Imagens das páginas

tory), vol. iii., 584; the Snakes of Madagascar, etc.,
415; the Snakes of the Belgian and Portuguese Congo,
etc., 249
Bourquelot (E.) and A. Aubry, Influence of Acetic Acid,
473; Influence of Soda on a-glucosidase, 722
Bourquelot (E.), M. Bridel, A. Aubry, a-Mono-d-galactoside
of Ethylene glycol, 389; the Glucosidification of Gly-
cerol, 502

Boussinesq (J.), Extreme Slowness of Cooling in the Deep
Parts of the Earth's Crust, 501

Boutaric (A.), Velocity of Reduction of Potassium Per-
manganate, 417

Bouthillon (L.), the Charge of Condensers, 501
Bowen (N. L.), Accumulation of Crystals, 216

Bowles (R. W.), awarded bronze medal of the Pharma-
ceutical Society, 297

Bowman (Dr. J. G.), appointed Director of American Col-

lege of Surgeons, 327

Boycott (Dr. A. E.), appointed Director of the Graham

Research Laboratory, 361


Brown (Dr. J. J. G.) and Dr. J. Ritchie, Reports from the

Laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin-

burgh, vol. xviii., 560

Brown (P.), Prehistoric Cave Paintings at Raigarh, 307
Brown (Dr. T. Graham), Physiology of "Walking," 26
Brown (Dr. W.). Abnormal Psychology, 227

Brown (Prof. W.), Subsidence of Torsional Oscillations,
etc., 417

Browne (Rev. P.), an Integral Equation Proposed by Abel,

[blocks in formation]

Bruce (Sir David), Trypanosomes causing Disease in Man
and Domestic Animals in Central Africa, 659
Bruce (Dr. W. S.), and Dr. Rudmose Brown, Dr. Bruce's
Expedition to Spitsbergen, 154

Brück (P.), Mellish's Comet, 501

Brun (Dr. R.), Die Raumorientierung der Ameisen und das
Orientierungsproblem im allgemeinen, 38

Brush (Dr. C. F.), Spontaneous Generation of Heat in
Recently Hardened Steel, 442
Bryan (Prof. G. H.), a Mistaken Butterfly, 231; to deliver
the Wilbur Wright Lecture, 297; Some Scientific Aspects
of Piano-Players, 131; the Rigid Dynamics of Circling
Flight, 360

Bryant (H. C.), Fur-bearing Mammals of California, 435
Bryce (Lord), Utilisation of the Services of Scientific Men,

Bryce (Dr. T. H.), Osteology and Arthrology (Quain's Ele-

ments of Anatomy, Eleventh Edition, vol. iv., part i.),


Bryson (F. F. S.), on the Sealing of Electrical Conductors

through Glass, 370

Buchner (Prof. E. H.), the Analogy between Radicles and

Elements, 701

Bull (Dr.), Discovery of a Cure for Cerebro-spinal Fever,


Bullard (A.), (Albert Edwards), Panama, the Canal, the

Country, and the People, Revised Edition, 5

Bullen (Frank T.), [Obituary], 12

Burgess (A. F.), The Gipsy Moth, 688

Burgess (G. K.) and I. N. Kellberg, Behaviour of Iron
Resistance Thermometers, 491

Burgess (G. K.) and P. D. Merica, Failure of Tin Fusible
Boiler Plugs, 654

Burgess (G. K.) and R. G. Waltenberg, Emissivities of
Metals and Oxides, 518

Burkill (I. H.), Para Rubber Trees in the Singapore
Botanic Gardens, 681

Burns (K.), Measurements of Wave-lengths, 27

Burns (W.) and S. H. Prayag, Grafting the Mango-in-
florescence, 307

Burrard (Col. S. G.), General Report on the Operations of

the Survey of India during the year 1912-13, 439
Bury (G. W.), Arabia Infelix; or, the Turks in Yamen, 209

Busk (E. T.), Proposed Memorial to, 349

Busquet (H.), Pharmacodynamical Action of Gold, 167; the

Mode of Action of Colloidal Gold, 502

Buss (A. A.), the Magnetic Storm and Solar Disturbance of

June 17, 589

Butler (B. S.), Copper and other Ores in Utah, 128

Butler (Sir Harcourt), Benares Hindu University, 278

Butterworth (S.), Self-induction of Solenoids, 335
Butterfield (W. J. A.), the Products of Coal Distillation, 541

