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" ... the passage from the current to the needle, if not demonstrable, is thinkable, and that we entertain no doubt as to the final mechanical solution of the problem. But the passage from the physics of the brain to the corresponding facts of consciousness... "
The Foundations of Zoölogy - Página 309
por William Keith Brooks - 1899 - 339 páginas
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Immortality: Four Sermons Preached Before the University of Cambridge, Being ...

John James Stewart Perowne - 1869 - 180 páginas thinkable, and that we entertain no doubt as to the final mechanical solution of the problem; but the passage from the physics of the brain to the corresponding...enable us to pass, by a process of reasoning, from the one phenomenon to the other. They appear together, but we do not know why. Were our minds and senses...
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Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events: Embracing ...

1869 - 826 páginas
...thinkable, and that we entertain no doubt as to the final mechanical solution of the problem ; but the passage from the physics of the brain to the corresponding...would enable us to pass by a process of reasoning from the one phenomenon to the other. They appear together, but we do not know why. Were our minds ana senses...
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Report of the ... Meeting of the British Association for the ..., Volume 38

British Association for the Advancement of Science - 1869 - 864 páginas thinkable, and mat we entertain no doubt as to the final mechanical solution of the problem ; but the passage from the physics of the brain to the corresponding...would enable us to pass by a process of reasoning from the one phenomenon to the other. They appear together, but we do not know why. Were our minds and senses...
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Report of the Annual Meeting

British Association for the Advancement of Science - 1869 - 858 páginas
...thinkable, and that we entertain no doubt as to the final mechanical solution of the problem ; but the passage from the physics of the brain to the corresponding...would enable us to pass by a process of reasoning from the one phenomenon to the other. They appear together, but we do not know why. Were our minds and senses...
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Immortality, 4 sermons. Hulsean lects., 1868

John James Stewart Perowne (bp. of Worcester.) - 1869 - 180 páginas thinkable, and that we entertain no doubt as to the final mechanical solution of the problem; but the passage from the physics of the brain to the corresponding...enable us to pass, by a process of reasoning, from the one phenomenon to the other. They appear together, but we do not know why. Were our minds and senses...
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Eclectic Magazine: Foreign Literature, Volume 9;Volume 72

1869 - 826 páginas
...the corresponding state of the brain might be inferred. Granted, however," the Professor continued, "that a definite thought, and a definite molecular...would enable us to pass by a process of reasoning from the one phenomenon to the other. They appear together, but we do not know why. Were our minds and senses...
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Quarterly Journal of Psychological Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence, Volume 3

1869 - 844 páginas
...sense, of thought, or of emotion, a certain definite molecular condition is set up in the brain," but " we do not possess the intellectual organ, nor apparently...would enable us to pass by a process of reasoning from the one phenomenon to the other. They appear together, but we do not know why. " In affirming that...
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Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle

1869 - 800 páginas
...say, / feel, I think, I live, but how does this consciousness infuse itself into the problem ? ... The passage from the physics of the brain to the corresponding facts of consciousness is unthinkable. We do not possess the intellectual organ, nor apparently any rudiment of the organ, which would enable...
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The Anthropological Review, Volume 7

1869 - 688 páginas
...existence all the lower natural forces are indispensably prerequisite."* Dr. Tyudall, however, says, "The passage from the physics of the brain to the...corresponding facts of consciousness, is unthinkable." Of course that which we believe to be the unconscious force of the brain, can never think how it is...
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Scientific Addresses

John Tyndall - 1870 - 82 páginas
...thinkable, and that we entertain no doubt as to the final mechanical solution of the problem ; but the passage from the physics of the brain to the corresponding...would enable us to pass by a process of reasoning from the one phenomehon to the other. They appear together, but we clo not know why. Were our minds and...
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