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" Beyond the pomp of dress ; for loveliness Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, But is, when unadorn'd, adorn'd the most. "
The Lady's Magazine: Or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex ... - Página 288
editado por - 1807
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The Hemans Reader for Female Schools: Containing Extracts in Prose and Poetry

Timothy Stone Pinneo - 1847 - 502 páginas
...NATIVE grace Sat fair-proportioned on her polished form, Vailed in a simple robe, its best attire, Beyond the pomp of dress ; for loveliness Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, But is, when unadorned, adorned the most. Thoughtless of beauty, she was beauty's self, Recluse amid the close-embowering...
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Proverbs for the People: Or, Illustrations of Practical Godliness Drawn from ...

Elias Lyman Magoon - 1849 - 300 páginas
...those who move in the calm possession of domestic joys, " Veil'd in a simple robe, their best attire, Beyond the pomp of dress; for loveliness Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, But is, when unadorn'd, adorn'd the most." This vice, like all others, soon involves its dupe in retributions of...
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Thomson and Pollok: Containing The Seasons

James Thomson - 1849 - 532 páginas
...native graco Sat fair-proportion'd on her polish'd limbs, Veil'd ir. a simple robe, their best a.tire, Beyond the pomp of dress ; for loveliness Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, 205 But is, when unadorn'd, adorn'd the most. . Thoughtless of beauty, she was Beauty's self, Recluse...
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Poetical Works, Comprising All His Pastoral, Dramatic, Lyrical and Didactic ...

James Thomson - 1849 - 772 páginas
...native graee Sat fair-proportion'd on her polish'd limbs, Veil'd in a simple robe, their best attire, Beyond the pomp of dress; for loveliness Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, 205 But is, when nnadorn'd, adorn'd the most. Thoughtless of beauty, she was Beauty's self, Reeluse...
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The literary class book; or, Readings in English literature

Robert Joseph Sullivan - 1850 - 524 páginas
...native grace Sat fan- proportion'd on her polish'd limbs, Veil'd in a simple robe, their best attire, Beyond the pomp of dress : for loveliness Needs not the foreign aid of ornament ; But is, when unadorn'd, adorn'd the most. Thoughtless of beauty, she was beauty's self, Recluse amid the close-embowering...
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The Poetical Works of James Thomson

James Thomson - 1850 - 802 páginas
...native graee Sat fair-proportion'd on her polish'd limbs, Veil'd in a simple robe, their best attire, Beyond the pomp of dress ; for loveliness Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, But is, when nnadorn'd, adorn'd the most. Thoughtless of beauty, she was Beauty's self, Reeluse amid the elose-embowering...
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Cyclopedia of English Literature: a Selection of the Choicest ..., Volume 2

Robert Chambers - 1851 - 764 páginas
...native grace Sat fair-proportioned on her polished limbs, Veiled in a simple robe, their best attire, ' moulds a tear, And bids it trickle from its source, That law preserves the eart Bat is, when unadorned, adorned the most. Thoughtless of beauty, she was beauty's self, Recluse amid...
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The Works of the British Poets, Selected and Chronologically Arranged ...

1852 - 874 páginas
...native grace Sat fair-proportion'd on her polish'd limbs, Veil'd in a simple robe, their best attire, ead, Propt on some tomb, a neighbor of the dead. In each low wind methinks a spirit calls, unadorn'd odorn'd the most, Thoughtless of beauty, she was Beauty's self. Recluse amid the close-embowering...
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The book of English poetry, with critical and biogr. sketches of the poets

English poetry - 1853 - 552 páginas
...native grace Sat fair-proportioned on her polished limbs, Veiled in a simple robe, their best attire, Beyond the pomp of dress ; for loveliness Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, But is, when unadorned, adorned the most. Thoughtless of beauty, she was beauty's self, Eecluse amid the close-embowering...
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Thomson's Poetical Works

James Thomson, George Gilfillan - 1853 - 408 páginas
...native grace Sat fair-proportion'd on her polish'd limbs, Veil'd in a simple robe, their best attire, Beyond the pomp of dress ; for loveliness Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, But is, when unadorn'd, adorn'd the most. Thoughtless of beauty, she was Beauty's self, Recluse amid the close-embowering...
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