Buyers (G. K.) and P. D. Foote, Radiation Pyrometers, 300

Byles (D. B.), Water, Sewage, and Food, 85

Byrd (Dr. M.), the Teaching of Elementary Astronomy, 462

Cajori (Prof. F.), Origin of a Mathematical Symbol for

Variation, 562

Caldecott (Dr. W. A.), the Rand Gold-mining Industry, 685

Calder (W.), Oil-well Engineering, 331

Caldwell (Dr. O. W.) and W. L. Eikenberry, Elements

of General Science, 391

Calman (Dr. W. T.), the Distribution of Antartic Pycno-

gonida, 528

Campbell (A.), the Names of Physical Units, 451
Campbell (A. J.), Extermination of Parrots, 188

Campbell (J.), Confirmation of Bequest to St. Louis Uni-

versity School of Medicine, 414

Campbell (L. E.), the Tapping of Rubber-trees, 629

Campbell (Dr. Norman R.), the Names of Physical Units,


Campbell (W. W.), Radial Velocities of Nebulæ, 46
Canning (F.), Twisted Fibres of the Chir Pine, 435
Cannon (Miss A.), the Henry Draper Memorial, 493
Cappello (C.), Altitude of Vesuvius, 155

Carnegie (Andrew), Gift by, 54: Gifts to the Carnegie
Institute and Institute of Technology, 334
Carnot (P.) and B. Weill-Hallé, Dissemination of Typhoid
Bacillus, 140

Carnt (E. C.) [Obituary], 679

Carpenter (Capt. A.) and Capt. D. Wilson-Barker, Nature

Notes for Ocean Voyagers, 207

Carpenter (Prof. H. C. H.), Case-hardening, 448; Institute
of Metals, 102; Iron, Carbon, and Phosphorus, 438;
Munition Metals, 538; the Study of Metals and Alloys,
Carpenter (Prof. R. C.), Heating and Ventilating Buildings,
sixth edition, 424

Carr (Dr. H. W.), the Philosophy of Change: a Study of

the Fundamental Principle of the Philosophy of Berg-

Carslaw (Prof. H. S.), Plane Trigonometry, 392; Solutions
of the Questions in Plane Trigonometry, 392
Carter (H. J.), Six New Species of Buprestidæ, 553
Carus-Wilson (C.), Early References to Musical Sands, 90;
Extinguishing Fires, 452

Casella and Co., Ltd., Rain-gauge, 263, 264

Cassal (Col. C. E.) and W. J. Dibdin, British Chemical

Industry, 273

Castle (F.), Workshop Arithmetic, 392

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Coley (Dr. F. C.), Defence against Poisonous Gas, 349
Collamore (Miss H.), Bequests to American Colleges, 499
Collins (H. F.), Concentration of Gold in the Converter, 363
Colson (C.) [Obituary], 488

Colyer (J. F.), awarded John Tomes Prize, 180
Comissopulos (N. A.), Frequency of Cloud-forms at Helwan,

Compton (A. H.), the Distribution of the Electrons in

Atoms, 343

Castle (Prof. W. E.) and P. B. Hadley, the "English" Coomaraswamy (Dr. A. K.), Bronzes from Ceylon, chiefly
Rabbit, 657

Castle and Fish, Black-and-tan Rabbit, 44

Cathcart (Dr. E. P.), Constituents of Extracts derived from

Albuminous Substances, 382

Caullery (Prof. M.), elected Foreign Member of the

Linnean Society, 327

Chaillou (Dr.) [Obituary], 488

Chalmers (S. D.), Periscopes, 68

Chambers (G. F.) [Obituary], 380

Chapman (A. C.), Constituents of Extracts derived from

Albuminous Substances, 382

Chapman (E. H.), Correlation between Changes in Baro-
metric Height, 306

Chapman (Prof. H. H.), Forest Valuation, 555

Chappell (E.), Arithmetical Processes of Involution and

Evolution, 81

Chatley (Prof. H.), Similitude in Periodic Motion, 288
Chattaway (Dr.), Glycerol and Anhydrous Oxalic Acid, 273
Chaudhuri (Dr. B. L.), the Weighing Beam called Bisá
dángá, 529

Cheshire (F. J.), Focometric Apparatus, 15

Chesneau (G.), Coloured Glass of the Middle Ages, 335

Chevalier (S.), Atmospheric Dispersion, 223

Chignell (N. J.), Numerical Trigonometry, 392

Chree (Dr. C.), Magnetic "Character" Figures, 110; Mag-

netic Diurnal Variations, 249; the Magnetic Storm of

June 17, and Aurora, 561; the Magnetic Storm and

Solar Disturbance of June 17, 1915, 480

Christie (Capt. A. C.), a Manual of X-ray Technic, 87

Christie (Dr. W. A. K.), Potash Salts, 98

Christophers (Major), the Spleen Rate, etc., 545

Christy (Dr. C.), Life-habits of the Okapi, 713; Supposed

Horn-sheaths of an Okapi, 342; the Okapi, 506

Chubb (E. C.), a New Tsetse-fly from Zululand, 538

Church (Sir A. H.), Bequests of, 693: [Death], 377:
[Obituary article], 399; the Chemistry of Paints and
Painting, fourth edition, 259

