Imagens das páginas

of her right to do this. She should for she no longer runs the risk of

always believe herself an object of respect; but respect will be waited for-it never follows those who run after it.


abuse on these several heads. Candour is commendable when she is in no danger from it. It is hardly permitted to a girl to be frank, even at fifteen. A woman who has been wise may again become so at sixty. She may talk of advantages which she no longer enjoys, and smile at accidents from the effects of which she is now free. She need not con

What a misfortune however that with all this, one cannot also be young and pretty!


For the Emerald.



The way to live with dignity in the world is to know how to live without it. And how easy it is at first to live without those who care nothing for us! How calm we feel in respect to pleasures which can no longer be heightened by the cap-ceal those rebellions of the heart tivating hopes of some successful which she bas quelled, those inclinresult! The actors must be very ations which she has vanquishedgood when I shall relish a scene, She can recall them without shame, of which I am to be a mere specta- because she can do it without retor ; and if I do not deceive myself, gret; and join the attractions of there are few persons who would tenderness, to the merit of virtue not be more amused by playing a part badly, than by seeing it well played. But well or ill, in youth each one must play a part. age frees us from those which are unsuitable. Let a young lady dance elegantly or badly, she must dance; let her be handsome or ugly, she must shew herself-she must conduct as others conduct. But an old woman does what she pleases. In following her own inclinations, her pretensions are too few to incur the reproach that she assumes too much. The impression she makes on others is not of that sort to subject her to the charge of wishing to Never did armies engage with appear singular. If it is to the loss greater ardour or with an higher of her charms that she owes all her opinion of the importance of the liberty; that liberty will confer on battle they were going to fight; her other charms which she could never were troops more strongly not derive from youth. Her mind animated with emulation, national is at ease in proportion as her fac- antipathy, mutual resentment, and ulties are limited. Nothing unties all the passions which inspire'obstithe tongue, said the Abbe de Choisy, nate bravery. On the one hand a like the gout in the hands and feet. gallant young monarch seconded by She may suffer the conversation to a generous nobility and followed by become animated, when it is no subjects to whose natural impetumore to be feared that she will lead osity, indignation at the opposition it. Her gaiety may be less circum- they had encountered added new spect, her intercourse more free, force, contended for victory and her goodness more familiar, and honour. On the other side, troops her sensibility more expressive; more completely disciplined and


The following description of the French and Imperial forces at the battle of Pavia is a fine specimen of the elegant and animated style of Professor


onducted by generals of greater a- | rinthean vases and Phrygian marilities, fought from necessity, with ble. THE PHYSICIAN, letters, sylcourage heightened by despair. lables and catacornered scrawls of The conflict of armies under crooked Z's. THE LAWYER, men. uch circumstances must have been The ALCHYMIST, himself. THE readful, but the important battle of POET, smoke. THE ORATOR, paint. Pavia which has been so distinguish- THE HISTORIAN, fame. THE NATed in the history of Europe must URAL PHILOSOPHER, heaven and sink almost to nothing before the earth. THE ANTIQUARIAN, like an engagements of the present cen- old Jew pedler, sells old shoes.



A rich man contented with his fortune-A man of genius not noted for his irregularities and defects-A learned man who knows himself-A sciolist not vain-A virgin whom every body thinks beautiful except herself.

NOBLENESS OF CHARACTER. Men have existed who had the cournge and nobleness to refuse the allurng blandishments of an imperial crown. When Francis and Charles, of France and Spain, were exerting every effort of their mighty power to gain the elevaion of Emperor of Germany, the Elecors neglected both to offer it to Frederic duke of Saxony, to whom history has given the honorable appellation of Sage. He was not dazzled with that object for which monarchs so much superior to him in power contended with so much eagerness, and after deliberating on the matter a short time he rejecteded an apprehension, that it might it with a magnanimity and disinterestedness no less singular than admirable. The king of Spain's ambassadors, sensible of the advantage which his recommendation of their master would produce, sent him a large sum of money as the first token of that prince's grati-I kill two birds with one stone."


