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" Sweet Swan of Avon! what a sight it were To see thee in our water yet appear, And make those flights upon the banks of Thames That so did take Eliza and our James! "
Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale - Página 37
por William Shakespeare - 1872 - 196 páginas
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Shakspere: His Times and Contemporaries

George Markham Tweddell - 1852 - 232 páginas well as he pleased Elizabeth ; that he ia popular with the Stuart as well as the Tndor :— •' Sweet Swan of Avon ! what a sight it were To see thee in our water yet appear, And make those flights upon the banks of Thames, That so did take Eliza and our James...
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What I Saw in London: Or, Men and Things in the Great Metropolis

David W. Bartlett - 1853 - 352 páginas
...dropped tears over his new-made grave at Stratford, on the river Avon, in his mournfulness he sung — " Sweet swan of Avon ! what a sight it were To see thee in our waters yet appear ! But stay ! I see thee in the hemisphere Advanced, and made a constellation there : Shine forth, thou...
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The Plays of Shakespeare: The Text Regulated by the Old Copies, and by the ...

William Shakespeare - 1853 - 916 páginas
...true-filed lines ; In each of which he seems to shake a lance, As brandish'd at the eyes of ignorance. n't : and now farewell, Till half an hour hence. Per 0 water yet appear ; And make those flights upon the banks of Thames, That so did take Eliza, and our...
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Stratford as Connected with Shakespeare: And the Bard's Rural Haunts

Edwin Lees - 1854 - 108 páginas
...FEINTED AND PUBLISHED BY E.ADAMS. 1854. [SECOND EDITION.] STRATFORD AND THE HAUNTS OF SHAKESPEAEE. " Sweet Swan of Avon, what a sight it were To see thee in our waters yet appear!" BARE BEN JONSOH. BEAUTIFUL as is the situation of the town of Stratford, on the banks of the Warwickshire...
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The book of celebrated poems

Book - 1854 - 496 páginas
...true filed lines : In each of which he seems to shake a lance, As brandish'd at the eyes of ignorance. Sweet Swan of Avon ! what a sight it were To see thee in our water yet appear, And make those flights upon the banks of Thames That so did take Eliza and our James...
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The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: Comprising His Lays and Poems ...

William Shakespeare - 1855 - 1088 páginas
...true-filed lines ; In each of which he seems to shake a lance, As brandishM at the eyes of ignorance. N(> > = water yet appear ; And make those flights upon the banks of Thames, That so did take EHza, and our...
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Bacon and Shakespeare: An Inquiry Touching Players, Playhouses, and Play ...

William Henry Smith - 1857 - 190 páginas
...true-filed lines : In each of which, he seems to shake a Lance, As brandish't at the eyes of Ignorance. Sweet Swan of Avon ! what a sight it were To see thee in our waters yet appeare, And make those nights upon the bankes of Thames, That so did take Eliza, and our James ! But...
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William Shakespeare not an imposter, by an English critic [G.H. Townsend].

George Henry Townsend - 1857 - 140 páginas
...true-filed lines : In each of which, he seems to shake a Lance, As brandish't at the eyes of Ignorance. Sweet Swan of Avon ! what a sight it were To see thee in our waters yet appeare, And make those flights upon the bankes of Thames, That BO did take Eliza, and our James 1...
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The Plays & Poems of Shakespeare: Merry wives of Windsor. Measure for ...

William Shakespeare - 1857 - 386 páginas
...COLLEGE, OXFORD. IN riETEEN YOLTTMES. VOL. II. LONDON : HENRY G. BOHN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1857. Sweet swan of Avon, what a sight it were, To see thee in our waters yec appear ; And make those flights upon the banks of Thames, That so did take Eliza, and our James...
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Principles of Elocution

Thomas Ewing - 1857 - 428 páginas
...were in their prime, When, like Apollo, he came forth to warm Our ears, or like a Mercury to charm. Sweet Swan of Avon ! what a sight it were To see thee in our water yet appear, And make those flights upon the banks of Thames That so did take Eliza and our James...
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