Chwolson (Prof. O. D.), Traité de Physique, translated by
E. Davaux, 257

Civita (Prof. L.), Reciprocal Theorems, 491;

Clark (J. E.), Phenological Observations from December,

1913, to November, 1914, 389

Clarke (G.) and others, Cane-crushing, 272

Clarke (F. W.) and W. C. Wheeler, Composition of Crinoid
Skeletons, 355.

Clarke (Dr. J. M.), the "Clark Reservation," 155.

Clarke (Sir Rupert), Fly River Expedition, 181

Clayton (H. Helm), Moving Waves of Weather in South

America, 306

Close (Col.), Geodesy of the British Isles, 93
Clouston (Sir T.) [Obituary], 212

Cluzet (J.), the Electrical Examination of Paralytics, 552
Coblentz (W. W.), Absorption, etc., of Quartz, 155;
Measuring Heat from Stars, 354

Cochrane (C.), Reflective Power of Pigments, 195

in the Colombo Museum (Memoirs of the Colombo
Museum, Series A., No. 1), 144

Conklin (C. D., jun.), Structural Steel Drafting and Ele-
mentary Design, 425

Conklin (Prof. E. G.), Heredity and Environment in the
Development of Men, 613

Connolly (M.), South African Mollusca, 598

Coomber (H.), Lessons and Experiments on Scientific
Hygiene and Temperance for Elementary School
Children, 643

Cooper (Prof. F. C.) [Obituary], 401

Coquidé (M.), Nitrification in Peaty Soils, 27

Cornish (Rev. J. G.), Hobbies in the Vale of White Horse,

Cortie (Rev. A. L.), the Magnetic Storm and Solar Dis-

turbance of June 17, 1915, 450, 537, 618

Costerus (Drs. J. C.) and J. J. Smith, Tropical Teratology,


Coulter (Prof. J. M.), the Evolution of Sex in Plants, 447

Coulter (Dr. J. M.), Fundamentals of Plant-breeding, 478

Coupin (H.), a Marine Yeast, 27; Morphogenic Action of

Increased Salinity on Marine Bacteria, 307; Resistance

of Marine Bacteria to Action of Salt, 195

Courtot (Ch.), Oscillation of the Indene Double Linkage,

[blocks in formation]

October 7, 1915.

Cullum (J. E.), Retirement from Superintendency of the
Valencia Observatory, 236

Cummings (B. F.), New Species of Polyplax, 167
Cunningham (E.), the Principle of Relativity, 612

Dessaur (F.), Röntgen Motion Pictures, 272

Detlefsen (Prof. J. A.), Genetic Studies of a Cavy Species
Cross, 159

Dewey, on the Dewlish Elephant-trench, 303

Cunningham (J. T. and J. A. T.), Hormones and Here- Dewey and Bromehead, the Country around Windsor and
dity, 8

Cunningham (J. T.), Plates of Paraffin-wax, 167

Curlewis (H. B.), the Perth (W.A.) Section of the Astro-
graphic Catalogue, 601

Curtis (H. D.), Nebular Proper Motions, 46
Curtis (H. L.), Vibration Electrometer, 183
Curtis (Dr. M. R.), Rhode Island Red Hen, 657

Curtis (R.), Simultaneous Ovulation and Double-yolked
Eggs, 626

Cushing (H. P.), Syenites and Granites of the Adirondack
Region, 436

Cuyler (Miss E. and T. de Witt), Gift to the George
Peabody College for Teachers, 692

Curzon (Earl), Utilisation of the Services of Scientific
Men, 514

M. D., Jamaica as a Centre for Botanical Research in the
Tropics, 440

Dakin (H. P.), Antiseptic Substances and Wounds, 694
Daly (Prof. R. D.), North American Cordillera, 239
Dames (M. L.), Sháh Daula's Rats, 434

Darling (C. R.), Liquid Drops and Globules, 337; Recent
Progress in Pyrometry, 576

Darwin (Emma), a Century of Family Letters, 1792-1896,
Edited by Henrietta Litchfield, 503
Darwin (Erasmus), [Obituary], 269

