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" ... shall convert to his own use, in any way whatever, or shall use, by way of investment, in any kind of property... "
Niles' Weekly Register - Página 65
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Senate Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Public Documents and ..., Volume 9

United States. Congress. Senate - 1854 - 826 páginas
...transfer, and that if any one of the SAID OFFICERS or of those connected with the Post Office Department, shall convert to his own use, in any way whatever, or shall use, by way of interment, in any kind of property or merchandise, or shall loan, with or without interest, or ahn...
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Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Finances

United States. Department of the Treasury - 1854 - 542 páginas
...bankers do, when public money is put into their hands for transfer as public agents, use the said money " by way of investment in any kind of property or merchandise, or lend it, with or without interest, or deposit« it m any bank," they render themselves liable to all...
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., Volume 2

United States. Congress. House - 1855 - 568 páginas
...bankers do, when public money is put into their hands for transfer as public agents, use the said money " by way of investment in any kind of property or merchandise, or lend it, with or without interest, or deposite it in any bank," they render themselves liable to all...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Decided in the Circuit Court of the ..., Volume 6

United States. Circuit Court (7th Circuit), John McLean - 1856 - 686 páginas
...provides that if any one charged with the safe keeping of the public money and the disbursement thereof, shall convert to his own use, in any way whatever,...any kind of property or merchandise, or shall loan or exchange it for other funds, or deposit it in bank, or any failure to pay over or to produce the...
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Digest of the Laws of California: Containing All Laws of a General Character ...

William H. R. Wood - 1857 - 834 páginas
...or town, in this state, charged with the safe keeping, transfer, or disbursement of public moneys, bonds, or other evidences of the indebtedness of the state intrusted to him for safe keeping, transfer,...
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Wisconsin Session Laws

Wisconsin - 1858 - 660 páginas
...funds, or either of them shall convert to his or their own use in any way what- CHAPTER iig^ ever, or shall use by way of investment in any kind of property...shall loan with or without interest any portion of said city or ward funds entrusted to him or them for safe keeping, disbursement, payment, transfer,...
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The Provincial Justice Or: Magistrate's Manual : Being a Complete Digest of ...

William Conway Keele - 1858 - 898 páginas
...23. If any officer of, or connected with the post office department, shall convert to his own use, or shall use by way of investment in any kind of property...merchan'dise, or shall loan with or without interest, any of the public moneys entrusted to him for safe keeping, transfer disbursements, or any other purpose,...
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Acts of the State of Ohio, Volume 55

Ohio - 1858 - 260 páginas
...own use, or to the use of any other person or persons, body corporate, association or party whatever, in any way whatever, or shall use by way of investment in any kind of security, stock, loay, property, land or merchandise, or in any other manner or form whatever, or shall...
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United States Official Postal Guide

United States. Post Office Department - 1859 - 448 páginas
...transfer; and that if any one of the said officers, or of those connected with the Post Office Department, shall convert to his own use, in any way whatever,...merchandise, or shall loan, with or without interest, or shall deposit in any bank, or shall exchange for other funds, except аз allowed by Uiia act, any...
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Laws Enacted in the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ...

Pennsylvania. Laws, statutes, etc - 1860 - 996 páginas, transfer, or disbursement of public money, shall convert to his own use, in any way whatsoever, or shall use by way of investment in any kind of property or merchandize, any portion of the public money entrusted to him for collection, safe keep, ing, transfer...
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