But he who had greatness of mind to refuse a crown disdained to receive a tribe, and upon their intreating his leave to distribute part at least of the sum among his courtiers, he replied, that he could not prevent them from accepting what should be offered, but whoever took a single florin should be dismissed next morning from his ser



A physician who lived in London, visited a lady who lived in Chelsea. After continuing his visits for some time, the lady express

be inconvenient for him to come so far on her account. "Oh! madam," replied the doctor, "I have another patient in this neighbourhood, and by that means, you know,

ERRATA.-In Wanderer No. 69, first paragraph, for "explanation," read explication. Second paragraph, for "works" read work. In the third paragraph, instead of "It comes over him, like a cloud in the days of his ambition, It comes over him, like a cloud in his day of ambition. In the last line, second column, page 110, for "attributed" read attributable. In the last er," the allusion to Epaminondas, for period but one of "The Wander. more pride" read their pride. Page 111, for "Fleury" read Fleutry. Page 113, first line, for "the least mean of judging" &c. read the best mean. In the Ordeal, page 116, for "George Hills" read George Lillo. In the same page, fifth line from bottom of first col.

It is a kind of fair full of stalls, wares, and shop-keepers, in which THE THEOLOGIST sells his articles that at the same time supply food and warmth. THE CRITIC his cobweb linen and transparent lawn of no shelter from the cold. THE PHILOLOGIST, his embroidered vests, Co-umn, dele with.

[blocks in formation]


1 call'd her attention-and spoke of reward

To the poet, in a verse;—she said, yes But where are the flowers your relative queen,

Hath sent by the boy that's just flown? -Indeed not a shadow of one could be seen,

So mingled were they with her own. Unconscious of blushing, her eyes then disclos'd,

What the heart was full wont to betray; And the vi'let, the amaranth, the lilly, and rose,

Each shone in their native array. Call back, said she, Cupid, to R** let him fly

To the Emerald, hie him away, Say something to Venus, to Jove, andyet, why!

I cannot tell what I would say. Oh, write of the bouquet, compose me one line.

Arouse your dull slip shodded muse,
And what-is impure, my R** will

-I wrote—and pray who could re-

Among the variety of banking schemes in our speculating country none appeen with so much profit and advantage a that which is kept by


Ar the Court of Olympus assembled by Jove,

'Twas agreed that a Bank should be open'd for Love;

And the gods all delighted pass'd a de


should be.

That the son of fair Venus the banker So in pity to mortals they sent him be


[wo To soften distress and to banish their For he debits and credits the smile and the kiss,

The patron of joy and banker of blin;
The firm of his business, Truth and
Virtue approve,

And Hymen still audits the balance of At home or abroad, in peace or in war, Whether good news or bad, whether His currency never descends below par stocks rise or fall,

The bills of this bank never suffer at all, For the holders all know that the funda he employs


No accident lessens, no danger destroys,
For he debits and credits
He issues his notes from the eye of the


And I promise to yield, is legible there. His checks are all signed by dame Na ture's own hand,

To be fill'd up at pleasure and paid on demand, Linipar. While his bills duly paid, to him credit As the BANKER OF LOVE ever drawi

on the heart. For he debits c.

EPIGRAM.....Advice to Strephon Pensive Stephon, cease repining, Give thy injur'd stars their due; There's no room for all this pining, Be Dorinda false or true.

If she feeds a faithful passion,

Canst thou call thy fortune cross! And if sway'd by whim or passion, Let her leave thee,---where's the loss

Boston, (Mass.) Published BY BELCHER & ARMSTRONG,

[blocks in formation]




No. 71.

Young folks think old folks are fools, but old folks know young ones to be so. Proverb.

NOTHING has been more successfully urged to check the impertinent self-sufficiency of youth than the remark which is quoted at the head of this paper. The assertion is in that style of conscious pride, which insinuates that every doubt in opposition to it is the effect of ignorance, and is so often supported by facts, that we look on it as one of those theorems in life which cannot be disputed.