Das-Gupta (H. C.), Paleontological Notes from Hazara,
307, 529

Davidson (Sir J. Mackenzie), Telephone Attachment in
Surgery, 92

Davies (G. M.), Detrital Andalusite in Cretaceous and
Eocene Sands, 501

Davis (B. M.), Method of Obtaining Complete Germination
of Seeds in Enothera, 553: Significance of Sterility in
Enothera, 443

Davis (Dr. C. A.), Algæ in Carbonaceous Deposits, 444
Davis (Prof. N. F.), Endowment of a Library at Brown
University in honour of, 692

Davis (W. G.), Retirement from Directorship of the Argen-
tine Meteorological Service, 378

Davis (Prof. W. M.), Coral Reefs, 189; Darwin's Theory
of Coral Reefs, 442

Davison (Dr. C.), Seismic Disturbances, 240; Subjects for

Mathematical Essays, 558; the Avezzano Earthquake of
January 13, 76; the Seismological Society of America,
Dawe (M. T.), appointed Agricultural Adviser to the Govern-
ment of Colombia, 708

Dawson (C.), Flint Implement Cultures, 54
Dawson (Dr. J.), Histology of Disseminated Sclerosis, 26
Day (H.), Relationship of the Fishes and the Amphibia, 306
Day (J. P.), the Counties of Clackmannan and Kinross, 145
Dean (Prof. Bashford), a Bibliography of Fishes, 318
Dean (Dr. H. Roy), appointed Professor of Pathology, etc.,


Dendy (Prof. A.), Biological Conception of Individuality, 598
Déjerine (Prof. J. J.), awarded the Moxon Gold Medal of
the Royal College of Physicians, 622
Delavan, Re-discovery of Tempel's Comet, 353
Delbet (P.), Pyoculture, 473

Delorme (E.). Artificial Limbs, 167; Grafting the Flexor
Tendons of the Fingers, 722

de Morgan (A.), Essavs on the Life and Work of Newton,
Edited by P. E. B. Jourdain, 3

Denning (W. F.), August Meteors, 683; the Brilliant Fire-
ball of Sunday, March 28, 157; the Daylight Fireball
of July 5, 550; the Meteor Season, 519

Deprat (J..), Mode of Formation of two Japanese Volcanic
Centres, 581

Derzhanin (A.), Caspian Fauna, 239

Deshumbert (M.), Morale Fondée sur les Lois de la Nature,

Deslandres (H.), Rotation of Solar Corona, 195

Dessau (Prof. B.), Manuale di Fisica, vol. ii., Acustica,
Termologia, Ottica, 423

Chertsey, 517

Dickins (F. V.), [Death], 679; [Obituary article], 708
Dickinson (H. C.) and N. S. Osborne, a New Calorimeter,
436; an Aneroid Calorimeter, 300

Dickson (Prof. L. E.), Algebraic Invariants, 62
Dickson (S.), Bequest to the University of Pennsylvania, 581
Diener (Dr. C.), Anthracolithic Fauna of Kashmir, etc., 73
Dines (L. H. G.), appointed Superintendent of the Valencia
Observatory, 236

Dines (W. H.), the Probable Error of the Amplitudes in a
Fourier Series obtained from a given Set of Observa-
tions, 644

Dixon (A. E.), re-appointed Assistant to the Downing Pro-
fessor of Medicine at Cambridge University, 361

Dixon (Prof. H. H.), Morbid Changes in Plants, 244;
Tensile Strength of Sap, 244; Changes in Sap produced
by Heating, 244

Dobell (C.) and A. P. Jameson, the Chromosome Cycle in
Coccidia and Gregarines, 446

Dobie (Dr. W. M.), [Death], 71

Dodge (F. D.), Standardising Normal and Decinormal Solu-
tions of Acids, 712

Doidge (E. M.), South African Erysiphaceæ, 389
Donaldson (Principal Sir James), [Death], 41

Doncaster (Dr. L.), the Determination of Sex, 197; the
Relation between Chromosomes and Sex Determination
in Abraxas Grossulariata," 395

[ocr errors]

Donnan (Prof. F. G.), Science in the Service of the State,


Dornan (Rev. S. S.), Rhodesian Ruins and Native Tradi-
tion, 686

Douglas (David), Journal kept by, during his Travels in
North America, 1823-1827, 31

Douglas (Dr. J. Sholto C.), appointed Professor of Pathology
at Sheffield, 304

Douvillé (H.), the Orbitoids of Trinity Island, 693
Downie (Major A. M.), [Obituary], 650

Downing (Dr. A. M. W.), the Determination of Easter
Day, 571

Dreaper (W. P.), Government Dye Scheme, 119; Industrial
Research, 120; Scientific Methods in Industry, 428;
Testing Respirators, 507

