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" Teach me to feel another's woe, To hide the fault I see ; That mercy I to others show, That mercy show to me. "
Poems on various subjects, selected by E. Tomkins - Página 53
editado por - 1806
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Bell's Edition, Volumes 75-76

John Bell - 1796 - 524 páginas
...I am right, thy grace impart Still in the right to stay ; 30 If I am wrong, oh ! teach my heart TQ find that better way. Save me alike from foolish pride,...impious discontent, At aught thy wisdom has deny'd, 35 Or aught thy goodness lent. Teach me to feel another's woe, To hide the fault I see : That mercy...
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Moral essays, satires, &c

Alexander Pope - 1777 - 264 páginas
...each I judge thy Foe. If I am rifht, thy grace impart, Still in the right to ftay : If I am wrong, oh teach my heart To find that better way. Save me alike from fooliih Pride, Or impious difeontent, At aught thy Wifdom has deny'd Or aught thy Goodnefs lent. Teach...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: In Four Volumes Complete. With His Last ...

Alexander Pope - 1778 - 410 páginas
...foe* - • -. . . .If I am right, thy grace impart, Still in the right to ftay : If I am wrong, oh teach my heart To find that better way. Save me alike from foolifh pride, Or impious, difcontent, At aught thy wifdom has deny'd, Or aught thy goodnefs lent....
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical ..., Volumes 32-34

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 1154 páginas
...alike from foolifh Pride, Or impious Difcontent, At aught thy Wifdom has deny'd, Or aught thy Goodnefs lent, Teach me to feel another's Woe, To hide the Fault I fee ; That Mercy I to others fhow. That Mercy mow to me. Mean though I am, not wholly fo, Since quicken'dby...
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Poems on Various Subjects: Selected to Enforce the Practice of Virtue. And ...

1780 - 226 páginas
...each I judge thy foe. If I am right, thy grace impart, Still in the right to ftay; If I am wrong, oh teach my heart To find that better way. Save me alike from foolilh pride, Or impious difcontent, At aught thy wifdom has deny'd Or aught thy goodnefs lent. Teach...
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Lady's Poetical Magazine, Or Beauties of British Poetry, Volume 2

1781 - 512 páginas
...each I judge thy foe. If I am right, thy grace impart, Still in the right to ftay : If I am wrong, O teach my heart To find that better way ! Save me alike from foolifh pride, Or impious difcontent, At aught thy wifdom has deny'd, Or aught thy goodnefs lent. Teach...
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Poems for Young Ladies: In Three Parts. Devotional, Moral, and Entertaining

Oliver Goldsmith - 1785 - 568 páginas
...each I judge thy foe. If I am right, thy grace impart, Still in the right to ftay : If I am wrong, oh teach my heart To find that better way. Save me alike from foolifh pride, Or impious difcontent, At aught thy wifdom has deny'd, Or aught thy goodnefs lent. Teach...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. in Six Volumes Complete: Imitations, moral ...

Alexander Pope - 1787 - 396 páginas
...each J judge thy Foe. If 1 am right, thy grace impart, Still in the right to flay : If I am wrong, oh teach my heart To find that better way. Save me alike from foolifh Pride, Or impious Difcontent, At aught thy Wifdom has deny'd, Or aught thy Goodnefs lent. Teach...
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Sammlung der vorzüglichsten Werke deutscher Dichter und ..., Volumes 12-13

1790 - 530 páginas
...alike from foolifh Pride, Or impious Difcontent, At ought Thy Wifdom has deny'd , Or ought Thy Goodnefs lent. Teach me to feel another's Woe , To hide the Fault I fee; That Merey I to others Thow, That Merey fhow to me. , Mem tho' I am, not wholly fo Since quickned...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volume 46

English poets - 1790 - 398 páginas
...from foolifh Pride, Or impious Difcontent, ; At aught thy Wifdctn has deny'd, Or aught thy Gocdnefs lent. Teach me to feel another's Woe, To hide the Fault I fee; That Mercy I to others fhow, That Mercy fhow to me. Mean though I am, not wholly fo, Since quicken'd...
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