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Reduced from the map in Venegas' Noticia (Madrid, 1757). Other engravings of the same map will be found in the English (1759), French (1767), and German (1769-70) translations of Venegas. Cf. Bancroft's No. Mexican States, i. 471; his Arizona, 370.


same volume, and again with more detail in some respects in the California Pastoral, ch. 22.

Of the narratives or description pertaining to California previous to the Spanish occupation in 1769, Bancroft can only count eight books which supply independent informa- tion, though he gives fifty-six that, with more or less of borrowing, in some way concern the country, though of not one is that region the sole subject.

From the time when Cortés began the cartography of the Pacific Coast in his map1 of the southern end of the peninsula of California, there is a succession of views as to its contour, based on knowledge or theory, running down the history of the region till its thorough occupation by the Spaniards. This has been traced in another volume, and it involves a series of maps from that of Castillo in 1541 down.

At the time that the Noticia de la California, y de su conquista temporal, y espiritual hasta el tiempo presente. Sacada de la historia manuscrita, formada en México año de 1739, por el padre Miguel Venegas; y de otras noticias y relaciones antiguas y modernas. Añadida de algunos mapas was published in Madrid in 1757, the name of California was applied generally to the peninsula now known as Lower California, and it was under other names-New Albion, for instance, to the English-that the upper regions were known previous to the Spanish occupation, and almost wholly through the maritime explorers of the coast, whose reports were embodied, more or less at length, in the great collections of

1 Cí. ante, II. p. 442. This map has been also reproduced on a larger scale and in colors in the Congrès des Américanistes, Madrid meeting, ii. 330, with a notice by Fernández Duro.

* Cf. ante, II. pp. 444, etc. The wild discussion over the supposed Straits of Anian is included (p. 455), but reference also may be made to a paper by Novo y Colson in the Congrès des Américanistes, Madrid, p. 122, Nordenskjold's Vega, ii. 214, and a recent paper by W. Barrows in the Mag. Amer. History, March, 1889, on "America the world's puzzle." The discussion also involves the question of the insularity of California, which by no means confined the insularizing to what we know now as Lower California, but the island was made to extend its northern verge some distance above San Francisco Bay. One of the earliest discussions of this question was in the Hist. of the works of the learned (London, 1699). Cf. Sabin, viii. no. 32,728. Since the statement was made in Vol. II. p. 464, the editor has been favored by Professor C. A. Joy, now resident in Munich, with a description of the original MS. of the Arano del Mare of Dudley, which is preserved in the royal library in that city. The drawn maps are in three large parchment bound volumes, and a few of the drawings are on vellum. The collection is called Dudico dele 4 parti del Mondo, tom. 1., ., ., and the third volume contains maps of "America “Henrico Hudson, zdo viago, 1613," Australe," "Honduras," Nicaragua," and "Mexico." Mr. Charles A. Schott has used these maps in Bulletin, no. 5, of the US. Cait Surrey, to establish the variation of the needle in 1646 From a copy of the edition of 1661 in the royal library at Munich (Quaritch, in 1885, no. 28,212, held a copy in three vols, 201 maps, at £25) photographs were taken for the use of

VOL. VIII. - 17

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Prof. George Davidson, of San Francisco, in the
pursuit of his studies to identify the landfalls of
the earliest maritime observers. He first pub-
lished a summary of his conclusions in the Bul-
letin of the California Academy of Sciences (si.
325), and then at length in his Voyages of Discov-
ery and Exploration on the Northwest Coast of
America, 1539–1603, which makes Appendix vii.
of the Report for 1886 of the U. S. Coast and Ge-
odetic Survey, with a chart illustrating the land-
falls of Cabrillo and Ferrelo. He places Drake's
Bay under Point Reyes. (Cf. ante, II. 444-)
The first Mappemonde engraved in Russia was
the work of Basile Kiprianoff in 1707. (Cf. La-
banoff's Cartes géographiques, no. 51.) The
tracks of Russian explorations before 1763 are
also shown in a map published at St. Petersburg
in 1775-

For editions see Carter-
Ante, II. 461.
Brown Catalogue, iii. nos. 1179, 1239, 1309, 1601,
1710, 3637. The Venegas manuscripts which
Father André Buriel (ed. 1762) used in preparing
this work are preserved in the University library
and in the college of Saint Gregory at Mexico.
The Jesuit William Gordon
Leclerc, no. 1035.
began at La Paz in 1734, and ended at Santiago
in 1737, a MS. Historia de las Mrsonas Jesuitas
en la Cauforma bara, der de su establcamionte
[1697] hasta 1727, which is priced in Quarit.k's
Catane, Jan, 1888, at £63,

