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" I have given suck, and know How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums, And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done to this. "
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Página 360
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The plays of William Shakspeare, pr. from the text by G. Steevens ..., Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 514 páginas
...and yet you would make both : They have made themselves, and that their fitness now Does unmake you. I have given suck ; and know How tender 'tis, to love...was smiling in my face, Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums, And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done to this. i .< Would'st...
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Cumberland's British Theatre: With Remarks, Biographical ..., Volume 1

1826 - 448 páginas
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 460 páginas
...and yet you would make both y They have made themselves/ and that their fitness now Does unmake you. I have given suck; and know How tender 'tis to love...was smiling in my face, Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums, And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn, as you Have done to this. Much. If we...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 548 páginas
...brought against the editor, may be still more easily repelled. In a noted passage of Macbeth — . '« " I would while it was smiling in my face Have pluck'd...nipple from its boneless gums, And dash'd the brains oat, had I so sworn As yon have done to this." * Actiii. sc.2. " Not perceiving," says Malone, " that...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 540 páginas
...charge, hrought against the editor, may he still more easily repelled. In a noted passage of Macheth— " I would while it was smiling in my face Have pluck'd my nipple from its honeless gums. And dash'd the hrains out, had I so sworn As you have done to this." * Act iii. so....
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Memorials of Shakspeare: Or, Sketches of His Character and Genius

Nathan Drake - 1828 - 522 páginas
...imagined— -I have given suck, and know How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me : I would, whilst it was smiling in my face, Have pluck'd my nipple from its boneless gums, And dash'd its brains out, had I but so sworn As you have done to this. This is a note of horror, screwed to a...
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Memorials of Shakespeare; or, Sketches of his character and genius, by ...

Nathan Drake - 1828 - 520 páginas
...imagined— 1 have given suck, and know How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me : I would, whilst it was smiling in my face, Have pluck'd my nipple .from its boneless gums, And dash'd its brains out, had I but so sworn As you have done to this. This is a note of horror, screwed to a...
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The Bohemian, continued. Second love

Francis Barry Boyle] [St. Leger - 1829 - 334 páginas
...feeling should interpose between her and her revenge : the desperate sentiment of Lady Macbeth — .... I have given suck and know How tender 'tis to I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have pluckt the nipple from his boneless gums, And dasht the brains out, had I but so sworn As you have...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, Volume 4

William Shakespeare, William Harness - 1830 - 458 páginas
...and yet you would make both : They have made themselves, and that their fitness now Does unmake you. I have given suck ; and know How tender 'tis to love...was smiling in my face, Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums, And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn, as you Have done to this. Macb. If we...
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Cobbett's Weekly Register, Volume 74

1831 - 428 páginas
...ever again to look the nation, or to look one another, in the face ! " I have," says Lady Macbeth ; "1 have given suck, and know How tender 'tis to face, Have pluck'd my nipple from its boneless gu ms, Auddash'd the brains out, had I but swtn-n As you have done to this \ " Poor Lord John will...
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