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" Oh woman ! lovely woman ! Nature made thee To temper man : we had been brutes without you ! Angels are painted fair to look like you : There's in you all, that we believe of" heaven ; Amazing brightness, purity and truth, Eternal joy, and everlasting... "
The British Theatre: Or, A Collection of Plays, which are Acted at the ... - Página 16
editado por - 1824
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The British Drama: pt. 1-2. Tragedies

1804 - 510 páginas
...travail past. Jut". Can there in woman be such glorious faith ? Sure nil ill stories of thy sex arc false ! Oh woman ! lovely woman ! Nature made you : There's in you all, that we believe of heaven ; Amazing brightness, purity and truth, Eternal joy, and everlastmg love. Bel. if love be treasure,...
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Sharpe's British Theatre, Volume 7

1804 - 266 páginas
...she hugg'd thee first, And hlefs'd the gods for all her travail past. Jaf. Can there in woman he snch glorious faith • Sure all ill stories of thy sex are false ! Oh woman! lovely weman! Nature made thee To temper man : we hacTheen hrutes without you! Ange Is are painted fair to...
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Something, Volume 1

1809 - 420 páginas
...refines the moral conduct of men, or at least checks for the period their depraved habits. .«*. f O woman ! lovely woman ! Nature made thee To temper man. We had been brutes without thee. And we fear it may not be unjust to add that in many societies We are brutes without thee. But...
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The modern British drama, Volume 1

British drama - 1811 - 712 páginas
...Than did thy mother, when she bugged thee first, And blessed the gods for all her travail past. Juf. Can there in woman be such glorious faith ? Sure all...are painted fair to look like you ; There's in you ¡ill, that we believe of heaven ; Amazing brightness, purity and truth, Eternal joy, and everlasting...
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The Modern British Drama: In Five Volumes, Volume 1

1811 - 718 páginas
...Than did thy mother, when she hugged thee first, And blessed the gods for all her travail past. JuJ. nough. This must be known to none But you and I, Evadne arc painted fair to look like you ; There's in you all, that we believe of heaven ; Amazing brightness,...
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DR. JOHNSON - 1812 - 480 páginas
...Than did thy mother when she hugg'd thee first, And bless'd the Gods for all her travail past. Jaf. Can there in woman be such glorious faith ? Sure all ill stories of thy sex are false ; Ohy woman! lovely woman! nature made thee .To temper man : we had been brutes without you. Angels...
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Titus and Berenice: A Tragedy, Acted at the Duke's Theatre. With a ..., Volume 3

Thomas Otway, Thomas Thornton - 1813 - 358 páginas
...Than did thy mother when she hugg'd thee tirst, And bless'd the gods for all her travail past. Jaff. Can there in woman be such glorious faith ? Sure all...^ To temper man: we had been brutes without you;) \ngels are painted fair, to look like you : There's in you all that we believe of heav'n, Amazing brightness,...
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The London Theatre: A Collection of the Most Celebrated Dramatic ..., Volume 11

Thomas Dibdin - 1815 - 474 páginas
...Than did thy mother, when she hugg'd thee first, And bless'd the gods for all her travail past. Jaf. Can there in woman be such glorious faith? Sure all...without you ! Angels are painted fair to look like yon: There's in you all that we believe of heaven; Amazing brightness, purity, and truth, Eternal joy,...
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The Female Speaker; Or, Miscellaneous Pieces, in Prose and Verse: Selected ...

Mrs. Barbauld (Anna Letitia) - 1816 - 414 páginas
...Than did thy mother, when she hugg'd tliee first, And bless'd the gods for all her travail past. Jaff. Can there in woman be such glorious faith ? Sure all ill stories of thy sex are false ! U, woman ! lovely woman ! Nature made thee To temper man : we had been brutes without you ! Angels...
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Geraldine; Or, Modes of Faith and Practice: A Tale, Volume 1

Mary Jane Mackenzie - 1820 - 312 páginas
...his eyes upon Fanny, burst upon the astonished and indignant ear of Mr. Vincent with these words : Oh woman ! lovely woman ! nature made thee, To temper man : we had been brutes without you. N 4 Angels are painted fair, to look like you, ' •'• There's in you all that we believe of heaven,...
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