Drever (J.), Mechanism of Writing, 185

Drinkwater (Dr. H.), Inheritance of Brachydactyly in
Human Families, 657

Drury (F. E.), Geometry of Building Construction: Second
Year Course, 586

Dubarry (J. P.), Anti-typhoid Vaccination, 389
Dudgeon (G. C.), Sorghum vulgare, Pers., 570

Duffield (Dr. W. G.), the Green Flash, 66; Meteorology of
the Sun, 111, 655

Dugan (Prof. R. S.), Some Results from the Observation of
Eclipsing Variables, 444

Dugan (Dr.), R.T. Persei and z Draconis, 655
Dunbar (Sir G. D.), Assam Tribes, 96

Dunn (S. T.), Key to the Labiata of China, 491
Dunn (Sir W.), Endowment of a Lectureship in Pathology
at Guy's Hospital, 721

Duparc (L.) and Mme. M. Tikanowitch, the Ural Chain,

du Pont (P. S.), Gift to University of Pennsylvania Museum,

Durell (Dr. F.), Fundamental Sources of Efficiency, 313
Durrant (J. H.), Insect Pests and Army Biscuit, 596
Duthie (Miss A. V.), Apparent Apogamy in Pterygodium
newdigatæ, 582

du Toit (Dr.), an Interesting Rock, 98

Dyson (Sir F. W.), Halley Lecture on Measurement of the
Distances of the Stars, 383; the Royal Observatory,
Greenwich, 408

A. S. E., a Mathematical Paradox, 345; [see also 403]
Ealand (C. A.), Insects and Man, 338

Earle (Dr. H. G.), appointed Professor of Physiology in
Hong-Kong University, 664

Earle (R. B.), Replacement of Sandstone, 216
Eastaugh (F. A.), Effect of Different Methods of Crushing
on the Ash of Coke, 363

Eastman (Dr. C. R.), Early Figures of the Opossum, 89;
Early Figures of the Remora, 344; More Early Animal
Figures, 589

Eckersley, Solar Radiation Measures in Egypt, 157
Edelman (P. E.), Experiments, 294
Edridge-Green (Dr. F. W.), the Simple Character of the
Yellow Sensation, 547

Edser (E.), Aiming with the Rifle, 462; Science and
Invention, 294

Edwards (E. J.) and M. J. Tickle, Practical Science and
Mathematics, 586

Edwards (F. W.), Occurrence of Culex hortensis at Logie,
Elgin, 403

Egerton (A. C.), the Physical Properties of Isotopes, 90
Eginitis (D.), Geological Phenomena observed during the
two last Earthquakes at Leucade and Ithaca, 581;
Observations of Mellish's Comet, 363, 529
Ehrlich (Prof. Paul) [Obituary article], 707
Elborne (S. L.), Structure of Hailstones, 591
Elderton (Miss) and Prof. Karl Pearson, Isolation and
Diphtheria, 658


Ellacombe (Canon), the Flowers of Milton, 652
Ellis (C.), the Hydrogenation of Oils, Catalyzers,
Catalysis, and the Generation of Hydrogen, 312
Elmhirst (R.), Reproduction in Sea-anemones, 158
Emery (Mrs. M. M.), Gift to the Medical College of Cin-
cinnati University, 636

Emmons (W. H.) and F. C. Calkins, Region around
Philipsburg, 127

Enriques (Prof. F.), translated by K. Royce, Problems of
Science, 639

Esben-Petersen, Australian Neuroptera, part ii., 553
Eskola (P.), the Orijärvi Region, 239

Eve (Prof. A. S.), the Thermionic Current, 174

Evans (W.), Insects Attracted by Light, 491; Mallophaga
and Ixodidæ of Birds, 665

Evershed (J.), Report of the Kodaikanal and Madras
Observatories, 332; the Green Flash, 286
Evershed (Dr.) and N. Ayyar, Displacements of Enhanced
Iron Lines at Centre of the Sun's Disc, 519
Ewart (Dr. A. J.), Function of Chlorophyll, 25
Ewart (Prof. Cossar), Development of the Horse, 528
Eykman (Prof. J. F. [Obituary], 543

Eyles (F.), Plants Collected in Southern Rhodesia, 582

F.R.S., Calculus Made Easy, second edition, 425
F.R.S., the National Organisation of Scientific Effort, 315
Fantham (Dr. H. B.), Insect Pests and War, 265; Spiro-

chaeta bronchialis, 711

Fantham (Dr. H. B.) and Dr. A. Porter, Insect Flagellates
introduced into Vertebrates, 416

