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" tis his will : Let but the commons hear this testament, (Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read) And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds, And dip their napkins in his sacred blood ; Yea, beg a hair of him for memory, And, dying, mention it within... "
The Bible Word-book: A Glossary of Old English Bible Words - Página 333
por Jonathan Eastwood - 1866 - 564 páginas
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The British Theatre: Or, A Collection of Plays, which are Acted at ..., Volume 6

Mrs. Inchbald - 1824 - 444 páginas
...his wiil : Let but the commons hear this testament, — Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read, — And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds, And dip their napkins in his sacred blood; Yea, beg a hair of him f >r memory, And, dying, mention it within their wills, Bequeathing it, as a...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1824 - 512 páginas
...'tis his will : Let but the commons hear this testament, (Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read,) And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds, And dip their napkins2 in his sacred bluod ; Yea, beg a hair of him for memory, And, dying, mention it within their...
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The Plays, Volume 8

William Shakespeare - 1824 - 422 páginas
...'tis his will : Let but the commons hear this testament, (Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read,) And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds, And dip their napkinsf in his sacred blood; Yea, beg a hair of him for memory, * The meanest man is now too high...
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The Beauties of Shakespeare: Selected from Each Play : with a General Index ...

William Shakespeare, William Dodd - 1824 - 428 páginas
...'tis his will: Let but the commons hear this testament, (Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read), And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds, And dip their napkinsf in his sacred blood; Yea, beg a hair of him for memory, And, dying, mention it within their...
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Cumberland's British Theatre: With Remarks, Biographical and Critical, Volume 5

George Daniel, John Cumberland - 1826 - 530 páginas
...closet, 'tis his will : Let but the commons hear this testament Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds. And dip their napkins in his sacred blood : Yea, beg a hair of him for memory, And, dying, mention it within their wills, Bequeathing it, as...
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The plays of William Shakspeare, pr. from the text by G. Steevens ..., Volume 6

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 578 páginas
...'tis his will: Let but the commons hear this testament, (Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read,) And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds, And dip their napkins * in his sacred blood; Yea, beg a hair of him for memory, And, dying, mention it within their wills, Bequeathing it, as a...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: Timon of Athens. Coriolanus ...

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 556 páginas
...closet, 'tis his will : Let but the commons hear his testament (Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read), And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds, And dip their napkins * in his sacred blood ; Yea, beg a hair of him for memory, And, dying, mention it within their wills, Bequeathing it, as...
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The dramatic works of William Shakspeare, with notes ..., Parte 23,Volume 8

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 554 páginas
...closet, 'tis his will : Let but the commons hear his testament (Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read), And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds, And dip their napkins 4 in his sacred blood ; Yea, beg a hair of him for memory, And, dying, mention it within their wills,...
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Exercises in Reading and Recitations: Founded on the Enquiry in the ...

John Barber - 1828 - 310 páginas
...closet; 'Tis his will: Let but the commons hear this testament, Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read, And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds, And dip their napkins in his sacred blood ; Yea beg a hair of him for memory, And dying, mention it within their wills, Bequeathing it as a rich...
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The American Preceptor

Caleb Bingham - 1829 - 234 páginas
...'tis his will. Let but the commons hear this testament, (Which, pardon me, 1 do not mean to read,) And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds, And dip their napkins in his sacred blood — Yea, beg a hair of him for memory, And, dying, mention it within their wills, Bequeathing it, as...
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