Without derogating from the respect, which age has a right to command, it may perhaps be permitted to doubt whether capacity for business increases with length of days, and whether those qualities, which are demanded for active enterprise and the bustle of the world, are not as often found among the younger members of the community as those whose head has been whitened by the silver of time.

Experience, prudence and caution are the advantages of age; but experience may have passed with out improvements, prudence may degenerate to timidity, and caution,

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while it magnifies the dangers of novel experiments, checks the adventuring spirit that opens new sources of wealth. Activity, confidence and courage are the concomitants of youth; but activity may often overleap its own designs, confidence may be rashness, and Every period courage temerity.

of life has its own peculiar advantages and evils, and a man's genius or capability should no more be determined by his age than his morals or disposition by his complexion and stature.

We mean not to undervalue the respectability of age, or to place the "being of yesterday" before "the ancient of days," but to take a bird's eye view of the advantages of youth and age in professional pursuits. There are some places, which must always be filled by the elder citizens of the community, some which require an importance from personal appearance and a dignity in the public eye, which nothing but age appears competent to fill; but it is surely not saying too much to advance that there are others, where youth should be no objection to the candidate, and where the spirit and feelings which are incident to that period of life, are his best recommendation.

In the enterprises of mercantile business, if the sanguine temper, the persevering and indefatigable labour of youth can be, as it most usually is, directed by the assisting

discretion and judgment of maturer concerns. He knows that his for

years, it will be more likely to attain tune is to be acquired by his own the object it aspires to, than if the exertions; he has little to sport execution were trusted entirely to with in wild and unadviseable exthe wavering and unsteady hand of periments, or to pay the losses age. which temerity might cause. The A young man of correct morals consequence of wealth is carelessand that share of abilities, whichness. He who has no necessity to are usually formed by a good edu-labor is generally averse from the cation, has many inducements for drudgery of business. He feels more sedulous and undivided atten- himself entitled to a little more retion to the interest of his employers laxation, he has a right to greater than is expected from any other exemption from fatigue. The small period of life. In the first place he profits, which result from this exhas his character, to establish; and tra attention, are below his regard; such is commonly the custom of to the young adventurer they are the world that success passes for valuable, first, because they show merit. He has no stock of good his desire of paying proper care to fortune previously acquired, to come the concerns he is engaged in, and in aid at a time of necessity. The secondly, because small profits are concerns in which he first engages, of a magnitude sufficient to engage are those which fix his character his mind and weigh something in through life. A mistake now can his purse.

be balanced by no former evidence The man who has for a long time of happy invention or judicious de-been active on the theatre of life, sign; it throws a stain on his reputation which can seldom if ever be effaced. Hence the first step is cautious and careful. The young man has met with no rapid success to dazzle and intoxicate the mind, to betray him into a fatal confidence and spoil his hopes at the very moment of fruition. The path is new and he looks about with care; he is prepared for obstacles; the dangers that may defeat him have been revolved in his mind, and he knows that extreme carefulness alone will clear him of the rocks and the shoals.

holds out to his employers as a pledge for their security, the character he has established in society and the wealth he has acquired; the young man gives no such guarantee, it is his employer's concern to find whether he is honest and upright, and these moral qualities have never been considered to be connected with age; but you have a mortgage of his future prospects and you hold the dispensation of his future honors. Has he friends and connexions? You have the security of nature--Has he been brought up with correct principles? You have the security of education. The negligence that commonly arises is seldom of a nature to be sat

He has his fortune to acquire. The first mean of doing it is to secure an honorable reputation, and he is doubly careful to guard it a-isfied by pecuniary compensation, gainst the imputation, which mistakes might afford a pretext to throw upon it. The young man commences business generally with few other expectations than arise from judiciously conducting his

and let it be candidly answeredHave not many things been done and protected by the shield of an acquired reputation, that would have destroyed the hopes and ruined the character of one just commencing

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