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" He married my sisters with five pounds, or twenty nobles, apiece ; so that he brought them up in godliness and fear of God. He kept hospitality for his poor neighbours, and some alms he gave to the poor ; and all this he did... "
The Beauties of England and Wales: Or, Delineations, Topographical ... - Página 407
por John Britton, Edward Wedlake Brayley - 1807
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Parish Priests and Their People in the Middle Ages in England

Edward Lewes Cutts - 1914 - 648 páginas
...before the king's majesty now. He married my sisters with five pounds, or twenty nobles, each, having brought them up in godliness and fear of God. He kept...poor neighbours, and some alms he gave to the poor ; ajid all this he did of the said farm " (" Sermons," p. 101). system produced a great host of poor...
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The Works of the Rt. Rev. Charles C. Grafton: The lineage of the American ...

Charles Chapman Grafton - 1914 - 370 páginas
...not been able to preach before the King's Majesty now. He kept hospitality for his poor neighbors, and some alms he gave to the poor, and all this he did of the same farm." » It was easy for the student to get into minor orders, but he could not be priested without...
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The Old Freedom

Francis Neilson - 1919 - 198 páginas
...with five pounds, or twenty nobles apiece ; so that he brought them up in [22] • , godliness and the fear of God. He kept hospitality for his poor neighbours, and some alms he gave to the poor." That is how it was when Bishop Latimer was a boy. When he became a man the old farm had passed to a...
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Land & Liberty: Monthly Journal for Land Value Taxation and Free Trade

1928 - 552 páginas
...pound a piece, so that he brought them up in godliness and fear of God. He kept hospitality for j his neighbours and some alms he gave to the poor. And all this he did of the same farm, where he that now hath it payeth sixteen pounds rent or more by the year, and is not able...
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The Devon Carys, Volume 1

Fairfax Harrison - 1920 - 476 páginas that he brought them up in godliness and fear of God. He kept hospitality for his poor neighbors and some alms he gave to the poor. And all this he did on the said farm." There is many a gentleman in England at the beginning of the twentieth century who...
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Readings in English Social History, from Pre-Roman Days to A.D. 1837

Robert Burns Morgan - 1923 - 698 páginas
...preached before the king's majesty now. He married my sisters with five pound or twenty nobles apiece, so that he brought them up in godliness, and fear...neighbours, and some alms he gave to the poor. And all this did he of the said farm, Where he that now hath it payeth sixteen pound by year, or more, and is not...
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Economics and Ethics: A Treatise on Wealth and Life

Sir John Arthur Ransome Marriott - 1923 - 352 páginas
...the king's wages. ... He kept me to school. . . . He married my sisters at five pounds apiece. ... He kept hospitality for his poor neighbours and some alms he gave to the poor. And all this he did off the said farm, where he that now hath it ... is not able to do anything for his Prince, for himself,...
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The Marian Martyrs

J.R. Broome - 1998 - 32 páginas
...majesty now. He married my sisters with five pounds apiece, and brought them up in godliness and the fear of God. He kept hospitality for his poor neighbours, and some alms he gave to the poor." At the age of twenty-one Latimer went to Cambridge and in 1510 was elected a Fellow of Clare Hall....
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Analyzing Prose: Second Edition

Richard Lanham - 2003 - 276 páginas that he brought them up in godliness and fear of God. He kept hospitality for his poor neighbors, and some alms he gave to the poor. And all this he did of the said farm, where lie that now hath it payeth sixteen pound by year or more, and is not able to do anything for his prince,...
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