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" The greatest man is he who chooses the Right with invincible resolution, who resists the sorest temptations from within and without, who bears the heaviest burdens cheerfully, who is calmest in storms and most fearless, under menace and frowns, whose... "
A New and old evangelical magazine - Página 126
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Excellent Quotations for Home and School ...

Julia B. Hoitt - 1890 - 426 páginas
...force of thought, moral principle, and love ; and this may be found in the humblest condition of life. The greatest man is he who chooses the right with...without ; who bears the heaviest burdens cheerfully ; and whose reliance on truth, on virtue, and on God, is most unfaltering. THOMAS CHALMERS (1780-1847)...
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John B. Finch: His Life and Work

Frances E. Finch, Frank James Sibley - 1888 - 600 páginas
...The greatest man is he who chooses the right with invincible resolutions ; who resists the severest temptations from within and without ; who bears the...storms and most fearless under menace and frowns, and whose reliance on truth, on virtue, and on God is most unfaltering. Tried by this standard, the...
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The Unitarian, Volume 4

Jabez Thomas Sunderland, Brooke Herford, Frederick B. Mott - 1889 - 610 páginas of mind is the only true greatness, and it is a greatness not beyond the reach of our nature. . . The greatest man is he who chooses the Right with invincible resolution, who resists the sorest temptation from within and without, who bears the heaviest burdens cheerfully, who is calmest in storms...
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A homiletic commentary on the Book of the prophet Ezekiel ..., Volume 221

David Gilkison Watt - 1890 - 538 páginas
...firm foundation of humility. "The greatest man," says Seneca, "is he who chooses right with the most invincible resolution, who resists the sorest temptations...cheerfully, who is calmest in storms and most fearless under menaces and frowns, whose reliance on truth, on virtue, and on God is most unfaltering." Prosperity...
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Choice Selections: Being about Six Hundred Extracts from More Than Two ...

Charles Northend - 1890 - 224 páginas
...truth,—enough for man to know,— " Virtue alone is happiness below."—Pope. 26. The greatest man is lie who chooses the right with invincible resolution;...bears the heaviest burdens cheerfully; who is calmest and most fearless under menaces and frowns; whose reliance on truth, on virtue, on God, is most unfaltering.—Dr....
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The Life of John Taylor: Third President of the Church of Jesus Christ of ...

Brigham Henry Roberts - 1892 - 506 páginas
...his mind ; such his public and domestic virtues : and if, as an old English writer hath it, the great man is he who chooses the right with invincible resolution...storms, and most fearless under menace and frowns ; and whose reliance on truth, on virtue, and on God, is most unfaltering — the name of JOHN TAYLOR...
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Scattered Leaves: Essays in Little on Life, Faith and Work

Channing Auxiliary (San Francisco) - 1892 - 136 páginas
...measures moral, greatness, that highest of human endowments, the brightest manifestation of the Divinity. The greatest man is he who chooses the right with...heaviest burdens cheerfully, who is calmest in storms, most fearless under menace and frowns, and whose reliance on truth, on virtue, on God, is most unfaltering....
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The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on the Old Testament ...

1892 - 672 páginas
...firm foundation of humility. "The greatest man," says Seneca, "is he who chooses right with the most invincible resolution, who resists the sorest temptations...cheerfully, who is calmest in storms and most fearless under menaces and frowns, whose reliance on truth, on virtue, and on God is most unfaltering." Prosperity...
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The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on the Old Testament: Chronicles

1892 - 718 páginas is he who chooses right wilh the moat invincible resolution ; who resists the sorest temptation within and without ; who bears the heaviest burdens cheerfully; who is calmest in storms, ami most fearless under menaces and frowns ; whose reliance on truth, on virtue, and on Qod is most...
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Pictorial and Biographical Memoirs of Indianapolis and Marion County ...

1893 - 622 páginas is he who chooses right with the most, invincible resolution; who resists the sorest temptation from within and without; who bears the heaviest burdens...cheerfully; who is calmest in storms and most fearless under menaces and frowns; whose reliance on truth, on virtue and on God is most unfaltering. Biography, especially...
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