4 Like Francis Drake, Linschoten (ante, II. 457), Dampier, Woodes Rogers, Shelvocke, etc Of Drake and the early books on him, and of Linschoten, there is sufficient said in another volume parte, Vol. III.). Dampier's Note For age was published in London in 16909-17). Woodes Rogers' Cruting Voyage round the World at London, 1718; George Shelvocke's Voyage round the World, 1719–1722, đt Lon lon, 1726


voyages,1 in the general histories of Spanish America,2 and in the comprehensive descriptive works, as well as in the maps of the professional geographers and cartographers.* The period of about fifty or sixty years following the first occupation (1769) of Upper California by the Spaniards, and coming down to 1824, as Bancroft divides it, constituting an era of inland exploration, of the founding of missions,5 of the establishing of the military presidios and the civil pueblos, is covered in Bancroft's list by about four hundred titles, of which sixty are of printed books, and of these only three relate exclusively to California. The first of these is Miguel Costansó's Diario histórico de los viages de mar y tierra hechos al Norte de California (Mexico, 1776). It is an important document for the first expedition from Mexico to San Diego and Monterey in 1769-70, as is also the Extracto de Noticias of Monterey, published at Mexico in 1770. The third is what Bancroft calls "the standard history of California down to 1784," the Relacion historica de la vida de Junípero Serra (Mexico, 1787) of Francisco Palou, the Franciscan next in place to Junípero, and who acted as president at times when that important character was absent from his post.

Another work of Palou, his Noticias de la Nueva California (1768–1783), covers the history of the missionary explorations and settlements during that period. The text is left to us in a copy made in 1792 by a royal order to preserve copies of important manuscripts for the archives of Spain, the original having disappeared from the college of San Fernando where it was deposited, and where it probably shared the fate of the convent at the time of its destruction. From a copy preserved in the Mexican archives 10 it was printed in 1857 (Doyle says 1846), somewhat imperfectly, in the Diario Oficial, whose twenty volumes contain many other documents relating to Sonora, Chihuahua, New Mexico, and California; 11 it was also printed as a part of the Documentos para la historia de México (IV. serie, vols. vi., vii.), and has also been edited by John T. Doyle for the California Historical Society (Publications, 1874, in four volumes).12

As in the case of the earlier period, the published narratives of navigators who had been on the coast,18 and the comprehensive works of some Mexican and European writers,

1 Like Ramusio, Hakluyt, Purchas, Hacke, Saeghman, Harris, Van den Aa, Prévost and the varieties of his collection, Dalrymple, Churchill, and the later ones. See Introduction, Vol. I., ante; and James Burney's Chronological History of Discovery in the South Sea (London, 1803-16). 2 Like Acosta, Herrera, etc. Lorenzana in his Hist. de la Nueva España enumerates the expeditions to California down to 1769. Other more or less comprehensive accounts of this early period are in J. G. Cabrera Bueno's Navegacion Especulativa (Manilla, 1734); Campbell's Concise Hist. of Spanish America (London, 1741), called later (1747) The Spanish Empire in America; José Antonio Villa Señor's Theatro Americano (Mexico, 1746; Eng. transl. Statistical Account of Mexico (1748) (cf. Bancroft's Mexico, iii. 510); Allgemeine Geschichte der Länder und Völker von America (Halle, 1752); the Apostólicos afanes dela Compañia de Jesus (Barcelona, 1754); Spanische Reich in America (1763); Staat von Amerika (1766-69).

8 Like Davis's Worldes Hydrographical Description (London, 1595, of which a third copy, held at $1,000, has become known since the statement was made in Vol. III. p. 205), the West indische Spieghel (Amsterdam, 1624), De Laet, Davity's Monde (Paris, 1637), N. N.'s America (1655), apparently written to incite

English encroachments on the Spanish possessions, Gottfriedt's Newe Welt (1655), Montanus, Dapper and Ogilby (cf. ante, IV. 390), Luyt's Introductio ad Geographiam (1692), and Heylyn's Cosmography.

4 Like Ortelius, Mercator, Löw, Wytfliet, and Blaeuw.

5 Cf. Bancroft's California Pastoral, ch. 5. 6 An English version, Historical Journal (London, 1790). Cf. California Pastoral, p. 754, and Carter-Brown Catalogue, iii. 3377.

7 Also, Mexico, 1832, in a volume of the Biblioteca Nacional y Estrangera. Bancroft, California, i. 670, has a long note on the MSS. which he has on José Francisco Ortega, an active companion of Junípero.

8 Bancroft, California, i. 418; California Pastoral, 754.

9 California Pastoral, 756.

10 Making vols. 22, 23 of the Archivo general, in thirty-two volumes, a collection of similar copies, vol. 1 of which has been lost. Bancroft, California, i. 419.

11 Cf. Bancroft's Mexico, iii. 529.

12 Cf. H. C. Ford, Etchings of the Franciscan Missions of California. With the outlines of history, description, etc. (New York, 1883).

