Some degree of goodness must be previously supposed : this always implies the love of itself, an affection to goodness : the highest, the adequate object of this affection, is perfect goodness; which, therefore, we are to " love with all our heart, with... Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Página 3661842Visualização integral - Acerca deste livro
 | Isaac Ambrose - 1832 - 730 páginas, that our hearts will be affoctioned towards him, and we shall be able to say. that we love him ? U l our heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength. 4. Then hath God pardoned thy sins, and he will remember thy sins no more. But how should... | |
 | David Francis Bacon - 1833 - 630 páginas
...required, or looked for, in a Christian, but to believe in him ? Lady Jane. — Yes, we must love him with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind, and our neighbor as ourself. Feckenham. — Why then faith justifieth not, nor saveth not? * John de... | |
 | James Fisher - 1869 - 440 páginas
[ O conteúdo desta página está restrito ] | |
 | 1835 - 70 páginas
...What! is there nothing else required in a Christian, but to believe in Him? LJ Yes, we must love him with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength, and our neighbour as ourselves. F. Why then failli justifieth not ? LJ Yes, verily faith... | |
 | John Cooke (headmaster of the grammar sch. of k. Edw. vi, Birmingham.) - 1835 - 510 páginas
...the world ; but if the Lord be indeed our God, we must love and serve him only, and, as he requires, with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength. To be thus altogether a Christian is indeed an arduous endeavour. But does not excellence... | |
 | Jacques Saurin - 1836 - 456 páginas
...substance. But if it be a duty to love our neighbour, it is not less admissible, that we ought to " love God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind." In fact we ought to love God alone. Farther, our love to him ought to be the centre of every other... | |
 | William Ainger - 1836 - 434 páginas
...shall endeavour in the following discourse to show, that God is the only object which we can love " with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind :" and that the love of God involves in itself every religious principle, and comprehends the substance... | |
 | John Barclay - 1837 - 444 páginas
...lawful things, that we ought to love them only in their due places, and the Lord God above all, even with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength. Deut. vi. 5. It is very plain that too many unduly covet and love lawful as well as unlawful... | |
 | Edward Bouverie Pusey - 1842 - 432 páginas puffed up \ Cor. for one against another, above that which is written : let 4, 6us love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind : and our neighbour as ourself. With a view to which two precepts of charity, unless we believe that... | |
 | William Chillingworth - 1838 - 520 páginas
...the love of God ; and in so doing contradict our Saviour, who expressly commands us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength ; and hath taught us, that the love of God consists in avoiding sin, and beeping his commandments.... | |
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