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" Chapter sixty-two of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, entitled " An act in relation to taxation, constituting chapter sixty of the consolidated laws," is hereby amended by adding a new article to be article sixteen, to read as follows : ARTICLE... "
Votes and Proceedings - Página 357
por New York (State). Legislature. Senate - 1921
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Legislative Document, Volume 12,Edição 35

New York (State). Legislature - 1931 - 1682 páginas
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Votes and Proceedings, Volume 1

New York (State). Legislature. Senate - 1934 - 1288 páginas
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Laws of the State of New York, Volume 2

New York (State) - 1935 - 1282 páginas
...ninety-one of chapter sixtyF'-M?.' two of the laws of nineteen hundred nine, entitled "An act in unond«i. relation to taxation, constituting chapter sixty of...consolidated laws," as amended by chapter two hundred and ninety-six of the laws of nineteen hundred thirty-five, is hereby amended to read as follows : petition....
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Report of the Law Revision Commission

New York (State). Law Revision Commission - 1943 - 696 páginas
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Votes and Proceedings, Volume 2

New York (State). Legislature. Senate - 1937 - 1378 páginas
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Trust Companies, Volume 12

1911 - 542 páginas
...Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section I. Subdivision two of section two hundred and twenty of chapter sixty-two of the laws of nineteen hundred...sixty of the consolidated laws," as amended by chapter seven hundred and six of the laws of nineteen hundred and ten. is hereby amended to read as follows:...
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Votes and Proceedings, Volume 2

New York (State). Legislature. Senate - 1938 - 1144 páginas
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Reports of the Constitutional Convention Committee, Volume 10

New York State Constitutional Convention Committee - 1938 - 518 páginas
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Annual Report, Volumes 43-47

New York Zoological Society - 1939 - 566 páginas
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