Farren (W.), Life-history of the Woodlark, 516
Favre (J.), Plant Life and Geology of the Salève, 188
Fawcett (Lt.-Col. J. M.), Collection of Heterocera, 55
Fawcett (W.) and Dr. A. B. Rendle, Flora of Jamaica,
vol. iii., 368

Fernandes (F. V.), Indian School of Chemistry, 353
Fewkes (Dr.), a Race of Sedentary People in the Antilles,
275 Prehistoric Pottery, 213

Fielde (Miss A. M.), Antennæ of Ants, 214

Filipoi (Dr. F. di), Exploration in the Karakoram, 622:
Work in the Karakoram Himalays, 331
Findlay (Prof. A.), appointed Thomson Lecturer in
Chemistry, 278

Findon (H.), Terrestrial and Fluviatile Shellfish, 465
Finn (F.), Assistance to Visitors at the Horniman Museum,

Fischer (Prof. B.) [Obituary], 650

Fischer (L. A.). Standards of Linear Measure, 302
Fischer (Prof. M. H.), Edema and Nephritis, second edition,

Fischer-Petersen (Dr.), Mellish's Comet (1915a), 217, 332
Fisher (Lord), appointed Chairman of the Inventions Board,


Fitzpatrick (Rev. T. C.), elected Vice-Chancellor of Cam-
bridge University. 387

FitzSimons (F. W.), Palæolithic Man in South Africa, 615;
the House Fly: a Slayer of Men, 699

Flahault (Prof. C. H. M.), elected Foreign Member of the
Linnean Society, 327

Flajolet (Ph.), Perturbations of the Magnetic Declination
at Lyons, 279

Flammarion (C.), Annuaire Astronomique et Météorologique
pour 1915, 76; German Mentality in History, 458
Fleming (A. P. M.) and others, Training for Industrial
Engineering, 248

Fleming (B. E.), Practical Irrigation and Pumping, 393
Fleming (Dr. J. A.), an Optical Instrument, 194
Fleming (Sir Sandford) [Obituary article], 596
Flersheim (R.), Bequest by, 166

Fletcher (T. B.), Some South Indian Insects and other
Animals of Importance, 143

Fleurent (E.), Bread for Prisoners of War, 610
Flood-Page (Major S.) [Obituary], 181

Foot (Miss K.) and Miss E. C. Strobell, Results of Cross-
ing Two Hemipterous Species, 471
Fonzes-Diacon (M.), Copper Spraying Fluids, 251
Forbes (Dr. H. O.), a Mistaken Butterfly, 204
Forchheimer (Dr. F.), a Chair in Honour of, in the
Medical College of Cincinnati University, 636

Forcrand (M. de), a Hydrate of Hydrogen Arsenide, 223
Ford (W. B.), Representation of Arbitrary Functions by
Definite Integrals, 638

Forster (Dr. M. O.), Dye Industry, 119; the College and
the Factory, 573

Foster (P. le Neve), a Prize in Memory of P. le Neve
Foster, 678

Foster (S. W.) and P. R. Jones, the Pear Thrips, 687
Foulerton (A. G. R.), appointed Lecturer in Public Health,

Fournois (A.), Modern Processes of Manufacturing Hydro-
gen for Airships, 620

Fowle (F. E.), Smithsonian Physical Tables, sixth revised
edition, 534

Fraas (Prof. E.) [Obituary], 124

Frankland (Prof. Percy), the Chemical Industries of Ger-
many, 47; University Appointments in War-time, 428
Franklin (W. S.) and B. Macnutt, Elementary Electricity

and Magnetism, 559; Advanced Theory of Electricity
and Magnetism, 559

Fraser (Miss E. A.), Eye-muscles in Trichosurus vulpecula,

Frazer (Sir J. G.), the Golden Bough, vol. xii., Bibliography
and General Index, 284

Frechette (H.), Non-metallic Minerals used in the Canadian
Manufacturing Industries, 658

Freud (Prof. S.), Psychopathology of Everyday Life,
English Translation with Introduction by Dr. A. A.
Brill, 227

Frewen (M.), the State and the Fisherman, 330

Friel (Dr. A. R.), Piantication, 380

Friend (Dr. J. N.), H. F. V. Little, and W. E. S. Turner,
a Text-book of Inorganic Chemistry, vol. i. part i.,
an Introduction to Modern Inorganic Chemistry; part
ii., the Inert Gases, H. V. A. Briscoe, 532
Fries (Dr. R. E.), appointed Director of the Bergielund
Botanic Garden,_517

Frost (Dr. E. B.), Radial Velocities in the Orion Nebula,
445, 638

Fry (G. C.), Principles of Physical Geography, 174
Fryer (A.) and A. Bennett, the Potamogetons (Pond Weeds)
of the British Isles, 531

