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" The Legislature, shall have no power to pass any act granting any special charter for banking purposes ; but corporations or associations may be formed for such purposes under general laws. "
The United States Magazine and Democratic Review - Página 341
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A Hand-book of Politics for 1874: Being a Record of Important Political ...

Edward McPherson - 1874 - 268 páginas interested in any loan or use of any money or property of such 1 bank or institution for savings. The Legislature shall have no power to pass any act...special charter for banking purposes; but corporations or associations may be formed for such purposes under general laws. Neither the credit nor the money...
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A Handbook of Politics for 1868 [to 1894]

Edward McPherson - 1872 interested in any loan or use of any money or property of such bank or institution for savings. The Legislature shall have no power to pass any act...special charter for banking purposes; but corporations or associations may be formed for such purposes under general laws. Neither the credit nor the money...
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Manual for the Use of the Legislature of the State of New York for the Year ...

New York (State). Secretary's Office - 1876 - 584 páginas interested in any loan or use of any money or property of such bank or institution for savings. The Legislature shall have no power to pass any act...special charter for banking purposes ; but corporations or associations may be formed for such purposes under general laws. SEC. 5. The Legislature shall have...
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Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Finances ...

United States. Department of the Treasury - 1876 - 1034 páginas
...special charters for banking purposes, by providing iu the new constitution that " the legislature should have no power to pass any act granting any special charter for banking purposes, but that corporations or associations might be formed for such purposes under general luics." The constitution...
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., Volume 6

United States. Congress. House - 1877 - 1042 páginas
...special charters for banking purposes, by providing in the new constitution that " the legislature should have no power to pass any act granting any special charter for banking purposes, but that corporations or associations might be formed for such purposes under general laics." The constitution...
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The Federal and State Constitutions: Colonial Charters, and Other Organic ...

Benjamin Perley Poore - 1877 - 1054 páginas
...right to sue, and shall be subject to be sued, in all courts in like cases as natural persons. SEC. 34. charter for banking purposes ; but associations may be formed under general laws for the deposit of...
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Money and Its Laws: Embracing a History of Monetary Theories, and a History ...

Henry Varnum Poor - 1877 - 674 páginas
...out of existence. In 1846, the amended constitution of the State took away from the legislature " all power to pass any Act granting any special charter for banking purposes," and provided that corporations or associations might be formed for such purposes under general laws....
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Money and Its Laws: Embracing a History of Monetary Theories, and a History ...

Henry Varnum Poor - 1877 - 668 páginas
...out of existence. In 1846, the amended constitution of the State took away from the legislature " all power to' pass any Act granting any special charter for banking purposes," and provided that corporations or associations might be formed for such purposes under general laws....
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Manual for the Use of the Legislature of the State of New York for the Year ...

New York (State). Secretary's Office - 1879 - 660 páginas or institution for 110 CONSTITUTION OF STATE OF NEW YORK. ARTICLE VIII — Continued. savings. The Legislature shall have no power to pass any act...granting any special charter for banking purposes ; but corporatious'or associations may be formed for such purposes under general laws. The United States...
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The Constitution of the United States and the Constitutions of California ...

California - 1879 - 216 páginas
...right to sue and shall be subject to be sued in all Courts, in like cases as natural persons. § 34. The Legislature shall have no power to pass any Act granting any charter for banking purposes, but associations may be formed, under general laws, for the deposit of...
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