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" subject such vessel or boat to forfeiture, or who shall be found or discovered to have been on board any vessel or boat from which any part of the cargo shall have been thrown overboard during chare, or staved or destroyed, shall forfeit the sum of one... "
House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th Congress, 2d ... - Página 57
por United States. Congress. House
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The Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia: Third Series

Nova Scotia - 1864 - 890 páginas
...conveying or having conveyed any thing subjecting such vessel or boat to forfeiture, or who shall be proved to have been on board any vessel or boat from which any part of the cargo shall ha% r e been thrown overboard or destroyed, shall lorfeit eighty dollars, provided such person shall...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the English Courts of ..., Volume 58

Great Britain. Courts - 1866 - 672 páginas
...any mnaner attached thereto, or conveying or having conveyed in any manner, such goods or things as subject such vessel or boat to forfeiture, or who shall be found or discovered to have been, within any such distances as aforesaid, on board of any vessel or boat from which any part of the cargo...
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The Exchequer Reports: Reports of Cases Argued and ..., Volume 4;Volume 140

Great Britain. Court of Exchequer - 1868 - 778 páginas
...attached thereto, or conveying or having conveyed in any manner, such goods or things as subject such ship or boat to forfeiture, or who shall be found or discovered to have been on board any of her Majesty's ships or vessels, or on board any ship or vessel in her Majesty's employment or service,...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the English Courts of Common Law ...

Great Britain. Courts - 1869 - 790 páginas
...therein, shall be forfeited. By s. 49, it is enacted, that every person, being a subject of his Majesty, who shall be found or discovered to have been on board any vessel or boat liable to farfeilure under that or any other act relating to the revenue of customs, for being found...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the English Courts of Common Law ...

1872 - 944 páginas
...and the same is hereby repealed." Sect. 2 enacts "that every person, being a subject of his majesty, who shall be found or discovered to have been on board any vessel or boat liable to forfeiture under the said or any other act relating lo the customs for being found or discovered...
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A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of ..., Volume 2;Volume 52

John Ramsay M'Culloch - 1875 - 218 páginas
...description used for the smuggling of spirits found on board, shall be forfeited ; and every person who shall be found or discovered to have been on board any ship or boat liable to forfeiture as aforesaid, within 3 leagues of the coast if a British subject,...
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Statutes of the Province of Canada and Dominion of Canada ..., Parte 1

Ontario - 1876 - 664 páginas
...conveying or having conveyed any thing subjecting such vessel or boat to forfeiture, or who shall be proved to have been on board any vessel or boat from which...part of the cargo shall have been thrown overboard or destroyed, or in which any goods shall have been unlawfully brought into Canada, shall forfeit one...
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Statutes of the Province of Canada and Dominion of Canada ..., Parte 1

Ontario - 1876 - 664 páginas
...conveying or having conveyed any thing subjecting such vessel or boat to forfeiture, Or who shall be proved to have been on board any vessel or boat from which...part of the cargo shall have been thrown overboard or destroyed, or in which any goods shall have been unlawfully brought into Canada, shall forfeit one...
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1877 - 896 páginas
...articles in question as well as the vessel itself are made liable to forfeiture ; and every person who shall be found or discovered to have been on board any ship or boat liable to forfeiture as aforesaid, within three leagues of the coast if a British subject,...
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The Law Reports : Exchequer Division: ... and in the Court of Appeal, Volume 2

Great Britain. High Court of Justice. Exchequer Division - 1877 - 524 páginas
...articles in question ag well as the vessel itself are made liable to forfeiture ; and every person who shall be found or discovered to have been on board any ship or boat liable to forfeiture as aforesaid, within three leagues of the coast if a British subject,...
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