Fuller (G. D.), Evaporation and Soil Moisture. 98
Fuller (M. L.), Geology of Long Island, New York, 127
Furuhjelm (Dr. R.), Spectrum of the Inner Corona, 353
Fyson (P. F.), Flora of the South Indian Highlands, 307

Gage (Prof. S. H.) and Dr. H. P. Gage, Optic Projection
Principles, Installation and Use of the Magic Lantern,
Projection Microscope, Reflecting Lantern, Moving
Picture Machine, 61

Galippe (V.), Parasitism in Seeds, 693

Galitzin (Prince B.), appointed Halley Lecturer for 1916,
527: Italian Earthquake of January 13, 27; the Earth-
quake of February 18, 1911, 502, 626

Gardiner (J. H.), the Value of the Rarer Elements, 225


Gamble (J. S.), Juglandaceæ, etc., 681

Gardiner (Prof. J. S.), Geography of British Fisheries, 72,

Gardner (Prof. E.), an Ancient Ivory Statuette, 270
Gardner (H. A.), Paints to Prevent Electrolysis, 156

Grace (J. H.), re-appointed Lecturer in Mathematics at
Cambridge, 471

Grafe (Prof. V.), Ernährungsphysiologisches Praktikum der
höheren Pflanzen, 391

Gramont (A. de), Stellar Spectra, 218

Gaster (L.) and J. S. Dow, Modern Illuminants and Illu- Gravely (F.), Indian Mygalomorph Spiders, 599

minating Engineering, 253

Gates (F. C.), Swamp Vegetation at Los Baños, 351
Gates (F. G.), Vegetation on Taal Volcano, 215

Gates (Dr. R. R.), Enotheras from Cheshire and Lanca-
shire, 154; the Mutation Factor in Evolution, with par-
ticular reference to Enothera, 668

Gaunt (P.), Sewage Problems, 477

Gavey (Sir J.), Damage to Telephone Systems, 241
Gay (Prof. C. W.), the Principles and Practice of Judging
Live Stock, 63

Gee (Prof. W. W. H.), a Projection Screen, 139
Geikie (Sir A.), a Canadian Memorial to Hugh Miller, 479;
Attitude of the State towards Science, 523; Proposed
Bust of, 213

Geikie (Prof. James), [Death], 12; [Obituary article], 40
Gemmill (Dr. J. F.), Ciliation of Asterids, 55; Life-history
of Echinoderms, 569; Twin Larvæ of the Starfish
Luidia, 629

George (D. Lloyd), Co-operation of Scientific Workers, 514;
on an Inventions Branch of the Ministry of Munitions,

Georgia (A. E.), a Manual of Weeds, 60

Gibson (A.), Control of Locusts in Eastern Canada, 603;
the Army Worm, Cirphis unipuncta, 603
Gibson (Prof. A. H.) and W. J. Walker, Distribution of
Heat in Cylinder of a Gas Engine, 331

Gibson (E.), the Nato Cattle of the Argentine, 249
Gidley (Dr. J. W.), New Genus of Mammal, 97; Pleistocene
Cave Deposit in Maryland, 135

Gil (M.), appointed Director of the Argentine Meteorological
Service, 378

Giles (Dr. P.), Prof. G. M. Slessor, 610

Graves (H. S.), Place of Forestry among Natural Sciences,

Gray (Prof. A.), Lord Kelvin's Work on Gyrostatics (con-
tinued from vol. xciv., p. 716), 19

Gray (Dr. H. B.), appointed Official Lecturer at the Imperial
Institute, 248; lectures at the Imperial Institute, 499
Green (Prof. A. G.) and W. Johnson, awarded the Gold
Medal of the Company of Dyers, 649

Green (Prof. J. A.), Museums and the Claims of Children
and Others, 549

Green (J. F. N.), the Garnets and Streaky Rocks of the
English Lake District, 501

Green (Dr. J. Reynolds), a History of Botany in the United
Kingdom from the Earliest Times to the End of the
Nineteenth Century, 142

Greenough (T. R.), Gift by, of an Electrical and Radio-
graphic Installation, 297

Gregory (Prof. J. W.) and G. W. Tyrrell, Red Rocks of the
Isle of Arran, 244

Gregory (Prof. J. W.), Suess's Classification, 72

Greig (Major), Infection of Drinking-water by a Cholera
Carrier," 545


Greig-Smith (Dr. R.), a New Gum-levan-forming Bac-

terium, 665

Griffiths (E. A. and E.), the Coefficient of Expansion of
Sodium, 472

Grignard (V.) and Ch. Courtot, Benzofulvanol and Benzo-
fulvene, 251

Grove (W. B.), a Pocket Synopsis of the Families of British
Flowering Plants, 531

