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" RECONSIDERATION. [When a question has been once made and carried in the affirmative or negative, It shall be in order for any member of the majority to move for the reconsideration thereof... "
A Manual of Parliamentary Practice: Composed Originally for the Use of the ... - Página 124
por Thomas Jefferson - 1840 - 195 páginas
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A Journal of the Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the ...

Florida. Legislature. House of Representatives - 1845 - 990 páginas
...Representatives ; and lastly, orders of the day. 20. When a question has been once made and decided, it shall be in order for any member of the majority to move the reconsideration thereof; but no motion for the reconsideration of any vote, shall bo in order,...
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Congressional Serial Set

1845 - 1484 páginas
...Speaker stated that it being expressly provided by the 55th rule of the House, that " when a motion has been once made, and carried in the affirmative or negative, it s/iall be in order for any member of the majority to move for a reconsideration thereof on the same...
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A Journal of the Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the ...

Florida. Legislature. House of Representatives - 1846 - 630 páginas
...lying on the table; and, lastly, orders of the day. 21. When a question has been once made and earried in the affirmative or negative, it shall be in order for any member of tho majority, to move for the reconsideration thereof; but no motion for the reconsideration of any...
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Charter, By-Laws, and List of Members

Franklin Lyceum (Providence, R.I.) - 1850 - 32 páginas
...a question is put, shall give his vote, unless excused by the Lyceum. SIXTH. When a motion has been made, and carried, in the affirmative, or negative,...order for any member of the majority, to move for a reconsideration of the same. SEVENTH. No motion shall be debated or put, unless the same shall have...
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Votes and Proceedings

New York (State). Legislature. Senate - 1850 - 842 páginas
...introducing it. 27. When a question has been once put and decided, it shall be in order for any member to move for the reconsideration thereof; but no motion...reconsideration of any vote shall be in order after the bill, resolution, message, report, amendment, or motion upon which the vote was taken, shall have...
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Report of the Debates and Proceedings of the Convention for the ..., Volume 1

Indiana. Constitutional Convention (1850-1851) - 1850 - 1012 páginas
...being upon the adoption of Rule 35, which reads as follows: " When a motion has been made and decided in the affirmative or negative, it shall be in order for any member of the majority at any time to move for the reconsideration thereof. But the question shall not be taken on the same...
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Report of the Proceedings and Debates in the Convention to Revise the ...

Michigan. Constitutional Convention - 1850 - 990 páginas
...33, nays 53. Mr. MORRISON offered the following as a substitute: "When a motion has been once put, and carried in the affirmative or negative, it shall be in order for any member who voted in the majority to move for a reconsideration thereof, on the same or the succeeding day....
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The Congressional Globe

United States. Congress - 1851 - 722 páginas admitted, under color of amendment, as a substitute for the motion or proposition under debate. When a question has been once made and carried, in...majority to move for the reconsideration thereof. When the reading of a paper ie called for, and the same objected to by any member, it shall be determined...
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The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States: With an ...

Joseph Gales - 1851 - 716 páginas admitted, under color of amendment, as a substitute for the motion or proposition under debate. When a question has been once made and carried, in...majority to move for the reconsideration thereof. When the reading of a paper is called for, and the same objected to by any member, it shall be determined...
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Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York, for the Years ...

New York (N.Y.). Common Council - 1851 - 552 páginas
...XIII. When a question has been once put and decided, it shall be in order for any member who voted in the majority to move for the reconsideration thereof; motion for the reconsideration of any vote shall bo made after the ordinance, resolution, or act shall have gone out of the possession of the Board...
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