18 F. A. Maurelle, Journal of a Voyage, 1775 (London, 1780, — cf. D. Barrington's Miscella

touching America in general, or the Spanish parts of it, serve to fill out the range of material.1

The final period of California, so far as the present history covers it, and as indicated by Bancroft, is that from 1824 to the discovery of gold in 1848. He enumerates in this list 700 titles, 180 of which are books and 475 other printed matter, including documents printed in California (55 in number), beside newspapers (70) and periodicals (20).*

The narratives of voyages still serve us, but not so exclusively. There are a few land travels, which begin to be of interest, and a few of the books first printed in California, of which the most important is Figueroa's Manifesto a la República Mejicana (Monterey, 1835). To these may be added certain official documents printed in California, some of the Mexican government and others of the United States, all published in these years (1824-1848), and about one hundred and fifty titles concerning the same period, but printed later."

nies). J. D. F. de la Perouse, Voyage autour du Monde, 1785–88 (Paris and London, 1798; Boston, 1801), with some historical material interspersed. Etienne Marchand, Voyage autour du Monde, 1790–92 (Paris, in six vols.). Vancouver, Voyage of Discovery to the Pacific Ocean (London, 1798; in French, Paris, 1800), with other information than his own experience. The Relacion del viage hicho por las galetas Sutil y Mexicana (1802). G. H. von Langsdorft, Voyages and Trav els, 1803-7 (London, 1813-14). William Shaler's Journal of a Voyage, 1804, appearing in the Amerwan Register (iii. 137), was the earliest extended account of California which Bancroft could find among those published in the United States (Cal ifornia, ii. 23). Otto von Kotzebue, Entdeckungsreve in die Sud Sze, 1815-18 (Weimar, 1821; English transl., London, 1821), including Chamisso's Bemerkungen, also in the latter's Werke, C. de Rocquefeuil, Voyage autour du Monde, 1816-19 (Paris and London, 1823). Louis Choris, Voyage autour du Minde (Paris, 1822). Some of these and others can be found collectively in the collections of voyages made by La Harpe, Berenger, Pinkerton, Kerr, etc., as already enumerated (inte, Vol. I., Introduction). Cf. also the histories of maritime discovery by J. R. Forster (1786) and Burney (1863), elsewhere described (ante, chap. 2).

1 Antonio de Alcedo, Diccionario groz, hist. de las Indias cadent. (Madrid, 1786). F. X. Clavigero, Storia della Caitfornia (Venice, 1789), of which Bancroft notes an English translation printed in San Francisco, J. D. Arricivita, Crónica Scratca y Ape têia (Mexico, 1792), Anquetil, Cuteral History (London, 150c). Humboldt, Essai ¿¿tique sur la royaume de la Nouvelle & Samme (1511). R. H. Bonnycastie, Starih Ameri, 1 (London, 18181. G. T. Ray nal, Hi torre Palo odiaque (1820-21). Juho Rosignion, Porvenir de Vera Par (Guatemala, 1801, ―cited by Bancroft)

* The Mexican newspapers were forty in number, the Cal forman ten. Bancroft calls „Vil?' Kegniter the most useful of the Eastern periodi

cals. Poole's Index and Supplement guide the inquirer to the periodical literature, mainly, however, of a later date.

3 Kotzebue, New Voyage, 1823-26 (London, 1830-31; French in Montemont, xvii). F. W. Beechey, Voyage to the Pacific, 1825–28 (London, 1831; Philad., 1832). B. W. Morrell, Narrative of four Voyager (N. Y., 1832). W. S. W, Ruschenberger, Voyage round the World, 1835-37 (London, 1838). Abel de Petit-Thouars, yaze autour du Monde, 1836–39 (Paris, 1840-44), which Bancroft holds to be the best of the seaman accounts. Edw'd Belcher, Voyage round the World, 1836–42 (London, 1843). Richard H. Dana, Two Years before the Mast (N. Y., 1840, 1857; Boston, 1873, 1880). A. Duhaut-illy, Viaggio intorno al Gloło (Turin, 1841; French, Paris, 1835). C. P. T. Laplace, Cam^agne de Circumnavigation (Paris, 1841-54). Eugene Duflot du Motras, Exploration du territoire de l'Oregon, des Califormies (Paris, 1544). Charles Wilkes, United States Exploring Expedition (Philad., 1844, 1845; London, 1845). John Coulter, Adventures on the Western Coat (London, 1847). Sir Geo, Simpson, Journey round the World (Lond., 1847). Richard J. Cleveland, Narrative of Vor1,65 (Cambridge, 1842; Boston, 1850),

* James O. Pattie, Personal Narratre (Cincinnati, 1833). John B.dwell, Journey to Caltforma (1842). Farnham, Travel in the Crafers mas (N. Y., 1814, etc ). Alfred Robinson, Lite in California (N, Y., 1846), B. Brison, Hunters of Kentucky, etc. (N. Y, 1847). Edwin Bryant, Vovare en Californie (Paris), or in English, Whit I saw in California (N, Y., 1848, 1849). Walliam Kelly, Excur on to California (London, 1831)

Bancroft was the first to bring these few early Californian prints to notice, the earliest of all being Re Limento pretiu nai para ti pbierno interior de la Di Pulacion (Monterey, 1834).

