dr. W. Hampson, 8 Massart (Prof. Jean), Death and Obituary Notice of Prof. Leo Errera, 537
Material, the Mechanical Handling of, G. F. Zimmer, 290 Mathematics: Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus, William Anthony Granville, Prof. George M. Minchin, F.R.S., 26; the Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus, D. F. Campbell, 126; Modern Algebra, A. B. Basset, F.R.S., 30; Death of Prof. L. Warren, 38; a New Slide Rule, Messrs. John Davis and Son, 45, 102; Fictitious Problems in Mathematics, An Old Average College Don, 56; the Reviewer, 56; A. B. Basset, F.R.S., 78; Dr. E. J. Routh, F.R.S., 78, 127; C. B. Clarke, F.R.S., 102; Prof. G. H. Bryan, F.R.S., 102, 175; Principien der Metaphysik, Dr. Branislav Petronievics, 75; an Introduction to Projective Geometry, and its Applications, Dr. Arnold Emch, 77; Verb Functions, with Notes on the Solution of Equations by Operative Division, Prof. Ronald Ross, F.R.S., 88; the Inter- section of Two Conic Sections, J. A. H. Johnston, 95; High Pellian Factorisation, Lieut.-Colonel A. Cunning- ham, 95; Stability of a Loaded Column, Prof. A. E. H. Love, 95: Mathematical Society, 95, 190; Introductory Mathematics, R. B. Morgan, 101; a Manual of
Nature, December 14, 1905
an Introduction to Elementary Statics (Treated Graphically), R. Nettell, 126; a Preparatory Course in Geometry, W. P. Workman and A. G. Cracknell, 150; Radial Area-scale, R. W. R. Edwards, 150; Mathe- matische Einfuhrung in die Elektronentheorie, Dr. A. H. Bucherer, Dr. Harold A. Wilson, 170; a Class of Many- valued Functions defined by a Definite Integral, G. H. Hardy, 190; Conditions of Rudicibility of any Group of Linear Substitutions, Prof. W. Burnside, 190; Criteria for the Finiteness of Order of a Group of Linear Sub- stitutions, Prof. W. Burnside, 190; the Problem of the Random Walk, Prof. Karl Pearson, F.R.S., 294, 342; the Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh, O.M., F.R.S., 318; Graphical Solution of Cubic and Quartic Equations, H. Ivah Thomsen, 295; la Philosophie naturelle in- tégrale et les Rudiments des Sciences exactes, Dr. A. Rist, 313; Étude sur le Développement des Méthodes géometriques, Gaston Darboux, 313; sur le Développe- ment de l'Analyse et ses Rapports avec diverses Sciences, Emile Picard, 313; Introduction à la Géométrie générale, Georges Lechalas, 313: Introduction à la Théorie des Fonctions d'une Variable, Jules Tannery, 313; Corre- spondance d'Hermite et de Stieltjes, 313; Modern Con- cepts of Infinity foreseen by Galileo, Dr. Edward Kasner, 329: Two-foot Rule designed by Mr. Scott, 329; Manuel Pratique de Cinématique navale et maritime, Captain Leon Vidal, Sir W. H. White, K.C.B., F.R.S., 361; Œuvres complètes de Christiaan Huygens, 362; Mathe- matical Recreations and Essays, W. W. Rouse Ball, 364 ; Curious French and German Poetical Tributes to Archimedes, 38: Rhymes on the Value of F.R.S.. 558; #, 631; the Theorems of Padre Gerolamo Saccheri on the Sum of the Angles of a Triangle, Dr. Roberto Bonola, 387; Interesting Application of the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, Prof. Vito Volterra, 387; Easy Graphs, H. S. Hall, 393; the Rudiments of Practical Mathematics, A. Consterdine and A. Barnes, 393: Elementary Practical Mathematics, H. A. Stern and W. H. Topham, 393; a First Algebra, W. M. Baker and A. A. Bourne, 393; Algebraical Grounding, D. E. Shorto, 393: Examples in Algebra, Charles M. Clay, 393: Geometrical Conics, G. W. Caunt and C. M. Jessop, 393; Einführung in die Vektoranalysis mit Anwendungen auf die mathematische Physik, Richard Gans, 483: on the Class of Cubic Surfaces, A. B. Basset, F.R.S., 484; a Note-book of Experimental Mathematics, C. Godfrey and G. M. Bell, 507; Graphs for Beginners, W. Jamieson, 533; Mathematical and Physical Papers by the late Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Bart., 555; a Text-book of Chemical Arithmetic, Horace L. Wells, 556; Examples in Arithmetic, C. O. Tuckey, 580 the Primary Arithmetic, 580; Oblique and Isometric Projection, John Watson, 629: on the Traversing of Geometrical Figures, J. Cook Wilson, Supp. to October 19, vi
Mathews (F. Schuyler), Field Book of Wild Birds and their Music, 602
Mathot (R.), Large Gas-engines, 213
Matière, l'Évolution de la, Dr. Gustave Le Bon, 505 Matignon (Camille), Preparation of Anhydrous Chlorides of the Metals of the Rare Earths, 47; Chemical Proper- ties of the Anhydrous Chloride of Neodymium, 216 Matsubara (K.), Preparation of Terpenes and Related Sub- stances, 23
Matter, Electrons and, Prof. C. H. Wind, 574
Maudsley (Dr. Henry), Medicine, Present and Prospective, 331
Maxwell (Sir Herbert, Bart., F.R.S.), a Rare Game Bird, 630
Maxwell's Theory and Wireless Telegraphy, H. Poincaré and F. K. Vreeland, Maurice Solomon, 99 May (Dr. Oscar), Death of, 514
Measurement of Mass, the, Dr. W. Hampson, 8 Mechanics: Mechanism, Prof. S. Dunkerley, 4; die Grund- lagen der Bewegungslehre von einem modernen Stand- punkte aus. Dr. G. Jaumann, 51: the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 212; Application of Statistical Mechanics to the General Dynamics of Matter and Ether, J. H. Jeans, 261; the Mechanical Handling of Material, G. F. Zimmer, 200; Device for Illustrating the Super-
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