| California. Legislature. Senate - 1859 - 976 páginas
...thereof, and such motion shall take precedence of all other questions, except a motion to adjourn ; but no motion for the reconsideration of any vote shall be in order after the bill, resolution, message, report, amendment, or motion, upon which the vote was taken, shall have... | |
 | Michigan. Legislature. Senate - 1901 - 1008 páginas
...a question has been once decided, it shall be in order for any Senator to move the reconsideiation thereof; but no motion for the reconsideration of any vote shall be in order unless the bill, resolution, message, report, amendment, or motion upon which the vote was taken shall... | |
 | Puerto Rico. Secretary's Office - 1901 - 360 páginas
...RECONSIDERATION. 2. When a motion has once been made and carried in the negative or affirmative, it shall lie in order for any member of the majority to move for the rei-onsideration tin tvof on the same or next day. And such motion shall take precedence of all other... | |
 | 1902 - 1028 páginas
...provides: "When a question has been once put and decided, it shall be in order for any member to move the reconsideration thereof; but no motion for the reconsideration of any vote shall be in order unless the bill, resolution, message, report, amendment, or motion upon which the vote was taken shall... | |
 | Thomas Jefferson - 1903 - 544 páginas
...fixed by a question; and the bill is then sent to the other House. SECTION XLIII. RE-CONSIDERATION. When a question has been once made and carried in...majority to move for the re-consideration thereof. — Rule 22. 1798, Jan. A bill on its second reading, being amended, and on the question, whether it... | |
 | Wyoming. Legislature. House of Representatives - 1903 - 560 páginas
...succeeding day ; and such motion shall take precedence of all other questions, except a motion to adjourn. But no motion for the reconsideration of any vote shall be in order after a bill, resolution or report, upon which said vote was taken shall have gone out of the possession of the house. It shall... | |
 | Wyoming. Legislature. Senate - 1903 - 482 páginas
...committee, they shall be voted on in the order here given. MOT1ONS TO RECONS1DER. 42. When a motion has been once made, and carried in the affirmative or negative,, it shall be in order'for any member of the majority to move for the reconsideration thereof on the same or succeeding... | |
 | Connecticut. Board of Finance and Control - 1903 - 1146 páginas
...appealed to, shall decide the question without debate. igth. When a question shall have been once decided it shall be in order for any member of the majority to move for a reconsideration thereof, on the day of the vote, or on the next succeeding session day; provided... | |
 | 1904 - 1146 páginas
...such substitution shall not extend beyond four days. Reconsideration. 16. When a question has b en once made and carried In the affirmative or negative, it shall be in order for any two members of the majority, or when the Senate has been equally divided, or a bill shall have failed... | |
 | Confederate States of America. Congress - 1904 - 996 páginas
...except a motion to reconsider, which shall not be withdrawn without leave of the body. Fourteenth. When a question has been once made and carried in the affirmative or negative a motion to reconsider shall be entertained at the instance of any State, if marie on the same day... | |
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