* Cantorma Pusteral, 759, 760; and Maior Ben: Periey Poote's Descriptive Catal pubi U S. government,

↑ Canfornia Pa-toral, 761, 762

Frémont, who had already made an expedition westward in 1842, began a second in 1843, and was in California for the first time in 1844. Bancroft's foot-notes (California, iv. chap. 19), here as elsewhere, track the sources through all the varying changes, the Bear Flag revolt (Ibid. v. ch. 5) and the subsequent events, down to the final possession by the United States.1

Bancroft's first volume on California was published in 1884, and what had been done earlier in a general way is easily gone over. For thirty years before 1850 Bustamante had been printing his monographs, and Bancroft, who has that writer's MSS., says that these last are more complete than the printed pages. Ayala published his Estadistica of the Mexican empire in 1822. J. M. Burmudez's Verdadera Causa de la Revolucion (Toluca, 1831) threw some light on the progress of opinions in California. Alexander Forbes' History of California (London, 1839) was the earliest English account and one of the best. The survey in Greenhow's Oregon (1844, etc.) extended down the coast, and something will be found in Muhlenpfordt's Republik Mexico (Hanover, 1844), and in F. Fonseca's Historia general de real hacienda (Mexico, 1845-53). In 1847 we have an early American history of the Conquest of California and New Mexico (Philad.) by James Madison Cutts; and in 1848 John T. Hughes first published his California at Cincinnati. The best Mexican account is found in Alaman's Historia de Méjico (Mexico, 1849-52). Shortly after the great American immigration took place, Alexander S. Taylor began his fragmentary contributions. Edward Wilson endeavored to meet the growing interest in The Golden Land at Boston in 1852, while L. W. Hastings in a New History of Oregon and California (Cincinnati, 1849), John Frost in his History of California (Auburn, 1853, etc.), and Elisha S. Capron in his Hist. of California (Boston, 1854) did little more than essay to catch the curious reader. John W. Dwinelle, and a little later John T. Doyle, as is shown in Bancroft's list, did something to keep alive the local antiquarian interest. The first native chronicles of any considerable merit were Dr. Franklin Tuthill's History of California (San Francisco, 1866), and W. Gleeson's History of the Catholic Church in California (San Francisco, 1872), — the last the work of a priest who had certain advantages in tracing the story of the missions. A book by Albert S. Evans, A la California, was published at San Francisco in 1873. Professor Josiah D. Whitney, who had been at the head of the Geological Survey of California, furnished the article in the Encyclopædia Britannica (1875). J. D. B. Stillman's Seeking the golden fleece. A record of pioneer life in California: annexed Footprints of early navigators, other than Spanish; with an account of the voyage of the Dolphin (San Francisco, 1877), had in part originally appeared in the Overland Monthly.

The History of California (1884, etc.), by Hubert H. Bancroft, is based largely upon manuscript material not before used. He says that his collections of MSS. covering the period 1769-1848 are about eleven hundred in number, not counting minor and miscellaneous papers, and are about twice in number as compared with his printed books for the same period. Down to 1846, he considers his MS. sources superior in value to those in print. The main divisions of these manuscripts, as he says, are copies of the California Archives, 1768-1850, making 250,000 documents in all; full or condensed copies of many mission-records; public documents picked up in unofficial places, which include such papers as those of General Vallejo and Thomas O. Larkin, some of these collections being formed by others and acquired in their entirety; a large mass of single papers, consisting of diaries, journals, log-books, stray mission and governmental papers, the correspondence of prominent persons, Spanish and Mexican officials, Franciscan friars and pioneers. In addition to this, there is a large collection of narratives taken down from the dictation 1 Cf. particularly for sources, Bancroft's Cali- nia, v. 100.) There are references also ante, Vol. fornia, v. 187, 233, 241. Josiah Royce's Califor- VII. (index). Another recent History of Calinia, from the conquest in 1846 to the second vigi-fornia is that by T. H. Hittell (San Francisco, lance committee in San Francisco. A study of 1885). American character (Boston, 1886), is a careful study of this period. (Cf. Bancroft, Califor

2 Bancroft's Mexico, iv. 151.
3 Cf. Bancroft's California, i.

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