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" Oh woman ! lovely woman ! Nature made thee To temper man : we had been brutes without you ! Angels are painted fair to look like you : There's in you all, that we believe of" heaven ; Amazing brightness, purity and truth, Eternal joy, and everlasting... "
The British Theatre: Or, A Collection of Plays, which are Acted at the ... - Página 16
editado por - 1824
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British theatre, comprising tragedies, comedies, operas, and farces; with ...

British theatre - 1831 - 922 páginas
...Than did ihy mother,, when she hugg'd thee first, And bless'd the gods for all her travail past ./"/. Can there in woman be such glorious faith ? Sure are false ! Oh woman! lovely woman! nature made ihee To temper man : we had been brûles wilboul you! Angels are painled fair to look like you : There's...
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British Drama: A Collection of the Most Esteemed Tragedies ..., Volume 1

1833 - 828 páginas
...first, And bleea'd the gods for all her travail past. Jaf. Can there in woman be such glorious faith 1 Sure all ill stories of thy sex are false ! Oh woman ! lovely woman ! nature made thec To temper man : we had been brutes without you ! Angsla aie pointed fair, to look like you : Tncre...
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The North American Review, Volume 42

Jared Sparks, James Russell Lowell, Edward Everett, Henry Cabot Lodge - 1836 - 588 páginas
...beautiful passage of the same Otway's Venice Preserved : " O woman, lovely woman ! nature made you To temper man ; we had been brutes without you. Angels...look like you ; There's in you all that we believe of heaven ; Amazing brightness, purity and truth, Eternal joy and everlasting love." It would be curious,...
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The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign India ...

1839 - 704 páginas yet, in his Venice Preterved, he fervently exclaims, O woman ! lovely woman ! nature made you To temper man : we had been brutes without you ; Angels...look like you ; There's in you all that we believe of heaven, .NSVoL.2i>.No.l 14, S Amazing brightness, purity, and truth, Eternal joy and everlasting love....
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The Metropolitan, Volume 28

1840 - 588 páginas to a life so brief, A fate—like mine. THE FOSTER-SON.FROM THK GERMAN OF MADAME C. P1CHLER. OIi woman ! lovely woman ! Nature made thee To temper...Angels are painted fair, to look like you : There's in von all that we believe ot beav'n ; Amazing brightness, purity, and truth, Eternal joy, and everlasting...
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The Metropolitan Magazine, Volume 28

1840 - 598 páginas
...faded— thou wilt fling it by, j To droop unseen. THE FOSTER-SON. i FROM THE GERMAN OF MADAME C. P1CHLER. Oh woman ! lovely woman ! Nature made thee To temper...we had been brutes without you ! Angels are painted iair, to look like you : There's in you all that we believe ot heav'n ; Amazing brightness, purity,...
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De Clifford; or, The constant man, by the author of 'Tremaine'., Volume 2

Robert Plumer Ward - 1841 - 648 páginas
...calmness. In fact, I looked at Bertha more than at the book, when I repeated rather than read — " Oh 1 woman ! lovely woman ! Nature made thee To temper...look like you : There's in you all that we believe of heaven, Amazing brightness, purity and truth, Eternal joy and everlasting love." This glowing picture...
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De Clifford: Or, The Constant Man, Volume 3

Robert Plumer Ward - 1841 - 304 páginas
...calmness. In fact, I looked at Bertha more than at the book, when I repeated rather than read— " Oh ! woman ! lovely woman ! Nature made thee To temper man : we had been brutes without you : : Angela are painted fair to look like you : There's in you all that we believe of heaven, Amazing...
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Cours de versions anglaises ou Recueil choisi d'anecdotes, traits ...

P. Sadler - 1841 - 360 páginas
...affliction , like a storm , Hath kill'd the forward blossom (6) of my heart. ANONYMOUS. EDLOGY OF WOMAN. 0 woman ! lovely woman ! nature made thee To temper man ; we had been (7) brutes without you. , (1) To wrong , User, falre tort d. (2) Villany, sceleratesse. (3) It shall...
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The City of London Magazine, Volume 1,Edição 1 -Volume 2,Edição 9

1843 - 592 páginas
...of her affections, then can I love and worship her — then can 1 exclaim with the poet Otway — ' Oh, woman, lovely woman ! nature made thee To temper man. We had been brutes without you.' " (Cheers.) Mr. GATHERER agreed with the opener in the opinion that the best way to settle this question...
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