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" It is incredible to conceive the effect his writings have had on the town; how many thousand follies they have either quite banished, or given a very great check to; how much countenance they have added to virtue and religion; how many people they have... "
The Present State of Wit in a Letter to a Friend in the Country - Página 509
por John Gay - 1711 - 10 páginas
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The History of Covent Garden: Covent Garden Through the Years

Audrey Woodiwiss - 1980 - 122 páginas
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Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800: Excerpts from ..., Volumes 1-236

Dennis Poupard - 1992 - 440 páginas
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The Tatler, Volume 1

George Atherton Aitken - 1898 - 404 páginas
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John Gay, a Profession of Friendship

David Nokes - 1995 - 600 páginas
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The News Revolution in England: Cultural Dynamics of Daily Information

C. John Sommerville - 1996 - 208 páginas
...effect his Writings have had on the Town; How many Thousand follies they have either quite banish'd, or given a very great check to; how much Countenance they have added to Vertue and Religion; how many People they have render'd happy, by shewing them it was their own fault...
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Crazy John and the Bishop: And Other Essays on Irish Culture

Terry Eagleton - 1998 - 368 páginas
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The Commerce of Everyday Life: Selections from "The Tatler" and "The Spectator"

Erin Skye Mackie - 1998 - 648 páginas
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Jonathan Swift

Nigel Wood - 1999 - 320 páginas
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Perspectives on Early Modern and Modern Intellectual History: Essays in ...

Joseph Marino, Melinda Wilcox Schlitt - 2001 - 540 páginas
...effect his Writings have had on the Town; How many Thousand follies they have either quite banish'd, or given a very great check to; how much Countenance they have added to Vertue and Religion; how many People they have render'd happy, by shewing them it was their own fault...
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The Spirit of Masonry

William Hutchinson - 2004 - 348 páginas
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