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Shakespeare's English and Roman History Plays: A Marxist Approach

Paul N. Siegel - 1986 - 176 páginas
Examines Shakespearean drama's Christian overtones, explaining why they have been ignored for so long and how those overtones can influence one's interpretation of Shakespeare ...
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Henry VI: Critical Essays

Thomas A. Pendleton - 2001 - 318 páginas
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Shakespeare, Rabelais, and the Comical-historical

Cathleen T. McLoughlin - 2000 - 208 páginas
This intertextual reading of William Shakespeare's Henry IV Part I & II with François Rabelais's Gargantua and Pantagruel suggests that sufficient evidence exists to question ...
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How to Read a Shakespeare Play

David Bevington - 2006 - 184 páginas
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How to Read a Shakespeare Play

David Bevington - 2006 - 184 páginas
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Shakespeare's English and Roman History Plays: A Marxist Approach

Paul N. Siegel - 1986 - 178 páginas
Examines Shakespearean drama's Christian overtones, explaining why they have been ignored for so long and how those overtones can influence one's interpretation of Shakespeare ...
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Shakespeare's Festive History: Feasting, Festivity, Fasting, and Lent in the ...

David Ruiter - 2003 - 224 páginas
David Ruiter examines festivity as one of the components of time in the Shakespearean history plays. He argues that it is not a sometime participant in the movement of time and ...
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Shakespeare's Pluralistic Concepts of Character: A Study in Dramatic Anamorphism

Imtiaz H. Habib - 1993 - 264 páginas
The presentation of a complex character such as Shylock bears resemblance to the technique of anamorphic portraiture and trick perspective in the sense that, seen one way he ...
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Shakespeare's Pluralistic Concepts of Character: A Study in Dramatic Anamorphism

Imtiaz H. Habib - 1993 - 264 páginas
The presentation of a complex character such as Shylock bears resemblance to the technique of anamorphic portraiture and trick perspective in the sense that, seen one way he ...
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