Gude (G. K.), the Fauna of British India, including Ceylon
and Burma: Mollusca, ii., 368

Gill (Genl. W. D.), bequest to the Johns Hopkins Univer- Gudger (Prof. E. W.), Natural History of the Whale-Shark,
sity, 248

Giller (M.), Lightning and Telegraph Lines, 552
Gilmore (C. W.), Osteology of Stegosaurus, 276; Vertebrate
Fossil Remains in Montana, 136

Gimmingham (C. T.), Waste Material from Saw Mills, 461,


Giolitti (Prof. F.), La Cémentation de l'Acier: French
translation by M. A. Portevin, 448

Glaser (R. W.), the Gipsy Moth, 688

Glew (F. Harrison), New Mechanical Effect of the a Rays,

Globa-Mikhailenko (M.), Ellipsoidal Figures of Equilibrium,


Glover (W.), Know Your Own Mind, 172

Goddard (Dr. H. H.), Feeble-mindedness: its Causes and
Consequences. 367

Goddard (P. E.), Tales and Legends of the Chilula Tribe, 44.
Godlee (Sir R. J.), Back to Lister, 160
Godwin-Austen (Lt.-Col. H. H.), "The History of Upper
Assam, Upper Burmah, and North-Eastern Frontier,"

Goldie (A. H. R.), appointed Senior Professional Assistant
at Eskdalemuir Observatory, 236

Goodchild (G. F.), appointed Registrar of the Council for
External Students of London University, 499
Goodnow (Dr. F. J.), President of Johns Hopkins Univer-
sity, 138

Goodrich (E. S.), the Development of the Invertebrates, 113.
Goodspeed (T. H.), Parthenocarpy and Parthenogenesis in
Nicotiana, 553

Goodspeed (T. H.) and R. E. Clausen, Variation of Flower-

size in Nicotiana, 552

Gordon (G. P.), Potash Salts, 177

Gordon (Dr. W. T.), Archæocyathinæ collected by Scottish
National Antarctic Expedition, 195

Gorgas (Major-Genl. W. C.), awarded Seaman Medal, 212
Gould (Sir A. P.), elected Vice-Chancellor of the University
of London, 471

Gow (A. S. F.), Evolution of the Plough, 14

Gowers (Sir W. R.), [Death], 269; [Obituary article],

Grabham (G. W.), Man's True Thermal Environment, 451


Guéguen (Prof. F. P. J.), [Obituary], 597
Guichard (C.), the W Congruences, 473
Guillaume (Dr. C. E.), the Names of Physical Units, 427
Guillaume (J.), Mellish Comet, 55; Observations of the Sun,

223, 279, 417

Gunn (W. A.), a Mistaken Wasp, 345

Gurney (J. H.) and Miss E. L. Turner, Long-eared Owl
Nesting on Ground, 682

Gustafson (Prof. G.), [Obituary], 213

Gutton (C.), an Induction Balance for the Detection of
Buried Shells, 637

Guye (C. E.) and C. Lavanchy, Experimental Verification
of the Lorentz-Einstein Formula, 610

Haanel (B. F.), Peat, Lignite, and Coal, 658

Haddon (Dr. A. C.), Ethnographic Studies in Melanesia,

Haddon (J. L.), Educative Geography, 449

Haddon (Miss K.), Methods of Feeding of Glow-worm, 55
Hadfield (Sir R.), Sound Steel for Rails and Structural
Purposes, 492

Haigh (W. D.), Estimation of Hygroscopic Moisture in
Soils, 528

Haldane (Dr. J. S.), awarded the Medal of the Institution
of Mining Engineers, 433; the Place of Biology in
Human Knowledge and Endeavour, 465

Hale (Prof. G. E.), Direction of Rotation of Sun-spot
Vortices, 553; Law of Rotation in Spot Vortices, 713;
Report of Mount Wilson Solar Observatory, 75
Hale (Prof. G. E.) and G. P. Luckey, Nature of Sun-spots
and Flocculi, 553; Vortex Motion, 713

Hall (H. U.), an Ethnological Collection from Siberia, 488
Hall (L.), the Mirror of Perception, 200
Hallimond (A. F.), Autunite, 501

Hamlyn-Harris (Dr. R.), Implements of Superstition and
Magic, 490

Hammond (R.) [Obituary], 679

Hampson (Sir G. F.), Catalogue of the Amatidæ and
Arctiada (Nolina and Lithosiana) in the Collection of
the British Museum, 368; Plates, 584

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