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" If the question in debate contains several propositions, any Senator may have the same divided, except a motion to strike out and insert, which shall not be divided ; but the rejection of a motion to strike out and insert... "
Journal of the Senate of the State of Vermont: Biennial Session - Página 39
por Vermont. General Assembly. Senate - 1866
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Journal, Volume 34

Nebraska. Legislature. Senate - 1915 - 1044 páginas
...a motion to strike out and insert, it shall not be in order to move for a division of the question; but the rejection of a motion to strike out and insert one proposition shall not prevent a motion to strike out and insert a different proposition, nor prevent a subsequent motion...
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Legislative Manual and Form Book

Clifton E. Brooks, California. Legislature - 1915 - 216 páginas
...any Senator may have the same divided; except a motion to strike out and insert shall not be divided. The rejection of a motion to strike out and insert one proposition shall not prevent a motion to strike out and insert a different proposition, nor shall it prevent a motion to...
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Legislative Manual and Form Book

Clifton E. Brooks, California. Legislature - 1915 - 212 páginas
...Senator may have the same divided; except a motion to strike out and insert shall not be divided. Tke rejection of a motion to strike out and insert one proposition shall not prevent a motion to strike out and insert a different proposition, nor shall it prevent a motion to...
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United States Congressional Serial Set

1916 - 1606 páginas
...propositions, any Senator may have the same divided, except a motion to strike out and insert, which shall not be divided; but the rejection of a strike out and insert one proposition shall not prevent a motion to strike out and insert a different proposition; nor shall it prevent a motion simply...
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The Journal of the Senate During the ... Session of the ..., Volume 41

California. Legislature. Senate - 1916 - 140 páginas
...Senator may have the same divided ; except a motion to strike out and insert shall not be divided. The rejection of a motion to strike out and insert one proposition shall not prevent a motion to strike out and insert a different proposition, nor shall it prevent a motion to...
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Journal of the House of the State of Vermont

Vermont. General Assembly. House of Representatives - 1917 - 1040 páginas
...time shall be first in order, and the adoption of one motion shall negative the remaining motions. 62. The rejection of a motion to strike out and insert...preclude a motion to strike out and insert a different proposition, or a motion to simply strike out; nor shall the rejection of a motion simply to strike...
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House Journal of the ... Legislature of the State of Washington

Washington (State). Legislature. House of Representatives - 1920 - 772 páginas
...motion to strike out and insert, it shall not be in order to move for a division of the question ; but the rejection of a motion to strike out and insert one proposition shall not prevent a motion to strike out and insert a different proposition. Procedure on Bllli, Resolutions...
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Legislative Manual

Texas. Legislature - 1921 - 386 páginas
...the motion to strike out and insert, it shall not be in order to move for a division of the question; but the rejection of a motion to strike out and insert one proposition shall not prevent a motion to strike out and insert a different proposition; nor prevent a subsequent motion...
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The Journal of the Senate During the ... Session of the Legislature of the ...

California. Legislature. Senate - 1905 - 1658 páginas
...the question in debate contains several propositions, any Senator may have the same divided; except a motion to strike out and insert shall not be strike out and insert one proposition shall not prevent a motion to strike out and insert a different proposition, nor shall it prevent a motion to...
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The Journal of the Senate During the ... Session of the Legislature of the ...

California. Legislature. Senate - 1899 - 1616 páginas
...contain several propositions, any Senator may have the same divided ; except a motion to strike put and insert shall not be divided. But the strike out and insert one proposition shall not prevent a motion to strike out and insert a different proposition, nor shall it prevent a motion to...
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